Doom Ray

Chapter 85

Chapter 85
Thanks for her 100 tip for finding the one that belongs to me
The white smoke dissipated, Wei Chen controlled the Gray Elf to walk in and take a look—it was really a person!

"This..." Wei Chen was stunned, what's the situation, just now he clearly saw a powerful zombie appear, why did he become a human again now?

"Uncle, come quickly, he is dying!" Seeing that it was a person, Xu Jie hurried over and found that this guy was still angry, and he was still alive after being hit so hard by tilting his head. Fate!
"Get out of the way." Wei Chen asked Xu Jie to move aside, squeezed out the last energy and put a healing seed into the person's body, stabilizing the injury.

While heaving a sigh of relief, Wei Chen was also looking at this person, maybe he hit the back of his head, this person was twitching, with a pair of small buck teeth exposed, and two mustaches under his nose, he looked like a mouse.

"Look at him first!" Wei Chen turned his head and told him to tilt his head, and then sat down and meditated quickly to recover his energy. This kind of injury cannot be cured by a single healing seed.

Entering the familiar space, Wei Chen had nothing to do, so he began to observe the four fruits.After the seeds are accumulated, they need to germinate, and the energy needed for germination is probably provided by these fruits.

"Hey, it seems that the seeds have grown bigger?"

Through the fruit, Wei Chen saw that the four red seeds inside had grown a little bit, only a small circle, but Wei Chen still found it.

"Maybe the energy of the fruit is fixed and cannot be increased, so it is likely that the seeds are strengthened at this stage, making them plump and easy to germinate!"

"But what are these black spots?" When Wei Chen observed the seeds, he found that there were a little black spots on the red seeds.

"Isn't it parasitized by something?" Thinking of this, Wei Chen broke out in cold sweat for the rest of his life. If this is the case, then his own seeds will be completely destroyed!

"Shouldn't. Shouldn't be"

Wei Chen comforted himself a little, and seeing that he had almost recovered, he opened his eyes.

"Uncle, he's awake." Seeing Wei Chen open his eyes, Xu Jie hurriedly said.

Wei Chen nodded, looked at the wounded being massaged aside, a ball of light rose from his hand, and pressed on the wound.The wound is an internal injury, so Wei Chen doesn't know the healing status, so he has to wait until the healing technique no longer consumes energy.

Judging from the imprints on this person, he should have just been slapped by the blade of the sword.


After a while, the man woke up, covering the back of his head with one hand, looking at the scene in front of him with dazed eyes.

"Ah! Skeleton! Skeleton!" The man screamed, rolling and crawling against the wall.

"Calm down!" Xu Jie waved to him and said, "Don't be afraid, it's very cute!"

When Xu Jie said this, she didn't blush at all, but she didn't know that she looked like this when she first saw the tilted head.

"Cute?" The man was still in shock, but after seeing Xu Jie and Wei Chen alive, he was relieved.Seriously though, the tilted-head look isn't cute at all.

"Huh?" After tilting his head and seeing the man's reaction, he scratched his head in confusion. According to his own theory, he is definitely a handsome guy among the skeletons.
"Okay, it's okay." Wei Chen said, "We have no malicious intentions."

With that said, Wei Chen took out some food and handed it over.The other party took the food, opened the bag without saying a word, stuffed it into his mouth, and finished it in two or three bites.

"By the way, what's your name?" Wei Chen asked.

"Chopping board~"

"Swallow it down!" Xu Jie reprimanded.

"Um~" The cutting board squeezed out a few drops of saliva from his mouth, mixed with the food, and speeded up the swallowing speed.

"Okay. My name is Zhuang Ban." Zhuang Ban sat up straight and said, "Then who are you?"

"My name is Wei Chen, and she is Xu Jie." Wei Chen introduced, and then Xu Jie picked up the big white dog, "This is Xiao Liang, and that is Big Brother Bones."

"Hey!" He tilted his head and nodded to Zhuang Ban, but Zhuang Ban was so scared that he twitched subconsciously.

"Cough~" Wei Chen started to ask about the business, "What happened to that zombie just now?"

"Zombie? Oh! That's my ability." After Zhuang Ban finished speaking, he stood up, and suddenly, his whole person changed.

Muscles began to turn outward like scales, starting from the limbs and quickly spreading to the whole body. In just a few seconds, a crimson zombie stood in front of everyone.

"How about it, like it!" The zombie spoke, and turned around in front of Wei Chen like a show off: "Wait, there are more!"

After Zhuang Ban finished speaking, his red muscles began to roll again. This time, even his clothes began to change.The crimson skin immediately became very fair, and the hair began to grow. The terrifying face of the zombie changed as the skin rolled.

"How about it, am I pretty!" Zhuang Ban twisted his body unscrupulously, and an adult version of Xu Jie appeared in front of Wei Chen. Compared with Xu Jie, he was plumper and more feminine, but the voice was still male, quite spoil the scenery
"This!" Wei Chen was dumbfounded.

There is such an ability!
"Ah! Go to hell!" Seeing Zhuang Ban showing off with his appearance, Xu Jie couldn't bear it any longer!He kicked at Zhuang Ban's lifeblood.


Wei Chen shrank subconsciously, as if he heard the sound of an egg breaking.Immediately afterwards, Zhuang Ban was shrouded in white mist. It seemed that this ability could not be maintained once it was attacked.When the white fog dissipated, I saw Zhuang Ban crossing his thighs, hunched over, with a liver-colored face, and his mouth was open so he couldn't breathe.

"Hmph, I told you to use me as a brush!" Xu Jie stomped her feet and said angrily.

"Hey~." Wei Chen shook his head helplessly, this guy is really trying to kill himself!Treat Zhuang Ban quickly to prevent any sequelae.Wei Chen could feel that Xu Jie used all his strength for this kick!

Feeling a burst of coolness in the lower body, the pain gradually disappeared, Zhuang Ban heaved a sigh of relief, and his complexion improved a lot, but judging by his appearance, the sequelae were still there.

Zhuang Ban sneaked a glance at Xu Jie, seeing that the other party was still looking at him with an angry face, Zhuang Ban shrank his head, and muttered in a low voice, "Auntie, you are so cruel!"

"Okay, that's it." Wei Chen shook his head, blocking Xu Jie who was about to rush up and give him a double kick. Although Zhuang Ban's voice was soft, how could he hide it from the capable person?
After comforting Xu Jie, Wei Chen turned his head and continued: "This is your ability! Do me a favor."

"Why?" Zhuang Ban said unwillingly, these people severely injured themselves when they came, and now they have to help them by themselves?Think beautifully!
"I can set you free!"

Speaking of which, Wei Chen pointed to the collar on Zhuang Ban's neck, then pointed to his own neck and Xu Jie's neck, and said, "How about it, is this enough?"

"Not enough!" Hearing this, the originally honest Zhuang Ban said with a cold face: "Oh, even if you can take off the collar, so what? You think I'm a fool! Take off the collar, how do you let me gather together?" land? How do I resupply? How do I survive?"

After listening, Wei Chen was taken aback, he really hadn't thought of this.

Although human beings want to be put on a collar, there is no freedom like a slave, and they are even caught for experiments, facing the possibility of being a guinea pig.But at the same time, those behind-the-scenes creatures control the last survivable environment for human beings, which is why many people know that they are controlled, and they don't want to resist.

A stable life will always wear down one's will!
Trouble, Wei Chen gritted his teeth. He originally thought that everyone was eager to untie the collar, but now it seems that this bargaining chip is nothing to some people!
"That's it, the road is facing the sky, let's go our separate ways, don't say I'm spineless, life is like this." Zhuang Ban waved his hand, he could see that Wei Chen's purpose was nothing more than letting him become a spy or something thing.After all, this profession just reflects Zhuang Ban's skills.

However, the moment Zhuang Ban turned around, Wei Chen squinted his eyes and violently exploded!He rushed forward and grabbed the collar around his neck.

"You!" Feeling his neck being stabbed by something suddenly, Zhuang Ban was startled and angry!Before, Wei Chen was very kind, but he didn't expect Wei Chen to force him directly!

"How about it, can you promise me now?" Wei Chen said with a smile, when you change to be tough, you must be tough!People like Zhuang Ban must take strong medicine!


I've been so tired recently. I wanted to relax on May Day, but it turned out to be Labor Day. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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