Doom Ray

Chapter 90 Everyone Knows

Chapter 90 Everyone Knows
"** is courting death!"

Severe pain stimulated the free man, and the other hand took out a short knife from behind, and stabbed Wei Chen's head forcefully.

Yes, of all the people present, only Wei Chen has this speed. At the moment when the slap is slapped, grab this person's hand. Of course, you can also tilt your head, but as long as the person being slapped is not Wei Chen, it won't shot.

"I just can't figure out why people like you still exist!" Wei Chen shook his head, when is it, and are you still so arrogantly causing civil turmoil?This kind of scum, it's useless to keep it!

Ignoring the blade of the opponent's stabbing, Wei Chen kicked straight out, kicking the man's stomach heavily.


The same scene appeared, except that the person who hit the wall this time was the one who sent him to the wall before.The degree of bloodiness is also different. This time, it is estimated that the free man will never get up again.

"Okay!" I don't know who took the lead in cheering, and there was applause in the garden.Relying on his status as a free man, this man bullied these stall owners a lot.Wei Chen's kick can be said to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"Xu Jie, let's go, let's go buy something else."

"Okay." Xu Jie nodded.

It's time to buy some other daily necessities, such as Wei Chen's clothes. The one I'm wearing now was changed at the gathering place of No. [-] Middle School in the city. The quality is good enough, and I can still wear it on my body now.

There is also a large backpack for packing things, and a small cloth bag for crystals.The backpack that Xu Jie had brought before was only adequate, and Wei Chen estimated that he would spend a lot of time hunting zombies in the future, so he urgently needed a large number of small cloth bags for holding crystals.

"Hey! Old Wang, why did your spar become transparent?"

"Ah? There?" The stall owner at the spar stall was taken aback when he heard this, and then looked in the direction his companion pointed.

"This..." The crystal stone stall owner was stunned, subconsciously grabbed those transparent crystal stones with his hands, but as soon as he touched them, the crystal stones dissipated into fine powder.

"What's the matter, Lao Wang?" The stall owner on the side was also dumbfounded. How could such a good spar become like this?
The spar stall owner shook his head, a bit in disbelief at the scene in front of him. You must know that these spars belonged to the Corpse Hunting Group at the time, and every purchase and sale of each spar had to be recorded in the ledger, but now they disappeared out of thin air. , How can the superior believe it?

"What should I do?" The crystal stone stall owner looked at the stall owner next door begging for help, and in return the neighbor shook his head helplessly.

"What's the matter?" Wei Chen came over, and the booth selling backpacks and spar bags was on the side.

The crystal stone stall owner sighed, pointed to the colorless and transparent crystal stones on his booth and said: "I don't know how it became like this."

"Let me see." Wei Chen wanted to pick up one to observe, but it was the same as the case of the stall owner before, the spar was directly turned into powder.

How is this going?Wei Chen frowned, the good spar just lost its effect?
Wei Chen, who didn't believe in evil, went to pick up a spar, but the situation remained the same, leaving only a handful of powder.

"Old Wang, Old Wang! Look, it's changed, it's changed again!"

"Don't!" The stall owner Lao Wang saw another spar turned into a transparent and invalid spar, his whole face twisted and deformed bitterly, "It's over, it's over, the supervisor will kill me!"

"Don't worry."

Wei Chen comforted, and Xu Jie at the side took out the bag of spars that were useless to them and handed it to the stall owner, "You guys take it and use it first."

The crystal stone stall owner hesitated for a moment, accepted it, and his face improved a lot, but when he opened the bag to count the crystal stones, his face suddenly became gloomy.

"Although I didn't do anything wrong, don't play tricks on me!"

After saying that, the stall owner spread out the spar bag that Xu Jie gave, and inside was a pile of white powder!
"How could this be?" Xu Jie covered her small mouth with a look of surprise, but Wei Chen understood that the problem was with them!

Therefore, after Wei Chen apologized to the crystal stone stall owner, he asked Lu Hongyi to testify, helping the stall owner avoid punishment.

"Not good!" After doing all this, Wei Chen suddenly remembered that he and Xu Jie still had a bunch of topaz and sky blue crystals in their pockets!It doesn't matter if those useless crystals turn into powder, but if these also turn into powder, Wei Chen will really cry to death.


Seeing that Huang Jing was still there, Wei Chen was really relieved, but Xu Jie beside him said with a mournful face, "Woo~ mine is gone."

"Oops!" Seeing this, Lu Hongyi let out an exclamation, hurriedly took out a bag from his chest and opened it, his face collapsed, the spar inside was gone, it was all powder.

"Stay away from me." Wei Chen pushed away the people who were close to him, but forget about Xu Jie and Lu Hongyi, their crystals were already gone.

"It should be something wrong with him." Wei Chen clearly thought that it was either his own body or something on his body.Wei Chen prefers the latter.

It's been a long time, and the special items on Wei Chen's body are only a few: dragon bones, dragon balls, and colorless crystals.

"The dragon bone is unlikely." Wei Chen guessed, "Then there are only dragon balls and colorless crystals."

After identifying the culprit, Wei Chen did not rush to take out the things to study, and the public did not reveal his wealth!
"Everyone look here!"

"Everyone look here~~~"

Suddenly, a loud shout came from not far away.

"what happened?"

"Who? Crazy!"

The masses condemned one after another, looking for the source of the voice.

"Look at the screen~~~Heavy news~~~"

Screen?Wei Chen quickly found the big screen that hit the building, where it was originally used to write some announcements.At this moment, a computer desktop appeared on the screen.

And the sound came from the speaker next to the screen.

In fact, it's not just the garden?The last line of defense, several sentry lines of defense, as long as there is a screen, as long as it is connected to a network cable, as long as there is a device that can play images, all of them will jump to this screen at the same time.

And that unscrupulous 'ah~~~'

what happened?
As if something important was about to happen, everyone stopped what they were doing.

The new office workers in the defense line, who were on their way to work, stopped and stared at an electronic screen on the street.The merchants who bought and sold goods also stopped selling, looked at the nearby screens, and even the two groups of people who were fighting at the side also paused.

At this moment, the place where humans gather is eerily quiet.

"It's almost there, let's start!"

As soon as the voice fell, I heard the double-click sound of the mouse, and then, a screen window popped up.

It was a battlefield, and the two warring parties were the beast army and the zombie army, and they were constantly biting each other.Then, the video camera switched, and a huge skeleton appeared in front of everyone's eyes. Holding an epee, it easily cut a path between the two warring parties!The horrifying image and the bloody scene caused some women who were watching the video to exclaim.

Then, everyone's eyes widened, their mouths opened, and they froze.

The golden wolf and the corpse king fought again and again, and the terrifying aura pressed down on everyone's hearts through the screen.

"So strong, what shall we do?" Someone murmured in despair.

Yes, how to do this?How can humans face such a powerful enemy?

Immediately, the video screen turned again, telling everyone the answer.

It was a disheveled young man with a strange bone in his hand, and his image was very sloppy, but no one dared to cancel this look, because this man had the golden wolf, corpse king, and corpse king's personal guards on him. same features.

This red mist is wrapped around his body.

"This mist is the symbol of the Lieyang Order."

Suddenly there was such a voice from the stereo, explaining: "He is the hope of mankind!"

Finally, the screen jumps for the last time, and a gleaming ball in the young man's hand melts away the corpse king.


The major defense lines and underground organizations are all boiling!Many people wept with joy, how long has it been, how long have these aspiring young people been waiting for?Finally, a strong man was born!Most importantly, he is still a free man!

"This is the King of Light! You can't be wrong, it's the King of Light!" Whoever shouted first caused a thousand waves of waves, and all the crowd began to call the name in unison.

King of Light, the only existence rumored to kill the corpse king, when dealing with zombies, his skills will glow golden!
In a private house in the last line of defense, a person looked at the screen and cried.

"Sister Huangfu~" Wei Qingcheng pulled Huangfuling's hand excitedly and said, "Brother, he's back!"

"En! I'm back!" Huangfu Ling wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes. They had waited too long for this moment.

"I'll inform everyone!" Wei Qingcheng got up and ran outside.

Not far behind Huangfuling, lay two middle-aged men, a man and a woman.They are Wei Chen's frightened parents.At this moment, Hong Limei was sleeping soundly, while Wei Guo stretched out his hand very excitedly, wanting to touch the TV in the distance. His expression was like a child seeing his favorite toy.


Big money!

In the seaside garden, Wei Chen ignored the burning eyes of others, he only understood one thing, someone was sending him a message——

Be careful, the mastermind behind the scenes already knows your existence.

(End of this chapter)

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