Doom Ray

Chapter 91

Chapter 91
A lot of shit!

Wei Chen was helpless, he didn't expect to confront the creature behind the scenes so soon, the most troublesome thing was that he didn't know the opponent's strength yet.

In addition, the technology mastered by the other party is obviously several grades higher. Wei Chen will not forget that the special firearm given by the old chief when he was in the gathering place of No. [-] Middle School in the city. So powerful, not to mention those behind-the-scenes creatures?
"Go on." Wei Chen turned his head and smiled at Xu Jie. It is useless to be anxious now. Before the collar problem is resolved, Wei Chen is not going to make a big scene, otherwise he will be making fun of everyone's life.

"Yeah." Xu Jie nodded, she didn't care about that, as long as Wei Chen did it, she would just follow.

The new clothes in the new world are different from the previous ones. They pay more attention to warmth and defense, and the appearance is second.Therefore, the clothes on the stalls are colorful, and many of them are made of animal skins.

Randomly picked two pieces, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Wei Chen asked Lu Hongyi to take him to find a room to stay.The moment Wei Chen walked out, the whole garden erupted!
"Damn, what did I see!"

"Ah, it's true, captain, pinch me."


"Are you awake?"

"Fuck~ No, come a few more times!"

This is a belated outbreak, one by one said, blushing, dancing, using various methods to vent the excitement in their hearts.

"Mr. Wei, no one lives here yet."

Lu Hongyi led Wei Chen into a suite. The suite was clean and fully furnished. There was a gorgeous wall clock on the wall opposite the sofa.This way, no matter how you look at it, you don’t want to be a place where no one lives.

"Is this all right?" Wei Chen asked, and sat down on the sofa naturally.The meaning is obvious, he is not willing to change the place, the original owner will solve it by himself.

Lu Hongyi smiled, understood what Wei Chen meant, and said, "There is hot water in the bathroom."

"Hot water!"

Hearing this, Xu Jie's eyes started to shine strangely, picked up the clothes she just 'bought', and hurriedly asked: "Where, where is it?"

"Here." Lu Hongyi reluctantly pointed in the direction. From the bottom of his heart, he disliked Xu Jie very much. This woman took his rightful place.

Immediately, Xu Jie quickly ran in that direction.

"Huh?" Tilting her head to see this scene, she followed Xu Jie curiously, but unfortunately Xu Jie closed the bathroom door just in time.


Suddenly, Xu Jie opened the door again, and under the gaze of tilted head, she dragged the big white dog with a reluctant face little by little.

The door was locked, leaving the head tilted in a daze outside the door.

"You go out." Wei Chen turned his head and said to Lu Hongyi who was standing at the door, "I will call you if there is anything."

Lu Hongyi closed the door a little disappointed.

"What a fucking trouble!" No one was around, Wei Chen was scratching his messy hair.

After finally getting out of the ground, I didn't expect that various problems would come one after another. Human beings are weak and controlled by other things. Life and death are all in the hands of other creatures.The most aggrieved thing is that the strength of the creatures behind the scenes is likely to be stronger than Wei Chen!

"It doesn't work to get in directly, and it doesn't work to develop slowly." Wei Chen leaned on the sofa and said to himself, "There is no information at all, and I have been exposed."

"There are a lot of zombies outside urging them to die." Wei Chen sighed, thinking back, the days when he was tricked by the old corpse king were the happiest.

"Unless there is a way to block the function of all human collars for a period of time, the opponent will be invincible!" Wei Chen was a little discouraged, and the current Wei Chen couldn't do this.

It is estimated that as long as the other party presses a button, those humans wearing collars will die in an instant.

An inexplicable sense of irritability arises spontaneously.

"Improve your strength first, no matter how much it is, it's really not enough, just save some important people, the life and death of others has nothing to do with me!" Wei Chen grabbed a handful of spar, "By the way, there are also people from Europe and America. A large group of people don’t know what’s going on over there.”

"Immigrate if you can't. I can't hide if you can't beat me!"

After a while of chaotic thoughts, Wei Chen calmed down, closed his eyes, and began to meditate, absorbing the energy of the spar.At this stage, the main thing is to cultivate the seeds. Only when the seeds are fat and big, will it be easier to germinate.

I don't know if it's because of the increased pressure, but Wei Chen's absorption speed is getting faster and faster. Before the wall clock on the side has passed a quarter of a turn, all the yellow crystals have been absorbed.

As for the seeds, no change can be seen.

"How many crystals do you need?" Wei Chen grimaced. Before, absorbing crystals was the fastest way to advance, but now, not only low-level crystals can't be used, but there are not many high-level crystals. Maybe one day , Relying on spar is not as good as honest meditation.

Next, Wei Chen didn't meditate honestly, but reached out for the two colorless crystals, he wanted to study the use of them.

Although the clothes were badly torn, the spar was relatively large, so it wouldn't fall through the hole in the pocket.

"I see!"

The moment he saw the two crystals, Wei Chen finally understood why the crystals around him became transparent and powdery, and they were all absorbed by these two crystals!

At this moment, it can no longer be called a colorless spar. After absorbing energy, these two spar glow with yellow light!Perhaps because it has been worn for a long time, the spar of the old corpse king will be darker in color.

"It seems to be able to absorb!"

Wei Chen was in an excited mood and started to meditate, but compared to the previous time, the number of spars in his hand this time was much less, only two, but the quality was far incomparable to those before.

Feeling the familiar sense of flow from the palm of his hand, Wei Chen was overjoyed. The crystal dropped by the corpse king is estimated to be used to transform crystals of other colors into crystals that the holder can absorb.

This directly solves the problem that cross-color crystals cannot be absorbed!

The energy flows into the seed, and everything is so natural.It's just that as the seeds develop, the black spots on the seed skins also start to grow larger.

"I don't know how to increase the level of the Yunseed Realm."

The joy brought by the crystallization of the corpse king dilutes the unhappiness just now, and Wei Chen begins to think about advanced things. At present, there is no one around him who is at the same level as Wei Chen, so he can't communicate with him, so he has to think about it by himself.

"It's the same as back then!" Thinking about the advancement, Wei Chen recalled that when he first left the campus, there were also no special abilities to communicate with him, and everything was groping for himself.

"Should it also absorb energy and automatically advance?" Wei Chen thought of it for granted, but it feels a bit wrong.


"It's clean like this!"

Just when Wei Chen was deep in thought, Xu Jie came out of the shower. Judging by the time it took, it was more than half an hour.

"Uncle, you go wash it too, it's so dirty!" Xu Jie said with disgust.

Wei Chen rubbed his hands, it's time to wash, the sticky hands
When he came to the bathroom, Wei Chen took all the valuables in, took off his clothes, and put the corpse king spar and dragon ball away one by one.

"Why does this bead turn a little red?" The gray elf fluttered around, but his sight was hit by Wei Chen on the dragon bead. He remembered that when he got the bead, it was very red, and it was so red that it was hot. After the battle of the old corpse king, the color of the beads became much lighter, and they were no longer hot to the touch.

"Is this something like the spar dropped by the corpse king, absorbing and releasing something?" Soon, Wei Chen thought of the important point, "Take a bath first, and study it later."

The hot water was rushing down, and the outside world was relatively cold, so the bathroom was soon covered with water mist.

"It's so comfortable!" Wei Chen moaned, squeezed some shampoo and began to clean his body.The drops of water flowing from the head to the feet have become cloudy, and even the foam that washes out is not white.

After cleaning up, Wei Chen dried himself off and put on new clothes.

"The clothes are okay." Wei Chen commented, "It fits you well."

After wearing it, he opened the door and walked out, and Xu Jie exclaimed in person.

"Wow, uncle, you are so young!" Xu Jie shined her big eyes. The image of Wei Chen before was too unsightly. After looking at Wei Chen for a while, Xu Jie suddenly blushed and said:
"Would you like to slap~~~"


It should be on the new book list today. Tianzhong and I started to run naked. Not many people read our book. If there are one thousand and two in the collection, don't mention it when it is on the shelf.

In the new book of the same period, although we are not the best, we have a lot of passion.

(End of this chapter)

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