Doom Ray

Chapter 92

Chapter 92
clap clap.

"Do you know what papapa is?" Wei Chen blurted out, if he was drinking water at this time, he would probably spit it all out in one go.

"Hmph~" Xu Jie hugged her little hands and said proudly, "I'm already fifteen, don't think I don't know anything."

Wei Chen was helpless, why are girls so open nowadays.

Maybe Wei Chen won't be so calm when Xu Jie is a few years older.

"Okay, don't make trouble." Wei Chen shook his head. Xu Jie looks pretty good, especially after taking a bath, she is very attractive when she is wet, but in Wei Chen's mind, there is always a more beautiful figure who burns for him. water, pour water
I don't know what happened to them?Thinking of this, familiar people kept flashing in Wei Chen's eyes: sister, parents, Li Wenbo, Chen Zhi, Huang Yang, the old chief, etc.

"I hope everything is okay." Wei Chen closed his eyes, and opened them suddenly the next second.Because when he closed his eyes, he found that the blood color had become very pale.

"Eyes are alright?" Wei Chen was startled, canceled the gray elves, and only used his own eyes to see things.Although the entrance to the eyes is not very clear, and there is still a faint layer of blood mist, but compared to before, the vision is much clearer.

How did it suddenly get better?Wei Chen was puzzled. When he was meditating on the sofa before, he still remembered that the blood was still very serious, and his eyes were always covered with streaks of blood, blocking his vision.

"Could it be because of the bath?" Wei Chen quickly thought of the difference before and after, that is, he took a bath for a while.

"Big Brother~ What's the matter?" After realizing that Wei Chen was still very young, Xu Jie hurriedly changed her mind and asked, "Hey, why did your eyes change color?"


Wei Chen smiled wryly, this is the real color.

"Okay, let's go play." Wei Chen waved to Xu Jie, while he sat on the sofa, closed his eyes and rested.

In the recent period, because I don't have a watch, I don't know the time, so I have been fighting.Fortunately, Yunzhong's body was strong enough to support Wei Chen, and his state did not decline due to exhaustion.

"Tch, you're not much older than me." Xu Jie puffed up her cheeks, waved like Wei Chen, then sat on another sofa and said, "Hmph, go play while you're at it."

After finishing speaking, Xu Jie lay down and turned her face away from Wei Chen.

Wei Chen was secretly speechless.

So this guy suddenly became like this?
That's right, he took the initiative to dedicate himself, but he didn't expect that Wei Chen not only didn't appreciate it, but also drove her like a child.It would be strange if someone had a better temper.

Shaking his head, Wei Chen called out the gray elves and began to observe his eyes. The serious Wei Chen didn't notice that Xu Jie was blushing at the moment, pulling the buttons on the back of the sofa with a look of grievance.

"Could it really have something to do with water?" Looking into Changing's eyes, Wei Chen began to ponder, everything is unknown and needs his own exploration.

Try it!

So, Wei Chen ran back to Shi, and began to get some water to wash his face.

The first time, it didn't work.

The second time, it didn't work either.

The third time, the fourth time. In the end, Wei Chen simply took a washbasin, filled it with water, and plunged into it.

effective!Wei Chen could feel that there was a stream of cold water washing over his hot eyes.


Next, except for taking a breath, Wei Chen basically soaked his head in the water, so as to recover as soon as possible. The feeling of being invisible is not good at all!Besides, after his eyes are healed, Wei Chen can use Gray Elves to do more things.

The water in the washbasin was constantly decreasing, and Wei Chen kept adding water to the washbasin.In this way, time passed for a long time.

Wei Chen raised his head and looked at his eyes in the mirror. Drops of water dripped from his eyelashes.

"Finally done!"

Looking into his own eyes with joy, at this moment, Wei Chen enjoyed this feeling very much. People who have never been blind will never feel that kind of pain, let alone Wei Chen is not completely blind.

"You can finally fly farther away." Wei Chen said to the gray elf, regardless of whether this thing has wisdom or not.


Under Wei Chen's control, the gray elf flew out of the window, looking down at the earth. For a while, the safety factor doubled!

"Haha, I can finally sleep comfortably."

Wei Chen was very happy. Although he still had a burden on his shoulders, many of his own problems had been resolved.

After patting the sofa, Wei Chen lay down on it, why didn't he sleep on the bed?Because it is easy to fall asleep if you sleep on the bed. In this unsafe suburb, this is a big taboo!Because when deep sleep is forced to wake up, the body will not react so quickly.At that time, they can only be slaughtered by others.

"Huh?" Tilting his head, he saw that the two of them were asleep, and even found a carpet with the big white dog under his feet. After sleeping comfortably, he was a little confused, never knowing what the tired skeleton was. Not enjoying the comfort of sleep.

Feeling bored, he tilted his head and found a cloth to wipe his bones.


"Dong Dong Dong~"
"Don't knock, I'm doing my homework!"

"Dong Dong Dong~"



Wei Chen woke up, it turned out to be a dream.

"I dreamed about the past again." Wei Chen shook his head, "Why did you sleep so hard?"

"Boom boom boom~~~Mr. Wei Chen."

"Someone really knocked on the door!" Wei Chen was taken aback, this was not a dream, it was real.Immediately, Wei Chen got up and went to open the door.The one on the side tilted his head and played with the big white dog's tail boredly.

"Mr. Wei Chen!"

When the door was opened, a neatly dressed man stood at the door. Wei Chen took a look at him. The man smiled brightly, but from the cold sweat on his forehead, it could be seen that this man was still very nervous.

"What's the matter?" Wei Chen asked, but he probably came to invite him.

Sure enough, the man told Wei Chen that the team leader wanted to see him in the basement.

"I'll go down later." Wei Chen nodded and said, then closed the door and continued to sleep, he was still tired.

It's a pity that this time Wei Chen couldn't lie down before he closed his eyes for a long time, and the heavy pressure in his heart made him unable to sleep.

"Forget it, go down and see what it says."

Taking the keel, and telling him to tilt his head to look at Xu Jie, Wei Chen opened the door and walked out.This building has an elevator next to each suite, but Wei Chen is not going to use this, but goes down through the safe passage on the side.

As far as the speed of the elevator is concerned, it is not as fast as Wei Chen's feet.

There's not much light coming into the basement here, and the temperature is even colder than above.This place was originally a parking lot. When Wei Chen walked down, there were luxury cars parked nearby. Those who could live here would definitely not have poor people.

At the end of the parking lot is a small room, which should be the guard's residence. The area looks quite large, and it is now used as a meeting place for the corpse hunting group.At this moment, a group of people were already gathered inside, discussing something intensely.

The sound insulation effect is quite good. Even Wei Chen, who is a capable person, has excellent hearing, but he can't hear what's going on inside.

Suddenly, someone inside stood up excitedly, pointing out the window and sitting there exaggeratedly, unfortunately, Wei Chen couldn't hear the exaggerated voice.

The door opened.

"You are Mr. Wei Chen?"

Before Wei Chen walked in, a well-mannered middle-aged man came out from inside. He looked handsome, but unfortunately he was bald.Wei Chen nodded, showing his kindness to the other party.

"Come, this way." The bald middle-aged man saw Wei Chen nodding, and immediately moved out of the way, saying, "Please, we have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Call ~
Wei Chen took a deep breath and walked into the small guard room only to realize that he was sitting in the seat!
"Mr. Wei, please, if you don't sit, no one will dare to sit." Seeing Wei Chen standing at the door, the bald middle-aged man hurriedly invited him.

"Yes, Mr. Wei, if you stand here, we dare not sit down."

"Come on, Mr. Wei, I will rely on you in the future!"

The hospitality was hard to turn down, so Wei Chen had no choice but to sit in that seat.

"Okay!" The middle-aged bald man sat next to Wei Chen, obviously the leader here, Wei Chen deduced that this person should be the head of the corpse hunting group.

"We have another plan now, and we need Mr. Wei's cooperation!"

Wei Chen nodded and said, "Let's talk."

"Okay!" The middle-aged bald man took out a blueprint, spread it out, and asked, "Can Mr. Wei Chen detoxify the collar?"

"Yes, yes." There's nothing to hide about this. We're making plans now, and concealing it will only hurt others.

"Oh! It's really possible!"


With Wei Chen's affirmative answer, everyone was excited for a while, and the middle-aged bald head continued: "Our plan is very simple. In the end, the underground headquarters at the defense line invented a new technology, which can temporarily block the enemy's control of the collar behind the scenes! "

"So, Mr. Wei has to take down the line of defense closest to here during this period of time, and detoxify those who have removed their collars by the way!"

Looking at Wei Chen with a sluggish face, the middle-aged bald man added: "Don't worry, we have some psychological experts here who have analyzed it. Afterwards, the enemy behind the scenes will not execute other ordinary people, it's just that."

Wei Chen quickly digested what the middle-aged bald man said, and continued: "It will only speed up the enemy's process of targeting the target."

"Yes!" The middle-aged bald man replied very positively.


Ask for collection, ask for recommendation

(End of this chapter)

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