Doom Ray

Chapter 93

Chapter 93
"That is to say, my task is only to help detoxify, right?" Wei Chen said, if the collar fails, he doesn't need to take action at all, and the conservative and resentful crowd will rush to kill those lackeys.

"Yes! So we have to seize a line of defense first during the shielding time, and then take off the collar." The middle-aged bald man said, "In this way, there will be no situation where there is no time to detoxify and lose combat power."

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged bald man slapped his head and said very apologetically, "By the way, we haven't introduced ourselves yet."

"My name is Bai Kun, this is Xu Qing, this is"

Then, Bai Kun introduced the people present to Wei Chen one by one, including two free men.Those who are close will stand up and shake hands with Wei Chen, and those who are far away can only nod their heads.

After a process, everyone began to discuss the plan in detail, such as how to make the people in the defense line believe their words and take off their collars.How to block the escape route and wipe out the enemy.All sorts of things are none of Wei Chen's business.

In a way, he is more like a spiritual leader.

Wei Chen, who had nothing to do, began to look around the room. It was very simple, with only a conference table and a few plastic chairs, so everyone spoke very loudly.

"How long will this take!" Wei Chen was depressed, these people talked more and more, chattering endlessly.If you have free time to talk nonsense, it's better to go out and kill two zombies.

"Hey! Why are you wasting time with them here?" Wei Chen suddenly remembered that he had left the gray elves outside just now, and took this opportunity to mobilize the gray elves to wander around.

"I don't know how far this guy can fly?"

Through the vision of the gray elves, there is a feeling that he is also flying in the air.The powerful eyes looked down at the earth, not only had a big picture, but even the lush flowers and plants on the ground could be seen clearly.

"This is the garden, hey, the corpses on the wall have been cleaned up."

Turning around the building, Wei Chen saw that the garden below was still lively.


Suddenly, the Gray Elf's eyes focused on a pair of hands. A man in ordinary clothes was holding two wooden sticks, reaching into a buyer's pocket and taking out a small bag full of spars.

The next moment, the hand was grabbed, and the guy received a beating.Soon, it attracted a large crowd of onlookers.

"Tsk tsk tsk~ Isn't it a team?" Wei Chen watched the group of people fighting each other with the mentality of watching a drama, but after watching it for a while, he found it a little strange.The eyes of the gray elves can be said to be very powerful. Wei Chen could clearly see the details of these people beating the thieves.When almost no one landed and kicked, they would pause for a while in the air to slow down their strength.Coupled with the exaggerated body movements, it's like—

Show off!

"Why do you want to do this? Just for the sake of sensationalism?" Wei Chen looked at the group of people strangely, "There must be some purpose?"

Recalling the past, there was also such a scene in the market, a group of people pretended to beat up the caught thieves to attract attention, cover the real thieves, and began to steal the onlookers with peace of mind.

"It should be about the same, let's look nearby! Look for it!" Wei Chen began to search for the covered thieves out of curiosity. From this look, he could really see that one of them was messing with something in his hands, but he Doing things, but not stealing.

Looking closer, this person is holding a pair of strange devices in his hand, one big and one small, the small one is placed on the bottom, and the big one is placed on the top. I don't know what its function is.

"What is he doing?" Wei Chen didn't have much exposure to the high technology of the new world, so he couldn't figure it out for a while.

"By the way, why does this person just stand here?" After watching for a long time, this person remained motionless. Even after the thief's farce over there, he simply sat down, pressed the device under his body, and then took out Jingshi, pretending to improve his strength.Although this action seems strange to people nearby, the improvement of strength is usually in a relatively quiet place, how can it be here?

But most of the small vendors didn't bother him when they saw this.The second camouflage was successful!

Wei Chen didn't know why, and after thinking for a while, cold sweat broke out all over his body.

"The place where this person is sitting, can't be directly above him!" Wei Chen raised his head subconsciously, and there was a dark ceiling above.


Wei Chen was shocked, and hurriedly controlled the gray elf to measure the path above and below the ground. As a result, this person was indeed above him!
"So many lackeys and spies!" Wei Chen frowned. He already knew that the wireless devices couldn't be used, and the creatures behind the scenes didn't connect the collars through wires, which meant that they had a wireless device that wouldn't be disturbed.

To sum it up, it is completely clear that there is definitely a set of transmitting equipment in the basement that is transmitting messages.

"Where is it?" Wei Chen quickly looked around, the place was empty, it should be obvious that there was such a thing.Unfortunately, after searching for a while, nothing was found.

But don't be afraid, Wei Chen cancels the gray elves, and summons another one, he doesn't believe that the equipment can escape the eyes of the gray elves!

The gray elf flashed out, wandered under the table, and launched a comprehensive investigation on the table!The legs of the table, the bottom of the table, the front and back of the drawers, Wei Chen searched the table three or four times, but found nothing.

"I don't believe it anymore!" Wei Chen picked it up and searched the house again, but the result was the same, nothing was found, even the bottom of the plastic chair was searched.

"Could it be that I was wrong?" Wei Chen doubted his own judgment a bit. Unbelieving, he continued to let the gray elves search around, but still found nothing. Still discussing every detail fiercely, trying my best to perfect it to the best.

"Where did I go wrong when I fell to the ground?" Wei Chen finally insisted on his own judgment. In this situation, it could only be that the enemy's methods are too clever!
"No! Resolutely not! All lackeys must not be let go!"

"No, I mean it's too cheap to kill them!"

"I agree that these people should be taught a lesson they will never forget."

"Why do human beings embarrass human beings, just give them a relief."

Gradually, the topic on the table turned to how to deal with lackeys. These people are also idle, and they are discussing how to share the fruits of victory before they succeed. However, from another perspective, as long as the collar can be blocked, the creatures behind the scenes will not Can't afford any waves.

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has a heart. The words "Why do human beings make things difficult for human beings" really made Wei Chen's eyes light up. He understood why he couldn't find a wiretapping device after searching. The biggest possibility is that these people here are raped by someone!
Who is it?
Wei Chen mobilized the gray elves to carefully observe their every move. These people discussed too selflessly, and had already left Wei Chen aside.

Bai Kun?Wei Chen shook his head, he was the most unlikely one.The next seat is Xu Qing, who looks very honest, but Wei Chen thinks he is unlikely, because this person is in charge of logistics and does not have a certain degree of trust, so he cannot take this position.

Scanning the past one by one, each one is so normal, it is difficult to figure out.

"It's better to come to Yin!" The corner of Wei Chen's mouth curled up, he found that he had started to go bad recently.Starting from forcing Zhuang Ban, it seems that an irresistible heart is waking up.

Wei Chen glanced again, but this time, he used his own eyes!Yellow light began to accumulate slowly on his hands.

Suddenly, Wei Chen's other hand slammed on the table, and the powerful muscle force made the legs of the table snap off, leaving only some wooden stubble to continue to support the table.

"Someone is listening!"

Wei Chen yelled suddenly, which attracted everyone's attention.

Next, a burst of yellow light flashed, and a bloody flower was marked on the head of one of the councilors.

"What's going on!" Bai Kun stood up, frightened and angry. He didn't expect Wei Chen to kill someone here. This is no longer a matter of face-slapping, it's just too much deception!
On the other hand, Wei Chen gave a sigh of relief. Just now he called someone to monitor, exposing the person with the bug on his body. Although it was only a slight change in expression, this change was so conspicuous in the eyes of the gray elves!
"This person is here to eavesdrop." Ignoring the angry gaze he cast in front of him, Wei Chen said slowly: "If you don't believe me, go and search. By the way, there are still a large number of accomplices on the ground."

"This..." Bai Kun and the others looked at each other, but Xu Qing was more realistic, and went to search the dead man, so the others quietly waited for the result.

After several tossings, when Bai Kun got impatient, Xu Qing squeezed out a very small thing with his fingers, which glowed slightly red and had a metallic luster.

"Bastard!" Bai Kun was really angry, looking at Wei Chen with embarrassment.

"I'm leaving first." Wei Chen left directly, and it was estimated that there would be a burst of cleaning next.When Wei Chen passed by the corpse, he understood why this person was trusted——

Free man!
There is no collar on this man's neck!

If it is comfortable to watch, poke a favorite, la la la la la~~~
(End of this chapter)

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