Chapter 139 Dread Knight

Going around in the small town, after a quarter of an hour, Ye Feng finally found the dilapidated tavern that was the entrance to the killing capital.

The tavern was quite easy to find, after all, there was only one tavern in the killing capital.

As soon as he stepped into the tavern, Ye Feng felt the eyes of everyone around him were paying attention, but when he saw that it was a young man, he took it back indifferently.

Ignoring the scrutiny in the tavern, Ye Feng just looked at the tavern curiously.But Qian Renxue, who was on Ye Feng's shoulder, felt a sense of discomfort for no reason.

It was like a husky who had strayed into a pack of wolves. The feeling of being out of place made Qian Renxue feel quite uncomfortable.

The air in the tavern was very turbid, and Ye Feng noticed that all the decorations here were actually black.Although it is daytime outside, once you walk in here, there is a cold and dark feeling.

About [-]% of the tavern was seated. Although the air here was turbid, few people spoke, so it seemed very quiet.But in this quietness, there is quite a strange atmosphere.

Feeling that there was nothing special about this tavern, Ye Feng withdrew his gaze in disappointment.No, as the card of the capital of killing, you have to hang some skeletons, human heads, etc., but there is nothing in this tavern.

Shaking his head boredly, Ye Feng walked to the counter, and said to the waiter at the bar fiercely: "Waiter, I want to enter the killing capital."

This sentence instantly made everyone present raise their heads.Some of them are skinny and skinny, some are extremely pale and bloodless, but they all have one characteristic.

That is, their eyes are fierce and lunar.

"Jie Jie Jie, another newcomer who doesn't know how to live or die is about to enter the Slaughter City." On the right hand side, a thin man with only a skeleton laughed strangely.

This smile broke the quiet atmosphere in the entire hotel.The rest of the people waited, and couldn't help laughing out loud.For a time, the inside and outside of the store were filled with cheerful atmosphere.

However, amidst the strange laughter, Ye Feng still looked calm, but said again: "I want to enter the killing capital."

This firm voice made the waiter couldn't help but raise his head and take a look.However, with just one glance, he continued to lower his head and wipe his cup, as if it would never be wiped clean.

"Not everyone can enter the Slaughter City." Said softly, the waiter raised his head and smiled: "If you want to enter the Slaughter City, you need to pass the examination."

"It's that sentence again." He shook his head helplessly, even though he knew that the result should be like this, Ye Feng still thought about not wanting to do more evil.

But now, I am afraid that it will not work if it is not made.

A total of 79 little devils appeared silently behind everyone in the tavern. The slender arms burning with magic flames were stretched in and out, and each little devil had a beating heart in his hand.

The 79 figures fell down suddenly, but Ye Feng's face did not fluctuate at all.

There is a devil inside everyone, it all depends on whether you want to release him or imprison him.

When he arrived in the capital of killing, Ye Feng decided to release the devil that had been pent up in his heart for a long time.

"Tsk, why bother?" Sighing, stepping over the body of the waiter, Ye Feng easily found the cellar leading to the killing capital.

Opening the cellar door, gusts of cold wind blow, giving people an extremely gloomy feeling.

However, Ye Feng, who knew what was in it, naturally jumped down without hesitation.

Into the darkness, just falling a few meters, Ye Feng is already on the ground, no light is needed.In the darkness, his pupils light up slightly.

Beholder, possessed.

With the gaze of the beholder, Ye Feng saw a long corridor under his feet, which extended obliquely downwards, and the cold breath kept blowing on Ye Feng's body, bringing a sense of coolness.

After touching Qian Renxue's trembling bird head on his shoulder, Ye Feng walked forward.When Ye Feng walked 460 steps forward, a cold voice suddenly came from all directions.

"Welcome to the capital of killing. This is the capital of hell, a world full of killing. Here, you can get everything you want, and the price is your life."

...Hearing this vulgar threatening line, Ye Feng curled his life is about the same.

Turning a corner, Ye Feng saw a faint light coming from ahead, and walked slowly, Ye Feng vaguely heard some noisy voices, when he walked out of the tunnel.In front of him, a seemingly elite team appeared.

All the people in the team were wearing black armor, tightly wrapped, and even their faces were completely covered by the helmet.Except for one person sitting on a tall war horse, all the others were standing behind him with heavy swords in their hands.

"You violated the rules." The low voice sounded extremely cold, seeing Ye Feng coming out of the tunnel, the black armored knight who was sitting upright said.

(End of this chapter)

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