Douluo: I became Qian Renxue's personal attendant

Chapter 140 Scary Knight 1 is not scary at all

Chapter 140 The Horror Knight Is Not Scary at All

rule?Hearing the words of the knight sitting on horseback, Ye Feng couldn't help being taken aback.

He wondered if he had gone to the wrong place.Isn't this the killing capital full of chaos and death?Why are you talking about rules?

Speaking of rules, I'm afraid the only rule here is that the weak will prey on the strong, right?

After all, this is the capital of killing that cannot release soul skills.

What's more, a mere little knight is also qualified to use the rules to suppress me, Mr. Ye?

Excuse me, who are you, do you have a key?

The corner of his mouth curled up into an evil-looking arc, and Ye Feng asked a little funny: "I violated the rules, so what?"

The black-armored knight's voice was cold, like a villain in a novel, "Then you must be punished. I am Scott, the horror knight. If you defeat me, you will have the qualification to enter the killing capital."

The black-armored knight's voice was cold and stern, and he was full of blood and evil spirits. Judging from his appearance, he seemed quite powerful.It's a pity, but it's just the wax tip of the silver gun.

At least, from Ye Feng's point of view.

"Terrorist Knight? You are not worthy of this name." Ye Feng curled his lips in disdain, and it can be said that Ye Feng fully demonstrated the word "defiant".

The look of disdain and arrogance made this so-called terrifying knight unable to maintain a calm state of mind.The horse retreated slowly, and Scott's spear was raised.

"Kid, remember, the person who killed you was the terrifying knight Scott."

Not wanting to talk any more nonsense, the horse suddenly accelerated, and the black armored knight charged towards Ye Feng with a bloody aura.An icy breath filled the air, and an awe-inspiring murderous aura rushed towards him.

It was the bloody aura that could only be possessed by killing many people, and Ye Feng couldn't help but be a little surprised by that fierce and vicious aura.

Of course, it was just a slight surprise.

At the moment when Scott rushed over, blood-red lines filled Ye Feng's back.At the same time, Ye Feng's body suddenly swelled up.

Balrog, possessed.

Flexibly dodged sideways, and then, Ye Feng punched Scott's black visor.

Immediately, a figure in black armor flew away, and the pitch-black mask was knocked off, revealing a ferocious middle-aged face, which was the true face of the terrifying knight Scott under the mask.

Perhaps because he hasn't seen the light for too long, Scott's face showed a sickly paleness.Coupled with his ferocious aura, he is simply the best candidate for the door god.

"That's it? Is this the horror knight?" Ye Feng taunted the fallen horror knight, and Ye Feng's spirit seemed strangely upbeat.

It was as if... the atmosphere of the killing city had aroused something, from Qian Renxue's perspective, Xiaofeng's face seemed to have a sickly flush.

A little worried, but Qian Renxue saw that Ye Feng's mind was still clear, so she didn't interfere too much.

Perhaps it was the influence of the atmosphere in the city of killing, Qian Renxue thought.

On the ground, the defeated horror knight lowered his head, his face could not be seen clearly under the shadow.

Shaking his head boredly, Ye Feng started to walk towards the giant city not far away.That is the main body of the Slaughter City, and the current place is just the periphery.

However, when passing by Scott, the terrifying knight stopped him.

"Your token." A black sign was handed to Ye Feng, who took it casually.A skull is engraved on the sign, and there is a number below it.Nine three six eight.

"This is the proof that you are in the capital of killing. Please enter the city, and someone will greet you at the gate." Said the terrifying knight.

Nodding casually, Ye Feng then walked towards the city gate.

Not far away, Ye Feng came to the gate of the city.On the gate of the city, the four big characters of Slaughtering Capital showed a dark blood red, and a fierce air rushed towards the face.

In front of the door, two rows of black-armored warriors stood there quietly. Before Ye Feng could show his ID card, a woman with a black veil had already come out.

"Welcome to the Capital of Slaughter~" The woman's voice was pleasant and charming.When she came to Ye Feng and stepped away, the woman made a gesture of please.

She glanced curiously at the iron-backed goshawk on Ye Feng's shoulder, and the woman said: "I am your guide. You can ask me anything you don't understand. I will answer it for you within twelve hours." All questions. Twelve hours later. This is where you live. You will also officially become a member of the killing capital."

However, Ye Feng, who has read the original book, knows exactly what kind of place this is. He already knows what to do without a woman's explanation.

"Take me to the killing field of hell." Ye Feng said coldly, and Ye Feng couldn't wait to complete his assessment task.

(End of this chapter)

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