LOL chief designer

Chapter 107 Level 6 Storms Rise Suddenly

Chapter 107 The sixth-level storm suddenly rises (seeking tickets)
Telling Qijiang of the existence of the Crystal Spire is just a reminder, not really describing the role of the Crystal Spire in detail.

Sun Junyue didn't want to type too many words, so he just gave a general description.

And when Qijiang saw the reminder on the chat screen, she immediately understood that the thing on the ground was called the Crystal Spire, and that the opponent's jungler would have a huge increase in the circle.

It's okay, it must be changed to its own color immediately.

Qijiang is not stupid. Since Sun Junyue personally reminded her, the growth rate of this crystal spire must not be small, and it is very likely to affect the outcome of the battle in the wild, so she typed the reminder specially.

At this time, the passer-by assistant knew to come out to say a few words, and just happened to be idle on the next road, so he introduced the general skills of the scorpion to Qijiang.

The passer-by assistant didn't see anything from his introduction, but Qijiang showed a look of horror.

He is a coach, so he naturally knows what Scorpion's ultimate move means to a team battle.

When he saw the introduction of his hero's skills, he knew that this hero would definitely gallop in the arena.

I didn't expect the hero on the opposite side to do the same. He is a coach, and it is his basic duty to study these things.

Moreover, he still retains the habit of playing games and likes to study various routines or opponents, so Sun Junyue released eleven new heroes this time, which added a huge workload to him.

Thinking of this, Qijiang looked at the middle lane a little irritably. Seeing these two weird heroes in the middle lane, he felt that they were two game heroes. Anyway, any new hero he saw now looked like a T1-level hero in the game.

The jungler Xiaotian on the opposite side went around and hid in the grass closest to the enemy's first tower among the three grasses because Brother Gongzi pressed the line on the road, and waited to see if Qijiang would catch it.

But after waiting for a while, Qijiang didn't come, but he had the experience of a wave of soldiers on the road, so Xiaotian had to go back to the city, and Qijiang would not be caught if he wanted to come.

And it is.

Qijiang didn't go on the road, because theshy's condition is not very good, and theshy also specially issued a sign to suspect that the opponent's jungler is in the grass, so he can't go there and lie down. It's better to get to level six as soon as possible.

He found that it is a huge growth point for both junglers to reach level six, so he has to go to level six early, and then do a wave of things.

Soon, the middle and upper class reached the sixth level without incident.

doinb went back without blue, because the pawn line came and had no choice but to hand over TP to eat pawns, so as to prevent Sun Junyue from eating tapi.

Seeing the teleportation pillar lit up by TP, Sun Junyue didn't stay any longer and went back to the city directly.

Because his summoner skill is a barrier instead of TP, he can only watch helplessly as the line of soldiers is pushed back to his tower.

Fortunately, he also arrived in time, and was only eaten by a pawn by the defense tower.

Now the two sides in the middle lane are very peaceful, because they are all developmental heroes, so there are not too many intrigues.

Doinb originally didn't dare to use the big move after he was promoted to sixth, but he found that the big move seemed to be a range-based and continuous attack skill, so he released it to have a look.

He is a lawless master, and he can't fight in the middle anyway, so this big move is not bad.

When he saw the blizzard on the ground, doinb's eyes lit up, especially after finishing this skill, the cooldown time would be short.

But when he saw the blue bar, his face turned dark. This hero consumes too much mana, how can he live without Papa Lan!

But the first time he went back, it was Goddess Tears, so it won't be empty blue for a while.

After level six on the road, he became unsteady and started fighting again.

First, theshy used small skills to consume Gongzi's blood, but because Olaf had blood-sucking skills, he didn't consume much blood, and both of them had two-thirds of their blood left.

Theshy took advantage of a wave of soldiers and went straight up.

After the crocodile is enlarged, it is accompanied by black evil spirits all over its body. It looks fierce and is not easy to provoke.

theshy drove W to bite Olaf, but Gong Zige's backhand was a Ragnarok, and then he chopped without thinking, just need to move when picking up the axe.

The crocodile has no follow-up after playing a set. Although Olaf's blood volume has dropped wildly, he is not dead yet.

Seeing Olaf, who was attacking faster and faster and crazily sucking blood, theshy struggled and left the keyboard with both hands.

I never thought that the big move on the opposite side could be released, and it also accelerated, and it looked like it had an attack speed bonus. It was just a crazy dog, and there was no room for manipulation. In addition, theshy was carrying Thunder, so Can't beat it even more.

Bad news came again on the road, and everyone couldn't sit still.

Brother Gong Zi, who was on the road like this, couldn't hold back anymore.

Obviously, the top laner who is the most resistant to pressure in the competition, now has a father, which everyone did not expect at all.

Qijiang is a witness to this wave of fighting.

Although he is clearing the field in the first half, he is also paying attention to the situation of the audience.

When I saw the shopping on the road, I naturally stopped to observe for a while.

When he saw that Ragnarok was immune to control, his expression changed, and he immediately realized that he couldn't catch it. This thing was immune to control.

But then, the quick-witted Qijiang was thinking about the possibility of Olaf entering the jungle.

As a result, after thinking about it, he suddenly discovered a terrifying fact - Olaf is a jungle hero!
Able to suck blood and cling to people, has a strong one-on-one ability, and can release control with his ultimate move, what a wild father alive!

Qijiang's forehead began to break out in cold sweat. He seemed to be able to see all kinds of fish and dragons mixed together in the S11 arena, and strange routines appeared.

The skill mechanism of these new heroes is really too talented!
Soon, Qijiang was promoted to sixth and returned to the city to prepare for the first gank. His choice was the bottom lane.

And the opponent's jungler Xiaotian chose the gank route of the big god brother in the middle, because doinb was a bit miserable, so he kept sending signals for him to come. It's too annoying, so I came to the middle lane for a gank wave.

Both sides of the bottom lane have not yet reached level six, otherwise it will be another time for demons to dance wildly.

Because our own side is the reason for pressing the line, as soon as Qijiang's pig girl sends a signal, the support and iboy respond that Qijiang has no eyes.

Qijiang also took advantage of the opportunity to get into the grass near the enemy's first tower.

Soon, under iboy's deliberate control, the pawn line was pushed back a little bit, iboy pretended to go to the river to ward off the wave of gank, even the old father Qijiang nodded secretly when he saw it.

However, as soon as iboy came back, the pawn line was successfully pushed out by a third of the distance, but it was enough!

Qijiang instantly threw out the six-level ultimate move, the extremely cold prison, and saw the opponent's Lissandra instantly turned into an ice sculpture.

iboy and the assistant were taken aback for a moment, then rushed up to make up for the damage.

Scorpion used the crystal toxin to make LWX dizzy for another [-] seconds, coupled with the poisonous mist thrown out by iboy, the pool of venom that restricted movement made LWX miserable, and died suddenly on the spot.

Liu Qingsong did not die as a fellow Taoist, so he ran away instantly without any hesitation.

The head count came to two to one, and recovered a little bit.

This is entirely because everyone is not familiar with each other's skills, so they can't guard against certain points.

But at this moment, a murderous intent suddenly appeared in the middle, and Sun Junyue narrowed his eyes.

 Humble begging for votes

(End of this chapter)

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