LOL chief designer

Chapter 108 The 7-word flash in the canyon

Chapter 108 Seven-character flash in the canyon (seeking tickets)
On the road, the shy tower has been under pressure for thousands of years, so it is unlikely that the opposing jungler will jump over the tower for a strong kill. After all, jumping over the tower is risky, and you need to be cautious about strong kills.

At this time, the battle situation in the bottom lane gradually came to an end. The opponent's jungler Xiaotian didn't appear in the bottom lane, or he didn't arrive at the first time.

Sun Junyue doesn't care about these things, he just wants to know whether the possibility of the opponent's jungler appearing in the middle is high or not.

So he thought about it carefully while pushing the line, and suddenly felt that the possibility of Xiaotian appearing in the middle lane was extremely high, even more than [-]%.

Thinking of this, Sun Junyue didn't dare to stay under the tower and continue to consume Doinb's health, so he retreated directly.

In fact, it was the kill message from the bot lane that reminded him, otherwise he would have been a bit over the top, after all, he has inserted wards in the two bushes on the left and right. For a growth-oriented mid laner, the real ward is a must-buy every time he goes home. of.

It was because of the wide field of vision that Sun Junyue relaxed his vigilance.

Doinb is still clearing the soldiers quietly, without any abnormal behavior.

Sun Junyue saw that doinb didn't move forward, so he stayed in the middle of the line safely. Even if Xiaotian came, then doinb couldn't keep up with the damage at the first time, and it was almost impossible to kill him. Don't forget Sun Junyue still has a life-saving barrier in his hand.

However, the slap in the face came so quickly!
Xiaotian's figure appeared at the corner of the river channel close to his side's F6, accelerated with W skill, and rushed towards Sun Junyue quickly.

Sun Junyue should feel lucky, because the reason why the hero just came out, neither the talent nor the gameplay has been researched yet, so the talent brought by the little Scorpion is an aftershock, and the idea at the time was to be more fleshy.

In fact, if Crystal Vanguard had the predator talent, Sun Junyue would be even more afraid.

The moment Sun Junyue saw Little Scorpion, he subconsciously moved up the road. In this case, even if Xiaotian accelerated, he would not be able to catch up with him. Sun Junyue was very sure of this.

Wait, when did Olaf come down? !
Sun Junyue immediately spotted this unscrupulous figure with his real eyes inserted in the grass on the road, and couldn't help frowning.

Originally, he was very confident that he could escape this wave of siege, but now it is different, because the road ahead is blocked by a top single father!
Sun Junyue made a decision on the spot and was ready to fight back!

However, in the next moment, Xiaotian didn't care about wasting the flash, and directly approached Sun Junyue and drove R to pull people.

Xiaotian had a limited time to suppress Sun Junyue, and then doinb arrived at the first time, using Phoenix's small skill with a big move of continuous damage, and dealt high damage in a very short time, which was what Sun Junyue lost when he saw himself crazy The blood bar should also be a bit of a surprise.

Fortunately, Sun Junyue had a barrier to support his blood volume, so he finally waited until the end of Xiaotian's suppression time.

The scorpion used the crystal poison and the E skill to hit another 1.5-second stun, which made Sun Junyue's Tsar unable to move for a long time.

In the end, Sun Junyue was out of trouble!

Sun Junyue looked at his blood volume of less than [-], and looked at the three FPX people who were staring at him, but he was not afraid at all, and instead aroused a bit of ferocity in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

At this time, Sun Junyue's mind was very clear.

This Olaf should have gone home to change his state and then TP to the bushes in the middle. In addition, the user is the champion top laner Gong Zige, so he is the number one enemy and has to be guarded against!
Xiaotian and doinb's damage has been maxed out, and at the same time it is difficult to cause much damage, so the threat is not great.

The most important thing now is whether this approaching Olaf will expand or not.

Sun Junyue knows that the opponent has a big move, and once the opponent uses the big move to avoid control, he will definitely die, and there is no room for showing off.

Olaf's starting ax had already hit Sun Junyue's body, and the deceleration effect appeared.

"Brother God is gone!" Frog lamented in the live broadcast room.

"This wave of top laner TP is too spiritual, because Olaf walked into the grass, shy brother didn't know that Olaf was returning, so he didn't remind the middle lane immediately."

"And the real eye that Xiaotian planted in the grass in the river ahead of time is so spiritual, it seems that he has predicted that the big god brother will run up."

Even in the eyes of everyone, Brother Dashen is powerless to recover this wave, the perfect double-teaming trend has been formed, and Olaf's ax is about to come down.

Sun Junyue was lying when he said that he was not panicking, but Olaf saved his big moves from the beginning to the end, as if he was sure of Sun Junyue, which gave Sun Junyue room to manipulate.

The yellow sand soldiers condensed by the quicksand, like Tsar Azir's personal guard, resisted the enemies ahead for him.

A wall of natural moats cuts off all crises, the three of FPX are on the other side, and I am on the other side!

At the same time, Sun Junyue, who used the E skill to move in quicksand, quickly left this right and wrong place. Under the guidance of the Q skill, he passed through the thick wall and rushed back to his wild area with a seven-shaped turn.

In the messy place, the three of FPX were left stunned.

"What is this, how do you run so fast!"

The doinb people in the live broadcast room were all stupid. In a blink of an eye, the cooked duck flew away...

A yellow flash of seven characters blinded the three opponents.

If it wasn't for doinb's flash, which made Sun Junyue feel a little threatened, otherwise he would really dare to fight back. His damage is not low, and the opponent has no magic resistance.

Qijiang, who played Liuniao happily in F6, sent a question mark to Sun Junyue, as if asking why he didn't die.

He just looked at the situation in Zhonglu and thought that Sun Junyue was dead, so he didn't bother to collect the body.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, a seven-character flash was sent to Qijiang.

Theshy who was on the road was also slightly surprised, and then comfortably ate two waves of lines, pushed the lines over, and eased his disadvantage.

This wave of FPX did not kill Sun Junyue even with a battalion of troops. In fact, they lost a lot.

Sun Junyue was also sweating profusely.

If Brother Gongzi had used the big gun, he would probably be killed with an axe. Fortunately, he saved his skills.

After Gong Zi knew about the mistake, he also smashed the table and shouted "Axi!"

"Oh my god, this wave of god brothers actually ran away!" The frog opened its mouth.

"To be honest, we didn't take the Tsar's ultimate move into consideration, and the big god brother never let go of this skill from the beginning to the end, but now it seems that this skill not only has control, but also temporarily creates terrain. Paul's amazing skills!" Frog was also explaining professionally.

The first dragon in the bottom lane was obtained by Qijiang in cooperation with the bottom lane after catching it. It is a wind dragon, which can reduce the CD of the ultimate move by [-]%.

Now the second dragon came out again, it was a fire dragon, and suddenly the whole canyon was not calm.

Everyone's summoner skills have been transferred, and they are all available.

The two on the road are ready to TP at any time, and the other four gather near the dragon pit to compete for the view of the dragon area.

In fact, this wave of competition is not only for a fire dragon, but also for the canyon pioneer.

In the previous wave of captures, if Sun Junyue died, they would have been able to take the Canyon Pioneer. However, the fact is that they failed. Under Qijiang's deterrence, the opposite side of the Canyon Pioneer did not get it.

So this wave is very critical. Whether you can get a big advantage depends on this wave.

(End of this chapter)

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