LOL chief designer

Chapter 112 Destroyed, 1 wave ends

Chapter 112 Destruction, the end of a wave (seeking tickets)

"In this wave of blind vision, Liu Qingsong couldn't even move and died. It's a pity!" After all, the frog is playing bbox, and the speed of speech and reflexes are always capturing the movement of the team battle. The audience in the live broadcast room We are already used to him like this.

"Doinb used his flesh and blood to provide enough output time for his teammates, but doinb himself is the most powerful output point of FPX. In this way, the output of FPX is not enough at all!" The frog immediately saw LWX's The output is weak.

Lissandra, who is in the bottom lane, does not have the support of level and super high economy, so expecting him to play output will doom FPX's current disadvantage.

It's better to let LWX go up and buy yourself, and then set R for yourself to avoid damage, and give doinb time to play output!

But we can't blame them, because their fixed thinking mode makes them subconsciously protect the AD positions in the team that can play high output, so doinb's emergency response can be said to follow instinct.

It is estimated that after their follow-up coach arranges a review, they will figure out how many mistakes they made.

But to be honest, general coaches and analysts don't care about this kind of ordinary entertainment game. What they care about is only the possibility of new heroes appearing on the field and the best position to appear.

After figuring this out, the coaches and analysts will let the players in training collect more black technology, and then invite other e-sports teams to play training games together, so as to get more familiar with the feeling of new heroes on the field, Get ready for many upcoming events.

Olaf and the crocodile also teleported to the ground at this time, and FPX once again focused on Olaf.

But at this stage, Olaf is really not fleshy to the Tsar and Snake Girl. A bloody hand can't withstand much damage, and the glory of justice that increases mobility does not add magic resistance, so all the magic resistance on Olaf's body The bonuses all come from a pair of mercury shoes.

But this point of magic resistance bonus is not worth mentioning to the czar who bought the Magic Penetration Rod.

Sun Junyue's Forbidden Army Wall is a block forward. This is a temporary terrain, and Olaf has to change his route to pass.

But if Olaf is far enough away from the Tsar, he can use his big move Ragnarok to avoid control, and the wall of the forbidden army will only pass through Olaf's body and appear behind him.

But Sun Junyue knew this, so he never gave Olaf any chance to get close to him.

At this time, Brother Gong Zi was also very distressed. He was almost rushing in front of him with the acceleration of his moves by the glory of justice, but suddenly there was a wall blocking him, which made him very aggrieved.

After reacting, Sun Junyue and iboy also opened fire on Olaf.

iboy has a golden body, so he exported Olaf most unscrupulously, which made Olaf annoyed for a while.

But there is no way around this, because Olaf originally became weaker in the later stages of the team, and he was also isolated from the other three people in FPX, which made it easier for Sun Junyue to do bad things.

A reckless hero is a reckless hero!

Sun Junyue teased the demented Olaf with great interest, and the shy prehistoric giant crocodile on the other side finally broke out with his due ferocity and hostility.

A huge circle of crocodiles rushed into the enemy's camp and began to do evil.

The flexible rampage caused FPX's position to collapse instantly.

The crocodile is meaty and has a high output, which makes people desperate!
And Olaf, whom they placed high hopes on, could not reproduce the miracle.

As soon as the Archangel's shield was activated, Olaf's damage was evaded by Snake again.

After half of the blood was cut off by Olaf, the snake girl broke the golden body, and the czar not far away summoned the soldiers of the sand soldiers, and stabbed Olaf with a "chrysanthemum stump, wounds all over the ground".

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, after Olaf released the adaptive helmet, he might become a team fight shit stick, so the team battle in this situation is extremely beneficial to the blue side.

All FPX members are still resisting vigorously, and theshy's crocodile has also achieved double kills and evolved into a prehistoric giant crocodile.

But this level of resistance didn't last long. The moment Olaf fell, Xiaotian, who was being chased and beaten, also died of hatred.

ACE (group destroy)
Not one person from the blue team died, but all FPX members were wiped out, and the balance of victory has tilted towards the blue team.

"This wave, I can only say it's a pity!"

"The FPX team battle is not as solid as the blue team, and it also suffers from lack of vision, so this wave of losses is expected, but the skills of these new heroes are still eye-catching. I have to say that the master This guy is a real genius, he can actually design so many interesting new heroes."

The frog is the anchor of the League of Legends, so Sun Junyue made the League of Legends regain its glory. As a beneficiary, he naturally wants to promote Sun Junyue, and he should take it as a thank you.

This is a very normal thing in the anchor circle, and now Sun Junyue is one of the super thighs in the anchor circle, and everyone wants to shorten the relationship between the two parties.

"Since the appearance of Brother Dashen, every once in a while I play League of Legends, thinking that I have entered the wrong game."

"I haven't played it for more than a year. I played it a few days ago. I was completely confused. I don't know what skills the opponent's hero has."

"Since playing Hands of a Primary School Student, I feel like I'm a little bit addicted."

"Feng Nan is the real white fan of e-sports, once he plays, he can't stop at all!"

"Could it be that the delivery can't stop?"

"Upstairs is the truth (laughing and crying)"

"The truth is revealed!"


After the frog mentioned this point, the topic of conversation in the live broadcast room gradually turned to Sun Junyue.

However, the live broadcast room is not full of boasting, there are still many jealous NC fans.

Recently, some unscrupulous information is also discrediting Sun Junyue's reputation. I don't know whose bowl of meat has been touched.

Fortunately, Mr. Ma is more 'protective', and immediately prepared an agent and public relations for Sun Junyue, so that fake black material did not spread out.

At first, Sun Junyue was still very angry with those black materials.

What kind of big god brother is fucking fans in private, what kind of big god brother is messing around in school, and then posting a few pictures of Sun Junyue and Bai Xiaoyu and the others filming animation short dramas in the news, it should be taken as evidence.

At that time, Sun Junyue was very angry when he saw the news about these disgusting people. He is not the kind of person who messes around!

But he calmed down afterwards. In fact, he didn't need to be angry about these non-existent things, because it wasn't worth it.

With the strength of Tencent's public relations department, he only needs to say one thing, and these non-existent black materials will naturally be dissipated immediately, so there is no need to worry about it.

Cleaners clean themselves!
At this time in the canyon, accompanied by the mournful cry of the big dragon, the game also came to an end.

There was no split push, and the five players on the blue side came directly from the middle with the momentum of a big dragon.

Jump over the tower, forcefully kill, and destroy the group!
Everything fades away...

Accompanied by the sky full of broken crystals, Sun Junyue won this unusual match.

(End of this chapter)

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