LOL chief designer

Chapter 113 Champion Skin Design Invitation

Chapter 113 Champion Skin Design Invitation (seeking tickets)

Sun Junyue was also very happy to beat the five FPX players. Although he took advantage of their inability to play, he still won anyway.

"One more time!"

Just as Sun Junyue wanted to play again, he suddenly received a bunch of messages to add friends.

Because it is a test server, everyone has a new account, and the friend column is empty.

The people who joined were Qijiang, passer-by assistant, and doinb, but the others didn't intend to take the initiative to add Sun Junyue.

The more Sun Jun thought about it, he agreed. Anyway, the test server will only be opened for a week or two, and the account will be deleted directly at that time.

Soon, the chat bar lit up, it was a message from Qijiang and doinb.

The passer-by assistant is also self-aware, knowing that it would be good if he can add Sun Junyue as a friend, so he didn't harass Sun Junyue anymore.

Seven Sauce: Double rows together?
doinb: Brother Ha, these pig teammates are too good, if I'm not embarrassed, I really don't want to take them to play with this group of noobs!
Qijiang invited the duo, Sun Junyue was only a little surprised and agreed, there is a wild father duo, isn't this a very cool thing!

You must know that Qijiang has one of the most powerful legs in the national server, and he is a high-scoring madman.

There is also his legend of "I raise pigs in your wilderness" in the competition arena.

Although he is retired now, it is not a father beating his son when playing matchmaking games. Coupled with Sun Junyue's trickery, the game experience is definitely leveraged.

As for doinb, a very nervous guy, Sun Junyue really doesn't care.

He knows the atmosphere in the FPX team. The five good friends who hate each other have always disliked each other, but the relationship is not iron-clad, otherwise it would not be possible to become a championship team.

After chatting for a while, Sun Junyue stopped using doinb on the grounds of 'entering the game'.

After that, Sun Junyue played two more games before quitting. He had to go to work in the company the next day, so he had to get up early, and it was not suitable for staying up late to play games.

Although there are quite a few office workers like Sun Junyue, many of them didn't go to bed until three or four o'clock. The new hero is really attractive.

The next day, the chats in the various groups were full of excitement. The topic of conversation was basically related to League of Legends. League of Legends has penetrated all walks of life. Not only the game group is talking about new heroes, but some class groups, work groups, and company groups are also talking about heroes. Alliance, it can be seen how popular the new hero is.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Sun Junyue got up and habitually checked the news on his mobile phone first.

After scanning the WeChat groups and QQ groups, he found that many groups were talking about League of Legends. Curious, he clicked into some groups to have a look.

"The new hero Barbarian King's big move is invincible, you know, five seconds is a real man!"

"I was hacked to death by the barbarian king three times while playing crispy skin yesterday. I was so stupid."

"Yeah, the barbarian king's output is too explosive!"

"I really feel that crocodiles are really strong, prehistoric giant crocodiles, a terrifying group!"

"I played Gou Tou Gou for 10 minutes, and once I got out of the mountain, I Q with a kid. It was so cool!"

"However, those new heroes in the mid laner are so difficult!"

"Operational heroes, the gameplay is probably not yet developed."

"Those fleshy junglers are also quite disgusting, and they have a lot of flesh and control."

"Yes, yes, especially the scorpion. Bring a predator and add justice and glory. It's disgusting!"


Sun Junyue saw the news of the brush passing by, and smiled without saying a word.

There are still many ways to play that have not been developed yet!

For example, Thresh and Scorpion are directly pulling people from a thousand yards. I don’t know when they will be researched.

Sun Junyue is looking forward to the performance of these new heroes on the field. Isn't there a Demacia Cup recently? Some teams will definitely send newcomers to show off at that time, and maybe they will come up with some tricks.

Sun Junyue has no doubts about the playing rate of the heroes he designed, because the existence of each hero is meaningful. Although the barbarian king is not common in the arena, but the scorpion, the pig girl, the crocodile, the czar, the snake girl, Lissandra and others are frequent visitors on the field of competition, and these figures will appear more or less in basically every game.

In order to win the game, the League of Legends teams will naturally develop more and more game routines. After all, there are more than [-] new heroes, and there are more than a little more routines.

This is a test and an opportunity for e-sports players.

I don't know how many e-sports geniuses will be born this year, and how many veteran gods of war will fall.

But Sun Junyue doesn't care about these, he only cares how long the League of Legends will continue to be popular.

The love from the previous life has almost worn away by now, and no one can escape Vanity Fair.

So Sun Junyue is now continuing to work on the League of Legends. For the sake of fame and fortune rather than his love for the League of Legends itself, when the blood cools down, he should leave.

But these are still early, after all, there are still so many heroes that have not been designed, and the animations and movies that he has been thinking about have not been filmed. If possible, Sun Junyue would like to study the existence of holographic online games.

In his previous life, he had been reading novels about holographic online games, and the novels said that holographic online games would become popular in 2020. As a result, 2020 came, not to mention the popularization of holographic online games, and even there was very little news about it.

And the world is even worse.

Although e-sports is extremely popular, the research on games is very slow. On the contrary, there are a variety of small games, and there are almost no big games that can compete head-to-head with League of Legends. This has led to League of Legends dominating the game market for so many years.

Sun Junyue knows that most of the functions of his system are related to the League of Legends, so he has no doubt that the next rewards are also related to the League of Legends. Maybe holographic online games will not be a dream in the future!

After reading the news in the group, Sun Junyue got out of bed, sent a 'good morning' to Bai Xiaoyu, and went to wash and brush his teeth.

The working time is nine o'clock, and there is still a lot of time left. After finishing everything, Sun Junyue swiped a short video to kill time, and then called a car to go to Tencent.

Designer department.

"A Yue, Mr. Ma asked you to go to the office." It was a brother from the designer department who spoke.

"Okay, I'll go right away." Sun Junyue responded.

"I don't know why Mr. Ma called me!" Sun Junyue thought with some doubts in his heart.

"Boom boom boom!"


Mr. Ma's office is very empty, giving people a feeling that tolerance is great.

"Ah Yue is here, sit down!"

"Is Mr. Ma looking for something for me?" Mr. Ma's imposing manner was a bit strong. Although he smiled kindly, Sun Junyue was still a little awkward sitting opposite.

"How is the New Year's Eve video going?"

"I haven't done it yet. Today I am preparing with the brothers in the department the heroes and New Year's video for the Spring Festival."

"That's right, the New Year's hero should be submitted for trial as soon as possible." Mr. Ma nodded, "I'll give you another task."

"Mr. Ma, tell me!" Sun Junyue said straightforwardly.

Although he is not an official employee of Tencent, he has signed a special labor agreement with a monthly salary of 50 yuan, and he can also take vacations and get paid, which is not good enough.

Moreover, some skins and new heroes are also very exaggerated, so Junyue Sun has no dissatisfaction with Tencent, and President Ma has treated him very well.

"It's the design of the champion's skin after the new year. I'd like to trouble you to join the team and provide some advice and help, but it's not a free job. I'll give you a big red envelope during the Chinese New Year."

"President Ma, you are being polite. I will definitely help you when the time comes!" Sun Junyue agreed.

Skin design is not difficult for him, and the big red envelope Mr. Ma said is definitely not a small amount, so he doesn't have to refuse.

 Humble begging for votes

(End of this chapter)

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