Chapter 114
"A Yue, get off work!"

If the brother on the night shift didn't call him, Sun Junyue would still be obsessed with work.

Not only Sun Junyue was in this state alone, but the other brothers in the day shift were also working mesmerized.

These two new year heroes are really attractive, and these few new year skins are simply amazing!

Everyone is looking forward to the arrival of the New Year. When these two heroes and New Year skins are released, League of Legends players will definitely go crazy.

If Mr. Ma sees the crazy sales of skins, he might give the designer department a big red envelope.

Of course, these are all secondary, the most important thing is the full sense of honor in my heart.

Joining the industry of designers, joining the design of League of Legends, everyone is proud of it.

In particular, the most popular years of League of Legends were the most honorable years of their League of Legends designer department.

It's just that the popularity of League of Legends has suddenly declined in recent years, and President Ma also intends to study new large-scale games, which makes their League of Legends department anxious, but helpless.

Fortunately, Sun Junyue was born out of nowhere and saved the major departments of the League of Legends, as well as the designer department.

Especially after Sun Junyue came to the designer department, his words and deeds have a certain guiding effect, which has benefited other designers a lot.

Not only because Sun Junyue has the top designer knowledge, but also Sun Junyue's understanding of the future, so Sun Junyue's words and deeds can be said to reveal the secret, but no one will doubt this.

"Okay, everyone, be careful on the road, see you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."


After saying goodbye to the brothers in the designer department, Sun Junyue got up and went downstairs.

The staff house that Mr. Ma arranged for him is not far from the company, so it is only two steps away.

On the way, Sun Junyue looked at the messages on his phone.

Xiaoxiao Yuxie: Husband~
Xiaoxiao Yuxie: Husband is busy, I am so bored with reading (attached a loveless emoji package)
Xiaoxiao Yuxie: You don’t have someone in the company, you actually ignore me (crying)
Xiaoxiao Yuxie: You don't love me anymore, hum! (angry emoji)

Xiaoxiao Yuxie: I'm out of class, are you still off work?


After checking the messages sent to him by Bai Xiaoyu one by one, a smile appeared on the corner of Sun Junyue's mouth.

It seems insincere to reply to the message, so let's make a phone call!
Thinking of this, Sun Junyue immediately made a phone call.


"Hmph, I'm angry, the kind that can't be coaxed well!"

Bai Xiaoyu's voice of "deep resentment" came from the other end of the phone.

"Okay baby, I'll be back in two days, and I'll give you a loving kiss then."

"Hey—who wants your dear kiss, bah bah!"


Sun Junyue made a weird nasal sound.

The two chatted tirelessly, and when they reached the door of their apartment, Sun Junyue said something and hung up the phone reluctantly.

He needs to take a shower first, and then start a live broadcast for a while. Today he asked the company's people to help install the live broadcast equipment.

After all, he still has to stay in the company for a while, and there is no one to accompany him at night, so the live broadcast is the best choice.

It just happened that the scheduled live broadcast time was over, and I could spend all my time with my girlfriend when I got back.

Sun Junyue thought happily.

But yesterday's match gave Sun Junyue a certain amount of inspiration, that is, he must find someone to be a dog for him, so it will be much more comfortable to play with.

But who to look for?

There are not many anchors broadcasting the evening segment,

Sao Nan, Cave Master, and doinb are all broadcasting live at this time.

How about looking for Brother Coin, Brother Coin is strong enough, after all, he is the champion mid laner, and he has the potential to lick the dog.

As long as his teammates give him strength, he will lick like crazy.

Coincidentally, he also has doinb in his friend column, which was added yesterday.

But it's better to ask on WeChat, so as not to find him later when the broadcast starts, but he is forming a team to play together.

Just like yesterday, the gathering of five FPX players was simply inappropriate.

Not long after wechat was sent, doinb replied, because he was about to start broadcasting.

For Sun Junyue's proposal, he naturally agreed with both hands, and it happened that the two of them could exchange the popularity of the live broadcast room.

After getting an affirmative reply from doinb, Sun Junyue started broadcasting with confidence.

"My God, Pigeon Spirit is actually on the air?"

"Damn it, it's finally on the air, and all the flowers I've been waiting for are gone."

"I've played all the new heroes, it's so interesting, I'll give Brother Dashen a hot air balloon."

"My little brother has no money, so give me a hundred fluorescent sticks."

As soon as Sun Junyue started broadcasting, the overwhelming popularity immediately came from the chrysalis, and with him, there was also a huge reward.

These rewards are everyone's recognition of Sun Junyue.

Eleven new heroes, which were unimaginable for once desperate League of Legends players.

Sun Junyue also kept thanking him, and then explained that today he will play in a team with doinb.

Soon, Sun Junyue connected to doinb's live broadcast room.

"Hello, Brother Coin!"

"Oh~ Brother God, take me to fly, take me to the opposite side of the hanging hammer, vomit!"

"I still think about you taking me to fly!"

"Brother God, have you ordered to play with me?"

"No, what's wrong?"

"Let's play with Miss Wan!"

When Sun Junyue heard this, his eyes widened.

Gouzi, you have changed, aren't you afraid that your sister-in-law will kill you?
"Well, where is Miss Youyou?"

Sun Junyue felt it was necessary to remind him.

"She went shopping with her sisters, don't worry, she doesn't know."

"Brother Coin, you are not afraid..."

"What are you afraid of? I am in charge of the house. What's wrong with ordering a companion to play with!"

Sun Junyue showed a speechless expression.

Who doesn't know that champion mid laner Doinb is notoriously henpecked, what are you hiding?
However, it was not convenient for Sun Junyue to expose him during the live broadcast, so he had to keep silent.

"Brother, are you screaming or not!" Doinb urged.

Sun Junyue looked at his phone and said that he had never ordered to play with him, why not give it a try!

That girl Bai Xiaoyu should be studying, she probably didn't watch the live broadcast.

I did this for the effect of the live broadcast, not to chat with the young lady, and it was doinb who seduced me, so it has nothing to do with me.

Sun Junyue went through the psychological process, and slowly said a word: "Okay."

"Okay buddy, I'll call, I'll make sure you're satisfied."

doinb let out a wretched laugh, as if the two were calling that.

It has to be said that the effect of this wave of live broadcast is awesome, and the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded directly.

"doinb ruined the god brother!"

"Sister-in-law You is on the way to get the knife..."

"I'm going to report to Sister-in-Law's Weibo!"

"Brother Dashen was led to the ground, it's over, it's over..."

Sun Junyue turned a deaf ear to the barrage in the live broadcast room, but was vaguely looking forward to the doinb playmate.

At this time, in a girls' dormitory, a young girl watched everything happening on the screen of her mobile phone, and her eyes gradually showed coldness.

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(End of this chapter)

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