LOL chief designer

Chapter 115 Who Can Resist This!

Chapter 115 Who Can Resist This! (seeking tickets)

Bai Xiaoyu gritted her teeth and looked at the indifferent Sun Junyue in the live broadcast room.

"You're looking for a playmate behind my back!!"

Fortunately, when she was doing her homework, she didn't forget to turn on the live broadcast room with her mobile phone and put it aside, otherwise Sun Junyue would really have slipped by.

Bai Xiaoyu was about to send a wechat to reprimand her, but she suddenly held back.

Now that she is preventing Sun Junyue from looking for companions to play with, the effect of the live broadcast will definitely be greatly reduced.

And she also wants to see if Sun Junyue can maintain his love loyalty to her under the teasing of the accompanying lady.

Take it as a test for Sun Junyue, if Sun Junyue fails, then he is doomed!
As a result, Bai Xiaoyu didn't even pay attention to her studies, and kept staring at the phone screen, feeling an urge to get into the screen and grab Sun Junyue's collar.

"Wow, this playmate seems to be a big beauty."

"Fuck, this one looks better."

"This leg, the label is sweet and salty loli, hiss—"

All kinds of funny voices from doinb came from Sun Junyue's live broadcast room, Sun Junyue sat upright, and continued to thank the water friends who gave gifts.

After a while, doinb saw that it was almost done, so he asked Sun Junyue:
"Big God, do you like Yujie more, or Lolita more?"

After hearing this, Sun Junyue immediately coughed twice to hide the embarrassment on his face.

Sun Junyue is sure that doinb is deliberately messing with him!

So Sun Junyue said directly:
"I can do it, Brother Coin, watch it!"

After saying this, Sun Junyue subconsciously glanced at the direction of the phone.

Bai Xiaoyu hasn't sent a message until now, it seems that he hasn't watched the live broadcast.

Thinking of this, Sun Junyue heaved a sigh of relief.

"Then I ordered it!"

"Brother, you can order, you don't need to discuss with me, I can do it!" Sun Junyue saw that doinb was dawdling, and couldn't help but urge him.

"This Yueyue seems to be good, this Yunyun is also good, this Xinxin Lolita, it's okay!"

Hearing the voice from the earphone, Sun Junyue's expression changed, and he asked, "Brother, you want three!"

"You are not talking nonsense, of course it is a team of five people!"


Sun Junyue immediately regretted it.

I'm looking for you because I want to make it easier. Isn't it very tiring to bring three girls!
If the water friends in the live broadcast room knew Sun Junyue's current thoughts, they would definitely spit out old blood.

Isn't playing games with girls the happiest thing?
You actually want to win the game, chatting with girls is what we should do!
However, Sun Junyue, the straight man of steel, obviously did not realize this.

Soon, doinb ordered, and at the invitation of doinb, Sun Junyue quickly joined the YY voice.

"Hey, can you hear me?"

A crisp loli sound came, and Sun Junyue swallowed saliva.

Bai Xiaoyu in front of the mobile phone screen stared at Sun Junyue's every move, and secretly scolded the three female companions for playing with her for seducing my husband! ! !

"There are voices..." doinb replied.

Sun Junyue remained silent in embarrassment.


"Hi, is the boss there?"

At this time, the other two accompanying girls also entered the voice room.

Yueyue's voice was very sweet, as if she had a piece of candy in her mouth, and everyone who heard it felt like a spring breeze.

And Yunyun's voice is very Yujie. Hearing this voice, one can roughly imagine that there is a hot and charming Yujie sitting on the other end of the earphone.

Who can stand this!

Sun Junyue, who had never seen this kind of fighting, picked up the water glass beside the table and drank.

If I don't speak, just pretend I don't exist!

However, how can doinb let this happen?

He just wanted to drag Sun Junyue into the water together, so he would not let Sun Junyue stay silent.

"A Yue, are you there?"

Hearing doinb calling him, Sun Junyue couldn't ignore it anymore, so he could only reply: "Brother, you're here!"

"Wow, there is another little brother, the voice sounds very young!"

"And the sound is nice."

"Cough cough!"

Sun Junyue coughed, and then said modestly: "Stop making trouble, have you entered the game yet? Add me first!"

"Well, good little brother!"

"What's your name, little brother? I'll add you."

"Douyin, then click (,), big brother." Sun Junyue replied.

"Ao—are you a big brother? Really?"

"No way, I actually received an order from Brother Dashen!"

"Big God, I'm your fan, I think you're super talented!"

"Yes, I am your fan too!"

As soon as Sun Junyue revealed his ID, the live broadcast room was filled with exclamations from the three accompanying girls.

Sun Junyue didn't expect that his popularity was already so great, and he would be his fans if he ordered three girls to play with him.

And the live broadcast room is also full of barrage army.

"Damn it, are the three young ladies fans of Brother Dashen?"

"Is this rhythm going to be a live broadcast?"

"This is too exciting, the live broadcast effect exploded!"

Doinb was dumbfounded at the other end, how could all my little sisters be seduced by Sun Junyue and go away, they are obviously my little sisters!
"Brother God, come on down the road, do you like to suck (Ash) my milk (Nurse)?" Yue Yue said playfully.

"This is not the car going to kindergarten." Sun Junyue was a little embarrassed.

"I can play nanny too!"

"Me too, little brother, come with me. I'm a good boy. If I win, I can promise you an exorbitant request—" Luoli Yin Xinxin had already begun to seduce Sun Junyue.

"Don't mess with it, I'll choose the jungler and let Brother Coin take the mid laner!"

Sun Junyue took the overall situation into consideration and won the two most rhythmic positions.

"Brother, come and help me catch it, I'll show you a cooler picture—"

"Catch me too, I have a cool little video~"

"Hiss—" Sun Junyue took a deep breath, unable to hold it anymore.

He feels like he is now a Tang monk seeking Buddhist scriptures from the West.

After a while, a charming white bone demon came to him in ragged clothes and said, "Little master, it's so hot."

After a while, another cute and playful rabbit appeared, stuck out its tongue and said, "Brother Xuanzang, let's go to the room to discuss the Paradise of Elysium!"

In the end, the daughter of the country, the king of the country, walked up to him domineeringly, and swore in front of the people of the whole country: "Tang Xuanzang, you will be my man from now on!"

Made, it is such a triple sky of ice and fire, tormenting Sun Junyue at this time.

The key is that there is a video of the live broadcast. If he says something wrong, Bai Xiaoyu will find out tomorrow, and he will be finished.

But ignoring his fans doesn't seem too good!
So now Sun Junyue said every word with trepidation, afraid that he might say something wrong.

doinb stood aside in front of the big light bulb, with a look of lovelessness on his face.

It's my young lady, at least leave me one!

doinb is about to cry!

And he wasn't the one who was the most angry, the one who was the most angry was Bai Xiaoyu at this time.

Bai Xiaoyu trembled with anger when she heard the words that teased her husband from the live broadcast room.

You female fairies actually covet my Bai Xiaoyu's man.

However, Sun Junyue has not betrayed himself until now, which makes Bai Xiaoyu most gratified.

So if she wants to vent her anger, she can only vent it on doinb.

Thinking of this, Bai Xiaoyu showed an evil smile, then opened the address book and clicked on a contact.

"Hey, Miss Youyou—"

 The humble author begs for votes in a humble way, thump, thump, kowtow for votes
(End of this chapter)

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