LOL chief designer

Chapter 117 True love can't be kept since ancient times, only routines win people's hearts

Chapter 117 True love can't be kept since ancient times, only routines win people's hearts (two in one chapter)

"Well, my wife is back!" Doinb pretended to hear the sound, and turned his head to show a very warm smile, looking like a warm man.

But when he saw the toy sledgehammer in Xiaoyou's hand, his smile froze slightly.

"Honey, what are you doing with a sledgehammer, this thing is harmful to the harmony of husband and wife, throw it away!"

Doinb was already a little flustered, his face was stiff, and his speech was a little awkward.

"What were you doing just now?" Sister Youyou came up with a heavy hammer.

"It's nothing, I'm just playing games seriously." Doinb showed a look of grievance, as if he had really been wronged.

"No reason? Look at the barrage yourself!"

Another hammer!
At this time, doinb has time to turn his head to watch the barrage in the live broadcast room.

"The rape scene is so exciting!"

"I posted four, I didn't notify Sister Youyou on Weibo!"

"Upstairs, you seem to have exposed something..."

"Wife abuse is fun for a while, chasing wife crematorium!"

"It's not that I won't report, the time has come!"

"Family flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers!"

"I'll report that doinb and the three accompanying girls are unclear!"

"I'll report it too!"

"Then I will add one."

"I +9527"


Doinb was dumbfounded when he saw these barrages, but the quick-responsive Doinb immediately turned his head and explained to his wife: "They are all talking nonsense, they just want to see me embarrassing!"

"Look at my upright appearance, do you look like the kind of person who wants to play with my little sister?"

Without waiting for sister Youyou to reply, doinb immediately connected:
"Then I'm definitely not that kind of person. If you don't believe me, you can ask Ayue, he knows best!"

"Hey, Ayue!"


Seeing that Sun Junyue didn't reply, he remembered that his YY voice was turned off.

"You still spoil Ayue!" The angry sister Youyou grabbed doinb's ear.

"Aww, it hurts, it hurts!"

"Wrong, I made a mistake with my wife, I dare not do it again!"

The appearance of doinb begging for mercy, almost killed the audience in the live broadcast room.

As for Sun Junyue, after finding out that Doinb's voice had hung up, he immediately thought of something, so he quickly clicked into Doinb's live broadcast room, just in time to see Brother Coin begging for mercy, and almost killed him laughing.

A dead fellow Taoist will never die a poor fellow, brother hold on!

And Bai Xiaoyu, who followed Sun Junyue's live broadcast room, also saw this scene, immediately pouted, snorted, and muttered, "I told you to seduce my husband! You deserve it!"

"Large live broadcast accident scene!"

"Why does the champion mid laner scream in the middle of the night?"

"What did the wretched man commit in the middle of the night and was watched by tens of thousands of people?"

"If you want to know the truth, please pay attention to the Dousha live broadcast room: xxxxxx, I will show you the truth!"

"The buddies upstairs can connect seamlessly!"

Although the doinb live broadcast room is densely packed with bullets, Super Tube has a pair of eyes that are good at discovering, and quickly picked out these interesting bullet screens, and made them bold and colorful for everyone to see.

In an instant, the popularity of the doinb live broadcast room rose again.

Sun Junyue also laughed like a pig,
Sister Youyou is too cruel!
But Sun Junyue changed his mind, if Bai Xiaoyu knew what happened tonight, would it be...

As Riven's lines said: Lessons learned from others, teachers from others!

No, am I the kind of henpecked person?
I am brother god!

I am looking for a young lady to play with, how dare the woman say 'no'?


Sun Junyue picked up his phone and made a WeChat call to Bai Xiaoyu.

He is definitely not cowardly, but to maintain the friendly and harmonious relationship between male and female friends!
After a psychological hint, Sun Junyue also recovered his calm expression.

"Honey, I—"


Before Sun Junyue started talking, laughter came from Bai Xiaoyu's side.

Sun Junyue looked confused, what's the matter, so happy?
Of course he doesn't know, Bai Xiaoyu has been paying attention to his every move, and his subtle changes in expression are all in her eyes.

Her current wave of killing chickens and monkeys is just for Sun Junyue to see.

See how miserable doinb is, and see if you dare to hook up with other girls! ! !

But Sun Junyue's cowardly expression after reading it was extremely cute, so she couldn't help laughing out loud.

Then she saw Sun Jun's more bewildered expression on the live broadcast screen, and couldn't help but smile even brighter.


"You don't need to say it, I know it all, I'm watching the live broadcast!"

"I secretly called Sister Youyou, hehe!"


After Sun Junyue heard Bai Xiaoyu's words, his hair stood on end for a while.

Fortunately, he stuck to his heart, otherwise Brother Coin would not be the only one who died.

It's just poor coin brother!

Sun Junyue turned his eyes to doinb's live broadcast room again, and couldn't bear to look directly at it.

Hitting hard with a hammer and twisting ears, still in front of so many people, it's really miserable!
"Okay, then I'll hang up, remember to go to bed early, don't study too late, I will wake you up tomorrow morning."

Under Sun Junyue's gentle voice, Bai Xiaoyu gave a shy 'hmm', after all, there were so many people watching!
"Large dog abuse scene!"

"The cold dog food slapped my face indiscriminately!"

"Brother Dashen looks like he's getting scared, a little bit of nostalgia!"

"That's right, of course my wife and I also had an amazing romance!"

"Wake up upstairs, you don't have a wife!"

"As long as there is a spore, it will not be drunk like this!"

"Is the wife you're talking about inflatable? I have a lot!"

"The upstairs is awesome..."

"Is the inflatable okay? Hahaha!"

Sun Junyue glanced at the barrage, no one said he was afraid of his wife, it seems that this is a social situation, no one laughed at him.

But why are these barrages so naughty?

I always feel that these bullet screens are better than my own live broadcast!

And at this moment, there was a sound of electric current connected to the voice in Sun Junyue's earphones.

Take a look at the doinb live broadcast room,
It turned out that Miss Youyou had left.

It may be because doinb is going to broadcast live, so let him go.

"Hello, is there any sound?"

"There is a voice, Brother Coin, are you okay!"

"It's all right, it seems that the network card was interrupted just now, so the voice of YY has dropped!"

Sun Junyue was still watching doinb's live broadcast room at this time,

Just quietly watching him talking nonsense.

"Well, then shall we still play with Miss Sister?"

Sun Junyue didn't expose him, but made fun of him.

The five words 'to play with my little sister' deeply hurt doinb's nerves.

doinb quickly said: "Farewell, the little sister who plays with you is too good, you can't take it with you at all."

"Well, all right!" Sun Junyue suppressed a smile.

However, do you think this is the end of the story?
Do not!
Sister Youyou went back to her room and shouted more and more angry.

It's okay to find a young lady to play with behind my back, but also teach Ayue badly, and sister Xiaoyu has come to me to complain!

That's fine, and it ruined her beautiful shopping with her sisters!

Then she looked at Aite's information on Weibo, all of which were doinb's previous unsightly live broadcast performances.

No, it's tolerable or unbearable!
Picking up a pair of slippers on the ground, Sister Youyou walked out.

Seeing that doinb is playing a game, Sister Youyou is also rarely calm, waiting for him to finish playing the game.


"Brother God is awesome!"


Doinb had just won the game, and before he had time to yell more, Sister Youyou pushed open the door.

Doinb froze when he heard the voice, and quickly turned his head away.

"What are you doing!"

"What are you doing with your slippers!"

"I'm live broadcasting, show me some face!"

doinb used the audience in the live broadcast room as a shield.

However, this is of no use!
That night, there was only a heart-piercing scream that echoed in Sun Junyue's ears.

Sun Junyue swallowed his saliva, and silently exited the game room.

He knew that doinb might not be able to come back!

Time to find a new duo partner, doinb is dead!

Even Jesus could not save him!
Miss Youyou said...



The next day, Sun Junyue woke up facing the energetic Chuyang.

At night, the interesting things that happened between him and doinb live broadcast have rushed to the forefront of the hot search list.

All kinds of information, like grass seeds after the rain, popped up one after another.

Why does doinb scream in the middle of the night?

There was a large-scale accident in doinb's live broadcast, and the third, fourth, and fifth were actually them!

The big brother sprinkled dog food live, and his girlfriend was his fan!
Brother Dashen and doinb double row, why accidents happen frequently?
Sun Junyue glanced at these headlines and was convinced.

Sure enough, it is also a skill to attract the attention of others by writing information!

With such a title, if Sun Junyue was not the person involved, he would have been attracted to it.

Of course, these information and hot search rankings are not the top ones, and the top ones are naturally the five ice and snow festival skins released on time at midnight.

That's what attracts League of Legends players the most!
Among them, Katerina's deadly beauty has the most terrifying sales volume, overwhelming the other four skins.

Then the owner of Amumu no longer wants me, and the big tree's tree of celebration.

The reason why Dashu has such a high popularity is entirely because Dashu is an old top laner hero, a veteran hero who belongs to the League of Legends, and has been active in the professional arena countless times.

Especially for the top laner of the old EDG, Dashu is one of the inevitable heroes.

Therefore, once the big tree skin was released, it immediately attracted widespread attention from alliance players.

Although there are more and more new heroes, those old heroes should not be forgotten.

They have also left a deep impression on the alliance players!
The last two are LeBlanc's Goddess of Fortune and Vega's Evil Santa.

These two skins are also well-made, with powerful special effects, and are well received by League of Legends players.

Sun Junyue is naturally the most excited one besides President Ma. After all, he is one of the direct beneficiaries. These good reviews are all red votes in his eyes!

Then came another busy day,

Sun Junyue works during the day and broadcasts live at night,

It's been very fulfilling.

The New Year's deflagration video has been completed, and the New Year's greeting video was also completed on the same day.

The New Year's new hero was submitted for review yesterday, and the final New Year's skin was quickly improved and processed with the joint efforts of everyone, and entered the trial.

But these have nothing to do with Sun Junyue, he was catching a plane overnight to fly back to Shanghai.

When we arrived at the airport, it was already one or two in the morning.

The door of the dormitory had been closed long ago, so Sun Junyue found a hotel nearby to make do with it.

In the next few days, apart from getting tired of spending time with Bai Xiaoyu, Sun Junyue devoted himself to studying and preparing for the final exam.

Although he has been so successful in society, he still has no idea of ​​dawdling in school.

In fact, these things learned are not very difficult for him.

He can easily handle some design courses and directing courses, so there are not many subjects to study.

In this way, Time Fit, the New Year's Eve came in a blink of an eye.

Although it was Thursday, the school was basically closed at that time, and it was time for free study, so Sun Junyue called Bai Xiaoyu during the day, preparing to relax and have a good day.

Studying all the time is not good for your body and mind, you have to combine work with rest.

Of course, these are just excuses for Sun Junyue to coax Bai Xiaoyu to go out with him.

The two went to the playground for a day.

on the ferris wheel,
Sun Junyue confesses affectionately!
on the jumping machine,
The two hold hands, live and die together!

in the haunted house,

— what a beautiful day!
This is a sincere sentence from a scheming boy!

In the evening, the wealthy Sun Junyue took Bai Xiaoyu to a romantic candlelight dinner.

Afterwards, under Sun Junyue's half push and half consent, Bai Xiaoyu and Sun Junyue stayed in the large-scale love hotel next to them - Fenglinwan!

Since ancient times, true feelings can't be kept, only routines can win people's hearts!
Sun Junyue hugged Wen Yu in his arms, and clicked on Wegame.

The two quietly waited for the release of the New Year's Eve explosion video.

"Honey, do you have any New Year's Eve wishes, I'll help you fulfill them!"

Taking advantage of a few minutes before the release time, Sun Junyue whispered into Bai Xiaoyu's ear and asked.

"Picking the stars and the moon, I don't hesitate to-"

"My wish is that you must always love me, forever!"

"Well, forever..." Sun Junyue looked at Bai Xiaoyu affectionately.

"What about you, do you have any wish?" Bai Xiaoyu asked back.

Bai Xiaoyu hammered Sun Junyue's chest with a weak little powder fist.

"Okay, I'm just kidding you!"

"Okay, it's time!" Bai Xiaoyu glared at Sun Junyue.

Sun Junyue immediately refreshed the wegame interface, and immediately jumped out of the cover link picture of the New Year's deflagration video.

On the cover is a statue holding the Holy Grail high, and there is a text: Dedicated to those summoners who are still supporting the League of Legends, thank you for your company, the League walks with you!
Seeing this scene, some veteran players were also in tears.

11 years, eleven seasons...

League of legends,

have you,

that's nice!

Sun Junyue tapped lightly, and the video unfolded quickly!

Deflagration, strike!
PS: I am not a yellow snake, I am a pure shrimp!

There is also the link of asking for tickets as always, just give me a ticket, it’s too pitiful for any shrimp, the best is a monthly ticket, in fact, a recommended ticket is also fine.

Random Shrimp kowtows here, dong dong dong, kowtow to the reader master!
 Recommend a peerless book "Life in Another World Starting from MC"

  Our slogan is, with mods, there are infinite possibilities!

(End of this chapter)

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