LOL chief designer

Chapter 118 Joining the Alliance Without Regrets in This Life, Becoming a Summoner in the Next Life

Chapter 118 Joining the Alliance Without Regrets in This Life, Becoming a Summoner in the Next Life (Tickets Required)

coming! coming!
How many people are looking forward to it, waiting for this moment to come.

Many anchors who worked overtime during the New Year's Eve clicked on this video one after another as if they had agreed.

And the popularity abroad has not diminished in the slightest!
This time, Tencent did not forget the alliance players from foreign servers.

As long as you are a summoner, no matter you are white, black or yellow,
League of legends,

All are treated equally!
Okay, enough nonsense, let's go to the BGM! ! !

Accompanied by the familiar light melody,
Some attentive viewers may have heard it,
Part of the BGM at the beginning is a mixed cut of "Legends never die".

The beginning of the song Legend Never Extinguishes has a very good catalytic effect on the progress of the atmosphere.

Of course, it is not exactly the same as the original sound. During the audio production, in order to highlight the tall and stalwart image of the first hero, the opening sound is very brisk and aggressive, like dancing on the tip of a knife, captivating!
The moment the music broke out, the dark screen lit up!
In the dark and dusty underground ruins, a ray of sky light penetrated into this dark underground, as if opening up the world.

The golden dust, wrapped in that stalwart figure, slowly floated up!

Shurima, your emperor has returned!
Meet your new emperor!
It is the dawn of Shurima!
Proof of the glory of Shurima! ! !
A beam of light shot out from Azir's stalwart body, lighting up the entire screen!

At this time, the music also suddenly started,

How many alliance players' blood,

Boiling at this moment!
Tears welled up in his eyes, who would have thought that the first hero to appear would be him!

Thousands of years have not shattered the glory of Shurima,

He awoke from the ground,

brought back Shurima,

Bringing back the will of Shurima!
"Life is a part of reincarnation, and this part of you is over!"

"Now, I will take everything you know!"

After the small climax at the beginning, it is Nasus' home field.

Thousands of troops and horses, yellow sand all over the sky,
The journey of Shurima never stops!
But as long as there is that dog-headed figure that is not angry and majestic, Shurima's army is invincible!
"It's been so long in the box, Xerath!"

The crocodile's cold tone was accompanied by a hint of sarcasm.

"This is our time, crocodile!"

In the darkness, a faint blue figure stood up.

Accompanied by the faint light, even the burly and ferocious crocodile was revealed.

"They shouldn't have let us out!"

The crocodile climbed up from the icy stone slab, and a bone-chilling star flashed on the cold giant blade in its hand.

"Let them suffer!" Xerath screamed wantonly.

"Return to hell..."

"It's now!"

"This is where Delevingne is full of charm!"

"Massacre cannot be spared, even you, my brother!"

"Savage march, my favourite!"

"Go ahead!"

"The momentum of this sword, the more it cuts, the stronger it is!"

"Move out while it's dark!"

"The wind will howl, and the rock will shatter!"

"The sooner we get rid of them, the sooner we can escape this abandoned wasteland!"

"Consolidating the shell!"

"Move with your heart, walk with your blade!"

"The power of Lokfar is approaching!"

"There is no cure for fools."


Galio, Quinn, Draven, Darius, Katarina, Riven, Yasuo, Wayne, Phoenix, Swain, Skarner, Barbarian, Olaf...

More and more heroes appear, every picture is so vivid, every line is so shocking.

As the heroes passed by one by one, everyone's heart was touched differently.

Some people like Draven, and they shudder when they hear Draven's voice.

Some people love Darius and make their blood boil when they hear Darius' voice.

I love Yasuo's...

I like Riven's...

I love Wayne...

Everyone has their own feelings, and everyone is filled with their own memories of 2020.

Those years when I was on the scoreboard with my friends,
Those bad memories,

Those pentakill highlight moments,

Those bits and pieces, a little vague, but memories that will suddenly come to mind at a certain moment!
At this moment, all alliance players are proud of their one-year campaign.

No matter the bronze emperor, what about the king god?

Happy time exists in every rank game, and not only high-end games can enjoy happiness!

Even Sun Junyue at this time felt a lot of emotions.

Why did he first pay attention to the changes in the League of Legends when he crossed over?
That's because he's used to playing League of Legends a few times a day.

Why did he engage in the industry of designers?

Is it just because the system is related to League of Legends?
No, it was just a fuse.

What really made Sun Junyue's first thought was to be a League of Legends designer was the impulse of passion at that moment and his unparalleled love for League of Legends.

He doesn't allow a disabled League of Legends to appear.

There are only forty heroes in total, this is a kind of torture!
After a series of hero appearances ended, the sound of the background music suddenly calmed down.

"Ruyi Ruyi, follow my heart, and quickly manifest!"

"Oh~ I seem to have chanted some weird spells just now!" Snake Girl swayed from the distance on the screen.

"Prove your worth, Summoner!"

"Be patient, Summoner!"

"Obey, Summoner!"

"Don't test your luck, Summoner!"

"Let me show you real magic, Summoner!"

"Summoner, I thought you would never choose me..."


Suddenly, the soothing background music suddenly picked up speed.

"My soldiers, advance!"

"The deal is done!"

"My fighting spirit has not been lost!"

"Noxus is about to rise!"

"Sacrifice me, Great Noxus, with the blood of the enemy!"

"Kill a bloody way!"

"Welcome to Noxus!"

"Feel the power of extreme ice!"

"I never stop!"

"The world will freeze under my wings!"

"I can turn a hundred and eight thousand miles with one somersault!"

"Face the wind!!!"

One second, two seconds, three seconds!
The climax gradually came to an end, and the last dubbing sounded slowly.

"Looking back on the past, going one step further!"

"Goodbye 2020, we will work harder in 2021!"

"I have no regrets about joining the alliance in this life, and I will be a summoner in the next life!"



There was a sound of the door closing and opening.

Video, finally!

breathe, breathe...

Sun Junyue's thinking froze for a while, and then he put down the phone.

Blinking his eyes, he regained his senses.

After putting the phone away, Sun Junyue jumped into bed.

"Oops, disgusting!"

Sun Junyue fell asleep comfortably, but how many people do not sleep?
Forums, QQ groups, WeChat groups, and video comment areas all exploded!
Weibo hot search directly rushed to the first place!

This New Year's Eve, nothing like those New Year's Eve parties, this New Year's Eve night,

It belongs to League of Legends!

It belongs to all League of Legends players!
Bravely, sing!
Battle Canyon!
(End of this chapter)

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