From the age of 20, began to change the life

Chapter 1 25 years old, you need to "know" human fireworks

Chapter 1 25 years old, you need to "know" human fireworks

There is a golden section point in a woman's life, and this section point is 25 years old.The way of thinking and attitude towards people in this age group often determine a woman's life, so women should learn to change themselves from now on, so that they can transform themselves from an "old" girl to a "little" woman, so that they can become a woman who understands A fighter who creates happiness for himself.

Almost all women have the same dream, that is, to have a good marriage, a happy family, and a high-level job... But all of them will not fall from the sky, which requires you to be a realistic woman from now on, so that you can contribute to the future. Only by winning happiness and joy for yourself can you make your life more exciting in the future.

This is how happy women are born

1. Be a woman who knows how to hold on to her feelings
Every woman will continue the same dream, that is, the beautiful longing and longing for love and marriage, which is almost the "career" that every woman pursues in her life.

Usually a happy woman must first learn to be a smart woman.That is to first learn to occupy a man's heart in your own unique way, learn to infect the man you really like with tenderness and consideration, believe and understand him, and at the same time give him enough time and space, you have to let him know that you She is the best woman for him!
Dongxia is the kind of woman who puts love first. In her eyes, her boyfriend is the whole of her life. It seems that the whole meaning and motivation of her life is for her boyfriend—Qinghui.In order to defend her love, Dongxia took Qinghui very seriously, and often suspected that her boyfriend was cheating on her, so she became very sensitive and often did some irrational things, such as peeking at her boyfriend's mobile phone text messages, browsing his folders and pockets.

Originally, he wanted to hold her boyfriend in his hands, but he didn't know that this kind of behavior made him feel very tired. Qinghui felt that this kind of love was similar to surveillance, which often made him feel disgusted. Although Qinghui liked Dongxia very much, he really couldn't accept it. The way she loves people.In the end, he chose to end the relationship in a cold way.

Every woman continues a dream all her life, but a smart woman who understands the true meaning of happiness usually "holds" the man around her with her unique charm.

2. Be an independent and confident woman
Work is an indispensable "talisman" for women. It not only brings women a sense of security, but also increases their happiness and self-confidence. Happy women usually have their own jobs.Never fantasize about relying on a man to maintain one's life. This is the most unwise idea. It is usually difficult for such a woman to obtain real happiness.

Aileen originally had a decent job, but because her husband was busy with work and had no time to take care of the family, and her mother-in-law was in poor health, she had no choice but to give up her job and concentrate on being a housewife.But the trivial matters of the family gradually made her short-sighted, worldly, and narrow-minded.Since she gave up her job, Ailing has changed completely. She used to be very assertive in everything she did, and now she wants to discuss everything with her husband, which will naturally lower her image in his heart.Slowly, my husband found it difficult for them to communicate and communicate, and the distance between them was increasing day by day.

You know, trying to cling to a man is the most failed strategy.Self-confidence is the foundation of a woman's happiness, and such a woman deserves to be respected forever by a man.Confident women not only have a positive and optimistic attitude towards life, but also go all out in their careers, keep learning in their careers, enrich their knowledge, and they are willing to accept some new things.Such a woman not only has the confidence to succeed, but also attracts the men around her.

3. Be a "tolerant and magnanimous" woman
A woman's happiness is sometimes reflected in her tolerance to men, which is difficult to achieve.

One day, Chunxia's husband brought some friends back home for dinner. Chunxia happened to have a cold that day, and she didn't plan to cook after get off work. After dinner, after my friend left, my husband said, "You don't seem to be feeling well today." She smiled and said, "It's good that you know."

This is a small matter in daily life, but Chunxia's words and deeds can reveal her tolerance, open-mindedness and wisdom.When you encounter similar things in your life, you must calmly control your emotions, try to tolerate everything with a tolerant heart, and be a magnanimous woman, so that you can win the heart of your husband or boyfriend.

4. Be a woman with a confidant

A happy woman should not only have a successful career, love her boyfriend or husband, but also have a few real bosom friends, so that when you encounter misfortune in your family or work, you will find someone to talk to and be able to Relieve your stress, they are your great spiritual wealth.

Yang Mei is a designer of a clothing company, and the company asked her to design an autumn entry for a clothing competition. After three days of designing, she still got nothing. The company leaders kept urging her, but she just had no inspiration.It just so happened that her college confidant called to inquire about her recent situation and agreed to have a meal together. She told her classmates about her current situation... her friend comforted her and told her that she had encountered such a situation before, as long as she calmed down In the mood, stick to it... After eating, she found that her mood was much better, and she finished her work the next day.

When you have a confidant, it means that someone will share your worries for you, so that your pain will be reduced by half, and your chances of happiness will be increased by half.What is happiness?No one has given it a clear definition, but for women who really know how to create happiness for themselves, happiness contains too much gold.

The above is what you should really do for yourself. It can make you smarter, more beautiful, and more attractive. Happiness is not captured, but managed by yourself. If you want to have real happiness, then Learn to store happiness for yourself!Then you will open a door for happiness and open a way for happiness.

25 years old, a turning point in a woman's life

A Small Idea That Can See How Women Get on the Transformation Train
Some people say that 25 years old is a turning point in a woman's life, so before you know it, you will find that women in this age group will have a 360° turn in life and thinking. In these 25 years, everything a woman has experienced Big and small things seem to be like bricks and tiles in a tall building. After accumulating for a long time, they suddenly rise from the ground.However, there are also some women who, after reaching this age, still do not change their true colors, and still look like young girls who have just walked out of school. It is difficult for such women to catch the train of happiness.So when every woman reaches this age, she should change her life like the rain catches the cloud and the grass holds the earth. As a 25-year-old woman, have you thought about it:

How long can I be young?

When will you get married?
What will your future look like?

What kind of husband are you looking for?

When do you have a baby?

For a woman before the age of 25, falling in love is like playing poker, with a non-serious attitude; life is like drinking a drink, and you can drink whatever flavor you like; temper is like a bomb; thoughts are like shooting stars. Women before the age of 25 don't care about anything, because people will find a lot of excuses for these behaviors, when their thoughts are unrealistic, some people will say it is naive, when they do a stupid thing, Some people will say it's because they are young, but when they are past this age and still doing similar things, even if people don't say anything, they will have strange thoughts about them in their hearts.

So after the age of 25, you must know how to understand the fireworks in the world. Love should be like flying a kite, pulling the string in your hand, running forward desperately, even if the rope is broken, you must try to connect it; life should be like drinking Boiled water, whether you like it or not, you should drink it with gusto; losing your temper should be like shooting, and when you shoot every bullet, you must carefully aim and don't lose every bullet easily; thoughts should be like a cup of strong water. Tea makes people taste more and more tasteful.Only such a woman will catch the train of transformation and hold the golden key of happiness tightly.

A small detail can show how a woman moves forward on the road of life
The age of 25 is an important turning point in a woman's life. At this age, most women should think about their future life, such as getting married, working, buying a house, and having children. They must learn to plan for their future life, because these Things that seemed far away in the past will be put on the agenda in an instant.So when a woman reaches the age of 25, she should learn to arrange many details:
When you're out and about, check out what you need.

When working on a program, keep two backups for yourself.

Before going to bed, check the timing of your alarm clock.

When on the phone, try to hold the phone with your left hand.

When shopping with your boyfriend or husband, don't just make them your laborers.

When your boyfriend or husband is sick, serve him a bowl of steaming rice porridge.

When encountering unhappy things, calm down and think carefully about those happy times.

These details are a way for a 25-year-old woman to store her happiness, and it is also a compulsory course for a woman to walk out of a colorful life.In fact, the way for women to store happiness is very simple. To be a beautiful woman, know how to manage money, know how to grasp a man's heart, know how to enjoy life, etc. This is the right direction for a woman to pursue happiness. This turning point is not only in appearance Physically and materially, but also spiritually and ideologically.

From "old" girl to "little" woman

Going from an "old" girl to a "little" woman is a big shift in thinking
When you still thought you were a little girl, but from a certain day, a child who suddenly bumped into you on the road called "Auntie", how would you feel at this time, and would this "Auntie" make you wake up? ?Do you suddenly feel that you have grown up a lot?Do you tell yourself: I have bid farewell to the era of "sister"?Even if you don't want to accept this fact, you have to obey like a soldier obeying an order.

In fact, this is a transitional process. During this process, women will learn a lot and understand a lot.In this process, a woman gradually sprouts and grows like a sapling, and this is a turning point in a woman's growth. From this age, a woman has to complete the entire process of transitioning from an "old" girl to a "little" woman , and in the process of this transition, most women will experience a big change in their thinking:

"Old" girls before the age of 25 often:
"Little" women after the age of 25 often:
I feel that "if you have wine today, you will be drunk today, and you will worry about tomorrow and worry about tomorrow".

I feel that "if there is love in the sky, the sky will also be old, and the right way in the world is vicissitudes of life."

I think that others praise me for my natural beauty, shyness and cuteness, so I don’t need to be a beautiful and intelligent woman.

I think that I don't have beautiful skin and beautiful skin, but I have a good manner and understanding.

For everything, he has the mentality of "everyone sweeps the snow before his own door, and don't care about others' troubles".

For everything, it is "not afraid of floating clouds to cover your eyes, just because you are at the highest level".

Treat work with three-point enthusiasm and seven-point flow.

Treat work with due diligence and never ambiguity.

To deal with life is to live with the situation and not seek to make progress.

To treat life is "to be able to see a thousand miles, to reach a higher level".

Treat love like eating fruit, you can eat whatever you want.

Treating love is like eating rice, never tire of it.

These ideological changes happen unconsciously to every 25-year-old woman. If a woman at this age is still like an underage girl, fantasizing about unrealistic things, relying on her own cherries every day Sukou and Yangliu have a pretty waist, and show a domineering attitude towards everything. If leisure life consists of clubbing, disco, games, and shopping, then you will always be an "old" girl.The appellation of girls is of course popular and loved by everyone, but if you add the word "old" in front, it will be just the opposite, because it means that there is a big gap between her biological age and mental age, which means The distance makes them no longer cute, and they are no longer understood and accepted. The innocence in the past made them lose the correct direction to reach the other shore, and the innocence in the past made them lose the helmsman for sailing. Wake up from your vain fantasies!Otherwise your future will be a nightmare.

99.9% of games greater than 0.1%

After the age of 0.1, a girl's innocence is equivalent to dreaming. If she is always silent in the beautiful dream, it is equivalent to playing a game of gambling with her own future. The only bargaining chip in the gambling is her own happiness, and this gambling The chance of winning is only [-]%. When she suddenly wakes up from the dream one day, she will suddenly realize that she is no longer living in a fairy tale, but in the real society, and the world she lives in is full of An adult game that is true and false, false and true.

For the "little" women in the 25-year-old age group, they will predict their lives in advance, so that their mentality will also change accordingly. False, and these derogatory terms appear so important and beautiful on the fiercely competitive social stage.

In my twenties, I should know what to do and what to think about. If something is feasible to think about, then I will "think" to the end, but if I know that thinking about it is futile, I must learn to fight. Take care of your mind and turn your attention to another matter.In this way, when playing this game of gambling, your odds of winning are 99.9%.

This is like a multiple-choice question. When 0.1% and 99.9% are presented in front of you and let you choose, will you choose the former or the latter? I believe that any woman will choose the latter without hesitation, but why are there so many people naive? Which girl chose the former?That's because most girls are thinking:
The biggest secret to getting old is to grow old. In order to catch the tail of youth, I have to maintain a childlike innocence.

It is better for a woman to marry well than to do a good job. As long as I find a prince charming or a diamond king while I am young, everything will be "OK".

A good person is worse than a good life. Everyone says that I have a good life. Everything has its own destiny, so don't worry.

I'm still young, as long as I earn enough to spend, I don't have to worry too much about it.

It is rare to like it a few times in life, as long as it is something you like, even if you give everything you have, you will not give up easily.

After finally becoming a woman, the most important thing is to eat when you want, play when you want, and have fun when you want.

These are the thoughts that "old" girls in the 25-year-old group often have, and it is these thoughts that make them regret their naivety and naivety when they are old. Sometimes the difference between an "old" girl and a "little" woman is just a thought or a step away, but if you accumulate this "one thought" and "one step" in 365 days a year, you will find that it is heaven and heaven. The difference between hell.So those women who are still in naive fantasy, only when you see the world clearly, plainly, and truly, can you win in this 99.9% and 0.1% gambling game.From now on, be a wise woman

"Planning" is the way of life for smart women

In order to study the percentage of intelligence in women's IQ, a psychologist conducted a test on women of different classes and regions. The test was in the form of multiple choice questions:
A. When you see the yogurt you like and the pure milk you don't like, which one will you choose?

B. When you are eating fish, if there is a small fish that can even eat the bones, do you have to remove the bones before eating?
C. When you are a guest at someone's house, if you think the food is a bit salty, will you say it immediately?

D. When your colleagues or classmates tell you that the clothes you are wearing today are not beautiful, how will you react?
When this multiple-choice question was completed by many women, psychologists found that women with different personality types and different social status gave different answers, and the proportion of the intelligence factor in the IQ of those white-collar women was far greater than that of other women. female.This raises a question for everyone, what kind of woman is a smart woman?Experts say that smart women are those whose "mental age > actual age", such women can make plans for their future when they are very young, and gradually improve this plan as time changes , and finally implemented.

Smart women will have a planned account book in their hearts. They will often stick to their principles on big things and be flexible on small things.They can also control their emotions well in the plan, know how to relieve stress in different ways, and know how to enjoy life quietly.When you are bored, make yourself a cup of hot coffee, close your eyes and listen to piano music for a while, so that your whole body and mind will be in a relatively relaxed state.

"Facing love calmly" is the source of a smart woman's happy marriage
Smart women treat love very rationally. When they meet a man they like, they will choose to observe calmly for a period of time before deciding whether this man is suitable for them.They know how to manage their marriages, and they know how to leave space for their partners and themselves, because sometimes the "effect of space" = "beautiful reservation".The way a smart woman manages her marriage often has five important parts:

step1: No matter how busy I am, I will wake up and make breakfast for my husband, and choose the clothes for my husband to wear to work the next day.

Step2: When encountering a question of principle, I will not just say "YES" blindly, but will often say "NO" to my husband subtly.

Step3: I will cultivate common interests between myself and my husband in life.

Step4: I am very good at "observing my husband's words and observing my husband's color". When my husband finds that he is unhappy after get off work, he will often gently hand him a cup of hot tea.

Step5: Know how to decorate yourself so that you have a lasting charm.

"Economic independence" is the foundation of survival for smart women
Smart women often choose to be independent economically, because an independent economic life can enable them to win respect in life and find their own value.The foundation of the economy is financial management, so independent women are often masters of financial management. They are very good at making money, and know how to spend and save money. "Love" spending money but "dislike" spending money is the most contradictory thing for every woman, but for smart women, they can build a bridge between the two very well, and this bridge is smart women way of financial management.

The concept of smart women's consumption should be based on "Ineedit" instead of the consistent "Iwantit". Smart women will not easily sell unless necessary.

Smart women often prepare an account book for themselves, and every expense will be recorded on it, and they never change this habit easily.

When a smart woman sees something that can be bought or not when shopping, the consistent principle is "don't buy it".

Smart women never borrow money from others easily, let alone lend money to others easily, even if they spend money, they will earn back.

A smart woman will save part of her monthly salary from the first day she goes to work for emergency use.

A smart woman will always know how to use a small cost of investment to get a big harvest.

This is the excellence of a smart woman in life. Wisdom is like spring rain in a woman's life, and it can always "moisten things silently". When working, I can always keep my enthusiasm in the realm of "I am born to be useful", and will not be easily defeated by difficulties in work.In front of a smart woman, everything looks so calm and easy, this is the secret of a smart woman's life.Say goodbye to these "unrealistic" dreams

Let "dream" a way out

Dreaming is a woman’s nature. Women’s love for dreams is as natural as children’s love to play with toys and men’s love for fancy cars. Therefore, most women are often influenced by their families, and their eyes are blocked by the scenery in front of them, and they lose the ability to look forward to more beautiful scenery. Chance.Women love to dream because they like the feeling of dreaming. Dreaming allows them to touch things that do not exist in real life, and allows them to experience the illusory and ethereal beauty. The dreams women love most are:
I will marry a handsome and rich Prince Charming.

I am the sun, and everyone around me is the earth, and they all have to revolve around me.

After getting married, the husband is still as obedient to himself as when he was in love.

After working, you don't have to be restricted by teachers like you go to school.

When you go shopping, you can buy all the clothes you like when you see them.

My beautiful face and moon appearance can be like Zhao Yazhi's, "green" and not old.

Why do women often linger in the paradise of their dreams?Why do women often stand still on the small road of life?Why do the opportunities that are clearly in front of women disappear overnight?This is reality at play.Women should learn to face reality and use it as flexibly as eating, dressing, brushing teeth, and washing face.

Learning to say goodbye to fantasy will make your success come faster; learning to say "byebye" to unrealistic goals will make your life more satisfactory.

Dreams are beautiful, but if you build your dreams in a castle in the air, then it is better to have nothing, because in real life there is no ladder leading to the castle in the air.Letting the "dream" a way of life is to put your dream into reality to realize it. It is to build a colorful bridge between the dream in your heart and the road under your feet. This is to say goodbye to unrealistic dreams. Let the "dream" "The true meaning of a way of life!"

The secret of "1+1≠2"
There is a professor who likes to ask some interesting questions. One day he asked the students in class "What is 1+1?"The students laughed up and down when they heard this question, and then blurted out "equal to 2". The professor shook his head and said, "Under certain circumstances, it's not equal to 2". Do you know the circumstances?" Silent, because no one can answer this interesting question.The professor continued: "In chemistry, the volume of 1 liter of water plus 1 liter of alcohol is not 2 liters, because they will dissolve without reacting.

In fact, everyone's life is like an interesting question given by a professor. When the question can be calculated by people's inertial thinking, people can know the answer, so they think it is feasible; When it is time, it is considered that it has no feasible operability, which is the secret of the professor's "1+1≠2".

Many things in life are operable, so in the face of unknown things, you should have the courage to treat your life realistically, think boldly, and act boldly.But when some things are unrealistic, stop thinking about the fruits in the kingdom of heaven. That is unrealistic. To learn to be a realistic woman is to learn:
Say goodbye to the fantasy under the window and give up the green love.

Create opportunities for self-improvement and open up your own world.

Control your own destiny, don't let others control your own destiny.

Maintain appropriate enthusiasm for friends, give necessary care to family members, and truly love yourself.

Have your own "gold passbook" and manage your own "safe".

Make friends with people who will help you in your life and career.

A realistic woman can often handle things in her life very well, and she can handle the communication with relatives and friends very well. In those complicated things, she will make herself better and not fall into the cliché. Realistic women in this age group of 25 can see the seriousness of things at work, and never forget the profound connotation of "impulse is the window to the devil, recklessness is the gate to hell" when dealing with leaders, so such women can In the stormy wind and waves, he was able to crawl and roll with ease.Some people say that they are too realistic, and the reality is terrifying, but it is these realities that make them extraordinary. The secret of "1+1≠2" is so important in front of reality, so every woman must Only by learning to treat everything around you realistically can you win a bright future for yourself.

Get out of "Korean drama"
"Korean wave" disease
In recent years, the influence of "Korean wave" has been very strong. From "Korean food", "Hanbok", "Hanhua" to Korean cosmetics and Taekwondo, it has blown into China unknowingly like the cold wind of "Siberia" In China, the most affected by this "Korean wave" is the influence of "Korean drama" on women, so some people call this phenomenon "Korean wave disease". The most typical cases of "Korean wave disease" are as follows:
May [-]st is coming, colleagues in a company are discussing travel, suddenly a male colleague asked: "Where do you dream of going on vacation now?" Almost all female colleagues who love watching Korean dramas said: "If you have money, you must go to Korea Take a look." "Why?" the male colleague asked a little puzzled.Female colleagues said half-jokingly and half-seriously, "Korea produces handsome men, and they value friendship." Some female colleagues said, "Korean cosmetics are good, and clothing is fashionable", and some female colleagues said, "Korean houses are beautiful"...

In fact, the most important point is the touching storylines in Korean dramas, which often highlight the "joy" and "union" in the joys and sorrows. Even if there are "sadness" and "separation", they still carry the seeds of passion.Many things in Korean dramas are untouchable in real life, so many women only see the beautiful side of it, and have fantasies about it, thinking that the stories in Korean dramas can happen to themselves.So they are like "TV people", trapped in the plot of film and television all day long and unable to extricate themselves.Korean dramas make many girls like to indulge in unrealistic fantasies, which can make them escape from reality.

Korean dramas have deeply affected the spiritual world of girls. They are used to escaping the joys and sorrows of the real world and looking for spiritual comfort in Korean dramas. Korean dramas use this bubble-like illusory taste to hang thousands of people. A girl's spiritual appetite.There are also many women who choose this special way to relieve their inner depression and escape the suffering of life in order to get rid of the helplessness in life.Maybe a certain plot in a Korean drama is very similar to my own life, so I miss that storyline even more.But women who are intoxicated in the world of Korean dramas forget that Korean dramas are an art. It comes from life but is higher than life. This high distance can never be found in life.

The Cause of "Korean Drama Toxic Syndrome"
I don't know when the Chinese people have been infected with a disease unknowingly. The name of this disease is "Korean Drama Toxicity", and the incidence of this disease is very high, and the patients are often For women, this disease is defined by Chinese experts as a chronic infectious disease. It affects a very wide range, from young girls to middle-aged women. There are signs of the disease. The speed of this "disease" is also very fast, and within a few years Spread throughout China, the common causes of this "disease" in women are:
The male protagonists in Korean dramas are handsome, which makes girls feel pleasing to the eye, and fantasizes that they can have such a husband.

The storylines in K-dramas are so touching that girls can be gullible by daydreaming about the world around them.

There are the most "Cinderella" stories in Korean dramas, making girls feel that they can be the second Cinderella.

The houses, cars, and companies of the protagonists in Korean dramas are all very luxurious, making girls long to own them in real life.

These are the most obvious causes of "toxicity" in Korean dramas. The world of Korean dramas is fictional, and everything in the fictional world is fabricated, and the possibility of these things being realized in real life is very small.When the fantasy in the girl's mind is so perfect that it is presented in Korean dramas, she can see her own shadow in every plot where the hero saves the beauty, so the girl is more willing to believe in her own inspiration than in reality. Keep your feet on the ground in life.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Korean Drama "Toxic Syndrome"
The influence of "Korean drama poisoning" is extensive. It is like a spiritual cage that locks the hearts of many women. They escape from the real world and immerse themselves in illusory fantasies. Slipping away silently, but don't know how to face the real life.The best secret recipe for diagnosis and treatment of Korean drama "poisoning syndrome" is:

After watching Korean dramas, make yourself a cup of hot milk tea, calm down your emotions, and then fall asleep quietly.

Always tell yourself: real life is always very different from life in Korean dramas.

Although I will cry a lot when watching Korean dramas, after venting my negative emotions, I have to review tomorrow's work content and distinguish my spiritual world from the material world well.

Use rational thinking to overcome emotional impulses, and understand that Korean dramas can only be watched, but not imitated.

Indeed, the world we live in is like Korean dramas, with a big and wide stage, where people play different roles every day, and each protagonist has different dreams, but this dream is not the other dream.The same is true for girls, dreaming is necessary, because sometimes dreams and reality do not contradict each other, and a bridge is built between them.This bridge needs to be built by girls in their twenties. When you step towards your dream step by step, one day you will reach the other side of your dream, but if you want to fly from one end of the bridge to the other, then Such a dream is tantamount to a fantasy, which can never be achieved.

Prepare to be a "good girl"

The power of "passbook"
I believe that there is no woman in the world who is unwilling to be a woman with a good life, because a good life means that the woman has a happy family, a happy marriage, obedient children, and a successful husband. It also means that the woman has a beautiful face, Graceful figure, successful career, good interpersonal relationship and smart mind...all of these are the endorsement of a lucky woman. When a woman is called lucky, it means that she has all the advantages, happiness, Happy all in one.And if a woman wants to be a good woman, she needs to do what she should do at different ages, and know how to save wealth for herself at this age:

passbook of money

If you want to be a good-luck woman that everyone envies, you must know how to prepare a "money passbook" for yourself when you are young. Although money is not everything, it is absolutely impossible without money, especially for women. Financial independence , can allow you to win self-esteem in front of your family and colleagues, and your husband will also respect you.

beautiful passbook

Why do people often like to compare women to flowers?That's because she's pretty.If you want to be a lucky girl, you must learn to prepare a passbook for your own beauty. Just imagine which man in the world does not want his significant other to be young and beautiful.Therefore, on the basis of having a passbook, you can save for your own beauty. Make-up, massage, beauty treatment, and fitness can all greatly increase a woman's inner self-cultivation and outer beauty.

passbook of knowledge

It is very sad if a woman has a beautiful appearance but no rich reserves of knowledge, because the external things will gradually be lost with the passage of time, but knowledge can become more and more fragrant in a woman's heart.

Gentle Passbook

It is said that women are made of water, and the texture of water is soft and strong, so you should learn to store tenderness for yourself. "Overcoming rigidity with softness" is a woman's best description of the power of gentleness. Gentleness can help you win the respect and trust of your partner, and it can also solve various problems.

Careful passbook

Carefulness can make a woman do a better job and become a good employee of the company. Carefulness can also make a woman a good mother of her children and a good wife of her husband. Only such women will gain more respect, care and consideration.

Therefore, if you want to be a good girl, you should arm yourself in all aspects, save an immortal wealth for your life, work, and family, and save different types of passbooks for your life from now on!Then you will be a good luck girl in the near future.

worldliness is honesty with life

is she "worldly"
Yanni and Wang Wei fell in love in college, Wang Wei was two years older than Yanni, and they fell in love for three years.Wang Wei likes novels and literary creation. His dream is to be a writer.When Yan Ni was in junior year, Wang Wei graduated. After graduation, Wang Wei did not work immediately, but rented a cheap one-story house, and carried out his literary creation every day. Sometimes he couldn’t even solve his own food and clothing problems. .Yan Ni said to Wang Wei: "Be realistic, you should find a job! You can take literature as a hobby." After hearing this, Wang Wei was very angry, thinking that Yan Ni was insulting his dream.

This kind of life lasted for half a year. After half a year, Yanni proposed to Wang Wei to break up. Wang Wei asked Yanni why he didn't understand. One line is: "Maybe you will say that I am worldly, but I am honest with life, and I can only choose to be a worldly woman in the face of life."

When facing life, how many people can say that Yan Ni did something wrong?Perhaps from the emotional point of view, Yanni's choice is a bit ruthless, and from the perspective of life, Yanni's approach is somewhat secular, but if from the perspective of women's happiness, Yanni's choice is not at fault. Sow new seeds for their future happiness, often only such a woman can grasp their own happiness.This is like planting seedlings. If the farmers still plant the seeds on the ground knowing that the seeds of the seedlings will not germinate, then the farmers will get nothing in autumn, and it will be too late for the farmers to regret it at that time.

People should learn to think about their own interests. Smart people are often secular. Secular here is not derogatory, but you also need to choose the right time. So under what circumstances should a woman be secular?
In terms of money, you must learn to be secular, spend what you should spend, and spend nothing that should not be spent.

In interpersonal relationships, women have to learn to say different things on different occasions.

In life, we need to use different methods and say different words when dealing with relatives, friends and colleagues.

Women should learn to say different things on different occasions and do different things in different situations, so as to make their careers more successful, their lives more satisfying, and their interpersonal relationships more harmonious.Living in the real world, secularism is actually an honesty of life.

Secularity is not the so-called scheming, fighting tricks, or wearing flowered clothes and red shoes to win heads on the street.Secularity is an attitude towards life, and this attitude towards life is often associated with words such as positive and upward. Only with such a mentality can one's boat sail farther and faster in the ocean of real life.

"proper honesty" = "worldly"

Women should be honest, because honesty will make life better, and what women should learn is proper honesty, because its efficacy is equal to the world.Honesty represents kindness and intelligence, but honesty is not required under all circumstances.Being able to distinguish the right occasion is not only a sign of a woman's intelligence, but also a weight to obtain happiness. It can demonstrate a woman's charm and principles of life, but in what occasion should a woman be honest?
When you realize that's the job, man, or interest you want, confess it to yourself and make a plan that works.

When you feel tired from work, give yourself a day off.

When you encounter difficult things, you might as well speak up and discuss with your friends.

Be honest with yourself, don't try desperately to lose weight for the sake of beauty, as long as you think you can.

Being honest about life can help you find your place in the competitive real world, but it doesn't mean you should be cynical. Only those women who are out of tune with life are the real "worldly" people.

(End of this chapter)

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