From the age of 20, began to change the life

Chapter 4 For happiness, start investing!

Chapter 4 For happiness, start investing!

Wanting to be happy is a positive idea, how can women be happy?As the saying goes: "If you don't pay, you don't gain." If a woman wants to be truly happy, she must learn to invest in herself and learn to obtain the capital of happiness from investment.

Fixed deposits, insurance, funds and other investment methods in life can allow you to obtain monetary benefits; constantly accumulating knowledge can equip you to arm your mind; daily fitness and beauty can enable you to obtain a beautiful appearance.These are the investments a woman needs to make in herself in her twenties.You can't decide your birth, but you can change your destiny
Believe in fate
A woman who is usually defined as a good life will have a solid family background, a rich husband, and a beautiful appearance, but these will not be the reason why she is better than you. Imagine if she lives on her ancestral property and her husband, and You change the situation through your own efforts, and you are the happiest person there.

Saiyan was born in an ordinary family. She married a man of high society, but she did not give up her career because of this.But she has always been so strong that she always feels that she is not as good as her husband's sister, and even feels small in front of her sister.My sister has already obtained a doctorate degree overseas, she seems to be a natural nobleman, Saiyan can't compare with her in every aspect.If she hadn't met her husband, Sai Ya would never have known such a person in her life. She always seemed inferior in front of her sister, but Sai Ya changed her mind through hard work.After getting married, her elder sister transformed from a proud princess into a white-collar office worker, leading an ordinary life. On the contrary, Saiyan became the company's best management successor through his own efforts.

Some women often complain that their fate is not as good as others, and turn to online divination, horoscope and other seemingly irrelevant predictions. special meaning.Analysis of the reasons why women like fortune-telling is nothing more than the following:

Poor decision making.

Believe in God more than believe in yourself.

Willing to hear other people's opinions.

In fact, fate does not matter good or bad, and it cannot be calculated by others.You must know that life cannot be calm forever, and you should not like to ask God and others whenever something happens. This is unnecessary.

If you still believe in the so-called "fate", then you undoubtedly admit that you are a weak person in life.The strong believe in themselves, and the weak believe in their fate.If a woman wants to have a bright future, she must rely on her down-to-earth struggle. Instead of believing in those unrealistic guesses, it is better to believe in her own strength.

Change yourself while changing your destiny

What do women rely on to change their destiny?Men, looks, jobs?In fact, these are not the answers. The answer is your own mentality. You must have the spirit to change your destiny. Rather than saying "character changes destiny", it is better to say "mentality affects destiny". A good character does not necessarily have a good fate. The mentality is different. A good mentality will make people face life positively. If such a person has a glimmer of hope, he will make [-]% effort.

As a woman, you must know where your strengths and weaknesses are, and learn from each other's strengths, so that you can know what you are doing and have a good chance of winning.

The appearance cannot be changed, but the inner temperament can be cultivated. If you have a beautiful appearance but no deep connotation, it is no different from a vase displayed in the window.Take some time to improve your temperament, and believe that success is in your hands.

The way of thinking is also very important. If you often think that you are inferior to others, and always comfort yourself with this fate, it is of course wrong.Changing the way of thinking will broaden your horizons. If you think you have no temperament, you can read more books and practice yoga; all of these.

Action first!Instead of sitting back and enjoying the benefits, it is better to fight everything with your own hands. Women are not lacking in wisdom, but mostly complain, and often only dream without taking action.In fact, if you don't take risks, the biggest risk is to obey orders.

You can’t choose your birth, but you have the right and ability to choose the life you want to live. People who make choices bravely will always maintain a positive heart. Even if you can’t get rid of the arrangement of fate, you can Live better and better through your own efforts.You have to live to be old, not to be old

strength passbook
Women at any stage must create their own "strength passbook".Women often play different roles in the family. The status of daughter, mother, and wife cannot be ignored. Many women do almost all the housework at home, from firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea to laundry, cooking, and financial management. They are all happy to do it.Women of such caliber usually pay a considerable price for it—all their youth!Think about it, is such a life too tedious?So you need to leave yourself a little spare time and plan for yourself.

Money passbooks usually examine your money reserves, while strength passbooks usually examine how much you are worth.The answer is nothing more than two, one is the evaluation you give yourself, and the other is the value others think of you.For women, your own recognition should be higher and more important than others' recognition. A smart woman will know how to encourage herself at any time - "work hard, play hard" (work hard, play hard), so that you in life In order to have the driving force to work hard.So how to create a strength passbook for yourself?May wish to start with your own interests and hobbies.

Ruixi is a secretary of a foreign-funded company. She is usually very busy at work, but she still arranges colorful life after get off work.Because she likes Italian food, she also became interested in Italian, so she enrolled in a class and started to learn Italian. As a result, she became more and more interested in it. She decided to go to Italy to experience the language atmosphere there.Gradually through her own efforts, she was able to speak skillfully with Italians. After being recommended by others, she assisted a certain brand of clothing in European procurement work after work, and could often travel between the two countries.

Interest can be transformed into one's own work, which is also a great joy in life.You can choose a skill you like and cultivate it consciously, so that you can give full play to your interests and at the same time enhance your own strength.

Change your thinking and become a "pure gold" woman

"Men make money to support their families, women make money to spend themselves!" This sentence does make sense, but now women's money is often just to satisfy their immediate consumption desire, but you think about it 20 or 30 years later ?When you are no longer young and can no longer stand the temper of the years, can you still consume like this?So be a woman with a plan and make enough money when you are young for a rainy day.

Don't think of yourself as a flower, because the flower will wither eventually.A smart woman will regard herself as a tree, which can withstand the test of wind and rain, so you have to be proactive to earn your own wealth, and believe that you are the most reliable support.

Women should be financially independent and have their own wealth security. Financially independent women are usually very attractive and confident at any time.The embodiment of self-worth is also closely related to economic status, so a woman with a long-term vision will plan her future when she is young.

Women in this era should feel lucky, because the new society gives them the same opportunities and treatment as men. This relatively broad space gives women the freedom to start a business.It is no news that women work hard in the business world. Yang Lan's success is enough to make every woman admire. The appeal of this example makes women believe that they can fly freely in that half of the sky.It is relatively easy for women to prove themselves through their talents in all aspects, but it is also difficult.Although women are sometimes discriminated against in the business world, women have unique advantages, such as tenacity, intuition, and meticulousness. These are all elements that contribute to success, and they are the capital that leads to the road to wealth.

In the process of starting a business, you must have the concept of wealth planning, avoid the situation of worrying about gains and losses in wealth creation, have the courage to pioneer, dare to take risks, and have a strong coordination ability like a man.If you have the ability, don't patronize consumption, think more about investment, let "money lay eggs", so as to achieve a long flow of water.

Smart shopping is financial management
don't be a shopaholic

Are you a shopaholic?Maybe before you know it, you've reached the level of a shopaholic.Do the following test to know the answer.

A total of more than 20 hours of shopping time per month.

The credit card has been maxed out more than 5 times in half a year.

Often become a moonlight family because of shopping factors.

When you see something you like, grab it immediately.

I am often very irritable because I can't buy the ideal things.

I often can't help buying a certain product when I don't need it.

Regret after buying something.

There are more than 5 new clothes in the closet that have not been worn.

No matter what happy event happens, I like to treat myself with shopping.

Shopping has never been empty-handed situation.

If you meet more than 10 of the above 5 conditions, it means that you are already a complete shopaholic.

Almost every woman enjoys shopping, but shopping must be planned. Whether you are an urban white-collar worker or a wealthy "wealthy girl", this way of spending is not a wise choice.

Shopping wisely is not about living a life without quality, but advocating spending money wisely.This sensible way of shopping will not only allow you to live a refined life, but it will also make you feel that you live a decent life. In addition, rational consumption is also a way to save money.

How can you spend your money wisely?It's very simple, you have to have an overall vision of planning your living resources, from a global perspective, figure out what money should be spent and how to spend it, so that resources can be allocated in the most reasonable way.

Whether you are a shopaholic or not, it is necessary to know the shopping secrets first. As a shopaholic, you can use this method to save yourself.

1. Choose time for shopping
When the department store has a discount or a store celebration, I originally wanted to save money and spend a small amount of money to buy the most desirable clothes, but if you can’t do your shopping in moderation, it’s better not to go, lest you see cheap and favorite clothes when you arrive at the mall. Things are in the bag, so the original plan will be ruined. Although a lot of unexpected "loots" have been harvested, the expenses will also surprise you.

In addition, don't shop when your emotions are high or low, such as when you are angry, sad, nostalgic, and excited. Some women regard shopping as a way to vent, which is the most unwise approach.When people are emotionally unstable, their judgment will decline, so it is best to take stock before shopping to know what you lack, and to be a rational and budget-conscious shopper.

2. Strictly control the number of shopping per month
Women regard shopping as a way of enjoyment. Every time they go shopping, they can’t help but buy some small things. Although these things seem to be relatively cheap, and whether they buy them or not will not affect their income and expenditure, it is this kind of thinking that makes You inadvertently spend a lot of money you could save.

Therefore, it is recommended that women go shopping twice a month, so that unnecessary expenses can be reduced, and rational consumption can also meet their own needs, and there is no need to increase additional expenses.

3. When shopping, try to use cash

The popular payment method now is to swipe the card, which is convenient and also makes you feel less distressed when spending money, so it is recommended that women use cash transactions.In addition, have a purpose before each trip, and calculate the value of this thing in your mind, and don't carry a lot of cash and credit cards with you when shopping.

Therefore, women should shop rationally and learn to guard against the "three don'ts".

1. Don't be greedy for cheap and buy "useless" goods
Off-season sales are a promotional method often adopted by merchants. Many women take advantage of the changing seasons to go to shopping malls to find their long-cherished clothes.However, when shopping, it is also necessary to blindly buy too many seasonal clothes according to personal preferences and needs. The result is either to pack the bottom of the box or to pass it on to others. Not only does it not save money, but it will also cause unnecessary waste. It is really an unwise choice.

In addition, women always like the new and dislike the old clothes. After a year, a piece of clothing will no longer feel fresh, so it will be thrown into the "cold palace", which is undoubtedly a pile of waste.Rather than doing this, it is better to save the cash and buy it when the new models hit the shelves next year.

2. Don't follow the trend and sweep up the goods
Due to reasons such as age growth and career change, people's shopping needs and vision will continue to change.So some women will "set" themselves according to the overall fashion trend.A good choice is undoubtedly the icing on the cake, otherwise it will be self-defeating.

Guangzhou is a fashion capital. Walking on the street and looking at the beauties around, many people will inevitably have plans to make a big change.Xinxin is a beauty who has a special pursuit of fashion elements. After coming to Guangzhou, she often walks in the forefront of trends. No matter where there are branded clothes, she will rush to the scene as soon as possible.The last time she went shopping, she bought it impulsively because she had a special liking for hollow knitwear, but when she got home, she found that there was no suitable clothes to match it, and this dress was incompatible with her usual dressing style .If you want to wear this dress, you have to buy a skirt and necklace, which is really not worth the candle.In the end, she had no choice but to part with her love and gave it to her sister.

Since each person has a different personality, the hairstyle and accessories should also be chosen according to one's own situation. Don't follow in the footsteps of others, but believe that you are also a brightly colored banner.

3. Don’t be tempted by shopping offers
Today’s merchants are very good at guessing women’s psychology. They often use methods such as sending messages, sending flyers, and gifting shopping coupons to stimulate women’s already sensitive shopping nerves. Make up for shopping in order to redeem shopping vouchers and buy things that you don't need.

Feifei is often impulsive when shopping. Recently, she accidentally became a member of a shopping mall. Every weekend, she will receive preferential information from that shopping mall, such as free 300 cash coupons for purchases of 300 yuan, and 8.8% discount for members.So Feifei often visits that shopping mall and buys about 800 yuan each time, but after a month, she suddenly finds that she has many more things that she didn't need.

If you have such shopping coupons in hand, you might as well choose to shop with your sisters, and each choose what they like and need, so that they will not spend indiscriminately because of patchwork.In addition, those who cannot resist the temptation must be purposeful before going to the mall, so as not to end up "returning with a full load".

In economics magazine, there are roads to riches

Reading newspaper puzzle
Some women usually choose savings as an investment method, but after saving to a certain level, you will find that the sisters around you rarely choose this low-yield financial management method, watching them earn money through investment In the middle, do you also feel impulsive?If you don't know the cycle of the economy and the industry to invest in, you can read some relevant newspapers and magazines first.

Most women prefer to read magazines and newspapers. Buying one or two books after shopping can improve their abilities.

Zhao Qing has been working as a translator in a foreign company since graduation, and has accumulated a sum of savings over the years, but she knows nothing about financial management. In her opinion, it is impossible for a person to just save money for a lifetime.When the money reserve reaches a certain level, it needs to be used flexibly. Seeing that the sisters around are enthusiastic about stocks and fund business, but suffer from the fact that they don’t understand and can’t follow suit all the time, so Zhao Qing first learns to expand his knowledge. It’s okay. Just buy an economics book and read it.At the beginning, she thought it was very boring, but after a long time, she fell in love with it unknowingly. From the beginning of focusing on the economy of her own country, she later turned to understand the domestic and foreign economic cycles, so that she could focus on the overall situation, and soon she could also Mingled with the sisters around him, and with his keen vision, Zhao Qing quickly became a leader among stock investors.

Many women are thinking: I am not an expert or economist, how can I know the economic cycle and the direction of industrial investment?In fact, this is not difficult. There is a way to solve this problem, that is to read a lot of economic books and periodicals, and develop the habit of reading economic news and newspapers.

Maybe you are still "at a loss" when dealing with uncommon economic words, but you will not feel unfamiliar with the term "interest". Only by understanding the economic development trend can you make money.At the same time, professionals will also analyze the current situation and explain their views on the future situation, for example, "Because the economic benefits have weakened, the current flow of funds is not smooth, so the government has relaxed a little bit on the money policy, and interest rates will also be lowered! "Although this is just a prediction, it is strange that after the newspapers and foreign materials are published, the interest rate really drops.If you can see this news in advance, you will invest your money in stocks or bonds first, so you can make a fortune.

In fact, you don’t need to spend a lot of time researching this kind of oriented advice. You can browse newspapers and periodicals related to the economy on the subway or bus to and from get off work. If time permits, you can also participate in some related counseling sponsored by financial institutions. , take some courses on economic principles, these are good learning methods.

Sensitive sense of smell, good at seizing business opportunities

Women often like to buy some clothing magazines or street literature. These books teach you how to consume, and while women spend money, they must learn to make money.Generally, successful women have a positive heart that seeks knowledge and wealth.

Women have their unique advantages in doing business, such as a keen grasp of market trends, etc. When they are looking for a way to get rich, they often read some books, newspapers and magazines to find business opportunities.

Don't ignore all the information about getting rich, sometimes a small piece of information may contain great business opportunities, especially for women, in the process of making money, they must constantly enrich their knowledge reserves and be good at using their keen judgment.

Let beauty be your master key
Beautiful women are born with privilege

The beauty of women can be described as diverse, smart, mature, charming, clear... For thousands of years, women's pursuit of beauty seems to be an eternal topic. Men like beautiful women, and women are also willing to pursue their own beauty.

Beautiful women seem to be born with privileges, especially as professional women, if they have their own unique charm, they will have an advantage in their careers.Beauty can lead to success, and success can also give you beauty. To become a professional woman with a beautiful appearance and a strong heart, these factors are inseparable.

As a professional woman, will you make full use of your own advantages in your career?In fact, the beauty of women comes from natural beauty, such a woman will exude charming charm no matter where she is.Whether it is the gentle inner beauty or the bold and unrestrained outer beauty, as long as you are good at applying it in your career, you will show a unique side.

Yu Cuiwei (former executive vice president of Meige Technology) is recognized as a successful professional woman with a beautiful appearance. Some people once doubted her ability, but in fact she proved her strength with her actions.But when someone asked her "Would she still be successful without a beautiful face", she answered very frankly: "A beautiful and confident appearance really helped me to a certain extent. Everyone has a love for beauty, and partners are more I am happy to deal with a beautiful person, whether it is a client, a boss, or an employee, as long as they are willing to get close to me, I will easily establish a good friendship interface with them, thus establishing a perfect communication mechanism.”

Using your beautiful and outstanding appearance as a platform for communication will give you more opportunities and advantages in work and life than ordinary people.But you have to learn to use your own advantages and turn them into favorable factors for success. This is the practical process of applying privileges.

Make the right use of your capital

A beautiful face is only a woman's wealth, not capital.Smart women know how to use their beauty to win a happy life, so as far as beautiful women are concerned, some live a happy life, while others live a mediocre life. The difference lies in whether they know how to interpret their beauty.

Women who are both beautiful and intelligent usually know what to cherish.They usually don't regard their beauty as a capital to show off, but turn it into a tool for themselves. However, some beautiful women usually only choose "heavy money" men who drive famous cars and live in villas. It is their vanity that destroys them. Although he may become a wealthy family now, he is facing the danger of being "laid off" at any time.

Xin'an has an outstanding appearance and strong working ability. In two years, she has grown from an ordinary employee to a department manager of the company. Many employees who joined the industry at the same time often gossip about her.In fact, Xin'an never wanted to use her appearance to marry into a wealthy family. She knew it was unwise. She told the people around her that she did not rely on a certain man to succeed, but turned her beauty into work. The advantages.

Once I went out to participate in a bidding meeting, the other party kept focusing on Xin'an and kept praising her beauty. The other party thought she was just a "vase" as a supporting role, but during the work contact, their eyes had already shifted from her appearance to her abilities.Undoubtedly, among the many bidding companies, Xin'an's company won the project and generated millions of dollars in revenue.

Smart women know how to use their beauty, and they turn their strengths into their strengths.Women who don't know how to turn beauty into capital usually don't understand the true meaning of happiness. Women who are unwilling to be mediocre often have to face mediocrity in the end, and then lament the injustice of fate, but they don't know that this is the result of not knowing how to use beauty.Therefore, smart women must regard beautiful appearance as a kind of resource, and don't get lost in the direction of beauty.

Power Your Brain: An Investment Solution That Won't Lose Money

Maybe you live a life with a stable job and no worries about food and clothing, but in this rapidly changing era, in order not to be eliminated by society, you have to learn to recharge yourself, so when should you recharge yourself?

1. When expertise is lacking
Generally, the staff who are engaged in the majors they study only learned the basic knowledge in school, and it is not very practical. Maybe you have graduated for two or three years, and you have not found that the shortage of professional knowledge will affect your future work. Work.Maybe you already feel powerless and not confident enough when you work, so it is best to choose a major related to your career at this time and participate in training to supplement your professional skills, so as to improve your value as soon as possible. will be more advantageous.

2. When the knowledge structure needs updating
The update speed of social knowledge is very fast. You need to accumulate and improve your abilities through continuous study. If you don’t arm yourself with new knowledge and technology, you will be eliminated sooner or later.

If you want to be invincible in the workplace, you must actively update your knowledge structure, master relevant technologies, and constantly replenish yourself with fresh blood, so that you can survive and develop in the workplace.

3. When career development is slow
Rational professionals usually make a long-term plan for their career prospects. When their career development is in a stable period or there is little progress, or even lagging behind, smart professionals will plan for themselves.Recharging is always the best choice. Recharging in time will help you find a suitable career and get out of the confusion period in the workplace.

4. When there is a lack of workplace security

In today's information age, many people with high salaries usually have a sense of fear, always fearing that they will be laid off one day, lacking a sense of belonging and security.The best way is to learn more knowledge while you are young. Enrolling in classes and getting a certificate are both good choices. As the saying goes, "more skills do not overwhelm you". Considering your own development prospects comprehensively, whether it is for job hopping or promotion, you should Learn more knowledge and skills.

In short, every woman in the workplace should take the time to recharge her batteries and get through the "workplace blackout" period safely.

Charge [-]: Skill Charge

Fan Jie has been working in a software company in Zhongguancun after graduating from university. She is engaged in network management. She started her job very smoothly, but suddenly encountered an accident not long ago. The company recruited a graduate student who graduated from a prestigious school and has a network administrator qualification certificate. , In order to adjust the staff, Fan Jie was downgraded from the supervisor level to the ordinary staff, only because of the lack of a certificate in the assessment and demonstration.Unwilling, she signed up for the study class in private, and took several certificates in a row. When the company's comprehensive evaluation was held next time, not only was she reinstated, but her salary was also raised. These certificates are indispensable for this.

Charging Two: Mental Charging
As a Japanese translator, Xiao Yu is busy with work and under a lot of pressure, so she enrolls herself in a psychological decompression class in her spare time.She often works overtime and has a heavy workload, so she is always in a state of tension, and her mind and body are overloaded every day.In order to relieve the pressure at work, she tried many methods, such as sleeping, watching TV, and chatting with friends, but the effect was not very good.

Later, when communicating with the psychology teacher, she learned a lot of ways to decompress herself, and her friends gradually found that Xiao Yu became more cheerful, which also helped her avoid many unnecessary conflicts.

After attending this training class, Xiao Yu felt that it became easier for her to communicate with customers, and her friends were also willing to tell her their emotions.Participating in psychological training classes also expanded her network.

Charging Three: Professional Quality Charging
It is not necessary to choose a training class for recharging. The way to relieve anxiety is to communicate with friends in the workplace and learn from their experience.

Be sensitive enough.Mental sensitivity is sometimes better than the improvement of one's own ability. In the deep environment, one must pay close attention to the latest trends of competitors, learn from the people around with confidence, and surpass oneself with low self-esteem.

In the workplace, you must practice such psychological skills: not to be surprised by favor or shame, to have a peaceful mind, to be powerful, and to flow freely. If you reach these realms, I believe your mind will be broader.

The most dangerous person in the workplace is not others, but yourself.Don't underestimate yourself and feel that you have no potential for development; don't overestimate yourself and feel that everything is under control.

If you feel that you have no development in your current career, it is better to change to another battlefield, but your core competitiveness must be continued, and the new career is best not far from your "line".

Career will never give up on you first, unless you are in a hurry to give up on yourself.

People with a heavy workload and little spare time, it is best to choose weekends or relatively concentrated time for training; people with stable jobs and plenty of spare time, you can choose to do training at night or on weekends, which will neither affect daily work nor give you Life creates stress.

Charging is undoubtedly beneficial to your career development. Before charging, you must do a good job of warming up and analyze the characteristics of your industry and professional skill needs, such as education, work experience and professional background, which is more important. Change yourself according to the needs of the market, and adjust your charging direction and goals appropriately, so that you will stand out among many talents. Save your first pot of gold before the age of 25
Are you in your 20s and have not saved your first pot of gold for yourself?Are you busy all day, still a woman without long-term plans?Do you meet the criteria of "working poor"?Might as well do a test.

Work more than 50 hours a week, but there is still no "money".

Haven't had a raise for a year.

Has not been promoted for three years.

Both income and savings are small, and there is no fixed property.

Almost every month is "moonlight family".

The wages are high, but so are the expenses.

The income is not low, but there is no sense of security in my heart.

If you meet two or more of the above items, then you belong to the "busy poor".

Say goodbye to the "busy poor" from now on

Most white-collar workers participate in consumption activities in their spare time.But while consuming, you have to consider your own income and expenditure, and don't spend every month.This requires you to have a long-term vision and be a person with a refined life.

Maybe you haven't found a good opportunity and position to make your first pot of gold for yourself, but you can start saving now.You can accumulate 10%~20% of your salary every month. Don’t think about what you can do with this little money. Even if it’s useless now, it will help you solve your urgent needs one day. In any case, you must develop this good habit first.No matter what the first pot of gold you define is, you can start from a small accumulation. Saving the first pot of gold is to let yourself understand that making money is as important as saving money. Perseverance and perseverance play a big role.

Xiaoyue has been working in Shanghai for almost two years, with a monthly salary of 8000 yuan. She is engaged in the electronics industry, and occasionally she can earn a little extra money by taking on small projects outside. This year, the extra money earned is 20000 yuan, so her annual income That is: 8000×12+20000=116000 yuan.


Although there will be extra expenses every month, Xiaoyue can still guarantee 3000 yuan as savings every month. Xiaoyue believes that this accumulation method will not only not affect the original life, but also will not cause excessive pressure. There is no risk.

In fact, it doesn’t matter how much the first bucket of gold is, but it must be saved. It is with the first bucket of gold as the foundation that there will be a second bucket, a third bucket...the follow-up efforts are the most important.Whether the first pot of gold is very rich or not is not important, the key is that it determines the starting point of your future life and career.

another harvest

What is the first pot of gold?In most cases, people define the first pot of gold as the first lucrative remuneration or the initial income from a certain economic activity.

In fact, in addition to money can represent the first pot of gold, another gain is also indispensable.A person is not an isolated individual. He gets along with his lover, relatives, and friends. It is with their help and support that his life will be rich and colorful.

Teachers are good teachers and helpful friends when you are studying, and making social friends and establishing personal connections at work is part of life accumulation. Its existence has extraordinary significance, so the existence of such a pot of gold cannot be ignored when making money.Without a wealth of knowledge, your backwardness will appear pale; without extensive interpersonal communication, your way out and way of thinking will be limited; without rich life experience, you will not be able to deal with many problems that suddenly appear in your life in the future; without Without social experience, you will lack your own unique analysis of many things; without a mature model of dealing with people, it will affect your future career development.These all need to be accumulated, and it is also a wise choice to regard them as the first pot of gold
Digging the "first pot of gold" before the age of 25 is the direction that everyone strives for in the vigorous period of youth. No matter how much the first pot of gold at the age of 25 is, it is the first harvest in life, and it is worth your careful appreciation and pondering.

Insurance: a woman's lifelong faithful companion

Insurance - Guarantee for yourself

Many people know that putting money in the bank is the safest way to invest, but in theory, if you put a sum of money in the bank, its value will not change very much. However, buying insurance is different. When something happens, it will Become your personal bodyguard, when you are free, it is your savings for old age.

Insurance is a faithful "companion"

The average life expectancy of women is 8-10 years longer than that of men. When a woman loses her partner in old age, insurance is your most reliable reliance. It will pay for you when you are sick, and it will protect you when you are not sick. So some people call insurance "the lover who never betrays".

Insurance is another marriage contract

Although marriage between a woman and a man is protected by law, if one party wants to "break the contract in advance" and terminate the contract, it will also be protected by law.Unlike marriage, insurance will never propose to break the contract, it will always listen to the "order" of the hostess, and be a protector who will never break the contract.

Insurance is the gift of youth
The beauty of women comes not only from the appearance, but also from the heart. Cosmetics can cover up the traces of the years, but they can't cover up the inner panic of women when they are afraid of old age.Insurance can bring you inner comfort, so that you will naturally sleep soundly and feel very happy.

Insurance is a symbol of women's wisdom
Insurance investment is a science. A smart woman will reasonably plan the investment ratio of her own funds, but purchasing insurance will always account for the highest proportion. Generally speaking, insurance purchases account for 54%, deposits account for 20%, and investment Accounted for 26%.

Women's insurance is specially set up for women's health and newborn benefits. These unique insurance types do not exist in social security and other general insurance.This kind of insurance can be purchased regardless of whether you are married or have children. Unmarried people can use it to prevent the occurrence of female-specific diseases. Married women can choose to purchase maternity and child insurance separately. Expectant mothers can be the first insurer, and newborns are the second. insurer.

This kind of insurance is generally common for 1 to 6 years. If the first insurer has a specific disease or major disease that often occurs during pregnancy, such as ectopic pregnancy, mole, etc., the insurance company will get compensation.If the second insurer has congenital heart disease, chromosomal abnormalities, etc., he will also be compensated.

hints from numbers

Generally speaking, it is more appropriate to take out 10% of the income as the security deposit. If it is too much, it will affect the living standard of the whole family.Women should choose their own relatively targeted insurance, for example, the incidence of breast cancer is now increasing at a rate of 5% per year, and the incidence rate in urban areas is higher than that in rural areas, and the incidence rate of high-income women is significantly higher than that of low-income women.So women can choose insurance for themselves based on such values.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when buying insurance:

1. Can not be done in one step

A woman will go through five stages in her life: adulthood, employment, marriage, childbirth, and retirement. For women in different stages, the insurance for each stage is different, and the types and amounts of insurance are also different. Buying insurance should be based on your age, income level, and your own health status. The order of adding insurance is accident insurance, health insurance, and life insurance. Buying insurance still needs to be done step by step.

2. See the policy for details

Don't worry about buying insurance.Some buyers just listen to the salesperson's introduction and believe it completely, but sometimes you may ignore the timeliness issue of the "observation/waiting period". The insurance liability time for some major diseases does not start from the validity period of the contract. Instead, there is a certain observation period (generally 90-180 days), so the real guarantee period is after this period has passed.

For those who purchase female insurance, if they need insurance during pregnancy, it is best to purchase female insurance during the family planning period or in the early stages of pregnancy.

3. Three Misunderstandings of Women Buying Insurance

"Emphasis on savings over security, on children over parents, and on themselves over partners" is usually the most common problem women face when buying insurance. Take the third misunderstanding as an example. Generally speaking, men are under a lot of pressure and their health is relatively high. Problems are prone to occur, so the insurance for the husband should account for a larger proportion.

Time Deposit: Only in and out, the safest means of financial management

Are you a person who is full of lust for money?Do you have your own financial concepts?May wish to test.

You are attending a friend's wedding because you can't drink alcohol, so you use juice instead. There are four glasses on the table with different amounts of juice. Which one would you choose?
A. Seven points full

B. Empty cup (pour juice by yourself)
C. full cup
D. half a cup
test analysis:

A. People who choose "seven points full" have a strong desire for money, but they will not express their desire very strongly, and they have relatively strong self-control. They will not take risks to make a lot of money, and they are very cautious. , belonging to the practical school.

B. Although people who choose "empty glass (pour juice by themselves)" also have a strong desire for money, they have no detailed arrangements for money issues, and their emotions are capricious, so their values ​​​​will change at any time.

C. People who choose "full glass" have a persistent pursuit of money. It can be said that they are extreme money supremacists and miser-type people.

D. People who choose "half a glass" do not have a great desire for money, but they will be very careful when dealing with money issues, and they will be cautious at all times.

The easiest way to manage money
Many women don't know how to manage money. In fact, if you don't want to bother to study the ideas and meaning of those financial management, you can choose this way of fixed deposit.No matter how ambitious your financial ambitions are, you have to start small and accumulate slowly.The first step in financial management is to let yourself understand that "earning money is important, but saving money is difficult."At this time, it is important to have perseverance and perseverance.

No matter how high your salary is or how tight your funds are, you have to set aside part of the money and save it. Don't think about what to do with it. As long as you persist, it will definitely be beneficial.

Don't keep saying you start saving next month and then forget about it.In fact, choosing the day is worse than hitting the day. If you have the idea of ​​managing money now, you should go to the bank to open an account immediately, save the money, and only keep a part of it for your own consumption.If you deposit 2000 yuan in the bank every month, it will not affect your daily expenses, and you can save a small amount of money for yourself.The following calculation illustrates this vividly (at 5% interest):
interest rate
the first year


2, 000.00
2, 010.00

4, 010.00
4, 030.05

6, 030.05
6, 060.20

8, 060.20
8, 100.50

10, 100.50
10, 151.00

12, 151.00
12, 211.76

14, 211.76
14, 282.82

16, 282.82
16, 364.23

18, 364.23
18, 456.05

20, 456.05
20, 558.33

22, 558.33
22, 671.12

24, 671.12
24, 794.48
the second year


26, 794.48
26, 928.45

28, 928.45
29, 073.10

31, 073.10
31, 228.46

33, 228.46
33, 394.60

35, 394.60
35, 571.58

37, 571.58
37, 759.43

39, 759.43
39, 958.23

41, 958.23
42, 168.02

44, 168.02
44, 388.86

46, 388.86
46, 620.81

48, 620.81
48, 863.91

50, 863.91
51, 118.23
The third year


53, 118.23
53, 383.82

55, 383.82
55, 660.74

57, 660.74
57, 949.04

59, 949.04
60, 248.79

62, 248.79
62, 560.03

64, 560.03
64, 882.83

66, 882.83
67, 217.25

69, 217.25
69, 563.33

71, 563.33
71, 921.15

73, 921.15
74, 290.76

76, 290.76
76, 672.21

78, 672.21
79, 065.57
In fact, there are many techniques for time deposits. If you have a large sum of money and it is difficult to determine the term of the deposit for a while, you may wish to pay attention to flexibility while taking into account your interests. For example, you can open a few more certificates of deposit and divide the deposit of [-] yuan into two [-], a certificate of deposit of [-], so that if for some reason you want to withdraw cash in advance, you will not lose a lot of interest, and you can minimize the loss.In addition, you can also choose to automatically renew the deposit when it expires, so as to prevent the loss of interest and save the time of going back and forth to the bank.If you hold idle funds in your hands for a long time, you may wish to use large-amount time deposit certificates and negotiable time deposit certificates as deposit methods.

Be persistent in saving money
Your twenties are the starting point of your life, so you should determine your life goals and direction, accumulate money diligently, and you can realize your dream of wealth through various channels.Saving money is the safest way to manage money. It is effortless and effortless, but you must have perseverance. Even if you are reluctant to part with your loved ones, you must deposit money in the bank regularly every month, regardless of the interest rate.

In fact, the process of accumulating funds requires both increasing revenue and reducing expenditure. You may not be as good at increasing revenue as Buffett, because he started accumulating funds when he was a newsboy, and then continued to invest. He became a millionaire when he was 20 years old.In contrast, you don’t need to increase your income, but you must save money. Don’t be attracted by the seasonal clothes in the cabinets of commercial buildings, and don’t be coveted by the delicious food in fashion newspapers. When you see new and beautiful mobile phones, you must hold on. When you move and act for these things, your savings will naturally decrease.Changing your consumption habits will naturally not have a great impact on your life, but slowly you will find that the "thickness" of your accumulated funds has increased.Funds: A Fashionable New Way to Manage Money
Funds are a very popular way of managing money. Many women are keen to buy funds. According to the survey, [-]% of women own funds.When women choose this investment method, they must consider factors such as investment period and risk. Different funds bring different returns. Those who buy funds must learn to analyze scientifically and choose investment products with high returns.

How much money is spent on investment funds
Many women put all their savings into funds, which is actually not the right approach.The United States has a very simple standard for estimating the investment amount and savings ratio: if you are 28 years old, your various investments should not exceed 70% in total, and 30% of your assets should be invested in savings.If you are 35 years old, your various investments should not exceed 60% in total, and you should invest 40% of your assets in savings.

That is to say, the older you are, the smaller your investment amount should be.This is to prevent sudden emergencies such as illness, unemployment, etc., so that you don't have to sell your investment for emergency.Even if the investment fails, you will not go bankrupt, and such an investment value will not bring you too much pressure.

what the first fund buys

Are investment funds risky?In fact, the fund is essentially a stock.Most people say there is risk, and some say there is no risk.In fact, the correct answer is: there is risk in the short term, and the risk is large; in the long term, there is no risk, or the risk is very small.There is no such thing as low-risk and high-yield investment funds, so it is best to choose funds according to your actual situation.

If you plan to buy funds to support the elderly and support children to go to school, it is best to choose stock funds.

If you only want to make a short-term investment of less than one year, it is best to choose a monetary fund.

If you plan to get married and buy a house within 3 to 5 years, it is best to choose a bond fund.

What does the first fund buy?Many people have no choice when buying a fund for the first time. Many banks have different introductions, and they don’t have any opinions. Therefore, it is best to collect more relevant materials before buying a fund. Buy your first fund online.Investment funds can range from thousands to hundreds of thousands, so the preparatory work must not be less.

If you have no better choice, you might as well buy the money market fund as the first fund.Generally speaking, no matter how you buy monetary funds, there will be no loss. You will be familiar with the procedures and procedures when you buy.

If your ability to resist risks is relatively strong, and you are ready for long-term investment, you will smile when you rise and fall by 20%, then you can choose stock funds; Bond funds, but remember: the returns between different varieties are not the same.

Reasons not to buy new funds
The funds for 3 months cannot be moved, and the position is built from scratch. In the bull market, it must not run as fast as the old fund because the position is low.The rate of decline in a bear market is relatively slow, but after the closed period, its net value will be lower.

New funds generally have good fund managers, but an untrained team may not be able to withstand external risks, so you can wait and see before acting.

Funds with low net worth, especially those with low cumulative net worth, must be favored if they have the same issuance history.

Diversification and Rebalancing
Diversified investment is not only fashionable, but also can reduce risk. The ideal diversified investment is to invest funds in unrelated products. For example, stock market, real estate, and gold are all good choices, but how to choose and allocate them is very difficult.If you want to choose independent or less correlated investments for diversification, you must first determine the allocation ratio of stocks and bonds, because stocks have high returns and large fluctuations; bonds have low returns and small fluctuations.Combining the two, it can be relatively stable and the fluctuations are small.

According to your investment years and risk tolerance, if the ratio of stocks and bonds is 7:3, if the stock rises fast and the bond rises slowly after one year, it will change to 8:2.If you sell stocks and invest in bonds, and you encounter a bear market and stocks plummet, the ratio will become 6:4. At this time, the best way is to sell bonds and buy stocks to restore the ratio to the original 7 :3, this is the whole process of rebalancing.

Rebalancing is a process of selling high and buying low. On the surface, it seems that assets with rising returns are sold and non-performing assets with low or falling prices are purchased. But in fact, rebalancing is an important process to maintain risk levels. This method will Make your return higher than someone who doesn't rebalance.Usually, the combination of a stock fund and a bond fund is perfect, but for double insurance, you can also buy a few more stock funds, which is conducive to balancing the risks of fund companies and fund managers.Generally speaking, it is best to rebalance once a year to a year and a half.

Advice for beginners in mutual funds

If it is not a long-term investment plan, it is best not to invest in funds.

Have an understanding of your own affordability, and also have an understanding of your investment direction.

The amount of investment is limited. The more you invest, the greater the risk. You can't invest your old capital in it, otherwise it is equivalent to gambling.

Look at the fund company, and you must be able to bear the risk of the fund you choose, and never listen to the bank's advice unilaterally.

Choose new and old funds reasonably to form your own investment outlook.

(End of this chapter)

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