From the age of 20, began to change the life

Chapter 3 Money is a bargaining chip for a woman's happiness

Chapter 3 Money is a bargaining chip for a woman's happiness

As the saying goes: "Money is not everything, but without money is absolutely impossible."When you live in the real society, you will feel the correctness of this sentence more deeply. When you have money, you can do what you like, and you can also buy your favorite clothes and decorations. What matters is that you are free to be yourself.

Don't worry about interest rates, save money first

Heaven for Saving Money - Banks

A woman's ability to make money shows that she is very capable.

A woman will spend money to show that she is very conceptual.

A woman who can save money shows that she is smart.

For a shrewd woman, she can manage every penny she earns in an orderly manner, and can save part of the money for backup.And the first choice for such a woman to save money is often the bank.No matter what the bank's interest rate is, they will not hesitate to store their money there, mainly because the bank deposits money has the following advantages:
Advantage 1: Putting money in the bank can make "money make money" when interest rates are high.

Advantage 2: Although the bank's interest rate may be lowered, the principal is still there, and the money is still saved.

Advantage 3: After depositing money in the bank, you can curb your desire to consume.

Advantage 4: You can avoid accidental theft and money missing.

Advantage 5: Putting money in the bank can make people feel at ease and form a "money security".

Advantage 6: It is more convenient. When the money is put in the bank, the card can be swiped directly in an emergency.

The above advantages are the main reasons why women like to deposit their money in the bank. From the perspective of real life, this approach is both scientific and reasonable. No matter what the interest rate of the bank is, when the money is put in the bank It implies that you have saved a fortune.

The deposit principle of "income-savings=expenditures"
Women like to consume, and sometimes this kind of consumption cannot be restrained, so women's money often disappears before it is time to save, so they cannot save their own money.Therefore, women must first learn to control their consumption desires, have a smart mind and a feasible way to save money.

Wang Li is a rural girl. After graduating from university, she worked in a real estate company.When she got the first month's salary, she thought that she would have some left over after spending this month's living expenses, and then took the rest to the bank to save, but at the end of the month, she found that she There is so little money left that it is not worth going to the bank at all.

A few months later, Wang Li felt that she could not spend money like this without restraint, and she should find a way to control this bad habit of spending money indiscriminately. Later, Wang Li changed her usual saving principle of "income-expenditure = savings" It has become "income-savings=expenditure", so Wang Li goes to the bank to save 1/3 of her salary on the first day after receiving her salary, and then spends this month's living expenses.Although sometimes it was difficult to persevere, Wang Li also wanted to go to the bank to withdraw the money, but every time she did not do so, after several years of persistence, Wang Li saved a lot of money.

In fact, everyone wants to save money, but not everyone is able to save the money they earn.This has happened to many women in life. My monthly salary is often running out at the end of the month. Change the principle of saving money, you can learn to save money first and then spend it.And master a certain way to save money:

Method 1: Open a deposit account at a different bank instead of a bank card.

Method 2: From the first month of your work, regularly deposit 30% of your monthly salary into different bank accounts.

Method 3: Accumulating less makes more. At the beginning, you can save less, and increase a little every month. After half a year, you can see your income.

Method 4: Take out 300 yuan or 500 yuan from your wallet every week, put it in a fixed place, and deposit it in your bank account when it accumulates for a month.

Method 5: Set yourself a goal of saving money, for example, you want to use the money you saved to buy a car, a house, etc.

Method 6: Prepare a piggy bank for yourself. Every time you receive coins, put them in the piggy bank. Don’t check the money in the piggy bank. Just keep putting it in it. After a year You will find that this is also a small fortune.

Method 7: Try not to use credit cards, so that you can reduce your expenses.

These good ways of saving money allow you to easily store your money in your life, and you don’t have to worry about making ends meet because of your uncontrollable consumption desire, and you don’t have to worry about becoming a “moonlight family”.Only when women learn all kinds of ways to save money can they truly accumulate wealth for themselves.

Economic independence makes women more magical
To be "financially independent" is to have a career
If a woman wants to be attractive and magical, she must have a certain economic foundation, because the economic foundation can make a woman truly independent.Moreover, women can increase their internal self-cultivation and external beauty through their careers, so that they will not be eliminated by the growing society and can live a happier life.

Some people say: "For a man, marriage is the tomb of love, but for a woman, marriage is the tomb of career." If I don’t do it, I will rely on my husband for all financial resources. I feel that as long as I find a rich husband, everything will be “OK”, but in fact, a happy and happy marriage is often managed by two people.If a woman gives up her career from then on, maybe she is a rich person materially, but she is a poor person spiritually.

Huang Lu and Li Mei are good friends. After graduating from university, Huang Lu became a teacher in an elementary school. Later, the owner of a small company fell in love with her. After they got married, her husband always said: "Although I am not a big Boss, but it can support you, so don’t earn that little money and be a full-time wife at home.” Every time she listened to it, she just smiled and went to work. I opened a small shop to do business.

Li Mei is a typical housewife. She got married after graduating from university. After marriage, her husband also believed that a woman's main responsibility should be to take care of the family, so she resigned.At the beginning, the two were very happy, but after a long time, conflicts appeared. Her husband only gave Li Mei 8000 yuan a month as the living expenses of the family. Every time Li Mei wanted to buy something Li Mei had to quarrel with her husband many times over this, but her husband did not pay her more for the family, and he still approved the same as before. Every expense.Therefore, Li Mei and her husband began to worry about trivial matters in life...

This is the difference between a woman with a career and a woman without a career. A woman with a career is financially independent, so she can do what she wants in life.Such a woman can not only gain the respect of her husband, but also add points to her own charm.

In fact, being financially independent does not mean that your husband is unable to support you, nor does it mean that your husband does not love you. It is just to make your life more independent, free and easy.

When you are financially independent, you don’t have to worry about being helpless after your marriage is in crisis, you don’t have to look at your husband’s face every day, and you don’t have to hesitate because of the price when you like a piece of clothing.Therefore, women should rely on themselves and have a career of their own, so that they can live better.

"Magic" value-added new method
When the magician conjures a novelty, the audience will give him warm applause, but when he makes a mistake in any link, the audience will boo him.Therefore, only when you have mastered enough proficient skills can you perform magic tricks on stage.The same is true for women, they also need to lay a solid foundation before entering marriage. Only when they are financially independent can they win the respect of relatives, friends, and husbands.This requires you to constantly strive for financial independence.

Article [-]: If a woman wants to be independent, she must learn how to manage money, including making money, spending money, and saving money.

Article [-]: There must be a regular job, and you can also start a small sideline business to increase income.

Article [-]: If you want to increase your salary, you must learn to change jobs in a timely manner.

Article [-]: Learn to make low-cost, high-income investments.

Article [-]: Have a good psychological quality and be able to bear the pressure of work.

Article [-]: To truly achieve "the only way to be a master is to endure hardships and suffer hardships".

Article [-]: There must be rich social experience and more professional knowledge.

Article [-]: Every step of making money must be implemented down-to-earth.

These are new ways for women to add value to their "magic power". Only through hard work in all aspects can you truly become a financially independent and successful woman. When you can use the money you earn to do what you like, you will Find your true happiness.

For an economically independent woman, when her husband’s career encounters difficulties, she can become her husband’s right-hand man, which can make her life happier and her marriage longer; Because of economic reasons, I hinder my shopping.

When a woman regards the money earned by a man as dispensable, then a woman's life will become more relaxed, and such a woman will add charm to herself and add magic to her charm.The value of life does not lie in how you rely on others, but in how to make your life more exciting. Therefore, no one in this world can devalue you except yourself.It is a positive attitude towards life to correctly assess the value of one's own life and let oneself continue to "add value". Only such a woman will feel that every day is meaningful.

Find Your Reasons to Manage Your Money
Financial independence is the first step for a woman to become self-improvement, self-esteem, and self-love, and financial management is an important hurdle for women on the road to economic independence. Only women who understand financial management can successfully pass the test and achieve their goals. Women's Life will be brighter because of it.The first step for a woman to learn how to manage money is to find reasons for herself to manage money.

Reason [-]: Knowing how to "finance money" can realize "wealth freedom"

If a woman wants to live a more comfortable and satisfying life, she must let herself achieve financial freedom, and the best way to achieve financial freedom is to learn how to manage money.

Although money is not everything, but in the material world, no money is absolutely impossible for women, because with enough money, women can do and buy things they like.In this way, women will find the happiness of life in financial management, and have more capital to build their external beauty and internal cultivation.

Reason [-]: Today's "financial management" is for tomorrow's "insurance"

Developing a good habit of managing money when you are young is a wealth that a woman saves for her future life.When you are young, women can choose their own jobs, but when you get older, you will find that you are unable to do some things, so you should buy an "insurance" for your tomorrow while you are young, and The source of funds for this insurance is today's financial management.

Reason [-]: It can relieve men's worries about "secondary home ownership"
With the development of society, the saying "men turn bad when they have money" has been fully confirmed. Once many men reach the peak of their careers, they will think about "second home buying", which includes not only changing cars, Changing houses, including changing wives.As a woman, if you want to avoid such worries, you must let yourself learn to manage money when you are young, so that you can find support for the rest of your life.

Reason [-]: Prepare for a rainy day
Birth, old age, sickness and death are human nature. What should a woman do if one day something unfortunate happens suddenly?Therefore, when a woman is young, she must make a small plan for her life, so that when unfortunate things happen to her, she can have the capital to solve the problem.

Reason [-]: Women have a lot of "expenditures", so they need to be "fine" in financial management

Women often spend more than men in all aspects of life. This does not include the expenses spent on housewives. The money spent on clothing, accessories, cosmetics, beauty care, fitness and daily necessities alone far exceeds that of men. Men, while women often earn less than men and retire earlier than men. From this point of view, women should learn to manage money, and the earlier they start managing money, the more insurance they can buy for themselves.

Reason [-]: It can reduce the financial burden of the husband

For a family, no matter how much money the husband earns, if the wife does not know how to manage money, then such a family will not be happy.So any family needs a shrewd woman to take care of it.Being a shrewd financial manager can not only reduce the financial burden of the husband, but also create more wealth for the family.

Knowing these six reasons for managing money, a woman must learn to be a shrewd financial management expert. You must understand that managing money is actually saving capital for happiness for yourself, and using every fortune you carefully craft to give yourself a little more happiness.

Never underestimate "savings"

8 Ways to Open the "Little Gold Cabinet"

Many female friends are going through such things, such as:
There are more than 7 unworn clothes hanging in the closet, and 3 pairs of new shoes that have not been worn on the shoe rack.

When you come across something you like to eat, you will buy a lot of it, and throw it away if you can't finish it.

When you see a decoration you like in the mall, you will buy it no matter whether it is useful or not.

When I invite friends to dinner, I order a lot of dishes, but I often can't finish them.

Never pay attention to the fees when withdrawing money across banks.

When more than two of the above situations occur, it means that you are a woman who does not know how to save and does not know how to save in your life. It is these informal consumption methods and lifestyles that make your money overdrawn day by day.Women should have a sense of saving, so that you can accumulate your own "little treasure chest" under the high consumption living standard.

Method [-]: Cultivate your own awareness of saving, and remind yourself that you should save at all times.

Method [-]: Create a dead-end account that only deposits but does not withdraw, so that you can deposit your money in the bank every month. When your desire to consume is high, you will be controlled because of helplessness.

Method [-]: For those products that you can buy or not, you must find out the reasons for not buying.

Method [-]: When you come across clothes, shoes or food that you like, you should buy them with "degrees". Don't buy them all on the fly, and regret it when you go home.

Method [-]: When there is a surplus in the planned living expenses, don't give it to the merchant for nothing, but send it to your own account.

Method [-]: Do not carry credit cards with you, because using credit cards is an invisible waste.

Method [-]: When you want to buy luxury goods, give yourself a time to think about it, so that you will get rid of the bad habit of spending money indiscriminately.

Method [-]: Prepare a small account book for yourself every day, and make a clear record of every expense you make.

These are the most effective ways to save money.In this frugal life, women will not only be able to earn money, but also save money. Only by pooling these small money can they accumulate more wealth.

Don't be a woman who "worships money" and "loses money"
The fault of "money worship"
Money can satisfy people's desires, so women long for money, and sometimes they are almost obsessed with money. In fact, women do want money, but you must not let money block your sight, and you must not let money control you Let yourself become an out-and-out "money worshiper" woman.

Xiangxiang grew up in an ordinary family, and her parents’ monthly salary was just enough to cover the family’s expenses. Every time Xiangxiang wanted to buy a slightly expensive item, she couldn’t get the support of her parents, so in the end It didn't work either.Therefore, Xiangxiang dreamed that she must be a rich person when she grows up.

After Xiangxiang worked, she worked hard to earn money, but her monthly salary was still only enough to maintain a normal life, and it did not allow her to get what she really wanted.For the sake of money, she kept wooing her boss, hoping to get a chance for a promotion or salary increase, but fewer and fewer people in the company responded to her; Her parents are poor, which will greatly reduce her impression in the hearts of her friends; in terms of love, she left her boyfriend who had been in love for many years, and finally chose a small boss who was 15 years older than her.After she got married, she became rich and could finally buy what she liked in the shopping mall as she wished. She quit her job, worked out every day, did beauty treatments, and lived like a rich wife.

However, her husband slammed the door after a quarrel and never came back, and she suddenly found herself lonely and with nothing.

This is the fault of money worship. Money can satisfy all people's material needs, but excessive money worship will make people lose themselves.Without a spiritual fulcrum, people will become an out-and-out slave under the drive of money.In the process of interacting with money, one must learn to be a clean person. A woman must have money, but more importantly, she must have a sound personality.Be a wise man who pursues money but is not obsessed with money, so that you can live a happy life surrounded by money.

The danger of "losing money"
In the Jewish business philosophy, women are their biggest customers, because women are the group that likes to spend money the most, so Jews often do business with women, which gradually enriches their pockets.

It is precisely because women like to spend money that they hope that they have money in their lives. Money can satisfy their pursuit of material things, so after they earn money desperately, they also develop the habit of "losing money".But if you are spending money, have you ever thought that when you squander your hard-earned money or your husband’s hard-earned money on enjoyment, you may encounter the following dangers:

The numbers in the bank account can always be counted in less than a second.

When your husband suddenly leaves you one day, you become a person with nothing

The money on the salary card moonlights, and becomes a real moonlight family.

The money in the wallet always disappears without knowing it.

The debt on the credit card is always outstanding, and I have become a card slave.

When I see others buying a new house or car, I always feel powerless.

When I fell ill one day and needed a large sum of life-saving money, I could only sigh helplessly.

Although money is just a tool, a right-hand man used to satisfy one's own desires in life, you should also learn to control your own money and not squander it arbitrarily.When you can save, you must save. Don't just waste money on ostentation. Be a smart ruler, so that you can enjoy the benefits that money brings to you.

Being able to "spend" money is more important than being able to make money

The wisdom of "spending money"
Women like to spend money, people sometimes don't understand this, they think it is a bad habit for women to spend money, this phenomenon should be strictly controlled.This is probably because they only see women who spend money like water, but not women who really spend money.

A woman who really knows how to spend money can often have a good grasp of how to spend money in life, and can clearly know where the money should be spent.They will make good use of every penny they have, and can make the money serve themselves well and make themselves better.For a woman who can spend money, they often do the following:

1. Control complex
Many women will spend money without hesitation when they are in a bad mood, and once a woman who knows how to spend money finds that she is in a bad mood, she will find a suitable way to vent her depression and will not be troubled by money.

2. Rarely loitering

Sometimes, women don't go to the street to buy anything, but just hang out on the street for a while when they have nothing to do, and when they are wandering, they are often tempted by new things, and end up buying a lot of unnecessary things without knowing it. thing.And women who can spend money will arrange other activities for themselves when they are free, so as to keep themselves busy, and will not waste their money in vain wandering.

3. If you don’t see a cheap price, you will rush forward
When women are shopping, once they encounter cheap or discounted things, they will rush to the front without hesitation, and buy home what they think are cheap, without considering practicality at all.When a woman who knows how to spend money finds something cheap, she will consider whether she needs it or not, and then decide whether to buy it or not.

4. Always be yourself
Women like to form gangs when they go shopping. It is because of this that they are often influenced by others, and when others buy things, they themselves will flock to them.And women who can spend money will not be influenced by others, and only buy things they can use. Before going to the street, they will make a list of items for themselves, and buy according to this list.

This is the way for women who know how to spend money to control their spending money, and only such women can manage their money more reasonably.For women, there should be a certain amount of wisdom in spending money. Only women who truly possess this kind of wisdom can make their lives shine brightly.

The art of "spending money"
For women, earning money is not the ultimate goal, the ultimate goal should be to spend money, because money can reflect its own value only when it is spent, and women can only spend the money they earn through labor to the point where it should be spent. Only in a place where you can better realize your own life value and the value of making money.Therefore, women should be able to make money, but they should be able to spend money, because being able to spend money means that you have the ability to manage money.

A woman who doesn't know how to spend money will never experience the joy of making money, and she will easily lose the motivation to make money desperately.Spending money does not mean spending recklessly. A woman who can really spend money should do the following in her life:
Bear a certain amount of family expenses according to your own financial ability, and don't let your husband bear it alone.

When going out with your husband or boyfriend, treat yourself appropriately.

Spend a certain amount of money on fitness, beauty, and clothing, which can make you younger and more beautiful.

You must invest a certain amount of money in your own knowledge arm to enrich your mind.

Try to invest your own money properly, such as stocks, funds, collections, etc., but do what you can.

There must be a certain sense of investment in children's education.

You can properly use your own money for entertainment and meals with colleagues, which will help you work smoothly.

These are the money that women should and must spend in their lives. A smart woman can often spend her money very reasonably.They often regard spending money as an art, and study this art carefully, so that the money spent will bring greater benefits to themselves.

A smart woman will not squander their money casually, they will always tell themselves, not only to be a smart woman who can make money, but also to be a beautiful woman who can spend money, so that they can win beautiful love and happiness Marriage, loyal friendship, stable job.Love can also bring you "wealth"

"Wealth" comes from mutual accumulation

There are many women who are married or have boyfriends who often have this situation:

Situation 1: If your boyfriend or husband is particularly frugal in life, you will become very frugal unknowingly when you live with him for a long time.

Situation 2: If my boyfriend or husband is very serious about work, after getting along for a long time, I will also be meticulous about work.

Situation 3: If my husband or boyfriend can often overcome it with a positive attitude when encountering setbacks, then when I encounter setbacks, I can also have a positive attitude.

Situation 4: If your husband likes to listen to jazz, although you didn't like it at the beginning, you will gradually like this kind of music.

These are the wealth that love brings you.For women, wealth not only comes from their own struggle, but also from the accumulation in life, and the accumulation power of one person is always weak, but when two people participate in this accumulation process together, and after time After precipitation, one day you will find that this invisible accumulation of water droplets is about to become a vast ocean.So when you are looking for a boyfriend, learn to find someone who can bring you wealth, so that you will become richer in the future.

Find a man who can accumulate wealth with you, so that in the process of accumulation, you will move towards a goal together, and in this process of continuous improvement, you will improve in many aspects. This improvement is what love gives you bring wealth.

Choose a partner with a rich spiritual life who can bring you spiritual wealth

Some people say: "The best way for a woman to change her destiny is to find a rich man." Although this sentence is very practical in modern society, when a woman chooses a partner, she should not only look at a person's financial situation , but also comprehensively consider his quality in all aspects, because when you choose a good partner who is excellent in spiritual life and other aspects, you can improve your own quality, which will also bring you huge benefits invisibly. wealth.The main performance is as follows:
Falling in love with an excellent man can bring you unexpected surprises and make you feel truly romantic.

They are often your most capable assistants in your career. When you encounter unsolvable problems, they can often help you tide over the difficulties.

Such a man pays great attention to the quality of life, so as to improve your quality of life.

Such men often have rich social experience and extensive knowledge reserves, which can enable you to improve your knowledge and increase your social insights.

Under his influence, your conversation will also be full of humor, which will bring joy to family and friends.

When you feel the pressure of life, such a man can help you clean up the garbage in your mind.

A rich spiritual life is very important to people. When a woman chooses a person with a rich spiritual life, she will find that her life becomes more meaningful, and you will find that the home is full of warmth, warmth, and tenderness. Only then can we better improve ourselves and make ourselves better.

(End of this chapter)

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