Mad Concubine Poison Walks the World

Chapter 104 The January Date 1

Chapter 104
"Hey! I've made dinner, do you want to eat with us?" Mo Qingyou stood behind the masked man and asked lightly. For some reason, she seemed to be afraid for a while in front of him. Although he was shrouded in an icy chill.

"Let's go!" The masked man still regretted the words, just responded, and walked towards the dining table, leaving Mo Qingyou behind, Mo Qingyou didn't pay much attention to this, just shrugged and continued walking with.

The masked man came to the table, picked up a bowl, picked up a few dishes with chopsticks casually, and left in such a grandiose manner without looking at Mo Qingyou and the others from the beginning to the end, as if there was something deep in his eyes. Deeply disdainful.

"Miss, why is this person like this..." Jiajia looked at the figure who had gone away, and called out to Mo Qingyou in a low voice, her pursed mouth already showed her deep dislike.

"What's the matter? Eat quickly! It's going to be cold soon." Mo Qingyou didn't have such a big reaction as Jiajia, but ate her meal calmly.

Early in the morning, when the sky was bright, there was a heavy knock on Mo Qingyou's door, and then a cold voice came into Mo Qingyou's room.

"5 minutes, tidy yourself up, and come out to the training ground immediately." The masked man's voice was two points colder than yesterday, and his eyes revealed deep disdain for women, but he quickly covered it up .

Mo Qingyou got up quickly after hearing the voice, took the fastest time to look at herself, and Jiajia and the two ran out of the house quickly, 5 minutes, really 5 minutes, not much more, A lot less, if it is in modern times, it is impossible for her to take care of herself in only 5 minutes, and the slowest time is 15 minutes. If it is true, people still have to force it, no, It works as soon as it is pushed.

"Did you see that stake? Within a month, if the two of you can knock me down from it, you will pass the test, otherwise, you will not get any letters of recommendation from me, which means that you have no If you are qualified to enter any courtyard, you will be swept out of Shengshi Academy. It is up to you whether you dare to accept the challenge. This is my minimum requirement. I will give you two days to master this cheat book. After two days, I will meet you in person. Do it again, of course, whether you can pass or not depends on your luck, I have limited time, and I won’t take the time to tutor you again, if you don’t learn it, get out early.” After the cold-faced man lost a book, just left.

When Mo Qingyou and Jiajia got two books and saw the completely different titles on them, they knew that even if they wanted to help each other, they couldn't do it. This time they had to rely on themselves.

Jiajia is fine, she is a person who has been trained since she was a child, and these things have long been a common meal for parents, but Mo Qingyou is different. She has never even seen her use force along the way, so she probably won't Relying on the two of them to knock the masked man off the stake, this has simply become an impossible wish!
"Okay, Jiajia, you just take care of yourself and don't worry about anything else." Mo Qingyou looked at Jiajia's worried eyes, patted her on the shoulder, and comforted her with a smile.

As soon as Mo Qingyou entered the room, she opened the book and flipped through it page by page. The written words flowed tirelessly into her mind like running water.

(End of this chapter)

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