Mad Concubine Poison Walks the World

Chapter 105 The January Date 1

Chapter 105
In modern times, except for professors, no one understands that she has an amazing memory. As long as she has read books once, even if she can recite them backwards, there is no problem. Therefore, Mo Qingyou only spent three hours. The time, using the modern timekeeping method, is six hours, and I have already read it all, memorized it clearly, and can recite it backwards.

Stretching and moving her body, Mo Qingyou looked at Jiajia who was still remembering and didn't bother her, but went out to prepare lunch. People are like iron rice or steel, and if you don't eat a meal, you will be so hungry , Mo Qingyou always puts food first. Only when she is full can she have the strength to think about things and make sure to make the most correct decisions and judgments.

As soon as Mo Qingyou put the food in order, the masked man appeared. This time he just glanced at Mo Qingyou, as before, took some food and left, Mo Qingyou treated him concisely. I am used to the language, and I just nodded.

"Jiajia, how is it going?" As soon as Mo Qingyou entered the room, Jiajia was still reciting desperately. Looking at the pages opened in front of her, she should have recited a third of it. In two days , as long as you work harder, you should be able to barely finish it.

"Miss, I have recited one-third of the time, and there are two-thirds left. It's just that the more you get to the back, the more difficult it is. I'm afraid it will take two days." Jiajia is usually an optimistic person. In front of Qingyou, she still couldn't help worrying. With her speed, she was already a remarkable existence in the same organization, but in front of Mo Qingyou, she was somewhat unattractive. A few words of encouragement before, let her eat first and watch.

This book is like this, if you stare at it for too long, you will easily get dazzled and dizzy, so the gain outweighs the loss.And go outside for a walk, breathe the fresh air for a while, and come back to watch, there will be unexpected results. She guessed that Jiajia just watched for too long and her head became dizzy.

"Miss, how is your memorization going? Although I haven't read that book of yours, the one I'm reading now is a very majestic secret book. It's hard to come by with softness and softness. Yes, I have learned it, and my martial arts should be improved." Although Jiajia has worked hard on memorizing, judging from her satisfied expression, she is still very happy and takes it for granted.

"It's almost the same as you. You write yours first. If you want to learn mine, I'll teach you later." Mo Qingyou couldn't bear to tell her the truth. This cheat book will definitely dampen Jiajia's enthusiasm, which is very unfavorable. Therefore, she concealed some small details and only gave a rough outline.

Jia Jia seemed to be really afraid that the two of them would fail to pass the test, so that the young lady would not be able to enter the college. She had put in all her pains, but she just picked up the food casually, and ran back to the room when she was full. Mo Qingyou knew this People who are desperately practicing martial arts don't stop them from their minds, they just stay and eat slowly.

Time always flies by quickly. After Mo Qingyou memorized the cheats, she sat cross-legged on the edge of the bed, meditating on the internal energy in her body. For a while, a warm and gentle air rose in her dantian. When she didn't know, she was taken aback, but after Jun Wushang explained to her, she realized that this pure and harmonious energy was actually internal force.

(End of this chapter)

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