Chapter 115

"You don't have to go. Anyway, I don't really want to know who the outsiders are. Besides, tomorrow is the January appointment, and I'm leaving your place. It doesn't matter if you listen or not." Qu Zhe was soft and hard A person who eats, he always does things according to his own mood. Shanshan understands that if he is pushed too hard, it will only have the opposite effect. Immediately, the cheeks on both sides of the face are bulging, and the feet are like the wind, and she is moving towards the outside of the formation quickly. and go.

A gray-haired but energetic man behind him looked at the two of them calmly. Shanshan has always been very strong-tempered and would not submit to anyone casually, but this young man could easily change her mind, and it was Shanshan who did not Zhe's kind, I don't know whether it is good or bad to have Shanshan by his side.

"Don't worry, you've been observing this young man for a month, don't you praise others yourself? Otherwise, you'll let Shanshan take that medical book away, so don't worry about it here , children and grandchildren have their own blessings, according to me, as long as there is someone who can cure this Shan'er and has a decent character, I will not allow you to interfere with them." Standing beside the gray-haired man was a For the well-maintained woman, as soon as her words came out, the man next to him who was blowing his beard and staring at him immediately softened.

"Okay, let him live tomorrow! He likes medicine so much, let him go to the pharmacist class! His ability is quite strong, even if he doesn't need to be recommended, the old man will not let such a good seed go. These days he I haven't been walking around here for a while, but I'm just afraid of being discovered by us, so I've been very careful." The man still looked at Qu Zhe with unfriendly eyes, but he agreed in the end.

As the saying goes, any father-in-law will hate his son-in-law the more he looks at him, and if he seduces the daughter whom he has held in his heart for many years, no one will be happy if it is changed.

"Brother Zhe, look quickly, who am I bringing you here?" Shanshan took Mo Qingyou's hand, and she arrived before anyone could be heard, which showed that she was really happy to see Mo Qingyou.

"Sister Mo, have you completed this month's challenge?" Qu Zhe put down the medical books he was carrying with him as soon as he saw Mo Qingyou's figure, and walked towards Mo Qingyou.

Seeing the happy expression on Qu Zhe's face, the white-haired man who had agreed generously just now turned dark.

"Look, this kid is not reliable at all, thanks to the fact that you praised him a lot just now, how long has it passed! When I saw the beautiful little girl, my eyes lit up, it really made me mad , I've decided, I can't let him pass the test so easily." The white-haired man was so angry that he almost jumped, but he was still stared at by the woman beside him, and he didn't dare to say anything.

"What are you in a hurry for? Take a look first before you talk." The woman looked in Mo Qingyou's direction after she finished speaking. It wasn't that she knew that the old man had already used the invisibility technique, otherwise, she would have felt that she had seen them!

If Shanshan competed with this woman for a man, she would definitely lose!Any daughter is the heart and soul of parents, how can a woman not worry about the daughter she has raised since she was a child!
"Sister Mo, sit down! Shanshan, go and pour a cup of tea for Sister Mo." Qu Zhe led Mo Qingyou to sit down, and then called to Shanshan, as if it had become natural.

(End of this chapter)

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