Mad Concubine Poison Walks the World

Chapter 116 Finding Your Sweetheart

Chapter 116 Finding Your Sweetheart

"Hey! I haven't seen you for a month, and my little Zhe has already found a sweetheart?" Mo Qingyou joked as she watched the two of them, one willing to fight and the other willing to suffer.

"Sister Mo, don't make fun of me. She is the dean's daughter. Besides, I have important things to do. It's too early to have an affair." It immediately became red.

"What's wrong with the dean's daughter? My little Zhe is good at medicine and martial arts. I don't think you are not good enough for Shanshan! Besides, Shanshan has a carefree personality, although sometimes she does things based on her mood. But her ability to perceive is very high. She can see what kind of person is worthy of deep friendship. She can see clearly than many people. At your current age, it is not shameful to talk about a girl you like. Moreover, the two of you People's personalities just complement each other, mutual benefit and reciprocity, I think it's very good! Don't do things too much, if you force people away, you won't be able to chase them back."

Mo Qingyou looked at Qu Zhe as if he was trying to get to the bottom of his nerves, and couldn't help but enlighten him a few words. From her point of view, if she didn't say anything, this silly boy would definitely stay for the rest of this month, and the two of them would return to the bridge. It was a pity for her to lose such a good girl.

"Sister Mo, it will delay her, so let's not talk about it." Qu Zhe struggled in his heart, and then said as if he had made a decision.

"You can't say that! You are not the person involved, how do you know, this is not what she likes, she is willing! Anyway, listen to me, don't always show a cold face to others, since you Call me sister, then you have to listen to me." Mo Qingyou didn't bother to care about his arrogance, and said with a final word.

"Brother Zhe, you don't see it as clearly as Sister Mo. I always thought you understood my intentions. Since I brought you here, I have no intention of letting you go in this life. You can refuse me. But I will never let you go." The expression on Shanshan's face was gone, she was happy to see Mo Qingyou, but now she has no mood.

"Sister Mo, drink some tea! I just brewed it, try it." Shanshan stood next to Mo Qingyou and stopped looking at Qu Zhe, she was in a very bad mood now Well, she doesn't want to talk to him yet, she is afraid that she will do something that she regrets.

"Shanshan, no, Xiao Zhe has a low face. Don't worry about him. If he dares to bully you, you can tell Sister Mo, and Sister Mo will teach him for you." Mo Qingyou couldn't bear to look at a always The girl with a smile lost the color on her face, and immediately patted her hand and promised.

"See, old man, she didn't follow your daughter to grab a husband, but came to be a lobbyist. See what kind of person you treat him. Are you so big, are you ashamed?" The woman smiled. Glaring at the man, he walked away first.

She has always liked herds. If her family Shanshan likes her, she will not refuse. A good family is not as good as a person who treats his wife sincerely, just like the man next to him, no matter when, It's just her words, he will finish her work first, she is so lucky to have such a husband, if her daughter can find someone who treats her sincerely in the future, she will not object.

(End of this chapter)

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