Mad Concubine Poison Walks the World

Chapter 117 Choosing a Class

Chapter 117 Choosing a Class
Mo Qingyou, Qu Zhe and the others chatted for a while and then left. After watching Qu Zhe study hard, she brought Jiajia back to the place where she stayed for a month and was full of nightmares.

The people around Grandpa Shang are all such powerful people, moreover, he who is so strong still needs to make continuous progress, so she has no right to waste any more time, although she really doesn't want to go back and beg that person again, but once Thinking of Jun Wushang who worked so hard on the other side, she still lowered her head.

Because, for her, dignity is not as good as the idea of ​​meeting him sooner, and she is willing to do such small things for him.

When Mo Qingyou had made all the preparations, she searched the entire yard and found no shadow of the cold-faced ghost. She only got two certificates of passing the test on the table. It seems that although the cold-faced ghost made a move It's a bit ruthless, but she still admires some aspects.

"Miss, with these two certificates, we can join the academy openly, martial arts class, pharmacist class, formation class, weapon training class, healing class, miss, there are so many classes, I really want to start from the beginning It’s a pity, I don’t seem to be very proficient in everything except martial arts!” Holding the certificate, Jiajia smiled for a while, and frowning for a while, she was thinking, if her lady chooses not Wu Yi, how can she protect her at close range!The purpose of her coming here, don't dare to forget, let's stay behind to study or something!
Following Jiajia's words, Mo Qingyou also fell into thinking. The pharmacist class, her medical skills, according to the progress of this era, can stand alone, and it is not a problem to let it go temporarily.In the formation class, Shanshan is a master of formations, and she still likes Qu Zhe so much, logically, even if she can't learn it, she can still have capable people around her.

Although the weapons training class is very popular for training weapons, but judging from her current predicament, she can only wait one row back.As for the final healing class, this needs to be learned, and this task can only be handed over to Jia Jia.

Her most important task at present is to strengthen her own cultivation. Improving martial arts is a top priority and cannot be delayed.

"Jiajia, if I give you a task, no matter how difficult or not, will you help me?" Mo Qingyou asked Jiajia who was beside her after recovering from her self-remembered thoughts.

"Miss, tell me! No matter whether it's going up the knife mountain or down the oil pan, even if Jia Jia puts her life to it, she will definitely do it." Jia Jia stood up straight and stood aside quietly.

Obeying orders, this is what they have to learn when they are born with fear. For the orders of the master, they have always only obeyed, without any hesitation or rejection.

"Okay, it looks like you're nervous, it's not as exaggerated as you think. This time, the task I entrusted to you is to go to the healing class and learn how to heal. This is very important to me. Now, I will give it to you. You." When Jiajia thought of the sharp eyes in her memory, her heart pounded. Although she had decided to stay by Miss's side for the rest of her life, the impression of her former master was so deep that she just wanted to forget I can't forget it.

"Don't worry! You have been with me for a short time. You have seen when I have been bullied by others! Put your heart in your stomach and carry out your mission with peace of mind! Your lady I look forward to your triumphant return."

(End of this chapter)

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