Mad Concubine Poison Walks the World

Chapter 134 The Lord of the Dark Demonic Path

Chapter 134 The Lord of the Dark Demonic Path
"Why don't you dare to drink such good tea! The tea is so clear that I can tell whether it is poisonous or not. It's better than some people who think they are suave and pretentious, but always do something disgusting." It's a good thing, you're right!" Mo Qingyou has always been a poisonous person, as long as she doesn't like her, she will never have a good face.

"Bold, the devil is someone like you who can slander you." As soon as Mo Qingyou finished her words, she was loudly reprimanded by an unremarkable person next to her, but Mo Qingyou didn't care about the hostile man Not afraid, but looking directly at him.

"Jiajia was injured by you, right? I will write down this account for you first, and I will ask you to pay it back at another time." Mo Qingyou looked at the man and pointed it out with certainty, and then stopped looking at it. with him.

"If all the soldiers and crab generals can get involved in our conversation, then we don't need to talk anymore." Mo Qingyou stood up and walked towards the door.

"Wait..." Yu Fan stopped Mo Qingyou, then glanced at the man, and said coldly, "Get out."

Although the man was very angry with Mo Qingyou, he still had to leave. Mo Qingyou gave him a very ominous feeling. He always had a feeling that because of her, he would ruin the plan of the demon lord. Seeing that the demon lord cared about her very much The appearance of that uneasiness is even heavier.

"You stay here, and I'll lure out the worms in her body. Do you agree to this condition?" Yu Fan looked at Mo Qingyou and continued to sit down again, talking about the conditions. She would go all the way to rescue someone she didn't know, even the emperor of the Sky Blue Kingdom. He didn't believe that she would disregard the safety of the people around him.

"Stay here? Hehe... Are you worried about my medical skills? Are you afraid that I will ruin your event?" Mo Qingyou didn't answer, but smiled and said, "Listening to what the man said just now, you should be a member of the Dark Demon Way." Demon Lord, what kind of ambition do you have, isn't that known to everyone? It's just that it's really not easy for you to be able to hide for so many years."

"You are really smart. Originally, I just wanted to keep you until the day when the big plan came true, but now I have changed my mind. You can follow me! Jun Wushang is deserted and doesn't know how to spoil others. Besides, I will defeat him one day, and I don’t want you to feel sorry for such a man.” Yu Fan said generously, from his tone. It can be concluded that in his eyes, Jun Wushang is really a person who gets rid of them and is quick.

But it's true, for someone as outstanding as her Lord Shang, anyone who follows him will be suppressed by him, and it's impossible not to have this kind of mentality.

"Haha... I should call you the Demon Lord! Or Yufan? Since I dare to come here alone, I am not completely unsure. You can try to see if there is any pain in your ribs. You He is a person who is very familiar with poison art, you can see if the poison is as serious as I said.

Whether you want to agree to this condition is up to you, as for me!The requirements are not high, you just need to untie the cup worm on Jiajia's body, after all, compared to you as a maid, she is incomparable no matter what. "Mo Qingyou smiled calmly, completely ignoring Yu Fan whose face had turned dark.

(End of this chapter)

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