Mad Concubine Poison Walks the World

Chapter 135 Don't Fight Unprepared Battles

Chapter 135 Don't Fight Unprepared Battles

"Okay, the purpose of my coming today has been achieved, you can do something to me, but you have to be sure, as long as I am in a bad mood, then you will never have a good life, just wait for the pain to come Bar!

Oh, by the way, there is one more thing I forgot to mention. This poison was given to me by an expert. I accidentally saved his life in exchange for the poison. He said that there is no antidote. It is absolutely impossible for a man of three feet to pass. If you want to find that tall man, I am afraid it will not be easy!
Of course, you can also try to prepare the antidote by yourself, so that you can continue to blackmail me with a maid, but at that time, I'm not sure if I will be with you for a dispensable maid It's an exchange, that's fine, I'll go first, and I'll come over at the same time tomorrow, I believe you will make the wisest choice. "After Mo Qingyou finished speaking, she made a goodbye gesture towards him, and strode away in front of the man with fire in his eyes outside the door, completely ignoring him.

"Devil Lord, let me kill her! She is too complacent and forgetful, to act so recklessly." The man knelt on the ground and begged. In his eyes, Yufan had always been a fairy-like existence. This little Poison cannot touch the devil at all.

"Ying, you don't understand her. Since she said this, it means that the poison on my body is really hard to cure. I have been with her for more than half a month, but I can't figure out her. If possible, I don't want to be an enemy to her, she is more difficult to deal with than Jun Wushang.

Don't look at her as just a woman, but her scheming and thinking are faster than anyone else's, otherwise, she wouldn't have come here so blatantly this time. "Yu Fan said, holding the mother cup, and looked at it cherishingly. This pair of mother and son cups had been cultivated by him for ten years, and they were still made of his blood. If Jia takes it out, the pair of cups will die in the face of the light. Forget it, with his current layout, even without the pair of mother and son cups, it doesn't matter much. Moreover, he still believes in his own poison skills. Absolutely no one can solve it.

When Mo Qingyou left the Yaoxian Association, the sun in the sky shone on her, sweeping away the damp breath on her body, staring at the distant sky, Mo Qingyou's thoughts were a little distracted.

She and Jun Wushang haven't seen each other for more than half a year, and she has no news about him at all. She doesn't know if he's doing well recently, if he's eating well, if he's lost weight, and if he has to think about her occasionally. .

And somewhere at the bottom of the ice and snow that Mo Qingyou didn't know, Jun Wushang was practicing in seclusion. He had been staying here for more than half a year, and the door had been guarded by Ji'an, and it was him At the most critical moment, as long as he breaks through, he can go to her without any worries.

Ordinary people think that martial arts are only at the tenth level, whether it is lightness kung fu or internal kung fu, but in another area, there are people who surpass this level, but they have not been well known.

Unknowingly, Mo Qingyou walked back to the courtyard where she had been living all along. She slowly walked in the familiar courtyard and formation.

"Girl, you're back. Did Yufan make things difficult for you?" The two hall masters were worried to death. Ever since they knew she was going out, they had been waiting by the side, worried that something would happen to her. But they had a hard time.

(End of this chapter)

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