Mad Concubine Poison Walks the World

Chapter 136 People with clear grievances

Chapter 136 People with clear grievances

"Let the two masters worry, I'm fine, and he doesn't care what he does to me, don't worry! I will never hit the staff unprepared." Mo Qingyou followed the two hall masters into the living room. At this time, Jixing and Shanshan were sitting aside and waiting.

"Try to find a way to contact Qu Zhe and see what's going on with him. The two masters will spend more time and put these antidotes into the water, so that everyone in the Yaoxian Association can drink them. When the time comes, we will cooperate with each other." , as long as the second prince of the Sky Blue Kingdom has no real power, Yufan will not be able to jump up and down." Mo Qingyou told them all the things, and then walked towards Jiajia's yard. What she did did not matter. She doesn't need anyone's understanding, as long as she achieves what she wants.

Behind Mo Qingyou, Ji Xing followed until Mo Qingyou entered Jiajia's yard, and then he stopped outside the door.

Mo Qingyou checked Jiajia's wound and made sure that the sub-cup in her body was not working, then walked out of the room, looked at Ji Xing standing outside the door, and walked over without paying attention.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have spoken to you like that. Please forgive me. Jia Jia has you as her master. It's a blessing she cultivated in her previous life." Ji Xing is a person who never admits his mistakes. , It's not easy for him to admit his mistake, but Mo Qingyou, the person involved, doesn't have any pride.

"You don't need to apologize to me. You didn't feel sorry for me. How I treat her is my business. Even if I didn't make this decision today, but traded her life for the peace of the whole world, that Will you still apologize to me when the time comes? Hmph! I'm afraid, you want to tear me apart.

It’s been a day or two since you didn’t like me. I have always understood that you are hostile to me, but you are nothing in my eyes. In the past, maybe you were worthy of being my opponent, but now you are not qualified up. "After Mo Qingyou finished speaking, she left without looking at him.

She has always been a person with clear grievances and grievances, how others treat her, she will naturally treat others. Ji Xing never gave her a good look at the beginning, and now, it is impossible for her to give him any good looks in return , This is her Mo Qingyou's character, she can't make everyone like her, and similarly, she won't suit anyone.

On the second day, Mo Qingyou still appeared alone in the Yaoxian General Assembly, while Yu Fan was already waiting there. Yu doesn't care too much about these, she just needs to get what she wants.

"The Dark Lord must have thought it through clearly, right? Let's stop talking nonsense, you must be busy with a lot of things." Mo Qingyou said straight to the point as soon as she entered the door, she is not in any mood to follow him now.

"Are we already so strange to each other? I thought you would continue to call me Yu Fan. Although this is not my real name, I never thought that you would no longer even have the idea of ​​calling me Yu Fan." said self-deprecatingly.

"So, you're delaying here because you don't want to take the cup out of Jiajia's body, right?" Mo Qingyou stared at him straight, "If that's the case, then there's no need for me to stay any longer. Farewell." Mo Qingyou turned around and left without any procrastination at all, without leaving even a chance for a turning point.

(End of this chapter)

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