Mad Concubine Poison Walks the World

Chapter 145 Mo Qingyou's Life Experience

Chapter 145 Mo Qingyou's Life Experience
"I'm going back, and I'll come back when I have a chance." Jun Wushang hugged Mo Qingyou again, as if she was like a real treasure, which made him reluctant to let go. The journey is not short, and Jun Wushang is completely He flew over with his lightness kung fu, it can be seen that in the past half a year or so, his martial arts has improved a little bit, she is undoubtedly the most gratified.

"Yuzi, I found something, I don't know if I should tell you, it's about your mother, do you want to listen?" Jun Wushang asked, staring into Mo Qingyou's eyes.

"Liu's? Huh! I have nothing to do with General Mo's mansion anymore. I don't care about their affairs so much. It doesn't matter if I know or not." She hasn't defended her one bit, and tried to set her up several times. She really doesn't have much idea about a person like her.

"I think it's better to let you know a little bit, ignore it, that's another matter.

Mo Ziyou was pregnant with a child, but in the end she was poisoned by the jealous Yunxian with medicine. The prince was very angry when he found out, so he ordered Yunxian to be executed. As for Mo Ziyou, he saved his life , but the damage was too great, and she would never be able to give birth, and gradually became a person without real power in the prince's mansion. She went crazy in the prince's mansion all day and all night, and was finally locked up by the prince.

Princess Qingling was going to intercede for her, but by accident, she overheard Mrs. Liu inadvertently talking in front of Lord Buddha, saying that Mo Ziyou was her daughter, and that Mo Qingyou was Princess Qingling's. Daughter, Mo Ziyou had just been born at that time, and seeing that the princess's daughter was loved by so many people, she cruelly switched the two daughters without anyone noticing. If it changes, no one will notice.

And the reason why Mrs. Liu went to the Buddhist hall to pray for blessings was mainly because Mo Ziyou's child was lost and her body was damaged. She had no choice but to ask the Lord Buddha for blessing.

Ever since Princess Qingling knew the truth of the matter, she started arguing angrily. In the end, Mrs. Liu had no choice but to tell the truth, but this caused Princess Qingling to suffer a great blow. After all, she used to treat you, but never No one has ever been merciful. From that day on, I heard that she has been staying in the Buddhist hall and never going out all day. She must be repenting for her past mistakes! "After Jun Wushang finished speaking, he stood quietly by the side to accompany her.

After Mo Qingyou listened to what Jun Wushang said, everything gradually became clear. No wonder Mrs. Liu didn't like her at all. She accepted the prince's divorce letter so neatly. It turned out that she did it for her It's no wonder that my daughter paved the way.

Everything made sense, and Mo Qingyou didn't have any special feelings. After all, she was not the rightful owner, and the rightful owner didn't get any warmth from them. Anyway, I won't see you again in the future, so let everything be let's go!It would be very disrespectful to the Lord to pursue further investigation.

"Master Shang, will you stay with me forever?" Mo Qingyou looked up at Jun Wushang and asked, the person who treats her best here is no one but him, as long as he is by her side, other Seeing him nodding, Mo Qingyou smiled happily.

"Fool, what are you thinking! Of course I will accompany you! Have a good meal tonight. After tomorrow, we have to continue the hard journey. You forgot, this black magic way is over, no matter what. You have to go back to Shengshi Academy!" Jun Wushang took her hand naturally, and walked towards the front hall. Due to the large number of people, they all dined there together, but dare to share the same table with Jun Wushang Xiaozhe, Shanshan, and the two masters were the only ones eating, and the others had already avoided it.

In other words, she didn't think Jun Wushang was very cold, but everyone was afraid of him. Even Ji Xing, who was already injured, was always very respectful when he saw Jun Wushang, which made her I thought that Ji Xing had a split certificate, but this was only for Jun Wushang, and he should be ruthless and ruthless when facing other people.

In the early morning of the next day, except for the two hall masters who stayed behind to reorganize Yaoxian, everyone set off and headed for Shengshi College. This time, they were able to break the ambition of the Dark Demon Dao only because of Mo Qingyou and others. I knew Yu Fan before, otherwise, I wouldn't have seen him through so quickly, but because of this, Mo Qingyou and the others all received good benefits, and were recruited by the dean as inner disciples, and one move was still the same. They recruited three, Mo Qingyou, Qu Zhe, Jiajia, and Ji Xing, who was originally staying at Shengshi College, and they all lived in the yard specially assigned by the dean.

However, there is always one more person in Mo Qingyou's room, and that is Jun Wushang. Even if the dean's ability is very strong, he can only open one eye to Jun Wushang who he can't see clearly. Close one eye, who made Jun Wushang's ability really powerful!

They have also learned a lot in this Shengshi Academy. Mo Qingyou's martial arts has become more refined, Qu Zhe's medical skills have improved to a higher level, and even Jiajia's healing methods have become more and more proficient. It can be said that coming here Harvest Bofeng!
"Sister Mo, are you in there? I brought you some dinner, can you open the door?" Shanshan has always been very close to Mo Qingyou since she followed Qu Zhe's side. As for the site, she asked someone to prepare exquisite meals and brought them to her room in person.

"It's Shanshan! You just came back, so why don't you take a break and go to fiddle with these things!" How could Mo Qingyou not know what Shanshan was thinking!Such a simple girl can always be seen through at a glance, but she doesn't intend to tell the truth, after all, they are both young now, everything is uncertain, if there is any change, it is hard to say, We can only follow nature.

"Sister Mo, you're welcome, hurry up and eat! I still have to give it to brother Zhe! I won't bother you, I'll go first." Shanshan ran out after speaking, her action was called a quick, Jun Wushang watched Shanshan walking away, ignored her, picked up the bowls and chopsticks, put Mo Qingyou's favorite dishes between them, and put them in front of her. Sheng.

"Master Shang, I will get carried away with you like this. If you are not by my side in the future, what will I do if I am spoiled!" Mo Qingyou picked up the bowl and was happy in her heart. But there was no delay, after all, she was really hungry and wanted to catch up on sleep after eating!
People really can't be lazy, this laziness is like having no bones, but Jun Wushang always pampers her, which further boosts her arrogance.

"It doesn't matter, I just like you. It's only natural to rely on me. I agree." After Jun Wushang finished speaking, he picked up another chopstick dish for her. Every time he ate with her, he always felt very happy. Cheerful, this is probably the reason why she likes to do whatever she wants and is never bound by the world!

Suddenly, there was a light sound outside the door, Jun Wushang quickly put down the bowl and chopsticks, and headed for the door, knowing that he should have kept Ji Xing by his side, but when Jun Wushang appeared outside, he saw a Quietly, without any movement, suddenly a feeling of uneasiness surged in his heart, and then he quickly walked towards the house, but after he entered, he only saw the empty house and the dust scattered on the ground. rice bowl.

Who is the plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain?To be able to snatch people away from his hands, Jun Wushang's face was so cold that a layer of ice fell off his face, his gaze became sharper, he took out a whistle, put it on his mouth and blew softly , there were more than a dozen people around him immediately.

"Go this way to find the mistress, try your best to find it, and you don't have to come back if you can't find it." After Jun Wushang finished speaking, his body moved more quickly. It is unforgivable to take people away with lowered eyelids.

In fact, Mo Qingyou didn't faint. When she saw the familiar face, she seemed to think of something in her heart, and then fainted in cooperation. In fact, no one understood that since she was a child, she had been dealing with drugs all the time. The reason is that once the professor gave her a fiery red fruit. Since then, she has been invulnerable to all poisons. Even after she transmigrated into this body, she still remained the same. After judging the pros and cons, she decided to wait and see what happened. I believe that Jun Wushang will be able to find her along the clues she gave her, and then she will be able to understand that person's purpose.

Along the way, Mo Qingyou's eyes were covered with cloth, but even so, she deduced who the person who kidnapped her was. She didn't expect him to have such a scheming heart, which really made her treat her differently. up.

That's right, this person is Min Du, the second prince of the Sky Blue Kingdom. He never thought that since he asked her to treat his father's illness, it was already a trap he designed, and at that time she actually went to treat him. Healed, I didn't expect her, Mo Qingyou, to be mistaken sometimes, but, offending him, it's not so easy to get away.

At that time, she still felt that although Yu Fan also had some abilities, he only played with some medicinal materials all day long, unlike someone with such a deep scheming mind. She did not expect that Min Du was in control behind him, no wonder he wanted to If this play is performed, otherwise, even if Mindu plays in person, it may not be possible to win.

Now the only thing she worries about is Mindu. I don't know if he already knows that it is because of her that the poison will be completely unraveled.

In two days, Mo Qingyou was already in a strange place. If no one came to rescue her, she might be able to get out here with her own ability, but she would destroy Mindu's plan. It's over, she must think of a perfect plan, and I hope Master Shang can see the message she left as soon as possible, find here as soon as possible, and when the time comes, he will cooperate with the inside and outside to catch Min all in one go.

(End of this chapter)

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