Mad Concubine Poison Walks the World

Chapter 146 Mindu's Mask

Chapter 146 Mindu's Mask

Following the clues left by Mo Qingyou, Jun Wushang found their base step by step, and scattered more than a dozen people under him. Jun Wushang stepped in quietly. There is no longer any threat in his eyes. With his more advanced martial arts, it is easy for him to deal with them.

Yuko of his family wants to wipe out all these people in one go, and he will cooperate with all his strength. He has already felt this when he first met Mindu, because of an unintentional, He saw the mark on him, but he didn't pay much attention to it at the time, he just glanced over it.

Looking back now, there is a hint of conspiracy everywhere, but they seem to be too naive to play conspiracy in front of him. Soon, Jun Wushang escaped all the defenses and checked the layout of their base , where medicinal materials are stored, where food is stored, and where weapons are stored, they are all clear.

Soon, Jun Wushang flashed past the window, and he was already in a room, while Mo Qingyou was still tied to a chair, with a piece of cloth in her mouth.

"Yuzi, are you okay? You can't mess around like this next time! If I didn't see the mark you left, I would have been terrified by you." Jun Wushang untied the rope from her body and took her down. With the cloth strip in his mouth, he hugged the person into his arms and said to her in a warning.

"Understood, I won't do this again in the future. Isn't this suspicious? So I followed him. I just didn't expect him to have such great ambitions. What he wanted was chaos in the four countries. How about it? , have you inquired about the surrounding environment, can we have a big fight?" Mo Qingyou looked at him with bright eyes and asked.

In fact, among these people, only Min is a powerful character. As long as Min is taken down, the others are not a big problem, but the only trouble is that Min is hidden too deeply. The emperor or the empress dowager is too friendly to him. If he is dealt with, there will be a disturbance in the future, and the innocent will be affected.

"Don't worry about it. On the way here, I've sent people to make clear what Mindu has done over the years. The emperor's son will die at every turn, and die young. As long as you find out about these things It was Mindu who did it, you see if the emperor and the queen mother will support him, as long as they know that he is the highest leader in the black magic way, I'm afraid they will want to kill him!
Listening to Jun Wushang's words, Mo Qingyou's eyes lit up. Her Master Shang is really powerful. When she came here, she just guessed like this. In fact, she is not sure that Mindu is the most advanced one in the black magic way. Damn, I didn't expect him to arrange everything. Sure enough, with him here, her brain doesn't need to work so fast, just leave everything to him.

"Okay, let's put poison on them now! This is your strong point. Since they want to use poison so much, then you will use the worst one and let them taste what it is like to persecute others. "Jun Wushang lightly scratched the tip of her nose and said.

"Okay, here you are, take it and pour it into their water, it will be effective tomorrow, and keep it so that they will never forget it." After Mo Qingyou handed a small bottle of potion to Jun Wushang, he asked him to give himself If it's tied up, it's better to act well, so that it's interesting.

Sure enough, as soon as Jun Wushang left, Min Du followed in. This time, he didn't cover his face. Thinking about it, he was very sure, otherwise he wouldn't have appeared in front of her so blatantly.

"Mindu, what do you mean? Is this how you treat your savior?" Mo Qingyou looked at him in shock, but Mindu didn't care at all, with a smug smile on his face, as if this was his As it turned out, Mo Qingyou questioned Mindu as soon as the cloth strip was removed from her mouth.

"You are curious! Why did you save my father, but I treat you like this? In fact, it is very simple, that is, the emperor is not my father at all, he is just an insignificant person, listen Are you shocked by this news? Haha..." Min Du laughed heartily after speaking, and then leaned lazily on the chair.

"Qingyou, can I call you that? You can follow me from now on! What's so great about Jun Wushang? One day I will kill him and return Prince Lie. Pooh, one day I will Let him live but not die." Min Du said with a grim expression.

"Hmph! Do you think you are better than him? How can you compare with him? He is a person admired by everyone, but you! You are very scheming, and you are still scheming behind your back. I think you even have a piece of his clothes You still want me to follow you, aren't you dreaming?" Mo Qingyou had never seen anyone with his face, and she admired him a little.

"Qingyou, you are still in my hands now, you dare to talk to me like this, aren't you afraid?" Min Du suddenly glanced at her sharply, but Mo Qingyou didn't think anything at all. Frightened, she looked directly at him instead.

"Afraid? Hehe... You don't know yet! In fact, I planted a poison, a very powerful poison, a poison that I can't even cure myself, and I owe it to Yufan, no, no, it should be thanks to thanks to you.

If it wasn't for your instigation, would he have drugged me?That's what I'm doing today, I live every day, don't force anything, what else can you do to me? "Mo Qingyou smiled without fear at all, but looked at him with contempt in his eyes.

"Look at her, don't let her run away." Mindu seemed to have lost his patience, and left with a flick of his sleeves. It seems that a person like him will not like someone wholeheartedly. When it comes to his interests, even if there is something he likes a little, he can give it up, as can be seen from the fact that she said that she was poisoned.

If it was Jun Wushang, he would have been nervously going around to find an antidote for her, so he wouldn't despise her like this!Sure enough, her Lord Shang is the best.

It's good to leave, so that she can be free, otherwise, she would still be upset when facing someone like him!Now she is waiting for the wonderful show in the morning, I hope his heart can bear a little more, and don't be defeated by this little thing of him!
Mo Qingyou has been tied up for a whole day, and no one has come to untie her, and she hasn't even brought any food. It seems that Min has given up on her because she said something about poison. The recognition made Mo Qingyou hate him even more.

In the early morning of the second day, as expected, many people hugged their stomachs and complained of pain. Can it stop the pain?This is the poison carefully prepared by Mo Qingyou, but in order not to make her suspicious, Mo Qingyou also fell to the ground the next morning, rolling back and forth non-stop. She worked hard to make the effect realistic. She tuned it herself, and of course no one knows better than her what kind of effect it will produce.

This is only the first day, and every day in the future, the effect of the medicine will increase, and the pain will continue unabated. I believe they will be very happy, and this is the effect she gave, who made them so bad Then, following Mindu, she actually wanted to destroy the tranquility of the Four Kingdoms, which she was not used to.

"Master Shang, let these people be left to themselves! I believe they will get the retribution they deserve in the future, so don't keep Mindu. If such people stay in the world, they will only bring harm to more people." Mo Qingyou, who was ignored by anyone, soon saw Jun Wushang, followed him through the explanation, and continued to stay where she was waiting, as she said, leave these matters to Jun Wushang, She doesn't need to work so hard, she should take a good rest.

When a woman should be weak, it's better to be weaker, but when she should be strong, she doesn't need to be weak at all. Mo Qingyou has a deep understanding of this aspect.

There was absolutely no mistake in Jun Wushang's attack. Mindu died in pain in the end, and even this series of things returned to peace. Mo Qingyou was very reluctant to use so many medicinal materials. When they were still rolling on the ground in pain, they had already been quietly transported away, leaving only some food and those weapons. However, they were in pain, once they knew that there was no leader, they probably wouldn't Let's talk about weapons.

"Yuzi, no matter what you have to face in the future, are you willing to face it with me?" Jun Wushang looked at the sky and asked Mo Qingyou, it is impossible for him to stay here forever, and he is not willing Leaving her here alone, but as long as she is by his side, the danger is always there. I'm afraid he won't be able to take care of her alone, and she will be troubled.

"Master Shang, no matter where you go, I will go there. I am no longer what I was then, and I will not hold you back anymore. Just take me with you!" Mo Qingyou hugged his arm tightly , Replied affirmatively in a tone above.

She is willing to stay by his side, even if there are countless unknown dangers, and she does not want to be alone and miss him. Missing someone, life is too difficult, and she is not willing.

"Okay, we'll be together forever, no matter how difficult it is, I won't let you get hurt at all." Jun Wushang held her hand tightly, and the belief in his heart became firmer. As long as that thing is done, he will You can be with her wholeheartedly.

Back at Shengshi Academy, Qu Zhe and the others almost lost their minds when they found out that the two were missing. Fortunately, they showed up in a hurry, and briefly told them about Mindu. Zhe still frowned. In fact, Mo Qingyou could understand that, just like she did back then, she devoted herself to helping others, but she didn't get anything in return, and she was arrested instead. This psychological contrast is a bit too great.

(End of this chapter)

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