Chapter 147
Under Jun Wushang's cover, Mo Qingyou casually took a bath to wash away the tiredness on her body, and after eating a hot meal, she sat on the grass next to him and looked at the stars in the sky.

The stars are dotted in the sky one by one, flickering, like naughty children, changing one after another.

"Master Shang, I used to always think that on a comfortable night, I could quietly look at the moon and stars in the sky with you. I didn't expect that my wish would come true today. It's great!" Mo Qing shook her head. Touching Jun Wushang's shoulder, letting him hug her shoulder.

"Yuzi, let's go to the Spirit of the Forest and get married! I want you to stand by my side in an open and honest manner, are you willing?" Jun Wushang looked at her tenderly, with a slight tremor in his tone, like A person like him has experienced countless things, and the only thing he fears is her rejection.

"I don't want to!" Mo Qingyou sat up, looked at him pouted and said, that's how someone proposes. She is also a young girl, and of course she also has some girlish feelings!But the result turned out to be different than she had imagined, as expected, she needed wood.

"Don't you want to?" Jun Wushang put down his hand silently, his face changed instantly, and his body was covered with a touch of sadness, so helpless, in Mo Qingyou's view, he was even more charming.

"Master Shang, my reluctance is because of it! I read in a book that the proposer should kneel down, hold a flower in his hand, and propose with a ring. If you propose like this, There's no sincerity at all." Mo Qingyou seemed to be ignorant of his emotions, holding his hand and complaining.

And when Jun Wushang heard her words, the expression on his face changed again, "Flowers, kneeling, these are trivial matters, what is a ring?" Prince Lie, loved by countless people, is completely at a loss in front of Mo Qingyou, and he is afraid that she will leave.

In fact, as long as it was what she wanted, no matter what it was, he would find it for her.

"A ring is a pair of rings. Both men and women have them. The other party wears them for each other. The meaning is eternal and never separated. They are worn on this finger. Does that have a different meaning?" Mo Qingyou explained clearly. , Jun Wushang can be said to feel relaxed.

That's right!Jun Wushang silently wrote down these things, then lowered his head to do what he wanted to do a long time ago, kissed her lips, her taste was as sweet as ever, no matter how many times he seemed to always It's not average enough.

"Hmm... don't... Jiajia and the others are still there!" Mo Qingyou looked around and wanted to push him away, but Jun Wushang took advantage of this opportunity and dexterously slipped her tongue in. , Playing and entangled with him, she still has the heart to think about these things, that is, his ability is not enough.

In fact, Ji An and the others had already left when they saw the two of them staying and looking at the stars, so no one would find out even if they were doing inappropriate things here, but the over-stretched She forgot about these things, and she could only use her internal strength when she was using it. This feeling of automatically ignoring him as soon as she stayed by his side seemed to be very good.

"Stop making trouble." Mo Qingyou is not a particularly shy person at ordinary times, it is what they are doing here, although Ji An and others have avoided it, but she still feels very awkward and uncomfortable.

"Could it be that they can make trouble after they leave?" Jun Wushang especially liked her shy appearance, charming and charming, and the radiance radiating from her body, which he would never tire of seeing.

"I hate it! I don't want to talk to you anymore." Mo Qingyou said coquettishly with a blushing face.

"You ignore me, who do you want to talk to! Tell me, I'll get rid of that person." Jun Wushang's face was dark, as if he really wanted to find that person out, Mo Qingyou looked at Jun Wushang Looking at Shang's appearance, he collapsed into his arms with a smile in an instant.

"Master Shang, how can you be so cute! I love you so much!" Mo Qingyou smiled, sat up and rushed towards him, Jun Wushang fell to the ground, and the two fell Together.

"Yuzi, are you impatient? Come on! No matter what you do to me, I will absolutely cooperate." Jun Wushang said seriously with a smile in his eyes.When Mo Qingyou heard his words, she instantly became depressed. She didn't know that his Lord Shang was so black-bellied before!It is absolutely unprecedented, and there will be no one in the future.

Mo Qingyou stared straight at Jun Wushang, she felt that if she continued to be so shy, his Lord Shang would eat her to death, she might as well relax a bit, even if something happened, it was her. Those who love are naturally happy.

"Master Shang, why don't you follow me!" As soon as Mo Qingyou finished speaking, Jun Wushang straightened up like a carp, and the figure quickly disappeared.

Mo Qingyou looked at him who fled in despair, with a hearty smile on her lips, they had known each other for so long, no one knew better than her how much Jun Wushang cared about her, how could he be willing to wrong herself like this!
One night was spent in hiding like this, and the next morning, the few people continued on their way. Finally, the intersection of Senzhiling was in front of them. Since this is a place Jun Wushang is familiar with, then her Qingyou must also get acquainted with her as soon as possible.

"Yuzi, as long as you know that I like you, that's enough, don't say anything, don't think about it." Although Jun Wushang punished her for such a thing, in his heart, her thoughts is very important.A little vinegar is good for you, but a big vinegar is bad for you.

"Don't worry, I will beat all those who spy on you back to their mother's womb and reshape them, and you can just stay under my name." Mo Qingyou said confidently.

"Brother Wushang..." Mo Qingyou and Jun Wushang had just entered the Spirit of the Forest, and a girl in a light green dress ran over to Jun Wushang from a distance. just shouted.

You don't need to think about Mo Qingyou to know that this must be Jin Ling. She never thought that she would be such a bold and unrestrained woman. If Jun Wushang hadn't hidden in time, she might have thrown herself into his arms right now. Qingyou rubbed her nose and took a step back.

But Jun Wushang realized Mo Qingyou's movements, raised his brows, took a step back and took her hand in his.

"Brother Wushang, who is she? Why is she holding your hand!" Jin Ling asked, but Jun Wushang ignored her. Jin Ling seemed to know Jun Wushang's temperament. She turned to Mo Qingyou and asked.

"Why are you holding Brother Wushang's hand? Let me go." Jin Ling's tone of questioning Mo Qingyou was not like Jun Wushang's, but rather fierce, but who was Mo Qingyou? How could she be afraid of such a little girl who has never seen the world!
That's right, Jin Ling is nothing more than a little girl in her eyes, and an immature person like her really can't be called an opponent. If she were replaced by a gentle and refined one, she would always greet Jun Wushang with care, and she would You should really worry!
"That's right! Why should I hug his hand? Then I won't hug him, okay?" Mo Qingyou pretended to let go of her hand, watching Jin Ling's ecstatic appearance for a moment, her movements As soon as he changed, he stretched out his hand in an instant and pressed Jun Wushang's neck back, and Jun Wushang seemed to have guessed it long ago, and the cooperation was called a tacit understanding.

In the blink of an eye, Mo Qingyou sniffed a scent from Jun Wushang's lips, looked at Jin Ling's wide-eyed eyes, pointed at her speechless appearance, and felt that she was in a good mood and comfortable. too much.

"I won't hold his arm anymore, I'll kiss him instead, so it's over?" Mo Qingyou didn't have the time to pay attention to her who was frozen there, and bumped into Jun Wushang's arm and said, "Take me to Let's take a look around the spirit of the forest! I've never been here before!"

"Okay! The Spirit of the Forest is divided into several courtyards. That side is the main courtyard. I live in the East Garden, which is over there. Go slowly, and I will talk to you." Jun Wushang naturally took Mo Qing Yuu's hand, while walking, talking to her about the layout of the garden, it can be seen that his thoughts are completely on her heart.

Jin Ling has met Jun Wushang countless times since she was a child. She has always thought that he is a cold and quiet person, so she is often the one who is talking, while he is listening. Why does he become like this now? What does it look like now?The man who obeyed that woman's words was not at all like the him she knew.

Jiajia looked at Jin Ling who was still struggling, and her heart burst into laughter. This eldest lady, they have been enslaved by her for a long time. With nowhere to vent her anger, watching her dumb eating Huanglian, unable to express her suffering, she felt very happy.

After returning to Forest Spirit, Ji Xing hid again, only Jia Jia and Ji An followed. Originally, Jia Jia was not very used to it. After all, they have been staying together these days, but the matter of Jin Ling suddenly disappeared. It made her feel better.

"Yuzi, if I'm not by your side, remember to let Jiajia follow you, she is very familiar with this place, remember, don't go out alone, the golden spirit is not scary, and she can't threaten you, I'm afraid that Lu Lingran will attack you , here, you can move around as you like, but you must be on guard against two people, one is Li Zihao and the other is Lu Lingran, they all have one thing in common, that is, they all like Jinling, except that Lu Lingran belongs to that kind, as long as Jin Ling is happy, the person who can do everything is also the most dangerous, while Li Zihao hates me, I'm afraid he won't be able to deal with me, and he will attack you.

The spirit of the forest is not as calm as it appears on the surface, on the contrary, there is a turbulence hidden. It is just the calm before the storm. Don't worry me, you know? "Jun Wushang didn't take Mo Qingyou around the garden, but brought her into the room, and followed her in detail about the current situation in the forest spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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