Mad Concubine Poison Walks the World

Chapter 148 Returning My Normal Lord Shang

Chapter 148 Returning My Normal Lord Shang

"Master Shang, isn't it dangerous for you to start?" Mo Qingyou is not a person who cares too much, and once she cares, she takes it to heart. She just listened to Jun Wushang, I already know how difficult these things are, let alone he has to do them.

"Don't worry! They can't move me now, so you will definitely focus on you, but I can't always be by your side. I'm afraid that I will leave suddenly one day, and they You have found the right time again, so you will be in danger." Jun Wushang hugged her body tightly, hugging her tightly, smelling her unique fragrance, he felt rare peace in his heart.

"Master, Lord Sen is here to invite you." Ji'an's voice rang outside the door.

"Let's go, I'll take you to meet the owner of the forest spirit." Jun Wushang habitually took Mo Qingyou's hand, and led her towards the familiar place.

The place where the forest master lives is on the other side, so they can only turn back and take another road. There are many flowers and plants planted beside the road, which are colorful and open to bloom. Moreover, this forest spirit is rare The air is clear, and the people staying inside have become much more comfortable. No wonder some people have thoughts about this place.

Jun Wushang held her hand all the way, and walked extraordinarily steadily step by step. After a while, the two of them had already arrived at the door of the forest master, and there was already someone waiting for them, leading the way in front of her. Soon, Mo Qingyou saw the white-haired old man lying on the chair. He was closing his eyes, as if he was resting.

The man who led them took them there and went out, while Jun Wushang took Mo Qingyou aside, and the two of them made tea leisurely there, not disturbing the forest master who was sleeping soundly.

It wasn't until Jun Wushang made tea three times that Senzhu opened his eyes leisurely.

"You guys are here, why didn't you wake me up! I'm getting older, and my spirit is not as good as before." After Senzhu opened his eyes, he looked at Jun Wushang with gentle eyes, and his tone was rare honesty.

Mo Qingyou just listened quietly all the time, without interjecting, as if she was an invisible person. In fact, when she first came in, she had already felt that the masculine aura of the forest master was gradually diminishing. , and if such a situation occurs, there is only one possibility, that is, the time is almost up, and the oil is about to run out.

"This is the girl you've been worrying about all this time, right? She's pretty, and she's good enough for you. Jin Ling has been spoiled by me over the years, and she's always been blindly adoring you. Maybe, let her go for a while in the future! Take it as my old man asking you." The helpless expression on Senzhi's face made even Mo Qingyou feel soft-hearted, and nodded immediately, as long as Jin Ling doesn't To provoke her, in fact, she didn't do anything to her, she was just a simple little girl.

"Okay, you guys go back, I'm tired, I'll leave that matter to you." Lord Mori looked at Jun Wushang with full expectation in his eyes, Mo Qingyou didn't understand what these meant, But she believed that her Lord Shang would be able to handle it well.

"Yuzi, follow Jiajia back first! If there is nothing else, don't leave the garden for the next two days. Tomorrow, maybe the sky should change." Jun Wushang glanced back at the end, his eyes slightly narrowed, a little He has no way to change things, and all he can do is agree to his conditions.

"Master Shang, you mean..." Mo Qingyou looked at him in shock. Judging from his expression, the matter seemed to be more complicated. I'm afraid this side will be the last one between Senzhu and him , although Jun Wushang didn't say anything, but she is such a smart person, she understood everything after a little thought.

"Jiajia, let's go back first!" Mo Qingyou walked ahead, and Jiajia followed behind her. As soon as she returned to the garden, Mo Qingyou felt a different atmosphere. It seems that her Someone in the garden came and touched the side of his left hand, Mo Qingyou said with a sarcastic smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Since your Excellency is already here, come out. Qi, who is hiding and hiding, has lost your identity." Mo Qingyou looked at a certain place with fixed eyes, and she didn't take it back until a tall man appeared. line of sight.

"This must not be the place you should come to! Don't you worry about coming and going?" Mo Qingyou played with her fingers and said casually. This person is really thick-skinned. When he came back here, he had been waiting here early in the morning, and he was so sure that she was the one who could be bullied.

"The girl's face is too thick. Wouldn't you feel ashamed to follow a man, who is unmarried or unmarried?" What the man said was extremely vicious. On her body, then she will definitely be recruited, but the person he is facing now is Mo Qingyou. Based on Mo Qingyou's experience as a person in two lifetimes, he gave up and surrendered after a few words of provocation. In Mo Qingyou's dictionary, the word "failure" does not exist.

"You should be Lu Lingran! It seems that there are rumors that you love Jin Ling more than Li Zihao. I didn't expect this to be false. I really don't know if you are hiding it too deeply, or the people here are too stupid. I will be deceived by you." After this short observation, Mo Qingxiu has already seen Lu Lingran's purpose. If someone really loves Jin Ling, then he will definitely hope that she will stay with Jun Wushang. Together, that way, he will have an extra chance.

But what he thinks now is to hope that the relationship between her and Jin Ling will become more intense. Maybe outsiders don't understand and think that he is only thinking of Jin Ling, but this is the biggest harm to Jin Ling.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Of course I love Jin Ling. Now that I've met you, I should go." Lu Lingran turned his head and looked away from Mo Qingyou, because he underestimated her Has she?To be able to know the thoughts in his heart clearly in one round, such a woman is too scary, after tomorrow, she will definitely not be able to stay in this world anymore, anyone will hinder his footsteps, There is only one dead end, even a person as powerful as Senzhu will have the same end.

"Miss, why did he leave like this? If it were normal and the master was not around, he would not let us go so easily!" Jiajia looked at the person who had disappeared and asked. Mo Qingyou.

"Don't worry, it's strange if he doesn't leave! You'll know the reason tomorrow, go and get me something to eat now, I'm starving." Mo Qingyou sent Jia Jia away, she is now I can confirm one thing, now I just wait for time to determine it.

In the evening, as soon as Jun Wushang came back, Mo Qingyou told him what happened during the day, and also told about the fact that she poisoned Lu Lingran.

"Yuko, I don't even know whether it's a good thing or a bad thing to bring you here at this time. In fact, there is a reason why I will help Senzhu, and that is because of my mother. The emperor who was out to play found her and saved her life. From that day on, she has been deeply attached to her. But at that time, my mother was dying. If the emperor hadn't ordered the imperial physician to treat her with all her strength, she would have died long ago. No way, finally the imperial doctor rescued the mother, but told the emperor a big thing, that is, the mother was pregnant.

The emperor's love for his mother is too deep, even if he is asked to recognize a child who is not his, he is willing, as long as the mother will stay by his side, but things always have too many twists and turns. After laying me down, as soon as my body recovered, the person disappeared. No matter how hard the emperor looked for for many years, he could not be found. It was only by an extremely accidental opportunity that I heard some news.

As a son of man, even though they have never raised me, the belief in my heart strongly dictates me to look for them, but I have not heard any news for many years, and finally heard it in the ears of the master of the forest spirit I heard some words and wanted to confirm further, but he wanted me to keep the spirit of the forest, so he would exchange that news.

Because he didn't have much time, that's why I came back in such a hurry. His two disciples didn't know my identity and always thought that I came back to share a piece of the pie, so it was natural for me. Hate as much as you hate. After Jun Wushang finished speaking, he quietly waited for her reaction.

"So, you just went back to get news about your mother-in-law!" Mo Qingyou boldly guessed, while Jun Wushang nodded in agreement.

"Can't wait to be my wife? Even my mother-in-law has called me." After Jun Wushang said everything, he teased her with ease physically and mentally.

Mo Qingyou looked at him with a very helpless expression, who took away the silent Master Shang from her family, and now this black-bellied Jun Wushang who often made fun of her came from that.

"Okay, don't look at me with such eyes, I will mistakenly think that you lack love and are asking for it from me! Come on, I will generously reward you with a kiss." Jun Wushang finished speaking, taking advantage of Before Mo Qingyou could react, she kissed her. The movement was skillful, as if she had done this kind of thing thousands of times.

"Master Shang, is this really okay with you? Hurry up, go and arrange things, so we can go find mother-in-law as soon as possible!"

And Mo Qingyou's voice was swallowed by Jun Wushang. For him now, nothing is more important than her. According to him, since mother has been so long I haven't seen her, it doesn't matter if there are two more days. I believe that if my mother knows that he is looking for a daughter-in-law for her, she will not object.

(End of this chapter)

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