Chapter 86 Let Me Hug

"Two masters, don't worry! Wushang knows all these things, and has always planned them, so I won't delay things. However, after I leave, Qingyou will ask you to take care of her. Although her martial arts have improved a lot She is big, but if she is no match for someone with strong abilities, she is the person I am most worried about." Jun Wushang said with a worried tone while looking into the distance.

Those people are some crazy people. The last time they were seriously injured, maybe they will come back again in a few days, and he really has no time to stay here anymore. He must strengthen his martial arts during their arrival, All injuries are killed in the cradle.

Before he knew Mo Qingyou, even Jun Wushang himself didn't think that one day he would worry about gains and losses for a single person, and would worry about whether she was eating well and dressing warmly after being away from her for a while. It feels heart-warming, yet irritating.

"Don't worry! You have to learn to trust Qingyou. That child is a person with her own opinion. No matter how she looks at it, she will not suffer. I will send someone to protect her along the way. After entering the academy, she will She can only rely on herself.

We are very happy that you can find someone you like, but this is not the reason to stop you from moving forward. We hope you can think clearly and distinguish the situation clearly. "The two hall masters patted his shoulder and said with a sigh.

"If you can, you can leave tonight! Do what you should do. If you stay by her side for a second longer, maybe her danger will be increased. I think this is the last thing you want to see We're here." After the two finished speaking, they looked at Jun Wushang who was standing there like a statue before walking out.

Why!There are some things that people around them can see clearly, but the parties may not be able to let go so easily, let alone those who have just established a relationship.

After the two hall masters left, Jun Wushang took a deep breath, put away the heavy expression on his face, and randomly asked a maidservant to ask, and after learning about Mo Qingyou's residence, he rushed there. The time is too short, I really don't want to waste any more time on this unreasonable idea.

"You're back, hurry up, I just wanted to wait for you to eat! I thought I would have to wait for a while, but I didn't expect you to be one step ahead." Mo Qingyou had just served dinner when Jun Wushang walked in.

Just like that, the light of the sunset glowed through the door opened by Jun Wushang, and shone on Mo Qingyou, emitting a gorgeous light, faintly inconspicuous, but it made Jun Wushang unable to take his eyes off him. Walking forward, he embraced the busy Mo Qingyou in his arms, and hugged her tightly. If possible, how much he wished that time could stop at this moment, don't turn around, and he didn't have to leave her involuntarily. by my side.

"Let me give you a hug, just one." Jun Wushang's tone was filled with reluctance, making Mo Qingyou swallow the words again.

"Master Shang, what's the matter with you? Why are you so clingy after not seeing you for a while?" Mo Qingyou turned around and gave him a strange look, as if he had been very silent since just coming in.

Did something happen? "Mo Qingyou became even more anxious when she saw him not talking. Jun Wushang looked at her who was worried next to her. It turned out that someone was worried about such a good thing, but now he had to leave. How did this make him worry? Willing to.

(End of this chapter)

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