Chapter 87
"I want to kiss you!" After Jun Wushang finished speaking, he lowered his head and kissed her chattering little mouth involuntarily, and blocked the worry in her tone. This time, his actions carried some eagerness and longing. , as if there was a trace of deep reluctance, and various emotions were entangled together, which made him even more reluctant to let her go.

Jun Wushang let her go until the breath of the two gradually became chaotic, and Mo Qingyou seemed to be out of breath.

"Yuzi, if I leave, will you miss me?" Jun Wushang pulled her into his arms reluctantly again, and asked in a low tone, the sourness gradually rising in his heart almost made him feel sad again. Let him give up what he thought in his heart and not leave, but he also understood that this is not a matter of willfulness, even for his Yuko, he must leave.

"Master Shang, what's the matter with you? Don't scare me? Are you leaving? Where are you going?" Mo Qingyou turned her head and stared into his eyes, but it was filled with deep reluctance. So, why did he say those wonderful words!

"I'll tell you slowly, don't worry." After Jun Wushang said this, he became quiet again. He was thinking about how he should tell her so that she would not be so sad. After thinking about it, she felt that no matter what the method was, she always seemed to be sad.

"The situation among the four countries is becoming more and more chaotic. The current calm is only temporary. As long as there is a breakthrough, there will be a huge gap between the several countries. At that time, the country will be no country, and the people will not have a peaceful life. So, I have to leave for a while, although I am very reluctant to part with you, but these things are also my unshirkable responsibility, you will understand me, right?" Jun Wushang looked into her deep eyes and asked.

Yuko, please forgive me!I have no way to tell you about those things. If you don’t know, it means you won’t be so worried, and I don’t want you to live in worry day and night. In that case, it’s better to let you change the topic. You are such a kind person, as long as I say so, no matter how reluctant you are, you will definitely agree!

Yuko... my Yuko...

"How long will you be there?" Mo Qing asked melodiously with a smile that she thought was charming, but the bitterness in the smile was so obvious, and Jun Wushang saw that she couldn't bear to expose her, so Yuko, who is kind and considerate, is often the one who makes him feel the most distressed. Every little move of her makes him understand her thoughts.

"I don't know yet, I promise you, I will go to you as soon as I finish the job, no matter where the world is, I will definitely be able to find my Yuko." Jun Wushang held her face and said solemnly.

"Yuzi, you must not give up learning martial arts, do you understand? There is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond the people. You must take care of yourself when I am not here." Jun Wushang was never verbose, as if he was explaining something that he had never explained. all over.

Yuko, for you, I will definitely deal with these things as soon as possible, and you will not be harmed in the slightest. This is my guarantee.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore, come and have a look, this is what the master ordered the servants to make, you come and have a taste." Mo Qingyou turned her eyes away and stopped looking at him, she was afraid of her If you look at it for a while, you will be reluctant to leave him.

(End of this chapter)

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