Chapter 1 Mr Warm
This is an open class for teaching evaluation in the second grade of primary school.

The vice principal, dean, teaching supervisor, and senior teachers with decades of teaching experience sat closely around the back row of the classroom, and the evaluation form in their hands was densely packed with various indicators.

On the podium, the young female teacher stabilized several times because of nervousness, and then wrote three words that had been practiced hundreds of times neatly on the spotlessly clean blackboard: synonyms.

With a calm mind, the female teacher smiled and described the concept of synonyms in the most simple language. Under the children's clear eyes, she gave a few simple examples in a timely manner.

The class is not very deep, but the teacher's teaching is fluent and easy to understand, and the students understand it quickly.Next, according to the procedure in the teaching plan, it is the link of drawing inferences from one instance.

The female teacher confidently wrote down five not-so-difficult words on the blackboard, followed the usual practice, and started asking questions.

The first four words went smoothly, and after a few minutes, there was only one relatively simple word left on the blackboard: warmth.

There shouldn't be anything wrong, the female teacher let out a long sigh of relief, and with a smile on her face, she called out the child with the highest grade in the class, "Chi Qiaoqi."

The girl whose name was called stood up unhurriedly, facing the gazes of many unfamiliar teachers without feeling nervous at all.The corners of his mouth were even slightly raised, and he was well-behaved and generous, and he performed extremely well.

The female teacher was very satisfied, she nodded and smiled, "Chi Qiaoqi, tell the teacher, what is the synonym for 'warm'?"

As the teacher expected, the girl hardly paused, she was extremely determined.It's just that the answer she gave was not the one expected by the female teacher, or even everyone else.

The girl's voice carried through the entire classroom crisply and neatly, "Jianyan left."

The hand of the female teacher who was holding the chalk and was about to write the correct answer on the blackboard suddenly stopped, and she could hardly believe her ears when she turned around.

The other children in the class had already laughed together as if they were watching the excitement, and the teachers listening to the class behind them had already looked at each other inexplicably and started discussing in low voices.

The female teacher was a little flustered. She never expected that this girl, whom she always thought was the safest, would make such a mistake on such an important occasion to her.

The female teacher paused for a moment, trying hard to maintain a smile that was about to fade away.Then, I tried to use my most inductive voice to transmit the correct answer to the little girl's little head who didn't know what was installed, "Chi Qiaoqi, synonyms, are two words that express similar meanings, what the teacher just said Didn't you hear that?"

"Understood." The girl nodded affirmatively, without feeling that there was anything wrong with her answer.

The female teacher stabilized her broken emotions, with a trace of urgent hope, "Then think about it carefully and tell the teacher, what should be the synonym for 'warm'?"

Thinking about it carefully, these five words are naturally deliberately accentuated.

The girl paused for a moment when she saw the teacher's face full of smiles, but hiding countless hints.

Under the teacher's slightly warning gaze, the other children gradually calmed down.

At this moment, the classroom was unprecedentedly quiet.

In the next second, amidst the silent and complicated eyes waiting for the correct answer, the girl held her head lightly, and her voice became more and more affirmative, "The synonym of 'warm' is Jianyan Zuo."

(End of this chapter)

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