In this world, the only Mr. Warm

Chapter 2 When we meet again, the sky is full of flowers

Chapter 2 When we meet again, the sky is full of flowers
In fact, Chi Qiaoqi was not in a good mood at this moment.

The originally scheduled flight was canceled due to the weather, and there was no confirmed flight information for a long time.

She has never been good at waiting, and would rather go back and forth several times: Melbourne Railway Station to Sydney Railway Station, Sydney Railway Station to Smith Airport, Smith Airport to Hong Kong Airport, Hong Kong Airport to Capital Airport.

The originally ten-hour voyage was unexpectedly delayed into two days and one night, which completely wiped out her little patience.

The closest meal to now is six charcoal-grilled small scale fish before boarding the car in Melbourne. After more than 30 hours of turbulence, it is estimated that it has been digested with fragmentary and tasteless airport meals, and there is not even a bone left. .

Because coming back this time was not in Chi Qiaoqi's original plan, so she didn't have too much time before leaving.Return the place where you have lived for many years, give away the old things you are reluctant to throw away, hand over the work, and complete the project.Scattered and tossed and tossed over and over again, the total length of sleep can be counted with ten fingers.

Chi Qiaoqi silently swallowed some warm water, and leaned weakly on the seat.Before he could close his eyes completely, the hallucination had already emerged.It was still the same face, stopped not far in front, looking at her with clear eyebrows, smiling as before.

Obviously no one spoke, but Chi Qiaoqi heard his real voice.

He said, "Ke Ke, welcome home."

Probably because her complexion was too bad, the aunt next to her kindly reminded her in a low voice before getting off the plane that she needed to see a doctor.

Chi Qiaoqi nodded his thanks exhaustedly, he didn't even have the energy to explain.

Almost unconsciously following the flow of people out of the passage, the left and right sides are full of extremely noisy greetings and shouts.For Chi Qiaoqi's already fragile nerves at this time, every sound was as sharp as fingernails scraping glass, which made people shudder.

Chi Qiaoqi felt his head go blank, and the nerves near his right temple "chuckled" and began to jump non-stop.Secretly pinched the watch, the average speed of two beats per second is not a good sign.Even, it was terrible.

Chi Qiaoqi reached into his bag and found the medicine bottle he was carrying with him. He poured out two pills, swallowed them in his mouth, and freed his hand to unscrew the cap of the bottle of pure water.

Just for a moment, an unknown force behind him rushed over from Chi Qiaoqi's right side, abruptly turning her in the wrong direction.

The bottle of pure water was knocked into the air in an instant, and Chi Qiaoqi had no chance to dodge at all. He bent his right knee and knelt firmly on the ground.And the small suitcase that she had been holding in her hand like a treasure, and she didn't even bother to put it on the ground after drinking water, was buckled upright on the smooth and hard marble floor of the airport hall without buffer.

The crisp sound of "Bang Dang" cleanly destroyed all the yearning for returning to China that Chi Qiaoqi had had before.

This small suitcase was Chi Qiaoqi's first independently signed professional paper published in the most authoritative journal column in the medical field, and Ye Ce gave it to her as a reward for her graduation.

The design draft privately contributed by the chief designer of Eocc, the shell hand-shaped by Italian artisans, the suede lining exclusively provided by Sealine Ranch, and the three rose-colored broken diamonds decorated on the buckle.

None, not unique.

This small suitcase accompanied Chi Qiaoqi to many places and spent countless difficult days. She was familiar with every corner of it, and even when she closed her eyes, the faintly visible lines on it would still clearly emerge in her memory.

It was the first time that Chi Qiaoqi was affirmed and needed by people other than her, and it was also the first time she knew that in this world, besides leaving, she could choose something else.

The medicine got stuck in the throat, and a series of deep coughs were exchanged for normal breathing.Before the vertigo from hypoxia subsided for a moment, Chi Qiaoqi anxiously checked the damage.

Although the contents in the suitcase were scattered, fortunately they were all intact, except that a round corner of the suitcase was knocked out with a dent the size of a coin, not too deep, but not too shallow either.

Chi Qiaoqi let out a long sigh of relief, but he still couldn't help feeling distressed.This kind of pampering has nothing to do with value, but it makes her feel more suffocated than that.

Squatting on the ground in the corner of the hall, Chi Qiaoqi put all the things in the small suitcase back where they should be: stethoscope, sphygmomanometer, oxygen nasal catheter, intravenous infusion set, syringe, tourniquet, absorbent cotton, dressing Cut……

Everything in it looks so ordinary and ordinary, no one knows that there are too many of her past attached to it.Almost every time you touch it, you can touch a little memory.It seems to have magical powers, giving her hope of life.

After cleaning up everything and standing up again, the reckless man had long since disappeared.

Chi Qiaoqi herself didn't expect his apology, and even if he came to apologize, she might not be able to say that it's okay.In this way, there is no place to complain, and it can be regarded as a peaceful end.

But walking seemed impossible.After such a toss, Chi Qiaoqi became more and more dizzy.Stretching out her hand, she could feel the trembling without looking at it, which was beyond her most confident control over her body.

After resting against the wall with her eyes closed for a while, Chi Qiaoqi finally felt that she had the strength to open her eyes.The light is a little dazzling, but fortunately, the contrast with usual is not too great.The field of vision seems to be a little distorted, and the surrounding things fall into the eyes, which is a bit similar to the image when playing with a distorting mirror when I was a child.

On the mirrored wall, one can vaguely see her pale face at the moment, and she is not even a little bit embarrassed.

Or wait and see.Chi Qiaoqi put his hands on the wall and slowly closed his eyes again.

Someone next to him suddenly said, "Are you okay?"

When Chi Qiaoqi heard the voice, he subconsciously opened his eyes.It's a man in a suit and leather shoes, without any identification mark, but maybe an airport staff.

The imaging of Chi Qiaoqi's eyes finally got better, and the concerned expression on his face could be clearly seen.So he smiled slightly, "I'm fine, thank you."

The care from strangers always makes people feel happy, and Chi Qiaoqi especially cherishes such moments.

Thanks and farewell.Everything looks so warm and lively.

The moment he turned around, Chi Qiaoqi saw the man nodding his head politely, "Miss Chi, Mr. Jian sent me to pick you up."

Because he was so surprised, Chi Qiaoqi almost suspected that he was hallucinating.This was an agreement that had not been made before, not to mention that she had been late for such a long time.

Even, even though she was already standing at the gate of the courtyard where she was about to enter, she still felt unreal.Like, I heard the news that I could come back.

Chi Qiaoqi studied medicine in Melbourne.The instructor is a Chinese named Ye Ce, who has a refined appearance and deep connotation.Every time he spoke to Chi Qiaoqi, his tone was always doting and low, as if he was telling a story to his six-year-old daughter.

Chi Qiaoqi didn't feel that life abroad was so bad.So, coming back this time can't be said to be unexpected, but it can't be regarded as planned.

A long time later, when Chi Qiaoqi recalled that time, he would still clearly remember the way Ye Ce smiled at that moment, "Qiao, a friend of Professor Lean needs a private doctor, and the location is in China. I would like to ask him I recommend you, would you like to go back and try?"

Professor Lean was Ye Ce's tutor when he was studying, and he stopped teaching a long time ago.Students of Chi Qiaoqi's generation had only seen his name in some professional books.

The bronzing small characters, low-key and steady font, are unshakable authority.

Getting a letter of recommendation from Professor Lean was something that Chi Qiaoqi never even dared to think about.At that moment, it was not indifferent.

However, no matter how dull Chi Qiaoqi was, he understood that such an opportunity must be extremely precious.No matter who it is.To her, or to Ye Ce.

She has known him for many years, she is also a teacher and a friend, she trusts him, and he never shy away from his words in front of her.His youth, his youth, the friends who used to be side by side with him, the girl who once loved but failed to cherish.They all stayed in that place called China.He wants to go back more than she does.

However, when she honestly told Ye Ce all her thoughts, Ye Ce's expression suddenly became serious. After a long silence, he sighed softly, "Joe, I'm old, and I'm afraid to approach everything related to youth." memories."

Those all, no matter how unforgettable, can only move forward in the current status quo and slowly become memories.

At that moment, Chi Qiaoqi truly faced the fleeting sadness in Ye Ce's eyes.

In his ears, his inaudible sigh sounded, "Joe, you should go back and have a look."

Ye Ce's words seemed to be still in his ears.Chi Qiaoqi felt that everything seemed to have changed in a thousand ways.

The sky suddenly began to rain, pattering on the umbrella surface, light and dense.The driver stood aside, holding an umbrella for her, not urging Chi Qiaoqi to stop at this moment.

After standing like this for a long time, Chi Qiaoqi finally felt the truth.A smile slowly emerged from the corner of his mouth, "Let's go in."

This is a secluded courtyard, small and calm.Dark red carved wooden doors, gray-blue square floor tiles, and four black doors and windows in the east, west, north, south.A few pots of green plants neatly arranged under the eaves, some scattered flowers blooming, nothing else.People can't find faults, but they can't tell their preferences.

After a short stay, the driver briefly handed over and said goodbye.

The person who took over was much older than Chi Qiaoqi, and he was extremely considerate, "I have been serving by Mr.'s side for many years. If Ms. Chi comes here often in the future, just go in and out and follow the young master to call Mama Feng."

Chi Qiaoqi raised his head and met a kind and kind smiling face.She didn't make a sound, just because she hadn't met so many strange people who made her feel unafraid for a long time, she was a little unexpectedly slow.

But Mama Feng didn't care about anything at all. Not long after she folded into the room on the right, she brought out a cup of tea, and handed her hands to Chi Qiaoqi, "Sir, I was waiting for Miss to come, but it happened that the young master just came over. About this time The two are playing chess at the moment, I will tell them, but I must trouble Miss Chi to wait for Mr.

During the transfer, Chi Qiaoqi felt the temperature of Mama Feng's fingers, which was very warm.

The feeling of the teacup not being too hot also gradually warmed Chi Qiaoqi's palm.Chi Qiao took a sip of tea in the meantime, and didn't feel how long the wait was.

Looking up again, Mama Feng happened to be standing behind the hollowed-out wooden partition on the left side of the door, and smiled softly at her, "Sir, please let me in."

The game seems to have just ended.

As soon as Chi Qiaoqi reached the door of the study, he heard the faint voices of conversation in the room. "One careless move, the whole board will collapse. All kinds of concessions will lose all momentum."

Probably speaking.

Chi Qiaoqi stood still for a moment, and waited until the sound inside became silent, then stretched out his hand, knocked on the door frame three times, and slowly entered the room.

Slightly and quickly glanced at the eyes, two cups of tea, a game of chess, the tea bowls were combined, and the chess game was chaotic.Before the chessboard can be put away, the black and white chess pieces are still in the last position. From a rough look, the white chess pieces are indeed in decline.

Chi Qiaoqi stood still in front of the elder on the left side without squinting, and handed over the recommendation letter signed by Professor Lean, "Hello, Mr. Jian, my name is Chi, and I was introduced by Professor Lean."

Before leaving, Ye Ce had explained to Chi Qiaoqi some things about Mr. Jian, and the few scattered words were nothing more than an external personality when pieced together.Don't talk about money, don't talk about business, don't like to be flamboyant, don't like to be noisy, then there is nothing else.

Chi Qiaoqi thought that his dress and speech did not touch Mr. Jane's taboos, but he was still choked by Mr. Jian's indifference.

After talking here for a while, Mr. Jian quietly continued, holding the teacup, but not looking at her, "Miss Chi is really a distinguished guest."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Chi Qiaoqi knew that he had completely hit the gun this time.According to the original plan, she originally planned to arrive the night before, and after tidying up, she would come to visit early the next morning.That's plenty of time, not too much free time.It's just that people are not as good as heaven.Even though she didn't delay too long just now, she was still too late.

Although Chi Qiaoqi didn't come from such a deep house, he also knew that it was very inappropriate to keep his elders waiting.Especially, she is just an outsider who will come to work here.

Chi Qiaoqi didn't know how to explain her troublesome arrival process at this moment, or even if she didn't explain, how should she apologize properly.She has always been clumsy when facing her elders, especially when she is not familiar with them, so she keeps silent at the moment even more inappropriately.

Mr. Jane didn't seem to be planning to give her any steps. He caressed the tea bowl, filtered the tea with the lid of the cup one after another, and took a sip from time to time, as if she wasn't alone.

The room was silent and awkward.

Until, a leisurely voice rang out, "I originally sent someone to pick them up, but the weather in Melbourne is too bad recently, and the airport has temporarily refused to approve all route applications. Xu Mo and the others are still trapped in Australia. I didn't expect Chi The young lady was able to take so many troubles to turn around and come back, it's really a neglect on our side."

Chi Qiaoqi didn't look up, but she knew that at this moment, if she looked up, she would meet those familiar and bright eyes without any surprise.

If the angle is good enough, you can still see a slightly invisible old injury outside the corner of his left eye.And that face that has always been calm and calm must also be without a smile.There is no smile, but there must be warmth on the face.

Chi Qiaoqi didn't raise his head, so he didn't see it. At that moment, in a certain pair of eyes, thousands of bright flowers bloomed layer upon layer, filling the air.

All she heard was that Mr. Jane told Mama Feng who was waiting at the side, "Forget it, show Miss Chi some tea."

Mr. Jane has always been simple in his life and actions.Except for the time to read the contract, Chi Qiaoqi didn't communicate much with Mr. Jane.

Then, after the two parties signed and put away the folders, Mr. Jian really eased his attitude for the first time, "Miss Chi has a good handwriting."

Chi Qiaoqi smiled slightly, but he didn't feel too honored, "I practiced for a while under the guidance of my father when I was young. Compared with my husband's thin golden body, it can only be regarded as superficial."

These words are extremely ingenious, on the surface it is a compliment, but when you look at it carefully, it has a hint of being neither humble nor overbearing.

Mr. Jian never thought that a girl who studied abroad would have such a profound background, and his handwriting could be seen between the three pen characters. Apart from being surprised, it seemed that the initial impatience was lost.

After discussing other trivial matters, Chi Qiaoqi got up to say goodbye.

Mr. Jian held the teacup, blowing open the tea leaves leisurely, took a sip, and said slowly, "Yan Zuo, send Miss Chi for me."

When we arrived at the outer hall, it was still raining, Mama Feng waited aside, and handed Jian Yanzuo his jacket, "The weather is bad, please drive carefully on the way back."

Jian Yan answered "Yes" from the left, took the dark gray coat handed over by Feng's mother, put it on her left arm, and held an umbrella with her right hand, protecting Chi Qiaoqi under the umbrella, and walked into a curtain of rain.

Although it was a little cold in late autumn, fortunately the road was not long.As soon as the warm air in the car dries up, the moisture on the clothes disappears, making them dry and comfortable.

Jian Yan drove smoothly on the main road from the left, holding the steering wheel with one hand, and dialed the number with the other hand free, "You go and clean up that house in Weiting Xiaozhu, yes, now..."

Chi Qiaoqi knew that this was arranging a place for her, and when Jian Yanzuo hung up the phone, he refused without thinking, and almost blurted out, "Don't bother, I can find a place to live by myself."

Jian Yan stared at the front with his left eye, as if he was driving seriously.It seemed that he didn't hear what Chi Qiaoqi was saying at all, and it seemed that he didn't want to respond to Chi Qiaoqi's so-called rejection at all.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Chi Qiaoqi had nothing to say about his reasons, so he took it back sullenly.

He was still the same, and when he talked about something he didn't want to continue, and he wouldn't say a word more.After so many years, this bad habit has not been changed at all.

Such silence lasted for a long time.

After a long silence, Jian Yanzuo suddenly said, "How do you know that Grandpa has a thin gold body?"

Chi Qiaoqi didn't get used to communicating with Jian Yanzuo in such a homely manner for a while, his thoughts and voice got stuck for a moment, and it took him a long time to organize his words, "Actually, I was also making up nonsense, I just remember hearing you say it once in a while when I was young, saying that my grandpa's The thin gold body has been practiced to the peak."

red light.Jianyan Zuo Yishi stopped the car, held his hands on the steering wheel, and did not respond to anything.

The rain outside gradually increased, hitting the car glass and forming a series of rapid sounds.In the car, it became more and more silent.

3 second, 2 seconds, 1 seconds...

Red light turns green.

1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds...

The car still didn't move half a minute.

Chi Qiaoqi thought that Jian Yanzuo hadn't noticed the signal light turning green, so he subconsciously called him, "Mr. Jian?"

The corner of Jian Yanzuo's mouth suddenly drew a secret and strange arc.Then, amidst the continuous humming of the car behind, he turned his face with burning eyes, "If you even remember that kind of trivial thing, you shouldn't forget it. You didn't call me Mr. Jian before."

Chi Qiaoqi's heart trembled slightly, and he was completely stunned.Yes, he was right.The previous she, indeed, didn't call him that.

That intimate and young title, that happy and innocent time, is so far away that it is almost untouchable.Those three words were once so ordinary, so ordinary, as if they should have been.But when I think about it now, I feel like I have forgotten it. No matter how hard I try, I can't read the three words together.

At that time, she would smile unscrupulously at him, act like a baby to him unscrupulously, and call him Brother Nuan without any scruples.

Brother Nuan, at that time, these three words were on my lips very fluently every day, and when I said them in front of others, there was a sense of pride and showing off.But at this moment, it seems impossible to even recite it plainly and without any emotion.

Chi Qiaoqi knew what he was waiting for.However, she tried many times in her heart, but she still couldn't force herself.

After a long stalemate, Jian Yanzuo had no intention of driving the car away.

The green light has already started the countdown.

The horns of the car behind were beeping, and the long beeps one after another were mixed with the impatient and short beeps, which were piercing and noisy.In the side rearview mirror, the owner of the car behind got out of the car with a look of impatience, and was walking towards this side.

Amid Jian Yanzuo's unwavering insistence, Chi Qiaoqi finally spoke in compromise.

"Brother Jane."

In the next second, before the green light turned yellow, Jian Yan crossed the intersection fluently.The car drove through the standing water, made a small splash, and then returned to silence.In the car, the air pressure fluctuated abnormally.

After all, he still understands her. Although they have been separated for six years, he still has the confidence to understand her like another self.Even, worse.

However, Jian Yanzuo also understood very clearly that the little girl who used to act coquettishly by his side had obviously insisted on her own.Just like just now, her compromise is limited.

Perhaps, he was too impatient, and before they got to know each other again, he used force to advance the process of getting acquainted.

But who can understand his urgency, and his almost out-of-control emotions when he learned that the originally scheduled flight did not arrive on time.

This was the only time he was closest to her in the six years since he lost her.He has been looking for her for so long, and he didn't even dare to think about what it would mean to him if he missed her again.

Maybe this farewell, the next time we meet again is far away.It is even possible that this life will be missed like this, and there will never be an intersection.

He has faced too many storms and ups and downs, but he dare not imagine the possibility of this eventuality, which is the only hope he still clings to.

He waited from night to day, from morning to afternoon.It was as uneasy as if he was going to speak for the first time, go to a competition, and do everything that was extremely important to him at the time.Perhaps even more tense.

Afraid that the driver would miss the pick-up, and he couldn't be too obvious to go to the airport to wait in person, after much deliberation, he finally found an excuse to play chess and went to the old man's side to wait.

He ordered himself to calm down and concentrate on the chessboard.Arranging troops, advancing and retreating, seeing that this game of chess finally has a chance to win.But in the next second, the elbow turned abruptly.

Just because Mama Feng was at the door and said softly, "Sir, Miss Chi is here."

He has been playing chess with his father since he was four years old, and he has played chess with his father since he was 17 years old, but he still has no wins.This game of chess was the only time he had had the chance to beat the old man, but he let it go.

He couldn't wait to see her, and he didn't want to wait for half a second.So, he retreated step by step, seeing the old man pressing forward step by step.Under the heavy pressure of the old man's comprehensive persecution, for the first time in his life, he didn't feel the slightest pressure.On the contrary, at the moment of losing, I feel inexplicably relaxed.

When I finally saw her, it was still the same as I remembered.Pursed lips, smiled.Blink, uneasy.

He lowered his head slightly, slid over her plain dress, and heard her soft voice, "Hello, Mr. Jian, my name is Chi, and I was introduced by Professor Lean."

At that moment, he was a little disappointed that the place where they met was not abroad.Otherwise, even in a crowded street, he can give her a hug or a kiss without any scruples.

You can hold her in your arms affectionately, and call her softly in her ear, "Baby Keke, long time no see."

Instead, at that moment, even thinking about putting on a coat for her had to give up after thinking twice.

Their meeting is destined to start in a peaceful and alienated place.A simple sentence of Mr. Jane is enough to calm him down.Threats and lures can only be exchanged for what she used to call him only when she was awkward with him.

He doesn't ask her to treat him as before, but it's definitely not like this, like a stranger, unwilling to ask for help, unwilling to bother.Although it may be unintentional, it will only make him feel more and more sinful.

Perhaps in these six years, he missed her too much.

Jian Yanzuo came back to his senses helplessly, only to realize that the place he was going to had already missed by a long way.

Turning back at the next intersection calmly, he glanced at Chi Qiaoqi from the corner of his eye.Fortunately, she wasn't in the mood either, and didn't notice his repetitions.

Eyebrows drooped, and she turned her face slightly to look out the window, as if she was looking at the scenery, but she didn't seem to see anything.This is her subconscious posture when she always dodges questions.

He has always been aware of these subtle reactions of hers, and because he understands them, he also understands her retreat at this moment.Perhaps, it was indeed that he was pressing too hard.

Jian Yan Zuo coughed lightly, and decided to give Chi Qiaoqi some breathing room first, "I'll give you two days to think about it, and if you feel comfortable living here, just call me and the rent will be deducted from your salary." .If you feel uncomfortable, as soon as you find a suitable house, I will find someone to help you move."

As proud as he is, from childhood to now, he has never compromised with others like this.

Chi Qiaoqi knew that he had pampered her enough.Whether it was before, or now, or always.And she didn't need to use his concession as a bargaining chip to fight against him.That was too unfair to him.

So he nodded his head slightly, as if he agreed, "Okay."

This pampering lasted until she saw the dinner Jian Yanzuo prepared for her return home.

On the tables in the entire private room, there are layers of various snacks from old Beijing.Big and small, bits and pieces covered the entire table.Probably because he couldn't put it down, he even specially prepared a dining rack at the side, and at a glance, he could even see the bamboo sticks strung with candied haws.

He still thought she was the same as when she left at the age of 16.

Chi Qiaoqi wanted to laugh that his tricks of coaxing people had not improved, but as he was smiling, he felt like crying.

It turns out that being remembered is such a happy and sad thing.It seems that there is a kind of happiness called, within reach.

Chi Qiaoqi silently turned his eyes away, and while breathing slowly, his words became much calmer as expected, "Brother Jian, are you trying to bribe me to rent your house?"

Of course Chi Qiaoqi knew that since Jian Yanzuo could prepare all these in a short time, he could arrange the house enough to satisfy her.So when she saw the house in Weiting Xiaozhu, she didn't feel the slightest surprise.

One bedroom, one living room, one kitchen, one bathroom, one balcony.The house is not big, and it is easy enough to take care of.All the furniture and electrical appliances have been fully prepared, and even the drawers in the bedroom are opened, and even some small things necessary for girls are properly prepared.

Such delicacy, naturally, she doesn't need to spend any more time.It was so simple, he had expected that she would not refuse.

Chi Qiaoqi's eyes lightly slid over the polished and rounded corners of all the furniture, and finally compromised, "Find a time tomorrow and sign the rental contract, and I will follow the conditions you said."

In the end, he still made the right bet.

The things Chi Qiaoqi brought back were very light. Apart from the small suitcase, there were only a few clothes and a few professional books in his bag.In Melbourne, she doesn't have many memories, so it's easy to go.

Finding a place for the brought back things in the room and placing them one by one, it seemed that the strange atmosphere in the room was slightly weakened.

Chi Qiaoqi picked out a light yellow thin porcelain cup he liked in front of the cup holder, took a cocoa cup and a coffee cup.After making it, hold it warmly in your hand, and you don't need to drink it, you already feel extra at ease.

This brewing method was invented by Dora, but after that, she will melt in a banana-flavored cream ice cream.It's a strange drinking method, but it's a very memorable taste.

Chi Qiaoqi remembered the first time she went to Ye Ce's house. At that time, Dora, who was only a little over three years old, handed the cup to her with a smile. She even hesitated a little.

However, under Ye Ce's smiling and tacit gaze, Chi Qiaoqi fell in love with this somewhat indescribable feeling after taking the first sip.Three very different flavors melding together, it's complex, but wonderful.

As Ye Ce said, "Look, once you learn to trust others, you will get more that you didn't have before. Right?"

Just as she needs to learn slowly now.

Chi Qiaoqi stood in front of the bookshelf holding a cup. In the middle of the bookshelf was the photo frame she had just put on it.

In the photo frame, Chi Jinyuan, Qiao Duo, Jian Juwen, Du Luowei, and she and Jian Yan cuddled each other from left to right. Behind them was an endless field of rapeseed flowers. The sun was just right, and the six of them were smiling best.

This is the only family portrait that Chi Qiaoqi found on Qiao Duo's previous blog, where Chi Jinyuan, Qiao Duo and her were all there.It was also the scene where Chi's family and Jian's family got along most realistically when everything was fine.

This photo accompanied her across oceans, mountains and mountains until she returned.

Chi Qiaoqi's fingers slowly stroked the smiling faces in the photo, and finally stopped on her and Jian Yan's tightly holding hands.

In the memory of her childhood, she and Jian Yanzuo always seemed to be like this, holding hands tightly, as if there was really no force that could separate them.

Just like when they first met.

In fact, if you really count it seriously, the reason why Chi Qiaoqi can become Chi Qiaoqi is largely due to Zuo's role.Although, at this moment, no one cares so carefully.

At that time, before she really had the name, she only had one numerical code name, seven.

Inside, everyone just called her Xiao Qi.

According to the dean, she was abandoned in the hospital corridor by her biological parents.He was only about one year old when he was sent to the hospital.Without the slightest trauma or deformity in any part, it is a very complete and healthy life.But inexplicably, it was abandoned.

She stayed in that temporary place until she was five years old, until she met Jian Yanzuo.

Jianyan Zuo came with the same young couple named Chi.

Jian Chi and his family are neighbors. The four of them met at university and worked in the same research institute after graduation. They are very good friends.Especially the two women, Qiao Duo and Du Luowei, are extremely close.It was once agreed that if the child is of the right sex in the future, they must form an in-law family.

Although it is a joke, it has been mentioned for many years.Until Qiao Duo lost the possibility of being a mother completely after a serious illness.

On the day when Chi Qiaoqi was adopted, according to the agreement, the Jian family and his wife should have accompanied the Chi family to go there.So they did not follow the established procedures, such as looking at the photos of the children first, selecting a few children who are more eye-catching, and waiting for the actual adoption day to decide which one to adopt.Instead, they agreed with the hospital to visit the children directly, and then go through the adoption procedures on the spot.

In Qiao Duo's words, children are not things, how can there be pick and choose like grocery shopping?

Du Luowei also particularly supported Qiao Duo's idea, saying that he would accompany him no matter what.

Because she agreed with Du Luowei, Qiao Duo even joked that Du Luowei must keep her eyes open. Her daughter was going to be brought back to be Du Luowei's son as a wife.

Du Luowei was naturally very excited. The day before the child was to be picked up, the two of them spent the whole morning in the shopping mall with Jian Juwen. The things they brought back almost filled the room that Qiao Duo specially prepared for the child. It is said to be a meeting gift for the future daughter-in-law.

However, things still went a little wrong. On the night before they were going to the orphanage, Mr. Jian called urgently to ask Du Luowei and Jian Juwen to rush there no matter what. The Jian family held an impromptu family meeting.

Since Mr. Jane was young, he has had undeniable authority in Jane's family.Du Luowei and Jian Ju heard that the old man's tone was not kind, so they could only go back according to the order.

At that time, Mr. Jane had not yet returned to China, and was guarding his proud Jane's factory in remote South America.Du Luowei and Jian Juwen never considered bringing Jian Yanzuo to participate in such a serious family meeting without even thinking about it.Therefore, Jian Yanzuo, who was only eight years old at the time and still in primary school, was entrusted to Chi's family temporarily.

Before Du Luowei left, he once told Jian Yanzuo in a very solemn tone, telling him to treat his little sister who was coming well.Then, Du Luowei and Qiao Duo, after Jian Yan frowned and nodded earnestly, they laughed without any scruples until they shook their heads.

Jian Yanzuo, who was young and ignorant, naturally couldn't understand the meaning of the unnatural smile on his mother's and Aunt Qiao's faces who had always been so kind to him.What they didn't know was that he and Chi Qiaoqi had been linked together many years ago and in the expectations of many people.

At that time, Chi Qiaoqi didn't know that soon, she would have a family and many, many family members, which was something she had never thought about.She was not the most sensible child in the orphanage, nor was she the best at listening to the teacher.She only remembered sporadically that that night, the teachers put the dress on each of their beds that they would only wear on special important occasions.

Five-year-old Chi Qiaoqi already vaguely understood that it meant that tomorrow morning, there would be a child who would say goodbye to them with a smile.That person, Chi Qiaoqi never dared to think that it would be him.

So, the next morning, when she crawled out from under the bed sleepily, the teacher said impatiently, "Xiaoqi, you don't need to go out today, just stay in the activity room honestly" , she didn't feel dissatisfied or surprised at all.Even, there will be a little bit of happiness.Because every time she rolled under the bed in sleep, the teacher would scold her for a while when she crawled out of the bed with dust and cookie crumbs the next morning, but that day, maybe because she was too lucky, the always strict teacher, Not even a word of criticism.

The young Chi Qiaoqi never thought about the reason.The only thing she was interested in was today's activity room. She no longer had to queue behind anyone, waiting for the toy she wanted to play with.Today, all these fun things belong to her alone.Especially, the kaleidoscope that never gets her turn every time.It is said that many, many colorful flowers can bloom there.

That activity room was where Chi Qiaoqi met Jian Yanzuo for the first time.

How long he stood and watched, Chi Qiaoqi didn't know.Maybe it's been a long time, maybe it's just here.

So, when Chi Qiaoqi moved his tired eyes away from the kaleidoscope, he found this little boy standing beside her frowning.

She didn't know him.The only thing I thought was the new kid from the orphanage.But his tightly frowned eyebrows really distressed Chi Qiaoqi.She didn't understand why there were so many interesting things, but he just looked at her with a frown.

She thought about it for a long time, and finally, she seemed to understand.

So, she took his hand, put the kaleidoscope tightly in his hand, and clenched it tightly, "Let me let you play with this."

At that moment, innocence, brightness, and some forbearing and flattering smiles permeated the entire classroom.

She wants to make him happy.For no reason.I just don't think he should be unhappy.That's all.

But she didn't expect that this kaleidoscope she had been looking forward to all this time didn't let his frowning eyebrows relax.He just stood silently holding the kaleidoscope that still had the warmth of Chi Qiaoqi's palm for a long time.When she was kind enough to come up to him and explain how to put her eyes inside, she suddenly asked her, "I have a lot of toys like this at home, do you want to take a look?"

Jian Yanzuo, who is just eight years old, already has the talent to abduct and traffic younger children.Thus, Chi Qiaoqi fell into Jian Yanzuo's extremely seductive words without any resistance, and walked out of the activity room door with Jian Yanzuo hand in hand, completely forgetting the teacher's warning before.

Once you take that step, there is no possibility of going back.

When Jian Yanzuo and Chi Qiaoqi stood hand in hand in front of Chi Jinyuan, Qiao Duo and a large group of teachers and children, the scene almost froze.Qiao Duo's hand was still resting on the shoulder of a child dressed in pink, and the smile even stopped directly on his face.

Chi Qiaoqi recognized the girl who was surrounded by everyone. She just came here a few days ago. Is she called Song Ci or Tang Shi? How to make origami cranes.Chi Qiaoqi didn't know what those so-called names represented, but she still couldn't figure out why a person with so many things would be abandoned like her.

Later, other children quietly told Chi Qiaoqi.This little girl who even walks with her head held high is an illegitimate daughter.Although Chi Qiaoqi didn't understand the exact meaning of illegitimate daughter, she seemed to understand something else in these words.

That is, this girl with a name is obviously different from the group of children who only have a code name.

The first person to react was the teacher who asked Chi Qiaoqi to stay in the activity room.The sternness in the eyes almost made Chi Qiaoqi suffocate, "Xiaoqi, didn't I tell you to stay in the activity room, why did you come out?"

Chi Qiaoqi subconsciously tried to hide from the teacher's complaining eyes, but Jian Yan's hands were tightly clenched, and there was no way to hide.She couldn't break free, and stopped where she was wronged.The little head was lowered, not daring to meet anyone's eyes.

It was at this moment that Qiao Duo noticed that one of the two clasped hands was exerting great strength. Looking along the arm, it was Jian Yan's innocent, young but firm and fearless face. .It seems that it is a firm belief and affirmation.

Qiao Duo raised his eyes to look at Chi Jinyuan, only to find that he was also looking at him with a smile.At that moment, Chi Jinyuan's eyes looked like a father's, with a tolerant and helpless kindness.

Qiao Duo suddenly felt warm.

It was at that moment that Qiao Duo finally felt complete and at home.

The teachers in the orphanage are very good at observing words and emotions.Xu Shi noticed Qiao Duo's different emotions, so the teacher hurried to Qiao Duo's side, and slightly explained urgently, "Mrs. Chi, you don't know, this child always responds slower than other children, and sleeps and eats very quickly." It's worrying, Song Ci's child is versatile and well-behaved..."

Qiao Duo didn't listen, she walked slowly in front of the two people who were still holding hands, knelt down slowly, and asked the girl who was obviously restless, "Can I hug you?" Is it?"

That was the first time Chi Qiaoqi had touched such a warm and soft embrace since he could remember.With love and care.Unlike any teacher in the orphanage, or anyone she came into contact with.In her arms, there was a smell that made her want to cry.

Chi Qiaoqi didn't know what her mother's embrace should be like, but at that moment, all her grievances were resolved in that embrace.

It was the first time she cried when she was conscious at the age of five.

She lay on Qiao Duo's shoulder and whispered out of instinct, "Mom."

A long time later, when Chi Qiaoqi was fully sensible, Qiao Duo once talked about that day. She said that at that moment, she only felt that the girl sobbing in her arms was her daughter.

It was an indescribable sense of belonging, like reuniting after being separated for many years, but it was much stronger than that.

The temperature of the cup gradually changed from scalding to warm. Chi Qiaoqi arranged the photo frame, took the cup and walked to sit on the opposite sofa, taking a sip of warm cocoa occasionally, and the memories spread unconsciously.

At this moment, recalling all the previous times, Chi Qiaoqi still felt unwaveringly and warmly that Chi Jinyuan and Qiao Duo had brought her too much.

Give her a home, a pair of parents who love her, teach her the truth, and accompany her to grow up.Even after they were far away, it still existed as a belief in her life.

Chi Qiaoqi didn't dare to think about it anymore. If she continued to think like this, sooner or later, she would be swallowed up by the memories bit by bit.

Subconsciously took the phone, it was already late.As if feeling something, Ye Ce's avatar actually lights up on the chat software.

Chi Qiaoqi tentatively said hello, but Ye Ce called quickly.

After picking it up, Ye Ce's smiling voice came over the line, seeming to be able to infect her instantly, "Joe, how is it, is it a pleasure to serve the Coco family?"

Chi Qiaoqi tried his best not to sound so depressed, "It's not too bad."

Ye Ce paused for a moment, and broke through her concealment, "Joe, you are not happy."

This sentence is not a question.

Ye Ce was careful, and Chi Qiaoqi had expected to be exposed, so he didn't retort redundantly, "I saw him."

Then, he added lightly, "He knows that I want to come back, and I also know that he wants me to come back. He didn't point it out, and I didn't expose it. If you don't think about it before, his current performance is enough to get full marks."

"And then?" Ye Ce's tone was very light, with a soothing taste, "Joe, don't tell me that you still care about his negligence towards you six years ago."

"That's not negligence, dear teacher." Chi Qiaoqi's voice was indifferent, and he paused every word, "That's abandonment."

At that moment, the same silence fell on both ends of the line.

Ye Ce knew that it would be difficult for Chi Qiaoqi to face everything that happened six years ago with normal emotions.He never asked her to force herself to forget, but from the perspective of an elder, he hoped that she could gradually forget, or choose to forgive.

So he knew that the person waiting at the other end was the person she couldn't let go of the most, so he insisted on sending her to that person.They are still young, and the remaining time in this life is enough to make up for a life-long mistake.

He hoped that Chi Qiaoqi would use the next time to slowly understand that reunion is much more precious than encounter.

After hanging up Ye Ce's phone, Chi Qiaoqi's gaze returned to the photo frame on the bookshelf.

Under the soft light, it seems like the bright sunshine of the day.And the familiar and warm laughter seems to be still there, as if closing and opening the eyes again, everything can go back to six years ago.

The care of her parents, the doting of Jian's parents and her elders, and Jian Yanzuo's infinite tolerance for her, it seems that as long as she wants, it is within reach.

Just like tonight, before Jian Yan left, she leaned against the door frame with a slight smile, reminding her as if she had never left for so many years, "Ke Ke, you forgot my goodnight kiss."

At that moment, the light was soft, his expression was doting, and there was an incomparably warm and peaceful atmosphere that she was all too familiar with.Like every night before she left.

The warmth at that moment was too tempting. Chi Qiaoqi admitted that she had been bewitched. After being away for so many years, she had already forgotten what stability was.

Too precious warmth, she missed it for many years.Originally, it should only exist in a dream, but at this moment, it is so real.

She tapped her toes lightly, and the she at this moment overlapped and alternated with the one she was on the eve of leaving when she was 16 years old.

A gentle and subtle kiss landed on the corner of Jian Yan's left eye.

"Good night."

Accompanied by such a warm breath, Chi Qiaoqi finally fell asleep peacefully.

The time quietly points to the early morning.

In the car downstairs, Jian Yan Zuo lit the last cigarette in the pack.

Smoke lingered in the airtight space of the car body, slightly warming it up.Shengteng is in front of my eyes, and I feel unreal everywhere I look.

How long.Finally, I touched her with warmth again, and it was no longer the fantasy without warmth.

Since he lost her six years ago, he has been repeating dreams with different contents every day and night, dreaming of her complaining to him, dreaming of her crying and yelling, dreaming of her passing by him calmly , Dreaming that she turned her head away coldly and ignored him.

She dreamed that she said, "Jian Yanzuo, you can't find me."

This kind of awakening happened so many times that when he really faced her who could calmly talk and laugh, his subconscious reaction was that he didn't want to wake up.

In the inner pocket on the left side of the coat, there is always a mobile phone that he wears next to his body.During these six years, she never left his side, not even for a second, not even for an inch.

This is her line.

From the time she was 16 when she moved to St. Petersburg with Chi Jinyuan and Qiao Duo until now, all the call records have only her own number.

This route is loaded with too many memories of the two of them.

At the time, he was in Massachusetts.They were separated from each other, but they didn't feel far away.

He told her about the scenery of the Connecticut River, the music of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, every leisurely corner of the Hatch Shell open-air performance stage, and she told him about the waterways of the Baltic Sea, the oil paintings of the Hermitage Museum, and every exquisite sculptures and hidden organs.

During that good time, as long as he closed his eyes, he seemed to see the waves rising from the Connecticut River into the Baltic Sea, as if he heard the heavy echo of the Boston Symphony Orchestra playing in Peter Palace, as if he felt Da Vinci The serenity of the Madonna on display in a cluster of lights on the Hatch Shell amphitheatre.

The battery is always full and the ringtone is always loud, but after it rang once at 23:[-] on October [-] six years ago, it has never been answered.

Among the missed calls in the call log, there was a name lying quietly.

shell shell.

Those two short words were enough to make him worry until now.

Jian Yan pressed the power off button to the left and watched the screen gradually darken.My heart finally became a little lighter after this long and heavy pressure.

He heard his own voice, which was suspended for six years, and finally had a chance to continue.

"Good night, Keke."

(End of this chapter)

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