In this world, the only Mr. Warm

Chapter 3 The past is gone, the future will not come

Chapter 3 The past is gone, the future will not come

When Chi Qiaoqi woke up, Sunshine had already moved into most of the room.Looking out through the window that I forgot to draw the curtains last night, I can feel the perfect weather at a glance, dry and comfortable.

She likes this kind of weather, either it is raining or it is sunny, it is clean and neat, as if it exists with thoughts.

Such sunshine was too extravagant to look forward to.And now, it's all within happiness.

Chi Qiaoqi put his feet in the bright sunlight, curled up slightly, straightened, and then repeated.The bed sheets with floral flowers warmed up slowly, without any rush.

The fingers are close together, blocking the direction of the sun, the fingers are white and reddish, the sun leaking out shines on the face, neither dazzling nor annoying.

What a morning, even if I just lie down like this all the time, I am willing.

Once an idea emerges, it is too deliberate to suppress it.Chi Qiaoqi fell asleep freely, woke up, and when he opened his eyes again, it was already dark.Stretching and turning my shoulders, the fatigue after a long time of tossing and tossing finally eased a lot, and my mood finally improved.

She is always like this, bad moods come and go quickly.And a good mood is always easy to come by.Like a greeting from a stranger, a candy from an acquaintance.It was so ordinary, but it always made her feel inexplicably relaxed and happy.

This is what Chi Qiaoqi learned from Dora, that it is easy to be satisfied and happy.

Standing in front of the window with his slippers on, all he could see was bright and dim lights, and the bright sunshine in the morning had long since disappeared.

After sleeping all day, Chi Qiaoqi felt hungry.

The storage cabinets and the refrigerator are all piled up to the brim, and they are placed in categories, neat and tidy.Milk and bread, semi-finished dishes and boxed fried rice, various fruits and various small snacks.

It is easy to make people want to make a meal, and it is not difficult to let go and make a meal.Such care, like all the preparations in this house, is appropriate and decent.

Next to the refrigerator is the dining table. Chi Qiaoqi took out all the things that might be needed and arranged them. Just as he was about to move all these to the kitchen, he heard the doorbell.

Naturally there will be no one else.

On the display screen of the video intercom at the door, Jian Yan was wearing the suit jacket he had taken off on his left and right arms, and was loosening his tie with his right hand free.

The originally tense lines on his face became completely soft when he heard the sound of the door opening, "I saw the living room light was still on when I was driving by, so I came over to see you."

After passing by, by the way, coupled with a deliberately pretending casual expression, it seemed like a true coincidence.

Chi Qiaoqi handed over the slippers, and turned sideways to make room for the door, "What a coincidence, I just couldn't sleep either."

The dining table remained in a messy state, with various ingredients piled up in small piles.There is no partition between the living room and the dining room, and Jian Yan's face is fully in sight from the left side, and he looks back at Chi Qiaoqi, "Dinner or supper?"

Chi Qiaoqi touched the sliver of clarity in Jian Yanzuo's tone, so he didn't bother thinking about how to answer.This kind of question never needs her to explain.She really knew that in some things he knew her better than she knew herself.

Putting the tie and suit jacket on the hanger next to the sofa, Jian Yan glanced left at the piles of things on the dining table, unbuttoned his cuffs and asked, "What do you plan to eat?"

In short, the shirt cuff on the left is Chi Qiaoqi's favorite seam seam design. The solid color seam is lined with textured cuff buttons, giving it a simple and clean taste.

The shape of the cufflinks seemed familiar, but before he could see them clearly, Jian Yanzuo had already rolled up his cuffs neatly, washed his hands and began to deal with the boxes and cans that Chi Qiaoqi had emptied out.

Chi Qiaoqi couldn't think of it for a while, and didn't have much interest in checking it out. Seeing that Jian Yan took over all the work, he didn't refuse any more, but subconsciously said, "It doesn't need to be too much trouble, just a little simpler. "

In fact, when Chi Qiaoqi was still young, he was already able to help Qiao Duo proficiently in such small matters as handling ingredients.Peel a shallot, cut a piece of ginger, fry a bowl of chili oil, it's easy to do.

What's more, the things in the refrigerator are basically processed. Heating or reprocessing a little bit will not trouble Chi Qiaoqi.

However, Jian Yanzuo's cleanliness was really beyond Chi Qiaoqi's expectations.

Cut some diced pineapple, crushed some cheese slices, spread it on the Indonesian fried rice taken out of the refrigerator, and bake it in the oven for about ten minutes on low heat and then on high heat.

During the waiting time, add water to the pot, put the pasta into it after the water boils, put on the heat-resistant gloves and serve the baked fried rice on the table, and when you fold it back, squeeze the grapefruit juicer Just stopped when it was finished.

Thick white chicken mince and mushroom soup was sent into the microwave along with two slices of burnt-yellow pesto bread and a few sections of German black sausage. After a slight fragrance, the dish was placed on a plate and served on the table together with a glass of grapefruit juice go.

When everything is ready, the pasta is basically ready to be cooked.Serving the plate and pouring the juice, the whole process is intensive and quick but easy to handle, but the taste is so good that people can't help but approach it.

So, when Jian Yanzuo came out of the kitchen holding the cutlery, what he saw was this scene.

Chi Qiaoqi put his nose to the top of the pasta, and his smile spread leisurely in the slightly sour peppery smell, like a green bean lying in the authentic and thick sauce, crisp and refreshing.

Jian Yanzuo involuntarily stopped at the present moment, stood beside him, suddenly realized.

This scene is very similar to before.

Every time she comes to Jane's house for a meal, before serving the table, she always walks around the dishes like a small animal, sniffing them all around, and then throws herself into Du Luowei's arms with a flattering smile, "Mother Jane, Go and have a discussion with old stupid Joe, how about our two families exchange children, okay?"

Every time I heard Chi Qiaoqi say this, Du Luowei always glanced at Jian Juwen, and said happily, "There's no need to discuss this, even if you come directly to Jane's mother, who dares to say no?" Son?"

At that time, Chi Qiaoqi was still young and couldn't hear the meaning behind Du Luowei's words. He only knew how to simply slip into that warm embrace and laugh foolishly with her mother Jian.

Jian Juwen is always amused by Du Luowei's winking expression, and helplessly touches Du Luowei with his hands, but he always doesn't know what to correct her.

This kind of warmth fell into Jian Yanzuo's memory, and the atmosphere was always harmonious and full of warmth.

Chi Qiaoqi didn't know that Jian Yanzuo's memories flashed at this moment, he looked up at him and thought he was laughing at his greedy face.His face became slightly heated, but his voice became louder, "Let me be honest, how many girls' hearts have you coaxed with this method?"

Jian Yanzuo naturally wouldn't be naive enough to argue with her, and he wouldn't explain to her the warmth he thought of just a moment ago.There's no need, not to mention, he doesn't talk much.

Set the tableware silently, Jian Yan sat down from the side of the table, took a spoonful of mushroom soup with a spoon, and told Chi Qiaoqi while drinking, "Be careful, it's hot."

It was the shortest way he could end a conversation, and it always worked for her.

The casual snack after dinner is a bag of buttered pecans. Chi Qiaoqi was afraid that the walnut shells would splash everywhere when peeling, and if he didn't pay attention, the leftover debris would pierce his feet, so he put a few in a small plate. I'm going to take it to the kitchen, peel it off and bring it out.

Jian Yan Zuo took it smoothly, but he didn't come out for a long time after entering the kitchen.

Chi Qiaoqi felt strange, and quietly approached the door to see that among the scattered debris on the cooking table, the last one was intact in Jian Yan's left hand.

Just as Chi Qiaoqi was about to speak, Wei Wei turned his face to realize that Jian Yan was wearing a bluetooth headset on his left and right ear, and seemed to be still on the phone, so he fell silent for an instant.

It was very late, and Jian Yanzuo's tone was obviously restrained, but it was obviously already the maximum tolerance, "I really don't think this kind of issue is worth discussing repeatedly, even to put it bluntly, I think you are wasting money now time……"

After saying this, his fingers began to tap impatiently on the cooking table.This is his subconscious action when he is in a bad mood all the time, it may be light or heavy, but it keeps going.

"What is 'remembering the past'? Why do you need to tell me the story of the previous generation?" Pause, the voice lowered a little, "If he really wants to repent, let him come to see me with sincerity, again and again. I ask you to tell me these things, are you reminding me or reminding himself..."

It seemed that something was said there, Jian Yan Zuo's side face became more and more cold, just listening, and did not speak for a long time.The tapping of the fingers has also stopped, replaced by half clenched fists against the edge of the cooking table, the knuckles on the fingers have turned white with force.

There were still crumbs of walnut peeling on the cooking table, many of which were scattered around his hands. Chi Qiaoqi was worried that his force would plunge the sharp crumbs into his palms, so he hesitated for a moment. Hearing Jian Yanzuo's voice that couldn't hear his emotions, "Of course I won't kill them all, but this is based on the premise that he is good at doing things for himself."

After another pause, the voice was a little slow, "As you said, we are a family after all."

Because of Chi Qiaoqi's gradual walk away, there are only scattered words left in the following words, scattered, but she can still clearly feel the concession conveyed in Jian Yan's left words.

At this moment, Jian Yanzuo's tone was very unfamiliar to Chi Qiaoqi.She had never been in contact with his mature and forbearing emotions, but at the moment when she was in contact, Chi Qiaoqi finally felt the six-year distance between them.Even though there are familiar parts, there are also inevitable unknowns.

That call should be from someone from Jane's family.There are too many people and things she is not familiar with in that huge Jane's family.But perhaps, she is not suitable to understand.

Chi Qiaoqi tossed and turned on the sofa and waited for a long time but did not see Jian Yan coming out from the left. After hesitating for a long time, he finally folded into the kitchen again.

Jian Yan Zuo had already hung up the phone, and the Bluetooth headset was thrown in a pile of walnut crumbs, shining alone.

Seemingly hearing Chi Qiaoqi's footsteps coming in, Jian Yan turned left and his expression returned to normal.His eyes met Chi Qiaoqi's eyes, and immediately turned into a little helpless, pointing to a large pile of broken walnuts, "Ke Ke, I..."

Chi Qiaoqi gathered the slightly larger Ren'er together, suppressed all the emotions that had just arisen, and tried his best to speak briskly, "I will definitely not believe you next time."

Pausing for a while, seeing that Jian Yanzuo was still silent, he simply started talking to himself.

"However, this is also good." Chi Qiaoqi said, squeezed a piece and put it in his mouth, "I finally found something that I do better than you."

The slightly joyful tone really seems to be really unconvinced when he was young.

However, this is really good, because he finally found a little bit of her before.Jian Yan left with a smile that was not a smile, and the eyebrows finally separated.

Jian Yan Zuo's bad mood dissipated, but the few small walnuts before were indeed severely damaged by him. Not to mention the mess on the cooking table, the nearby ground was also affected, and scattered debris scattered all over the place. .

Chi Qiaoqi subconsciously knelt down to tidy up.Squatting together, the bruises on the knees that I hit at the airport yesterday were slightly exposed from under the knee-length home skirt, not very eye-catching, but still can't be ignored.

Not to mention Jian Yanzuo, who has always been keen-eyed.

As a result, the light of a certain pair of eyes dimmed and dimmed, and the voice almost sank to the extreme, "What's wrong with your knee?"

Chi Qiaoqi was only thinking about how to clean up all the fine debris, when he heard Jian Yan asking left, he looked up at him inexplicably, his eyes touched the place where his eyes touched, he was stunned for a moment before he knew what he was asking, his tone was not He explained nonchalantly, "I knocked on it at the airport yesterday, and it will be fine in two days."

While talking, the work of cleaning up in his hands didn't stop.

"Get up." Jian Yanzuo directly pulled Chi Qiaoqi up from the ground with his arm, with a thin face, "I'll take you to the hospital."

Chi Qiaoqi was dragged away for two steps before he regained his strength. He shook off Jian Yan's tightly clenched hand, his face full of resistance, "It's just a soft tissue bruise, there's no need to go to the hospital, let alone, I He's a doctor himself."

After six years of separation, she has learned to reason with him with facts.

Jian Yanzuo tried his best to restore his emotions to peace, "Ke Ke, you are a doctor, so you should understand that you are different from normal people..."

Chi Qiaoqi interrupted what Jian Yanzuo was going to say neatly, "Brother Jian, I hope you know that I just don't feel pain, it's not that I don't have feelings, and it's not that I can't take care of myself. What kind of state should I live in? Go on, no one in the world knows better than me."

Her words are rigorous and sure, as if she has carefully considered every word for a long time.

Jian Yanzuo listened to every word in his heart, and finally sighed softly, "Ke Ke, now is not the time for you to be brave."

"Then when should I be brave?" Chi Qiaoqi looked straight at him, not afraid, and even provocative, "Six years ago, when I didn't want to be brave and needed you the most ,Where are you?"

Perhaps the saddest thing about two people getting along together is not that they don't understand each other.Instead, gain insight into each other, and then hurt each other.

Chi Qiaoqi's words finally pierced into Jian Yanzuo's body deeply and sharply like a needle.On the second night after she came back, she finally couldn't hold back and wanted to ask him for an answer.

She wanted to know why he who promised her that he would always be there and would not leave for a second, but six years ago, when she had lost all hope and only had him such a glimmer of hope, there was no reply.

She wanted to know even more, since he had already chosen to give up on her six years ago, why he tried so hard to arrange for her to come back this time, but always pretended that nothing happened.

She hoped that he would get angry, and even lose control, and hope that he would point to her nose and tell her that everything she thought was wrong, that he had his reasons, that he had his reasons.And that reason and reason, no matter how pale, she can still forgive.In this way, no matter how much resentment she has accumulated towards him in the past six years, she can persuade herself to try to forget.

What Chi Qiaoqi didn't expect was that Jian Yanzuo didn't.He just pursed his lips tightly after hearing her provocative words, took a few deep breaths, and then turned his back slowly and weakly.

The side face, which was barely visible, was tightly stretched into a rigid line between gnashing of teeth.Accompanied by the slightly trembling breathing sound, the whole back was so cold that it seemed to be broken.

This kind of silence lasted for a long time, Jian Yanzuo never explained anything to her as she imagined, and Chi Qiaoqi didn't know how to ask her.

There was no sound.

Until Chi Qiaoqi thought he was going to end the conversation with such silence, turned around and turned off the lights, and was about to enter the room like this, he finally heard Jian Yanzuo's voice full of loneliness and powerlessness.


At this moment, Jian Yanzuo seemed to have lost the ability to speak.He knew what she wanted him to answer, and what she was waiting for, but he couldn't say it.

No accident, no misunderstanding.It was indeed his mistake, completely, no one else's fault.

Six years ago, Jian Yanzuo came to the negotiating table for the first time.

He remembered that the temperature in Hong Kong was very high that day, and he wore a blue and white checked shirt, because a superstitious person had repeatedly told him that his lucky color was blue the day before, so he didn't wear it at all. Wearing blue clothes, he made a special trip to buy one when he needed to do his best to prepare for the next day's negotiations.

He also clearly remembered the last words she said to him before entering the venue and before hanging up the phone.

She said, "Brother Nuan, I'm waiting for your good news."

In that negotiation, he and his teammates moved forward and backward carefully, step by step, and finally won the contract that all of them had been looking forward to for a long time.

When he came out of the meeting room, his first phone call was to her. She jumped for a long time, and her emotions couldn't get any better.

Isolation between the two is not a good way to celebrate.The air ticket has already been booked, and the flight in the early morning is not his usual character, but he can't wait any longer.Everything is arranged, the rest is just waiting to meet.So, at the end of the call, he said, "Ke Ke, keep in touch, wait for me."

He was the one who said to keep in touch.However, when she needed to contact him, he was the one who lost contact.

Just because in the next second, a call came in on his mobile phone.

The name flashing on the screen is Jian Yiwei.

Jane is also the unshakable authority of the Jane family.

That day, Jian Yanzuo faced everything about Jane's for the first time.The golden J-shaped logo, the quiet and orderly hall.The smooth and exclusive elevator, the respectful and awe-inspiring eyes.

In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows on the 39th floor, the sun is so bright that it is dazzling.At a glance, the cold and resolute lines are layered on top of each other.

Jane also patted Jian Yanzuo on the shoulder, with a proud and arrogant voice, "Yanzuo, look, our Jian's Kingdom."

Jane's has always been an unshakable myth in the cocoa world. It owns the most golden cocoa plantation in the world, and is the world's largest cocoa beverage processor and chocolate raw material supplier.

A simple sentence of description has already determined the status of the king.

There is a saying in the industry to comment on Jane's: In the cupboards of all professionals, if there is a bar of cocoa powder, the label on it must be Jane's.

It's not possible, it's not likely, it's certain.

It is no exaggeration to say that Jane's Cocoa Manor supports the sweetest dream in reality.

And Jian Yiwei is the dream maker of this generation.When he first took over Jane's, Jane's was just a medium-sized raw material supplier with dozens of cocoa manors.The cheapest labor, the most elementary products, and the lowest-level suppliers, the helplessness and hardships that are never directly proportional to the rewards.

It was Jane who changed Jane's.In just a few decades, Jane's has jumped from the bottom of the supply chain to the top in one step.From the original unknown, it has become a legend among many professionals.

And from then on, the world changed.

The 39th floor was as silent as ever.

This silence lasted until Jian Yiwei threw the contract that was still in Jian Yanzuo's pen 5 minutes ago back in front of Jian Yanzuo.

In black and white, Jian Yanzuo's name is clear and full of tension, which contains the pride of being affirmed by young people after a long time of hard work and the hustle and bustle of youth.

Jian Yan narrowed his eyes slightly on the left, the accusation in his voice was suppressed but still obvious, "You design me?"

In order to ignore the hidden dissatisfaction in Jian Yanzuo's words, Jian also spoke slowly and intimidatingly, "Yan Zuo, do you think you will completely sever ties with Jian's if you don't come back?"

This is the fate that Jian Yanzuo has been doomed since he was born.No matter how hard he struggled to break free, no matter how hard he fought, he couldn't escape his fate.

The magnificent stage is within reach, inlaid with gold, diamonds and silver, and the lights are gorgeous.The envious eyes of the crowd and the applause like a tide.He can easily have it without effort.

Like a golden birdcage, at first only the golden luxury can be seen, and then it rushes up like a moth to the flame, and then is imprisoned forever.

Jian Yan Zuo understood a long time ago that once that precious and dazzling mark is branded on, he can never be himself again.Live for the Jian family, die for the Jian family, give everything for the Jian family, give up everything for the Jian family.

No freedom, no self, just acting as the core cog in the big machine of Jane's family.Wait until it is worn out to the point of being riddled with holes, and then pass on this confinement to the next generation.And then, endlessly.

He escaped for nearly 20 years, and finally stopped today.

Jian Yiwei knew that a strong attack in a short period of time would definitely not be able to take down Jian Yanzuo, and to deal with Jian Yanzuo's hard stubble, he had to spend time and effort to endure it slowly.Boil the time, boil the energy, boil the chips.When the young leopard has nothing left, it will naturally obey.

He has endured for more than ten years, not less than a minute and a half.Even if it takes another ten years or so, it will be worth it.So, he has a lot of patience.

Jian Yanzuo didn't know how long he and Jian Yiwei had confronted each other.Maybe an hour or two, or longer.

He understood the importance of this game for the two of them.For Jian Yiwei, if he wins, what he wins is the continuation and the majesty of being an elder.As for Jian Yanzuo, if you lose, what you lose is freedom and a dream in planning.

Jian Yanzuo also knew that he might not be able to hold on any longer, but he knew even more that if he persisted for a second, maybe the old man would give up in the next second.

Jian Yiwei did not wait for Jian Yanzuo's compromise.Jian Yan Zuo didn't wait until Jian Yiwei gave up.

The one who interrupted them was Special Assistant Sun who had been following Jian Yiwei.

He broke in all the way without even knocking on the door.Before he even had time to evade the words, he blurted out, "Sir, there was an explosion in the Veriana laboratory, and both the young master and the young lady were inside."

The explosion was reported by countless domestic and foreign media.

According to the description in the newspaper, the smoke from the explosion almost filled the entire Gatchenna.According to the memories of the surrounding residents, the ashes from the explosion that day had been floating in the air for nine days before they were truly dispersed.

Whether in newspapers or on television, the cause of the accident is always revealed to be under investigation.So no one knows what caused this accident, which is equivalent to a hydrogen bomb explosion.

On the death list, the names of Jian Juwen, Du Luowei, Chi Jinyuan, and Qiao Duo were interspersed among many people, and they were not adjacent to each other.

On the missing list, Chi Qiaoqi's name lay there alone, like a little abandoned flower.

For Jian Yanzuo, these people who are closest to him and least able to be lost, after a certain moment, all become wounds in his heart that cannot be healed.Forever, the deepest.

It happened so unexpectedly.It's like the sky was clear and clear one second, and suddenly it rained cats and dogs.

Even when Jian Yan closed his eyes on Zuo Yi, he could still hear Chi Qiaoqi's joke on the phone with him one and a half hours before the explosion. She said, Brother Nuan, I will tell my uncles, aunts and my parents right now. , don't worry, we will definitely find a restaurant worthy of this celebration, all you need to do is get your wallet ready.

Chi Qiaoqi's crisp laughter seemed to still reverberate in the air at this moment, but there was no possibility of this joke ever being realized.

All the people in the laboratory were not spared.The four members of Jianchi's family were deemed dead because the computer connected to the laboratory only had check-in records but no out-going records.

As for Chi Qiaoqi, because he was a temporary visitor, there was no record to check.

Yes, it was just the description of the guard on duty that morning, saying that when he was handing over to another guard, Chi Qiaoqi just finished filling out the visit registration form, and smiled and said something to him, Приятныхвыходных.

have a good weekend.

That was the last image of Chi Qiaoqi that was remembered.

The only thing that could prove that Chi Qiaoqi might be alive was the call from Chi Qiaoqi's cell phone at 42:[-].The explosion occurred at [-]:[-].

That call appeared in Jian Yan's missed calls on his left phone.It lasted less than half a minute, and was finally pressed silently by him.

That was the deepest part of his conversation with Jian Yiwei.

He thought that she on the other end of the phone was just showing off the arrangements for tomorrow. Even though he was looking forward to that cheerful voice, there would definitely be time when the conversation was over.

The pride of his youth makes him always think that everything has just begun, and no matter what he does, no matter how late, there is still time.

Until now, he didn't dare to imagine what kind of mood Chi Qiaoqi had when he made the call, and what kind of mood he was facing when no one answered the phone.Perhaps, like the last flame in a pile of flames being extinguished, what a desperate state of mind it would be.

Jian Yan Zuo dared not gamble anymore, dared not rely on her self-confidence to search for it.Going on an aimless search for even one more second diminished the hope of finding her.He can't take his blindness as a bet on his search. What he gets back, as long as it's not the answer he wants, or anything else, is enough to make him regret for life.

So, finally compromise.

He bowed deeply to Jian Yiwei respectfully, "Please help me."

At that moment, Jian Yanzuo understood that there would be no more peace for him.

Now, he has become a finch admired by others in Jane's golden birdcage.Always a positive image, always bright light and shadow, is also a forever lost self.

And she finally lived in the world he thought was real again.Will smile like just now, will talk to him normally, and will retain the inherent little temper of a girl.

But they, in this life and in this life, will always be separated by that day in two different worlds.

It's like he knows that no matter how much he pays her, no matter how deeply he cares about her.Whether it's giving it your all or trying your best.

As long as he mentioned six years ago, he would be unforgivable.

Just like now, she was standing three steps away, but he couldn't reach out to hug her.

Jian Yan put down his cuffs, picked up his jacket, and said in a calm voice, "Go to grandpa's place on Saturday, and I will pick you up by car."

It was as if the quarrel never happened.

Passing by the closet in the living room, he stopped his feet, squatted down slightly, opened the drawer on the first floor, took out a tube of ointment and stood aside.He stood up, but didn't say a word.Close the door and leave, and everything returns to silence.

After all, he still didn't say the answer she wanted.

Chi Qiaoqi calmly moved his eyes away from the closed door, lowered his head, and lifted his trousers. Unsurprisingly, he was bruised and purple, but he didn't feel any pain at all.

I really don't know if it's luck or misfortune.

Congenital analgesia.No matter what kind of material description it appears in, it will say that this is a rare disease.

There may be only one person out of hundreds of thousands or millions of people.But, she is one of those.

Analgesia, which means the word pain, in Chi Qiaoqi's dictionary, the following notes are always blank.Whether it was broken skin and bleeding, or a dislocated bone, she would not feel any pain at all.

Perhaps, if a questionnaire is issued to allow everyone to choose freely, most people may choose not to feel pain.Even, in the eyes of many people, the pain caused by not feeling pain must be greater than happiness.

But they don't know that children born with a lack of pain are not as happy as imagined.Because you can't feel pain, you won't avoid pain, and you won't have any instinct to dodge when your body is hurt.

For example, normal children retract their hands reflexively when exposed to flames.And they, because they don't know pain, don't.

For another example, when a lesion occurs in a certain part, a normal child will notice it because of pain.And they, because they don't know pain, don't.

Some children even swallowed their fingers, lips and tongue unconsciously because they didn't know the pain.

Behind such numbness is daze.

In Painted Skin II, Que'er touched the demon catcher's blood and screamed in surprise, "I know it hurts, I know it hurts."

How silly, but how happy.

So, what about the monster catcher who belongs to her?

Chi Qiaoqi walked to the side of the cabinet and threw the ointment back into the drawer.

There was a "click", clean and sharp.

It was like he'd just completely turned down an opportunity she offered to explain.

Chi Qiaoqi has always felt that no matter how many years a person leaves a certain place, when he comes back, there will always be a familiar place waiting.Unlike people, who have changed is changed, even if it is only slightly changed, but they are no longer familiar.

In the past few days since I came back, it has been raining in Beijing.Patter, intermittently.Chi Qiaoqi stayed in the house the whole time without opening the windows, so that no rain could get in, as if blocking the outside world.

The only time I go out is in this idle afternoon.Hold an umbrella, find a secluded vintage store, and study every detail seriously.

Before leaving, Yan Cha once mentioned to her that she needed some elegant vintage dresses, saying that she asked her friends in Paris and Tokyo to pay attention to them for a long time, but very few were satisfied.

Chi Qiaoqi knew that Yan Cha had high vision, but he also knew that sometimes, clothes, like people, always need fate.And fate has always been something that can be met but not sought after.

Like this dress in my hand.

Detachable lace double-pointed collar, collar buttons covered with gold and white pearls, waist-length gauze dress, waist stitched with thousands of black pearls.Just a single piece of clothing, before wearing it, already has an incomparable aura.Like an extremely noble goddess, overlooking all living beings, stunning and luxurious.

When asked about the price, it was within Chi Qiaoqi's expectations.As an orphan of vintage clothes, the materials used are also thoughtful and meticulous.Will stay until now, probably because of the price.

Let that guy Yan Cha pick up a leak.

When paying the bill, Chi Qiaoqi encountered a little trouble.Cards couldn't be swiped in the store, and she didn't go out with so much cash.The location of the store is a bit off, and the nearest bank still needs two stations away, not to mention it's raining, and it's not so convenient to travel.

The owner of the shop is a pure girl, and she doesn't care how much Chi Qiaoqi is short of. She just asks her to take it away first, and send the rest of the money when she has time.

Chi Qiaoqi really couldn't let go of this dress, but he really didn't think it was appropriate to just take it away.The only way seemed to be to ask Jian Yanzuo for help, but she really didn't want to.

In the space of hesitation, I suddenly heard a voice from outside, "How much is left, I will pay."

Chi Qiaoqi raised his eyes.The familiar face, but the expression is familiar and kind.In just a few seconds, Chi Qiaoqi felt in a daze that a thousand years had passed.

It was a face I hadn't seen since we separated when I was five years old.But at this moment, it is very clear.

This is an unassuming coffee shop, not far from the vintage shop, and even arrived before opening the umbrella.

There are not many people, and the coffee and pastries are not served quickly, but the taste is surprisingly good.With the matcha mousse recommended by the store manager, it really tastes like afternoon tea.

Song Ci on the opposite side smiled with eyes wide open, "Xiaoqi, I want to have a taste of your mousse."

It's like a close friend.Grow together and share together.

Compared to Song Ci's smiling and sincere face, Chi Qiaoqi only felt guilty.That year, she was taken away by Chi Jinyuan and Qiao Duo, and Song Ci was left in the orphanage.

Chi Qiaoqi was still young at that time, and his memory was somewhat incomplete and faint.But at that time, Song Ci's gaze, which had been staring at the car going away, was like a brand, which was clearly etched into Chi Qiaoqi's memory, so indifferent and cold.It made her, who didn't even understand emotions at that time, feel chilling.

Perhaps it was because Chi Qiaoqi's guilt was too obvious, or maybe it was because Song Ci was just right and exquisite.The chatty words, without any deliberation, easily broke all of Chi Qiaoqi's negative emotions, "Actually, after you left that day, Aunt Qiao came back to see me."

Chi Qiaoqi raised his head, wondering suddenly.This is a detail that Qiao Duo and Chi Jinyuan never disclosed to her, no matter what time.Perhaps, it was too late.

"She entrusted a friend to take me away." Song Ci gently stroked the rim of the cup, the corners of his mouth curled up peacefully, "She is a very good American dancer, she is very beautiful, and she dances especially beautifully. She gave me A lot, taught me a lot, the most important thing is to give me a stage where I can talk to the world when I need it.”

Chi Qiaoqi didn't know that Qiao Duo had done so many things that she still finds incredible.The Qiao Duo I have always remembered, how should I put it, is not too careless, but it is by no means gentle and delicate.

Chi Qiaoqi always felt that she was a very contradictory person.For example, when she trained Chi Qiaoqi, she always had a straight face, and she couldn't help laughing while being straight.For another example, she talked a lot, but she never told Chi Qiaoqi what she had done for Chi Qiaoqi.

Perhaps Chi Qiaoqi himself was also a contradictory person.For example, she knows that she is not Qiao Duo's biological child, but every time she sees the word "mother", she never thinks of others.For another example, there are very few people in her heart that she wants to take the initiative to get close to, but Qiao Duo is indeed an exception.

"Are she and Uncle Chi in China now?" After a short pause, Song Ci smiled slightly at Chi Qiaoqi, "The last time I saw them was many years ago, and I always thought that if I had time, I must come back and see them , resulting in a loss of contact with this delay.”

Perhaps it was the backlash from the matcha tea, Chi Qiaoqi suddenly felt a little bitter in his mouth.Song Ci on the opposite side had an expectant expression, as if waiting for an unbelievably beautiful answer.

Like a momentary loss of speech, Chi Qiaoqi suddenly didn't know what to say.

The words lingered on his lips for a long time before Chi Qiaoqi recovered his voice, "In an explosion six years ago, they were buried in St. Petersburg with 74 researchers."

That was the part that Chi Qiaoqi didn't want to recall the most in his life.But it is impossible for her to forget in her whole life.

She still remembered the happy smile on Du Luowei's face when he told her to order a restaurant, "Don't listen to your mother's bad idea, how can a slaughterer go to eat Indian food? In a French restaurant, it is said that a single serving of sea urchin and lemon jelly costs more than 2000 rubles, which is the real rip-off.”

That French restaurant didn't accept phone reservations, so Chi Qiaoqi, who was free, was sent to make a reservation as a matter of course.

It takes a full hour and a half by car from Fieriga Road to the Veriana Laboratory, and Chi Qiaoqi suffers from the torment of the journey, but who knows that the reservation for this restaurant is already two weeks away.

However, Chi Qiaoqi's luck seems to be good enough. After listening to Chi Qiaoqi's incoherent narration, the shopkeeper with a mustache smiled slyly, "Little girl, I can make an exception for you."

It's all going unbelievably smoothly like someone is helping with it all.

It's just that, behind every good time, there is a disappointment that catches people off guard.Just like after that afternoon, everything she could believe in disappeared little by little, leaving nothing behind.

As the sky gradually darkened, the lights in the store came on one after another, and a hazy yellow atmosphere pervaded the entire store as if it had fallen into a deep dream.

Chi Qiaoqi and Song Ci's table was a glazed lamp with a rose pattern. The light fell on the white coffee cup through the colorful lampshade, faintly dyed.

"I always thought that Aunt Qiao didn't take me away that day because she knew about my shamefully dirty family background." Song Ci rested his hand on the lampshade with a clear texture, lowered his eyebrows, and said slowly, "So, Once we met, I asked Aunt Qiao if she liked me, and she said of course she did. Then I asked, why did she choose to lead you away back then. Do you know how she answered me?"

Chi Qiaoqi didn't speak.But she knew that the answer must be something she couldn't bear now.

Song Ci looked at Chi Qiaoqi for a long time, with mixed feelings in her tone, a little sighed, "She said, Song Ci, you are a cute and good boy, and you can be happy if you stay in any house. But Chi Qiaoqi doesn't care. Similarly, she can only fall into a family that is full of love all the time. I can't guarantee that the next person who comes will treat her well, so I can only choose to be this person."

After saying this, Song Ci sighed softly, and stretched out his hand to caress Chi Qiaoqi's, "Xiao Qi, you have a good mother."

That night, the first performance of Song Ci's world tour kicked off in the country of her birth.

At the end, Song Ci stood in the middle of the stage, facing the countless broadcasting machines and the packed auditorium, amidst endless applause, bowed sincerely, "Thank you my mother."

Among the thousands of people present, only Chi Qiaoqi understood this sentence.

The next day's newspapers were full of reports about Song Ci, one of which said that after careful communication and research, Song Ci decided to change the second stop of the world tour from New York to St. Petersburg.

As for the reason, the newspaper quoted Song Ci's original words, "I have some very important things, and I left them there."

Seeing these words, Chi Qiaoqi's eyes suddenly became moist.


Jian Yan Zuo followed the agreement and drove to pick up Chi Qiaoqi himself.From getting on the car to getting off the car, there was no dialogue, but there was no trace of the previous unpleasantness.

Maybe it's because I've grown up, compared to the emotions that adults can easily detect after a quarrel, it's obviously much lighter now.The only thing that remains the same is probably the tacit understanding of consistent emotions.

It was Feng Ma who was still waiting in front of the door. Seeing that Jian Yan left to accompany Chi Qiaoqi, she didn't show any surprise, and asked very naturally, "Would you like to sit and have a cup of tea in the hall, or do you want to sit together in the lobby?" Go in and accompany Mr.?"

Jian Yan left slightly sideways, "Let's go together."

When Mr. Jane was young, he stayed in the hot and humid tropical area for a long time, and his knees suffered from serious rheumatism. He didn't know how to treat it when he was young, but now he is really suffering a bit when he is old.

But the old man is stubborn, he can't believe those western medicines and folk remedies, but he firmly believes in acupuncture, so every family doctor in Jian's family is good at acupuncture.

Of course, Chi Qiaoqi was no exception.

Chi Qiaoqi's acupuncture technique was learned from a famous old Chinese doctor when she was just studying medicine. She was quick to learn and the needles were clean and neat. The teacher who taught her praised her for her wisdom.I didn't learn much at the time, but it was enough.

However, this skill has never fallen behind. Later, she studied medicine with Ye Ce, and Ye Ce specially arranged for her to work as a part-time acupuncturist in a friend's clinic for a long time.In the end, he even became famous in the local Chinese circle.

The needles are prepared by Jian's family, neatly in a small row, of various lengths.Facing the direction of the sunlight from the window, it is faintly glowing.

On the right side of the needle is a moxibustion box and moxa sticks, and on the left is a lighted alcohol lamp, which is very convenient.

Mr. Jian placed his legs firmly on the stool, and said to Jian Yan Zuo, "Yan Zuo, come and play a few games with me."

Slight smoke rose from Chi Qiaoqi's hand, and the unique smell of Ai Xiang drifted away leisurely.

Over there, the black and white chess game has been unfolded, secretly wrestling.Two completely different realms, yet inexplicably harmonious.

After moxibusting the four acupoints, the chess game is still not over. Black and white chess are still fighting each other, and it is impossible to tell the winner.

Chi Qiaoqi put his things back and walked out with Mama Feng.

Mama Feng poured a cup of tea and handed it to Chi Qiaoqi, "Miss Chi has worked hard."

"It's not hard." Chi Qiaoqi smiled, "It's the first time I've met Mr. Cooperate like this. Compared with those patients who started to get nervous before the needle was inserted, the process is much smoother."

Feng Ma cleared the ashes in the moxibustion box, and smiled kindly at Chi Qiaoqi, "Today, I am accompanied by the young master. I am very happy, and I always frown when I perform acupuncture."

Chi Qiaoqi suddenly became curious, "Doesn't he come here often?"

"What do you mean, young master?" Feng Ma put her things back together, and sat next to Chi Qiaoqi again, "He doesn't come here very often, and he always comes for a game of chess, and he leaves after playing."

That's it, Chi Qiaoqi nodded, as if it was the same as last time, after a game of chess, he didn't say a few words.

"Young master is cold-tempered." Mama Feng looked at Chi Qiaoqi with a smile, "But my heart is always thinking of Mr.

As soon as Feng's mother finished speaking, the chess game in the room seemed to be over, the tables and chairs made a slight noise, and Jian Yan walked out from the left, with a peaceful expression, showing no emotion.Walking a few steps closer, he slightly raised his head at Chi Qiaoqi, "Let's go."

Just one sentence, it really interpreted Feng Ma's coldness to the extreme.

From going out to getting in the car, Jian Yanzuo and Chi Qiaoqi remained silent.

The stone bricks are uneven, and with the rain in the past two days, a lot of water has accumulated. When you step on it, the stone bricks touch each other lightly, and even water splashes up.

Jian Yan Zuo gradually approached, protecting Chi Qiaoqi with his left arm.In slippery places, it is also very appropriate to sound a reminder.

Chi Qiaoqi wanted to refuse at first, she was no longer a child of three or five years old, so such protection was a bit redundant.

So he raised his eyes, and just about to speak, his eyes happened to touch the slightly invisible old injury outside the corner of his left eye.With a trembling heart, the words of rejection have disappeared.

He never deliberately thought about what he should resist for her.This kind of subtle protection has been a subconscious habit since meeting her.

Like every time when I was a kid.

Perhaps it was because he couldn't feel pain, Chi Qiaoqi was a child who was not afraid of danger since he was a child.

No matter how serious Qiao Duo and Chi Jinyuan used to emphasize the taboos to her every time, it didn't matter how serious her expression was when she listened to the training.As long as the adults are not around, she will commit the same old problems.

The most dangerous time was when she took advantage of Chi Jinyuan and Qiao Duo not paying attention, and slipped into the track of the racetrack through the narrow gap in the fence.

If the staff hadn't found her during the last inspection, she would have been kicked or knocked down by the galloping horses, and then she would have given her life to the continuous stampede of a group of galloping horses.

After that time, Qiao Duo, who had always been used to her, was almost pissed off and locked her up for a month.Chi Jinyuan drove to class in the morning, and Qiao Duo drove back in the evening, and all outings were prohibited.

Chi Qiaoqi finally realized the beauty of freedom. Comparing the relationship between freedom and admitting mistakes, Chi Qiaoqi finally repented, and his attitude of admitting mistakes was so good that Qiao Duo couldn't help but reflect on his own cruelty.

After languishing for a while, Chi Qiaoqi finally looked forward to the day when the ban would be lifted.The first thing was to hide it from my parents and invite my classmates to watch football.

The young Chi Qiaoqi was very enthusiastic about this kind of sweaty and mind-consuming competition.Although Qiao Duo repeatedly emphasized that Chi Qiaoqi should stay away as much as possible when there are many people, but how could Chi Qiaoqi, who always thinks that he has grown up, listen, even a little?
Of course, Chi Qiaoqi didn't have the ticket, but she had overheard the conversation between Chi Jinyuan and Qiao Duo beforehand, and knew that they happened to be taking over a big research project on this day.This means that she has sufficient time to commit crimes.

Although there is only half a day free, it is much better than nothing.

Because he was too young and not accompanied by adults, it was not so easy to sneak into the arena.

Chi Qiaoqi's ability to lie was first-class, and he followed the adult in front of him into the arena without changing his expression.The children who were traveling with him were not so lucky. They were stopped and questioned repeatedly. After failing to answer well, they waved to Chi Qiaoqi who was looking back dejectedly.

Although Chi Qiaoqi felt regretful, he could only follow the direction of the crowd to watch the stage.I just thought that I must take a few more photos with the camera stolen from Chi Jinyuan's study later, and show it to the kid who couldn't get in during class on Monday.

If anyone has been to that game, they should remember that the stadium that day had the largest conflict in the country in the past 20 years.

Chi Qiaoqi, who was at the front of the stands, was undoubtedly not spared.

In fact, Chi Qiaoqi didn't feel scared at the beginning of the conflict.It was only when the yelling and scolding became louder and the scene became more and more chaotic, that Chi Qiaoqi was squeezed in the crowd, pushed and shoved, and couldn't even control the direction, that Chi Qiaoqi began to feel fear.

She was small, and after being pushed and shoved a little, she staggered a few steps before she could stand still.Even so, the camera in his hand flew out the moment he was pushed.

Chi Qiaoqi subconsciously knelt down to pick it up, but someone grabbed his arm suddenly.

Turning around, Jian Yan's angry face came into view. "You don't want to die!"

All Chi Qiaoqi's energy was focused on the camera that rolled down the stands. He ignored Jian Yanzuo's questioning, struggled twice, and even wanted to continue his previous actions.

There were so many people, Jian Yanzuo never thought that Chi Qiaoqi would persist.

At that moment, Chi Qiaoqi's body suddenly lost his balance, swayed, and was about to fall over.Jian Yan subconsciously took her into his arms.The impact seemed to happen in the next second.Jian Yanzuo only felt that his left shoulder had touched something sharp, followed by a dull pain at the lower part of the brow bone of his left eye.

Before he even had time to confirm whether Chi Qiaoqi in his arms was injured, Jian Yan lowered his body on the left side and finally reached a relatively safe corner.

Afterwards, the friend who followed Jian Yanzuo finally arrived and helped him and Chi Qiaoqi up respectively, and they huddled together, stumbled through the crowd, and finally escaped.

When he could take a deep breath, the first to scream was a female classmate who came with Jian Yanzuo, "Yanzuo, your eyes..."

Jian Yan Zuo then touched the place where Sisi Lala was hurting with his hand, and looked back, there were blood stains.

At that moment, for the first time in history, Jian Yanzuo didn't pay attention to whether he was in danger of being disfigured.Instead, he looked up at Chi Qiaoqi, who was obviously terrified, quietly, without saying a word.

Chi Qiaoqi had never seen such a scene before, and he was terribly frightened. Being looked at by Jian Yan like this, he couldn't even speak. As soon as he opened his mouth, he couldn't help crying.

That day was the worst time Chi Qiaoqi had ever cried in his memory.

However, even though she was crying uncontrollably and sobbing, Jian Yanzuo didn't try to comfort her at all when she seemed to be crying out all her internal organs.

The students who came with Jian Yanzuo really couldn't stand it anymore, and persuaded them a few words, but they were still forced back by Jian Yanzuo's cold face.

The brief words that day were left at that moment, and they were full of deterrence.He didn't have a ferocious expression, nor did he roar or shout, but it just made people feel shuddering.

After that, he just didn't even pick up the handkerchief handed over by his classmate, and ignored the blood on half of his cheek, just looked at Chi Qiaoqi from the air, "Do you know what's wrong?"

Chi Qiaoqi cried so much that his face was covered with tears. Hearing Jian Yan's left question, he couldn't even pronounce a simple word, so he nodded with tears in his eyes.

Jian Yanzuo finally achieved his goal, nailing the truth into Chi Qiaoqi's head word by word, "From now on, if you know it's wrong, you should never try it. Do you understand?"

Chi Qiaoqi had a complete memory, opened his mouth wide, agreed in a hoarse voice, and then threw himself into the arms of the female classmate on Jian Yan's left, crying out of breath.

Even if Chi Qiaoqi knew his mistake, Jian Yanzuo still refused to say a soft word, letting her cry all the way from the stadium to the hospital.Not even a good face.Chi Qiaoqi was led by Jian Yanzuo's classmate, and followed him timidly, seeing the doctor to arrange surgery for him.

During the break, Jian Yanzuo called home.

Chi Qiaoqi was listening and even forgot to sob.She didn't dare to imagine what kind of scene it would be when all four adults arrived in a while.Or, will she be scolded head and face, or even sent away in a rage?

At this moment, Chi Qiaoqi swore to God that if she were to choose again, she would definitely stay at home, do her homework honestly, and would not die to join in the fun.

On that day, Chi Qiaoqi's last memory was Jian Yan Zuo Zai in front of the door of the operating room, staring at her and telling her, "When Aunt Qiao asks, just say that I took you there, I understand." No?"

Afterwards, Chi Qiaoqi recalled this not-so-good episode many times, and always felt that his memory had gone wrong. At that moment, Jian Yanzuo's face should have been full of warning and seriousness.However, whenever she seriously recalls, the first thing that comes to mind is Jian Yanzuo's eyes full of warmth and tolerance.

In that operation, Jian Yan had six stitches on the upper left corner of the left eye and the lower brow bone.

The adults were all focused on the question of whether there would be scars, and they didn't see through Chi Qiaoqi's unwise lies.Facing her pitiful appearance covered in sweat from crying, he only thought it was Brother Jian who loved her dearly.

Du Luowei even hugged her in his arms and comforted her for a long time, saying that Jian Yanzuo was fine, but a piece of skin was broken.

Chi Qiaoqi was like this, avoiding a scolding by accident.

If there is anything memorable about this incident, it is that since that day, Chi Qiaoqi has had someone who can cure her.

Qiao Duo also discovered this.Although she didn't know the specific reason, she was very happy to see such a situation.

Therefore, in the Chi family at that time, whenever the adults said something that Chi Qiaoqi didn't listen to, Qiao Duo would always bring out some simple words. "Chi Qiaoqi, let me say it one last time. If you still can't do it, I'll ask Brother Jian to come and tell you in person."

Many years have passed since then.

In short, the mark at the corner of the left eye has faded a lot with the passage of time.Sometimes you even have to deliberately adjust the angle to barely see it.

But every time Chi Qiaoqi saw it, it was as if Jian Yanzuo was doing something to protect Chi Qiaoqi, and he never had to do it deliberately.It has become the deepest imprint in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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