In this world, the only Mr. Warm

Chapter 4 Never Forget, Never Dare to Forget

Chapter 4 Never Forget, Never Dare to Forget

The last performance of Song Ci in China is scheduled to be in City B.

Just as he understood the reason why Song Ci changed the second stage, Chi Qiaoqi also understood the reason why Song Ci chose to end the first stage in City B.

In a certain courtyard in the outer suburbs of City B, she and Song Ci used to live there, and then bid farewell to each other and started again.

That place, no matter for her or for Song Ci, is worth saying goodbye in a formal way.So when Song Ci asked Chi Qiaoqi if he needed tickets for the show, Chi Qiaoqi thanked him without hesitation.

Holding the two tickets given to her by Song Ci, Chi Qiaoqi hesitated for a long time, and finally invited Jian Yan to join him.

That city, at such a moment, she dared not go alone.And at this moment, the only person she could think of was Jian Yan.

Chi Qiaoqi prepared a dress that Yan Chatuo brought back as a gift to Song Ci. It is very elegant champagne color, simple in style, smooth in tailoring, and smooth in texture, which fits Song Ci's temperament very well.

The packaging box is custom-made in Yancha shop, and it is made of many different materials. Yancha chose the linen pattern, which is less afraid of bumps during transportation, which happens to be Chi Qiaoqi's favorite one.

Rubbing the concave and convex lines on the gift box all the way, recalling involuntarily, it seems that I am not as sad as I imagined.

Jian Yan Zuo was silent all the way, but when passing by a flower shop, he reminded, "Do you want to buy a bunch of flowers?"

It was only then that Chi Qiaoqi realized belatedly that the car had already driven into the urban area for a long time.

According to the suggestion of the manager of the flower shop, Chi Qiaoqi chose six Casablancas that bloomed just right.Green and brown packaging, stable and simple.

Half an hour before the performance, Chi Qiaoqi successfully gave the flowers to Song Ci, "I wish you success."

"Thank you." Song Ci used flowers as a cover, quietly pointed to Jian Yan's left direction, and blinked at Chi Qiaoqi, "Boyfriend?"

Chi Qiaoqi glanced at Jian Yanzuo. He seemed to have met someone he knew and was chatting with them, so he didn't pay attention to them.So he smiled generously, "Friend."

"Okay." Song Ci agreed with Chi Qiaoqi's explanation, "What should I call him?"

This stopped Chi Qiaoqi.She thought for a long time, and finally ended the greetings with Jian Yan on the left. As she walked slowly, she approached Song Ci's ear and said softly, "Mr. Jian."

Song Ci looked at Chi Qiaoqi with warped eyes for a while, then turned to Jian Yan's left, and said in a very natural tone, "Welcome you and Xiao Qi."

Jian Yan handed over the gift box that Chi Qiaoqi was holding on the left, and apologized slightly, "Sorry for the delay, I just met someone I know at the door."

Song Ci took the gift box decently, opened it with anticipation, and said with a sigh, "Wow, it's so beautiful."

As a result, the topic was naturally turned to the skirt, and no one was entangled with the title just now or anything else.

The show went smoothly and successfully.

Chi Qiaoqi looked at Song Ci who seemed to be cut off from the light and shadow on the stage, and felt more and more emotional.

Until the end of the performance, when Chi Qiaoqi bid farewell to Song Ci, Song Ci still kept hearing what Song Ci had just said to her backstage.

In the not-so-quiet environment, Song Ci's voice was unusually clear, "Xiaoqi, when I was seven years old, my father and his wife conspired to kill my mother. He kept saying that he loved her, and then he wanted He is willing to give up everything without asking for a woman. And I, because I went to ballet class, narrowly escaped death. After my mother was buried, the police who handled the case called all my uncles and aunts in front of me. In the end, all of them responded as if they had discussed it. Not only did they not admit that they knew the existence of me, they even denied the identity of my mother. I listened to the whole story without missing a word Phone, and then, I asked to go to the orphanage. Fortunately, it was my persistence and stubbornness at that time that I survived in such a humble way, and then I was lucky enough to meet Aunt Qiao, and finally grew into what I am now."

This was a story that Chi Qiaoqi had never thought of. Even if she had participated in it, she had never thought of everything behind it.

Perhaps at this moment, Chi Qiaoqi could understand why Song Ci told her this story.Just like the last sentence Song Ci said to her, "Xiaoqi, you must be strong and happy."

Chi Qiaoqi looked out the window and saw that it was not the way he came, so he asked aloud, "Where are you going?"

"Go home." Jian Yan drove the car on the left, with a calm tone.

Ok.Chi Qiaoqi found a suitable position for his head in the seat, and slowly closed his eyes. The nearly ten-hour drive was enough for a good night's sleep.

However, Chi Qiaoqi didn't sleep for a long time, and woke up dazedly, trying to adjust his posture, but found that the car seemed to have been parked for a long time.

The warm wind was still blowing faintly, but Jian Yan Zuo was no longer in the driving position.

Chi Qiaoqi leaned over slightly, and without looking deliberately, he saw Jian Yanzuo who was leaning against a tree beside him smoking a cigarette.

Probably because he was tired from driving for too long, his face was slightly tired, his brows and eyes were slightly drooping, and the creases on his eyes became deeper and deeper.Probably just to refresh himself, he didn't smoke too much. He squeezed lightly with three fingers, took a deep breath, and then slowly moved away. After a while, the smoke burned off, and his hands subconsciously moved back to his mouth. .

At this moment, Chi Qiaoqi didn't need to look to know that Jian Yanzuo's eyes must be full of things.Full, but certainly not overflowing.

Chi Qiaoqi leaned back in the seat and stopped for a while. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Jian Yanzuo taking out a cigarette case from his coat pocket, coughed lightly, and gently opened the car door.

When she lowered her head and raised her eyes, Jian Yan's left hand had already changed direction.Seeing her looking up, he threw a bunch of keys to her from the air.

He didn't throw it hard, but his direction was quite good. Chi Qiaoqi caught it very accurately without moving.Spreading it in his hand, he raised his head belatedly, and immediately stayed where he was.

It turned out that this was the home that Jian Yanzuo had just mentioned.

Chi Qiaoqi never dared to think that she would come back here one day.

This house used to be next to Aunt Du, who liked to tease her, and Uncle Jian, whose expression was always gentle.This once lived in the home of Old Stupid Joe, who was a poor cook but loved to cook, and Chi Dalan, who was a good cook but seldom cooked.This once gathered a lot of laughter, making her think that the beauty in the world is nothing more than this home.

She has been away for six years.

Come back again, among the six laughing shadows, only Xiangan Wuhua is left.

Both Jianchi and Chi's houses were provided by the unit when they were in the research institute. They are single-family, small two-and-a-half-story buildings with a symmetrical design, and they are as intimate as people.

Chi Qiaoqi always thought that the house had been taken back by the research institute or sold off.She even thought that the house might end up in the hands of someone who didn't like it, and then all Qiao Duo's cherished furniture and the strange stones that Chi Jinyuan painstakingly collected were disposed of as second-hand goods or waste.

She never thought that this house would be waiting for her in its original place, like a long-lost friend.Wait for her to come back after a long swim, wait for her to reopen the familiar door, wait for her to see everything that remains unchanged inside.When she said something like six years ago, I'm back.

Everything in the living room was still the same as it was when Chi Qiaoqi left. Even the fragment of the ashtray that she broke before leaving was still on the table.

It was an ashtray that Chi Jinyuan liked very much. Before going out, Chi Qiaoqi ran to hug her little toy on the coffee table. When she turned around, her backpack swept the brown ashtray to the ground and knocked off a corner.

At that time, I was so busy catching a plane that everything was too late.Qiao Duo was afraid of missing the departure time, so she calmed her down and said, "It's okay, stick something on it when you get back, anyway, your dad's eyes are short-sighted and can't see it. If it doesn't work, you can buy another one for him when you get there, and your mother will reimburse you for it." .”

Qiao Duo's words still seemed to linger in her ears, and her luck seemed to still exist.But in the end, none of them could come back.

The door of the room was still the same as in memory, with a small sign decorated by Qiao Duo handmade.The words on it are still as beautiful as ever.

On the left hand side just after entering the door, there is a large mirror, which occupies an entire wall from the ceiling to the floor.Still spotless.

Chi Qiaoqi had stood in front of this mirror and examined himself carefully countless times.From top to bottom, from the inside out.

This is the method Qiao Duo taught her, using a mirror to check for possible wounds on her body.In those few years, it seems to have become a habit.And this habit, with Qiao Duo's departure, was gradually forgotten.The only thing that remains the same is probably Chi Qiaoqi's pain.Then what is consistent does not exist.

She is a different child from others, Chi Qiaoqi has always known this.

Other children cry when they get an injection, when their blood is drawn, and when they are knocked or touched.And she is always the first to rush up when the injection is given, and after falling, she pats the dirt and then gets up and continues to run.

Other parents will tell Qiao Duo enviously that your child is so brave, and Qiao Duo will try to accept this praise as naturally as possible.

Everyone thought Chi Qiaoqi was sensible, but both Chi Qiaoqi and Qiao Duo understood that this kind of bravery and sensibleness was not voluntary.In Qiao Duo's eyes, she would rather Chi Qiaoqi be a trouble-free child, and she would cry because of a slight bump, but such a wish is doomed to be a luxury.

When Chi Qiaoqi was very young, she once asked Qiao Duo why she was different from other children.

She remembered that Qiao Duo answered her like this, "Baby, because you are different, God sent mother to you to protect you. If you are the same as other children, then mother can only protect other children who are not the same. Same kid."

Therefore, after Qiao Duo left, Chi Qiaoqi kept comforting herself because she had grown up, was strong, and could bear the world, so Qiao Duo went to protect others.

Chi Qiaoqi knew that this kind of consolation was very pale, but he kept supporting her through these six years, which were the most difficult years for her.

The water and electricity in the whole house are still connected, and the refrigerator and cupboards are still full of piles as before.

In a vase on the dining table, a white daisy blooms quietly.

All this seems to convey a message: this is not a dead house, but a home with signs of life.A home where she could go on living as long as she came back.

Chi Qiaoqi admitted that he was very grateful for this kindness to keep everything going.

When I moved to St. Petersburg that year, I couldn't take much luggage with me, so most of my things were left in this house.Looking at it now, everything is a complete memory.The books she has read, the clothes she has worn, the objects she has used.Adding up every detail, gradually pieced together a former her.

Although so much time has passed, and she has slowly accepted the fact that Qiao Duo and Chi Jinyuan have left, she still feels sad when she sees all this.

Chi Qiaoqi raised his eyes slightly, took a deep breath, and slowly evaporated the tears that were about to burst into his eyes.

Jian Yanzuo chuckled from the side, "Aunt Qiao really left you with a lot of memories."

Chi Qiaoqi turned his head to look curiously, but in an instant he became angry from embarrassment, and stretched out his hand nervously to grab it.

Jian Yanzuo lifted the things in his hand up high as if he wanted to tease her, and even said with a smile, "You must know how to share, Miss Chi."

When saying the last three words, Jian Yanzuo slowly elongated his tone, with a hidden mockery on his face.

Chi Qiaoqi was a little puzzled by the hidden tone of Jian Yan's left tone, but he suddenly thought of the phrase "Mr. Jian" in the lounge tonight.

It turned out that he heard it, and he didn't reveal it until this moment without making a sound.

It's really dark.

It was a thick stack of report cards, including all the test papers Chi Qiaoqi had taken from elementary school to high school.Qiao Duo bound the test papers into volumes according to grades. In the catalog, there is also a clear list and Qiao Duo's simple summary of each semester.

Chi Qiaoqi flipped through them one by one.

On the report card of the first grade, Qiao Duo wrote in very beautiful small characters: My baby can always give me unexpected surprises, and it feels so good to be surrounded by parents.The inscription is a big smiley face.

Happy emotions can be conveyed to the viewers without reservation only through words.

With the very different scores in the middle and end of the term, it is easy to imagine the hidden story behind it.

When Chi Qiaoqi was in the first grade of elementary school, he failed to complete the homework assigned by the teacher every day for several consecutive weeks.

Every day, besides playing shuttlecock and hopscotch with a group of kids in the same grade, I just hide in my room and knead plasticine.

Qiao Duo originally thought that since the child is still young, there is nothing wrong with letting her learn according to her interests. When she grows up, it will not be too late to determine what she really wants to learn.

It wasn't until Chi Qiaoqi's first-stage test results came down that the sum of his Chinese and Mathematics scores was only a little over [-] points.

It was only then that Qiao Duo felt that there was something wrong with her management method. After discussing with Chi Jinyuan, she made up her mind to give Chi Qiaoqi extra lessons that had been left behind.

When Chi Qiaoqi thinks about it now, he still feels that Qiao Duo put in a lot of effort at that time. That tutor, who was famous in the education circle at that time, was very capable. No matter what kind of child was handed over to him, he would always be able to Returned neatly.However, Chi Qiaoqi was an exception.

Even if the teacher canceled all her game time and changed to continuous teaching with only a 5-minute break, it still couldn't change the tragic situation of Chi Qiaoqi's total score of less than three.

In the end, after the midterm exam, Qiao Duo and Chi Jinyuan were announced to the teacher's office at Chi Qiaoqi's school.

Later, according to Qiao Duo's crying with Du Luowei, this was one of the few most embarrassing moments in her life.She and Chi Jinyuan, two researchers who are at the forefront of science, have to be accurate to more than 20 decimal places, and they have raised the last daughter in the whole grade, especially the math score is still in single digits.

What's more, this girl who didn't know what to do also proudly declared to the teacher that there is nothing to be afraid of if she doesn't study well. She is the best at kneading clay among all the children, and she will be as good as a scientist when she becomes a sculptor in the future.

Every sentence she said without knowing how to blush was so unreasonable that it almost drove Qiao Duo crazy.

Du Luowei really couldn't think of a good way. Her family's Jian Yanzuo was always obedient, and she never let her have a little trouble in studying. How could she have the experience of educating such a naughty little monkey.

After much deliberation, he had to leave Jian Yan to do work for Chi Qiaoqi.I just look forward to being able to soak up the fairy spirit of Jian Yanzuo, and return to this playful monkey spirit.

Jianyan Zuo really took the order and went, and it took Qiao Duo the effort to wet three paper towels.This speed made it impossible for Qiao Duo to have any confidence.

What Qiao Duo never expected was that when she stepped into the house again, her little monkey who was jumping up and down didn't go out to skip rope and throw dice, but sat down on the small table in a regular manner. In front of him, he carefully traced the words taught during the day on the Tian Geben.

Qiao Duo was surprised and didn't expect much. For her, the little monkey can finish the homework quietly, which is a reward from heaven.

And in the end, when the final grades came out, Qiao Duo and all the teachers were dumbfounded. Chi Pohou's grades completely dropped the grade's big red list, and turned the tables lightly.

That day, the Chi family's phone became a hotline for the confidant big sister. When parents from all walks of life heard the news, they all scrambled to ask Qiao Duo how to subdue Pohouer.

How could Qiao Duo know what method, so she turned around and took Du Luowei's favorite small bean cake to Jane's house to ask, Du Luowei ate it with crumbs, but still shook her head frankly and said she didn't know.

As a result, Qiao Duo was like picking up a lottery ticket with a big prize on the street, inexplicably and pleasantly surprised, and slowly accepted the fact.

In fact, excluding the time it took to travel back and forth between the two families, Jian Yan left a total of one sentence for Chi Qiaoqi, who was playing with a froth on his face, "Chi Qiaoqi, do you want to go back to the city again?" Orphanage? If you don't want to, don't let them down again."

It was such a straight-to-the-point sentence that made Chi Qiaoqi's actions gradually become restrained.So that in the eyes of the teachers who taught her in the future, she has always been a good student who is admirable.

Once a person has enjoyed the warmth, it is difficult to return to a cold place.The fear of being alone in the cold can kill everything.

It was also at this moment that Jian Yanzuo suddenly felt that he was indeed burdened with too many sins.

It is impossible for him not to feel Chi Qiaoqi's fear.Or to put it more bluntly, he has always known and used this fear as a bargaining chip for her to grow according to her own ideas.

He watched her grow according to his own ideas, and then become what he wanted.From the beginning to the end, he thought that what he designed for her was the best for her, but he never thought about her thoughts other than this.

He always felt that he had done too much for her and helped her achieve too much.But she never seriously thought about it, because of him, what she lost was much more than what she gained.

At this moment, although he was unwilling to face it, he had to admit that in fact, he had always been too cruel to her.

Chi Qiaoqi didn't know what was going on in Jian Zuo's heart at this moment.

After sitting for a long time, her feet were a little numb. She put everything back in place, and when she stood up and wanted to move around, she bumped into Jian Yanzuo's hug.

All his emotions were silent, and when she adjusted to face him, everything returned to calm.At this moment, it seems that all words are superfluous.

Chi Qiaoqi slept soundly and satiated this time.

It was almost noon when I woke up.Looking at the phone, there is no missed call from Jian Yanzuo.

After Chi Qiaoqi simply washed up, he tied up his hair casually, and quickly tidied it up neatly.After opening the door and walking out ten steps, he knocked on the opposite door.

Jian Yan Zuo quickly opened the door, "How did you sleep?"

Chi Qiaoqi got in through the gap between Jian Yan's left and the door, "It's very good."

Jane's old house is still the same as she remembers.Simple and bright living room, iron coffee table, bone china tea set cherished by Du Luowei, and the peacock blue and carmine square carpet that Qiao Duo bought together.

On the square table at hand is Jian Yanzuo's half-drinked coffee. The yellow-glazed blue-and-white coffee cup is very beautiful.Chi Qiaoqi just wanted to take a closer look, but found that the place where the cup was placed was a little far from her place, so she naturally walked over to the square table.

Holding the cup in his hand, he raised his eyes inadvertently, and saw the scattered photo frames on the opposite wall.

That was the photo wall designed by Du Luowei, which almost included the best memories of the two of them.

Most of the photos are group photos, with a large time span and different backgrounds, but without exception, the smiles on each photo are enough to warm any bystander.

In Chi Qiaoqi's memory, happiness is like this, with parents who love her, uncles and aunts who are extremely warm, and him who has been with her every step of her growth.It was the best part of her short life, and even though some of it has been forgotten, it is still her most precious memory.

At that time, she didn't understand the love behind those tolerances, and always thought that everything should be done.It wasn't until now that they realized how much care they put together to protect the simplicity and happiness of her world.

Can grape seeds be thrown into a flower pot to grow vines just by watering them?

Of course it can, and it will really produce small grapes.

Can milk make delicious ice cream just by putting it in the refrigerator?

Of course you can, and it tastes the same as the ones bought outside.

Will hydrogen balloons really fly to the other side of the earth with postcards?

Of course I will, and I will fly back with a letter from the person over there.

Put the note into the wishing bottle and throw it into the river, will all the wishes come true?
Of course it can be done, because all of her wishes above have come true.

They have been carefully protecting her every thought, beautiful, realistic and absurd, escorting her, escorting her, and then calmly sending her into that pure world.

Many things that seem to be impossible now are just because of them, so she has always believed in them unswervingly.

including happiness.

Chi Qiaoqi looked over one by one, his hands gradually began to tremble.She is too greedy for the beauty before, although she really can't go back.But this is human greed. Knowing that you can't go back, you still think that you can recover a little bit.

The moment he put the cup back to its original place, a hint of belated speculation emerged in Chi Qiaoqi's heart.

Just now, Jian Yanzuo should be looking at these photos.

Although he may have come back many times in the past six years, every time he comes back to face these things, he should still feel sad in his heart.

She didn't even consider his emotions at all.

Just as she was thinking, Jian Yan came out with a wooden tray on her left, then moved her coffee aside, put the coffee for Chi Qiaoqi and one of the tuna sandwiches neatly in front of Chi Qiaoqi.

Chi Qiaoqi was surprised, "You haven't had breakfast yet?"

Jian Yanzuo sat down opposite Chi Qiaoqi, laid out the coffee cup and the sandwich plate in front of her, raised her eyes gently, "I'm waiting for you."

The tuna sandwich paired with black coffee tasted really good, Chi Qiaoqi ate one whole, and then looked up to save face and asked for a second one.

None of them mentioned anything mildly sentimental.After getting along for this period of time, many times of silence and neglect have gradually become a kind of tacit understanding.

After the meal, Jian Yanzuo answered the phone, didn't deliberately go far away, said a few words very calmly, and then set the time to go back tomorrow morning.

Chi Qiaoqi thought that the company was in a hurry, so he explained softly the first time Jian Yanzuo hung up the phone, "Actually, there is no need to wait for tomorrow, we can go back now."

"There is a drama performance in the theater tonight, it is touring the whole country, and the evaluation is not bad." Jian Yanzuo said in a light tone, "The seat I booked is very good, I don't want to miss it."

Chi Qiaoqi didn't fight anymore, asked about the time of the performance, made a simple agreement, and then went back to pack the things he wanted to take away.

There are so many things she wants to take away, books and photo albums that she wants to review again, all kinds of decorations that she loved but could not bring to St. Petersburg, and everything that Qiao Duo left her.

There is still a long time left, enough for her to slowly recall the forgotten things,
Chi Qiaoqi wasted an entire afternoon on countless memories, until Jian Yanzuo came to find her.

Standing outside the door, waiting for her to get fully dressed, the process was not short, but he didn't urge him at all, just like before.

Dinner was eaten in a small restaurant.It's a small and shabby place, but you can find the taste of more than ten years ago.

Two bowls of seafood braised noodles and several special side dishes.The dishes are not exquisite, and the environment is a bit shabby.

Everything is as simple as a couple of migrant workers. After setting up a stall by the side of the street all night, they are going back to the front of the rental house to make do.

But Jian Yanzuo has absolutely no dislike in terms of expression or actions.He even seriously ate a bowl of noodles until there was only one mouthful of soup left.

Chi Qiaoqi was a little surprised. On the way out of the snack street, he asked casually, "Do you come here often?"

Jian Yan Zuo said frankly, "Seldom come."

When he heard these words, Chi Qiaoqi had already walked to the side of the car. After waiting for Jian Yanzuo's answer, he nodded lightly, opened the door, and got in the car.

Maybe the answer was the one she expected, so she didn't expect it, and she didn't pause.

Because there was no pause, there was no hearing, Jian Yan stopped in place, and the second half of the sentence had already slipped out, "But I always miss it."

I seldom come, but I always miss it.

Miss the moment when he was not surrounded by the dazzling light, and miss the moment when she was not guarded at all.I miss all the simple and beautiful things in that time, without defense or cover-up.

And all of this, just like she never heard the second half of the sentence, she never knew.

In the end, Chi Qiaoqi took nothing with him before returning to Beijing.

When he was about to leave, he suddenly changed his mind.Put all the packed things back one by one, carefully placing them in their original positions.

So repeatedly, Jian Yanzuo didn't ask the reason.Instead, at the intersection where you should go straight, you suddenly turned the car around, "I'll take you to a place."

This is a vineyard located on the outskirts of the city. It does not occupy a large area, and the variety seems to be very single, but it is extremely well-managed.

In late autumn, the grapes have been picked almost, but if you look closely, there are still a few sporadic plants hanging on the vines, but the clusters are a bit small, and the grapes are not very big.

Taking advantage of Jianyan's inattention, Chi Qiaoqi secretly picked a bunch and squeezed a piece into his mouth, so sweet that his eyes rolled.It is her favorite rose scent, it has a mild taste and just the right amount of sweetness, it seems that no matter how much you eat it, you won't get tired of it.

Satisfied, he ate a few pills, turned around, and happened to meet Jian Yanzuo's gaze.

Only then did Jian Yan's left hand see the surveillance cameras all over the place, and all his movements froze immediately.

However, Jian Yan Zuo wanted to make things worse, "I forgot to tell you, the owner of this vineyard is not very good-tempered..."

"Then you didn't say it earlier." Chi Qiaoqi believed it, and anxiously found a hiding place for the grapes in his hand.

It's a pity to throw it away, and there is no place to hide on the body. After tossing around for so long, it must have been photographed by the nearby surveillance.

How to do how to do.

Just as he was jumping in a hurry, Chi Qiaoqi suddenly heard Jian Yan Zuo Pogong chuckle, and suddenly realized.

The nervousness that was almost frightened into a cold sweat just now dissipated, Chi Qiaoqi frowned, and accused dissatisfiedly, "You lied to me."

"I didn't lie to you." Jian Yanzuo's smile gradually deepened, and she looked at the slight redness around her mouth with doting eyes, "Look, your temper is really not very good."

Chi Qiaoqi froze in place for a long time, then hesitantly said, "This..."

Jian Yanzuo didn't answer, took her hand and walked all the way to the outside of the rows of vines.

Hidden behind the fence is a wooden house with a simple structure, quietly falling in the morning and dusk, but it seems to be hiding some treasure.

It is indeed a baby.The moment he entered the door, Chi Qiaoqi's mind was filled with such a sigh.

This small wooden house is a wine cultivation room.Large oak barrels are regularly displayed on both sides, and there is a clean and clear smell in the room.

The corridor is not narrow, all the way to the end, is a row of wooden stairs leading underground.Jian Yan dragged Chi Qiaoqi down the steps step by step, and then touched the light switch at the bottom of the stairs.

The moment the light is turned on, it seems to be the last moment when the protagonist finds the treasure in the cartoon. As soon as the box is opened, the light of the treasure fills the whole surrounding.

However, not here.

Under the bright light, on the neat wooden display case, bottles of wine lie quietly, like different dreams.

There is no light of priceless treasures, but Chi Qiaoqi finds it more dazzling than all the lights.

"Rose fragrance is not suitable for brewing aged red wine, so most of it can only be seen." Jian Yan walked to a row of shelves on the left and took out a bottle, "This year is still early, This is from last year, the taste may be a little loose, but it doesn't affect drinking."

After speaking, he took out two wine glasses from the cabinet under the shelf, and shook them at Chi Qiaoqi, "Would you like to try it?"

Of course Chi Qiaoqi couldn't resist such a temptation, and he responded more simply than ever, "Of course."

The wine glass was emptied several times, and the wine bottle soon reached the bottom. Chi Qiaoqi touched the bottle body, and had a little aftertaste, "It's really delicious."

"Fresh taste will be better." Jian Yanzuo put away the cup and put it aside, "This batch is only left for clarification and stabilization, and we won't wait too long."

Jian Yanzuo's words were very tempting, but Chi Qiaoqi's energy was not in his commentary.

Frowning and looking at the label on the bottle for a long time, Chi Qiaoqi finally couldn't help but say, "This painting is not me..."

Seeing Jian Yanzuo's affirmative gaze, Chi Qiaoqi didn't need to ask the rest of his words.

Screen-printed label, yellowed paper, pattern and year clearly left on.It doesn't seem to be any different from any wine label.

But just the different patterns of each red wine made Chi Qiaoqi feel a little dazed for a moment.

Tiny touches spread along Chi Qiaoqi's body bit by bit.It seemed that it was the sweetness of the wine just now, and a slightly sweet emotion appeared in her chest.

Another product, but extremely sour.

It turned out that the size and layout of the vineyard, the location and appearance of the wooden house had already been determined in her childhood paintings.

"Do you remember that little grape seedling of yours before. It was moved to the backyard by Aunt Qiao, and after many times of branching, it became quite a large scale." Jian Yanzuo said faintly, "These are now , is the result of overall transplanting and branch propagation.”

Chi Qiaoqi was completely stunned, unable to say anything more.

"So, the owner of this vineyard is you."

Jian Yanzuo's last sentence was like a collection of all the emotional tear gas bombs just now, and it hit Chi Qiaoqi's tears with precision.With the memory of all the warmth before, it truly reached Chi Qiaoqi's heart.

No more redundant words, no more redundant emotions.It was just such a moment, that Chi Qiaoqi clearly heard the sound of the ice shell in his heart shattering little by little.

It was an embankment that she had spent six years unable to dispel. She thought it was a copper wall or an iron wall, but was defeated by his seemingly easy words.

She remembered what Ye Ce once said to her, "Joe, you can only forget when you face it."

At this moment, Chi Qiaoqi truly understood this sentence.

Over the years, she seemed to have been looking for something, and she didn't dare to stop in order to find it. After six years, she finally found it.

The kind of thing that keeps her moving forward and searching is called warmth.

She used to think that she would not find it, and almost gave up looking for it many times.But today, in Jian Yanzuo's words, she found all the meaning she was looking for.

Although she understands that she needs to absorb more warmth to completely melt those resentments and dissatisfaction, it may take her whole life, but she is willing to try.

She turned to Jian Yan's left, and perhaps she was also facing herself, "Brother Nuan."

Her response was a hug.It is a hug that contains endless miss and familiarity.

In such a space filled with sweet and sour wine, they finally met.

Perhaps, this is the whole meaning of Jian Yanzuo's insistence over the years.It was such a moment that he had waited with all his might.Ordinary, but worth it.

The corners of Jian Yanzuo's mouth turned up little by little, and finally bent into a charming arc, "Ke Ke, welcome back."

Chi Qiaoqi didn't feel bored at all during the ten-hour drive back home.

When the car arrived downstairs, Chi Qiaoqi took his bag and was about to get off the car. Jian Yan left the key to Chi's old house and returned it to Chi Qiaoqi, "Return it to the original owner."

This key is the spare key that Qiao Duo left at Du Luowei's house back then, and the attached key chain is the clay cat made by Chi Qiaoqi when he was doing handwork.

In fact, what Chi Qiaoqi said to the teacher before was correct at all, she is indeed a master at squeezing mud.It’s just that I played more cleanly later, no longer indulging in the pleasure of water and mud, but instead went to a special pottery classroom to make soft pottery.

But in all fairness, Chi Qiaoqi's results in the soft clay classroom were quite brilliant.The key chains of the Chi family, and the mobile phone chains of Du Luowei and Jian Juwen all came from Chi Qiaoqi.After that, it became more and more refined, not to mention giving to friends around, and even many of them were used for charity sales.

Of course, this key chain is a previous work, and it still looks rough compared to the later ones.

But this is not the most early stage, time moved forward a bit, she also gave Jian Yan a shell badge on the left, although it did take a lot of effort in memory, but it can only barely be regarded as exquisite.As for the fate of this shell badge, it is estimated that Jian Yan, who has always been picky, has thrown it to an unknown corner, crying secretly.

However, it seemed to be her illusion. Thinking about it this way, she always felt that she had seen this little shell somewhere in the past few days.

Chi Qiaoqi thought about it with some doubts, and the more he thought about it, the more vague he became.

Seeing that Chi Qiaoqi was clearly in a daze, Jian Yan on the side stretched out his hand, patted Chi Qiaoqi's head lightly, and reminded him with a voice, "Let's go."

Only then did Chi Qiaoqi regain his senses, opened the door and got out of the car, but suddenly squinted his eyes.

really.No wonder she felt Jian Yanzuo's cuff buttons looked familiar that day, it turned out to be real.The scale is reduced, and it is obviously too refined.But that downward arc is definitely her original creation.

Once again, Jian Yan Zuo happened to get out of the car with his coat in his hand, and the cufflinks fell right into Chi Qiaoqi's sight.Although this was the first time that Chi Qiaoqi had seen this cuff button in its entirety, he didn't find it strange at all, on the contrary, he was very familiar with it.

The golden round metal shell is small and shiny.Whether it's the white shirt that day or the blue shirt today, it's as if it should be, without any sense of disobedience.

Chi Qiaoqi smiled secretly in his heart, but tried to maintain a peaceful face.Jian Yan locked the car with a focused left face, and did not pay attention to Chi Qiaoqi's short-term mood swings.

So, in the process of walking upstairs side by side with Jian Yan on the left, Chi Qiaoqi turned his face casually and exclaimed, "Today's shirt is very beautiful."

Jian Yan glanced at Chi Qiaoqi slightly from the left side, and said calmly, "It will be very happy that you like it."

"The cufflinks are also pretty." Chi Qiaoqi continued his efforts, and after finishing speaking full of conspiracy, he secretly waited for Jianyan to jump into the pit, "It matches you very well."

Jian Yanzuo still had a calm expression, and his tone was even extremely calm, "Well, I will consider raising the salary level of designers."

What a shame.Still so gifted at lying.

plagiarist.awkward ghost.

Chi Qiaoqi followed Jian Yan left behind and went upstairs, the corners of his mouth were sour that he couldn't hold back his smile.Finally, he couldn't help laughing out.

(End of this chapter)

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