Chapter 14

In short, Zuo ended his trip to Belgium earlier than expected, and returned to China with Xiao Sui who arrived later.

The flight is at noon, non-stop, for some reason, the whole cabin is a bit clean.

Xiao Sui had been chatting with a well-known driver who played for a European country in the side seat, and he had no time to bother him, and it was a little lonely.

Jian Yan glanced at the time to the left, there were still four hours before landing.The time is early, and with the time to go back from the airport, we can just make an appointment for breakfast.

Last time, a greedy cat said that he missed Su Ji's pumpkin and fish porridge, but he didn't know if he had eaten it.

Or have a cup of thick soy milk with two egg oil swirls?There is an authentic one on the side of the side horse alley, a master from Jinan, I guess it can also satisfy the appetite of greedy cats.

If you don't want to go far, there is a guild hall not far from the community. The crab roe soup dumplings are very good. After eating, it will be convenient for her to go back to sleep while it is hot.

Jian Yanzuo slowly figured out that two or three hours will be spent on this breakfast.

When he landed, Xiao Sui finally came back and lowered his voice, as if he had some secret, "You can't imagine how good this kid's Chinese is."

Perhaps because he wanted to kill the time that was approaching, Jian Yanzuo actually chatted with Xiao Sui on such a boring topic, "It was reported that he is Asian, but I don't know if it is true or not."

"Damn, you know this?" Xiao Sui was visibly agitated, "You actually know how to watch racing cars! You are such an interesting person, I can't believe it!"

Jian Yan Zuo began to regret taking up Xiao Sui's topic before, because it was obviously a topic that could not be finished in three or two sentences, "I don't read it doesn't mean I don't understand. Okay, take your box, we can go. "

Facts have proved that he really shouldn't have picked up Xiao Sui's topic, because this passionate young man chatted with his idol all the way without being disturbed, and there was nowhere to vent his excitement.

"You know, it's the first time I know that his Chinese name is Lu Ping'an, my God. What a connotative name, I can't imagine which name is more suitable for him." Until the exit, still He kept nagging, "As the first person in China to know his Chinese name, do you know how honored and excited I am?"

It was too noisy, Jian Yanzuo didn't want to be entangled any more, so he just said, "You like him so much, does Xu Mo know?"

So, in an instant, the goal is achieved.

Jian Yan Zuo was quite satisfied, and the moment he turned his head slightly, he frowned involuntarily.

Four or five meters away, Chi Qiaoqi, dressed in simple clothes, was waving towards this side.

Xiao Sui also noticed quickly, his tone was exaggerated, "What's the situation? You actually arranged for Xiao Beike to pick up the plane in private?"

Obviously not.

Jian Yan Zuo just wanted to confirm with Xiao Sui whether this is a bad play he directed and acted in, when he saw Chi Qiaoqi's expression instantly come alive, with a bright smile, almost more than ever before.

Accompanied by her unusually lively greeting, "Lu Ping'an, this way!"

For breakfast, as Jian Yanzuo designed, I went to the clubhouse with a good environment to eat crab roe soup dumplings.

Him, Chi Qiaoqi, Xiao Sui, and Lu Ping'an.The seat for four people, this side is him and Xiao Sui, he is facing Chi Qiaoqi, and on Chi Qiaoqi's left is the handsome Lu Pingan.

Jianyan watched Chi Qiaoqi help Lu Pingan move the chopsticks and side dishes to the left with his left eye, taught him in a low voice how to eat the whole soup dumpling correctly, and then stared patiently at Lu Pingan's complete package. Only after eating one of them can I start my own with confidence.

The whole process is so logical.It is logical, which makes people feel a little envious.

As for Xiao Sui, immersed in the atmosphere of getting acquainted with his idol and his friends, he was so excited that he obviously didn't notice the emotions that Jian Yanzuo had deliberately suppressed.Not only that, but it even has the effect of inadvertently adding fuel to the fire.

"This world is really small." Xiao Sui sighed, "Sooner or later, the people who should meet will meet."

Lu Ping'an was not very good at politeness. Facing Xiao Sui's emotion, he didn't know how to respond, but felt in his heart that it would be impolite not to respond, so he subconsciously turned his face in Chi Qiaoqi's direction.

Chi Qiaoqi ate intently, and without taking a glance out of the corner of the eye, he took the words very naturally, "You're going to be misunderstood if someone finds out that you're showing love to a man so madly."

When Xiao Sui first heard this, he immediately stopped talking, and after thinking about it again and again, he only felt that it sounded familiar.

Frowning and thinking for a while, suddenly realized.Turning his head, he wanted to share this discovery of tacit understanding with Jian Yanzuo, but unexpectedly found Jian Yanzuo's unusually silent emotions, so he finally realized it later.

After dinner, Xiao Sui went to pick up the car.Jian Yan left with Lu Pingan and Chi Qiaoqi waiting for him together.

"It seems to be fat." Lu Pingan circled around Chi Qiaoqi, "Do you think so?"

"Really." Chi Qiaoqi smiled, "Probably too comfortable recently, moving out of Yancha's remote control range is really a sharp weapon for gaining weight."

Lu Pingan gently opened his arms, "Come on, let me measure the specific weight for you."

"Fuck you." Chi Qiaoqi curled his lips, "Where did you learn this little trick?"

"Look at how often they use it." Lu Pingan smiled, "The success rate is so high that it can't be higher."

After standing for a while, Xiao Sui drove the car in front of him.Jian Yan went around to the left, got into the passenger seat, and from the moment she got into the car, her eyes drifted out of the window, she remained silent.

Xiao Sui raised his voice slightly as he drove the car. "Little Shell, where are you going?"

"I'll go back to Weiting." Chi Qiaoqi glanced at the road conditions through the car window, "It's so close, I didn't notice it before. If I knew it was nearby, I wish I could walk back."

"I'm not so cruel." Xiao Sui glanced at Jian Yanzuo's unusually silent side face, and smiled prettily, "You came to the airport to pick us up early in the morning, so I have to have a conscience, don't I?"

It is true that the distance is not very far, and the effort to speak fell downstairs.Chi Qiaoqi got out of the car and lay on the lowered car window on Lu Ping'an's side, "Which hotel are you staying at, I'll let Brother Xiao take you back later."

"I didn't book a hotel." Lu Pingan pouted, and slowly began to act like a baby, "I want to live with you."

"I only have a bedroom here." Chi Qiaoqi frowned and refused, "You can book a hotel nearby so that you can come over anytime."

"In order to escape, I took Yimao as a hostage in the team. Without it, I would be afraid to sleep in a hotel at night." Lu Pingan frowned aggrievedly, and his voice was so low that it couldn't be lowered.

Chi Qiaoqi hesitated a little, but still insisted, "I really only have a bedroom here, sleeping on the sofa is too wronged for you."

Lu Pingan's brows and eyes elongated, and his lips curved down, "You have changed, Qiqi, you were there before, and you never rejected me for such a reason."

Chi Qiaoqi was blocked by Lu Ping'an's words, and he died instantly.

Lu Pingan quietly rolled his eyelids and glanced at Chi Qiaoqi's expression, followed up the victory, blinked his eyes, and almost started to cry, "You have many friends, but you know, I only have you."

Chi Qiaoqi was visibly shaken.

"Qiqi." Lu Pingan's voice became more and more aggrieved, "You must know how afraid I am of losing you."

"Okay." Chi Qiaoqi opened the car door, and quickly reached out to pull Lu Pingan down, "You won."

"I'll go." Xiao Sui drove the car all the way out of the community, exclaiming repeatedly, "Little Shell, Nigel Clack, if it is photographed, it must be the headline on the entertainment page tomorrow."

Jian Yan didn't respond from the left side, picked up the phone and pretended not to hear.

"Aren't you worried?" Xiao Sui was obviously stimulated by Jian Yanzuo's calmness, "A man and a widow are living together in the same room, especially if the two of you seem to have had an affair before, you are not worried at all?"

His answer was still Jian Yan Zuo Boundless' silence.

It seems, a little bit angry.Xiao Sui pursed his lips and grinned quietly.

In the search box, tap the letters one by one with your fingers, Nigel Clark.

Press Enter, and the page will pop up soon.At the top of the page, there is a slightly playful smile just now.

Pulling down the page to filter the information bit by bit, the relationship history is quite clean, there is no publicly admitted girlfriend, and no images captured by the media, just as he hoped.

Jianyan taps twice to the left, the page closes, and everything returns to silence.

"Qiqi, slippers." Lu Pingan stood on the mat by the door and shouted at Chi Qiaoqi, "I'm so tired, hurry up."

Chi Qiaoqi ignored him, "Now I know I'm tired? When I was playing tricks just now, I didn't feel tired at all."

"Stingy ghost." Lu Pingan took off his shoes and walked in with his socks on, "There is no reward for kindness."

"Why are you so kind?" Chi Qiaoqi poured out a glass of water, drank it slowly, and squinted at him from the glass.

Lu Pingan stuck it over like sticky candy, snatched Chi Qiaoqi's cup, and gulped it down, "Some people almost vomit blood from anger, didn't you see that?"

Chi Qiaoqi was completely speechless, rolled his eyelids, "So, Yimao wasn't detained by the team at all, right?"

Lu Ping'an put his hand into his chest pocket, put a key on his finger and pulled it out, and smiled at Chi Qiaoqi, "Of course, my lucky star."

Yimao is the keychain that Chi Qiaoqi sewed for Lu Pingan himself. It is a rabbit with big eyes and long ears. It is chubby and round, but nothing special.

Because a safety button the size of a dime is sealed in the rabbit's belly, it is named Yimao.

Yimao accompanied Lu Pingan, who is a rabbit, to complete countless big and small competitions, and escaped many moments by chance.Anyone who is familiar with him knows that Yimao is Lu Ping'an's treasure, his amulet, and his life.

As long as there is a hair, he will never have any accidents. This has always been a fact that Lu Pingan firmly believes.

"You can really do it." Chi Qiaoqi was almost speechless, "Why are you angry with Jian Yanzuo?"

"I'm here to avenge you." Lu Pingan almost jumped, "Look at your indecisive expression, if I were you, I would have stabbed him when we met."

"You're not me." Chi Qiaoqi looked up at him, his tone almost freezing, "But I did stab him with a knife."

Lu Pingan gradually distanced himself from Chi Qiaoqi, smiled, and said every word with a serious expression, "So, did you forgive him?"

Chi Qiaoqi's expression was calm, "Do you want me to forgive him?"

After a long silence, Lu Pingan didn't reply.

Then, he came back with a different expression, "I'm so tired, I'm going to take a shower."

Chi Qiaoqi did not stop and expose Lu Pingan's deliberate evasion.Some things, they deliberately avoided not mentioning, just as if they had forgotten.

She was already well enough, in such a closed circle, isolating people she knew before, as if she could really forget some things.

She knew that Lu Pingan could not forgive Jian Yanzuo, but she hoped that Lu Pingan would never mention this resentment again.

Lu Ping'an has always been casual, and the used bathroom seems to have just experienced something terrible, and it is full of bad things that drive Chi Qiaoqi crazy.

And the instigator lay generously on her soft little bed, covered with her animal-print quilt, and closed her eyes in satisfaction.

Chi Qiaoqi was so angry that he grabbed him, "Go and clean up the bathroom first, otherwise you won't be able to sleep."

"Seven seven seven seven." Lu Pingan reached out to protect the quilt, "I'm not wearing anything."

"Who will believe it?" Chi Qiaoqi put his hips on his hips, as if he wanted to go shopping to the end, "Don't try to be lazy."

"I really don't have any." Lu Pingan yelled, "Go to the bathroom and see, I even changed my panties."

This is true, Lu Ping'an has a serious cleanliness obsession, as long as he takes a bath, it is impossible to put his previous clothes back on.

Chi Qiaoqi rolled his eyes angrily, and reluctantly went to clean the bathroom.

Cleaning the bathroom was already covered in sweat, Chi Qiaoqi washed the clothes that could be washed with water while taking a shower, packed the rest and sent them to the dry cleaner downstairs.Go upstairs again, it's almost 11 o'clock.

There were too many things to eat in the refrigerator, so Chi Qiaoqi stewed a small pot of rice, grilled four fish and eight-tailed shrimp, mixed a vegetable salad, and fried celery with fungus.The juices are freshly squeezed oranges and lemons, Lu Pingan's favorite.

After getting these ready, Chi Qiaoqi went to wake Lu Pingan up.

I guess I haven't had a good rest recently, Lu Ping'an fell into a deep sleep, and didn't want to get up after calling several times.

Chi Qiaoqi originally wanted to let him sleep for a while, but then thought that the fish and shrimp would taste bad when they were cold, so he called him up cruelly.

Lu Pingan was startled, opened his eyes and touched under the pillow, clutching his red eyes in his hands, and asked the time in a hoarse voice after being hazy for a long time.

Chi Qiaoqi looked distressed, and stretched out her hand to pull him up, only to find that this guy was tightly wrapped around her waist with her newly bought small lemon bath towel, and she wanted to beat him up in anger.

"What did you do?" Lu Pingan pulled the slippers that Chi Qiaoqi bought downstairs just now, yawned lazily, and washed his hands as earnestly as a kindergarten child.

"Fish and shrimp." Chi Qiaoqi handed him the towel, "Have you had a good rest recently?"

Lu Pingan wiped his hands, sat at the dining table obediently, drank the juice first, and then picked up the chopsticks, "It's not bad."

Chi Qiaoqi didn't ask any more questions.Lu Ping'an is like this, when encountering a question that he doesn't want to answer, he will give a vague answer without going into details.

However, he rarely looked so lazy.Chi Qiaoqi watched the broadcast on TV. After nearly two hours of the game, when he got out of the car, he was still able to chat and laugh with the people next to him and face the camera without any sign of fatigue.

Even after each competition, I can go swimming for half an hour.Then in the evening, I shuttled through the celebratory reception with ease.

Always so energetic, like a robot.

"Do you want to stay for him?" Lu Ping'an's voice sounded.

"What?" Chi Qiaoqi was in a daze, and finally came back to his senses, "Who?"

Lu Pingan knocked on the side of the plate with a spoon, and repeated unwillingly, "The one surnamed Jane."

"Impolite." Chi Qiaoqi glared at Lu Ping'an, and began to slowly peel the prawns, "I don't ask you anything else, it's okay to call him by his name when you mention him, right?"

Lu Pingan thought about it for a while, then shrugged, "Although I should agree, what should I do if I can't come?"

Chi Qiaoqi threatened Lu Ping'an and shook the peeled shrimp in his hand, "Then there's nothing to eat."

Lu Pingan spread his hands, "Okay then."

After finishing speaking, there was a thunderbolt, and before Chi Qiaoqi could react, he leaned over and bit off the shrimp in Chi Qiaoqi's hand until only a little bit of tail was left.

Then his tongue lightly brushed over Chi Qiaoqi's fingertips, and then he raised his head with a rather complacent tone, "It's really hard to come."

This man is really...

Chi Qiaoqi complained fiercely to himself, and was about to reach out to grab a tissue from the tissue box to wipe his hands when the phone on the table rang.

Chi Qiaoqi's hand was full of oil, and it was inconvenient to pick it up. With a swipe of his little finger, he connected it, and it automatically switched to the speakerphone.

It was Xiao Sui, who said hello and automatically turned to the business, "Little Shell, why don't you spare some time in the afternoon and come over here for a while."

Chi Qiaoqi was puzzled, "What's the matter?"

"He has a little fever." Xiao Sui coughed lightly, "I've been working a lot these past two days, you know, he's not good at taking care of himself, and he can't always find out when he catches a cold."

Chi Qiaoqi grabbed the tissue and wiped his hands slowly, without responding.

"He seemed a little uncomfortable when he got off the plane, and he came back and lay down for a while, but he didn't agree to send him to the hospital." Xiao Sui complained in detail, "He always feels that he has good resistance, but you also You know, he's not fully recovered yet."

Xiao Sui can always poke at the part of Chi Qiaoqi that is most likely to yield, every time.

"Well, good." Chi Qiaoqi said, "I'll go there."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Pingan curled his lips coolly, "When will being soft and weak become a must-kill skill."

Chi Qiaoqi glared at him, "How much prejudice do you have against him?"

"This is not prejudice." Lu Ping angrily gritted his teeth, "This is the truth."

After finishing speaking, seeing Chi Qiaoqi's response, his tone became more and more aggressive, "Qiqi, don't forget, he was the one who abandoned you back then. If it wasn't for him not answering the phone call you made, you wouldn't be..."

"I know that period of history better than you." Chi Qiaoqi turned to wash his hands, with a restrained tone, "Therefore, there is no need to remind me repeatedly like this."

"Are you awake now?" Lu Ping'an walked over step by step, a thin layer of ice had formed on his face, "You hated him so much at the beginning, but now, the injuries you suffered because of this simply disappeared. ?
"You know it's not all because of him." Chi Qiaoqi turned off the faucet and straightened up to face him, "He just didn't answer the phone, he didn't make the explosion, and he wasn't the one who took me away. "

"It's not because of him." Lu Pingan smiled coldly, "But if he can answer that call in time, you won't be disillusioned by reality."

Chi Qiaoqi was speechless, this was the part she couldn't refute, and it was also the part she still couldn't digest after going through hundreds of turns to accommodate everything.

"Qiqi, I hope you understand. He is not the one who caused the evil, but it does not mean that he has no responsibility for you." Lu Pingan looked at her straightly, without dodging, and was so serious, "Sometimes, the real thing can be destroyed. One person is to push her into despair."

These words seemed to stab Chi Qiaoqi's nerves fiercely, and she suddenly looked at Lu Pingan seriously, "I also hope you know that if it wasn't for him, I would never be able to get out of despair in my life. "

It wasn't too late for Chi Qiaoqi to arrive. Carrying the light cheesecake packed on the way, he directly entered the password into Jianyan's left door.

There was no one in the living room, Chi Qiaoqi put the cake box on the table, turned his head, and Jian Yan left the room wiping his hair.

Seeing Chi Qiaoqi, he stopped and frowned obviously, "Why are you here?"

Chi Qiaoqi was standing to the right, his sight was blocked a little, and he didn't see the earphones hanging on Jianyan's left and right ears.

What's more, at this moment, Xiao Suilue's cheerful voice said, "Is it Chi Ke Ke? It's much earlier than I imagined."

Accompanied by Chi Qiaoqi's serious tone, "Didn't you have a fever? Is it ridiculous to wear so little?"

Jianyan Zuo instantly comprehended.Xiao Sui has been too used to directing and acting on his own recently, but in comparison, there must be more positive factors than negative factors in today's production.

So he wiped his ear with the hand holding the towel, wrapped the earphones and put them aside, and when Chi Qiaoqi got closer, there was no disturbance at all.

He lowered his head slightly, cleared his throat, then looked up into Chi Qiaoqi's eyes very seriously and sincerely, "Well, I just stepped back."

People really can't curse themselves in the name of lying, Jian Yan Zuo really had a fever while eating.It seems that within a few minutes, which seems to be just a bowl of rice, the body temperature soared all the way to more than 39 degrees.

Jian Yan Zuo himself didn't notice it, he just felt a little sore all over his body.At first, I just thought it was a reflex after sitting in one position for too long on the plane. Later, when I stretched out my chopsticks to pick up vegetables, the chopsticks poked out of the plate inexplicably. Woke up.

Compared with the previous recovery situation in Brussels, it is indeed a bit abnormal.

Chi Qiaoqi asked Xiao Sui for Lian Wei's phone number, checked briefly, and then reported the situation to Lian Wei.After all, she doesn't have professional medical equipment, and even Wei's experience is much better than hers.

Lian Wei was just dealing with it at the beginning, Xiao Sui called to report, so at first he only thought it was a small scam set by Xiao Sui earlier, just to keep the girl on the other end of the phone. Briefly, the left side.

But after hearing that, he frowned even more, "I think you need to bring him over."

The result of the inspection was not what Chi Qiaoqi and Lian expected.

"You are a group of people whose wounds heal slowly. Overwork, recuperation environment, and your own diet will all affect wound healing." Even before closing the medical record folder, he said with certainty, "Based on your situation, we I think you need to stay in the hospital for a few more days."

"The only shortcoming of a doctor is his habitual scaremongering." Jian Yan buttoned up his shirt one by one, picked up the coat hanging aside, "Let's go."

Lian Wei pursed his lips, "It doesn't matter whether I'm alarmist or not, the important thing is that someone agrees with my alarmist talk. Oh, by the way, Miss Chi asked me to tell you that she will go back and help you pack the hospital things first, so that you can live in peace , she will be back soon."

Jian Yan paused with his coat-wearing hand on the left, and then pretended not to hear.

"Also, Xiao Sui asked me to tell you." Lian Wei raised his eyebrows, "He said, your rival in love hasn't left yet, and my place is the base that can best guarantee the time you two spend together."

In short, the left jacket was halfway through, and while he was thinking about it, he caught a glimpse of Chi Qiaoqi turning back from the corner of his eye, and stopped pulling up the neckline.

He took off his coat in the opposite direction, loosened the cuff buttons of his shirt pretending to be inadvertent, lifted the quilt of the hospital bed, and lay back on the hospital bed.

After finishing this series of actions, Chi Qiaoqi just walked to the bed and didn't feel anything wrong.Turned in Jian Yanzuo's mobile phone, and then went back to help him get his clothes without worrying about Xiao Suihe Lian Wei's logical conspiracy.

In short, Zuo really enjoyed a few days of isolation from the world.

Get up at seven o'clock every day and have breakfast at eight o'clock.Start to go for a walk outside at 10 o'clock, return to the ward at [-] o'clock, watch TV for half an hour, and rest for half an hour.Then look at the newspaper and wait for lunch. I will take a nap an hour after lunch, and I will be woken up on time four or [-] minutes later.

At teatime, there will be a plate of fruit, once with cherries, once with pineapples, and twice with blueberries.After that, depending on the situation, half an hour, entertainment newspapers or variety shows.

Then wait for dinner. After the meal, you can have an hour of computer games, Lianliankan, Tetris, puzzles, choose one of the three.Go to bed on time at nine o'clock, and then it's a new day.

As for the so-called freedom, it is simply a luxury.Chi Qiaoqi and Lian Wei, together with all the doctors and nurses, closely monitored him 24 hours a day. Even if he opened a window on weekdays, he had to ask for instructions before he could implement it, although he did think about going through the window and leaving.

It was actually Lu Pingan who rescued him in the end.Avoiding all the doctors and nurses, and then covering him, he walked out of the hospital grandly through the gate.Like all movies, brothers who go through life and death.

After getting into the car, Jian Yanzuo kept the necessary silence.

In the end, it was Lu Pingan who couldn't help it, "Don't ask me why?"

Jian Yan licked the corner of her mouth that was already slightly raised, "Because you always tell me."

Of course, Lu Pingan asked Jian Yanzuo to help him with something, otherwise he would go through all kinds of troubles, and he would have to suffer from Chi Qiaoqi's unknown anger. If he didn't make enough money, it would be too much of a loss.

But Jian Yanzuo would never have imagined that Lu Ping An's exchange terms were so realistic and cheap, and it was just two air tickets to New York.

The ticket requires a real name, so Jian Yan Zuo naturally asked, "Who are you with?"

The corner of Lu Ping'an's mouth curved upwards, "You."

In short, Zuo Zi thinks that he is a relatively insightful person, but Lu Pingan is indeed not the kind of person who plays cards according to the routine, so he has no choice but to let nature take its course.

The weather in New York is pretty bad.The strong wind accompanied the heavy rain, and the umbrella could not hold up.

Jian Yan followed Lu Pingan all the way to take the subway and take a taxi, and then watched the car turn left and right, cross the bridge on the road, and travel all the way.

Jian Yanzuo was not curious about where Lu Pingan was going to take him, he didn't need to guess, he already knew most of it.

If you compare him and Lu Pingan to a circle, they overlap, but they are more different from each other.

As for where to go, there are nothing more than two possibilities.One is the part that is within him but outside Lupingan.And the other is the part where they intersect.

Jian Yan Zuo suddenly hoped that it was the second type, because Chi Qiaoqi was the only person he met with Lu Ping'an.

With this in mind, Jian Yanzuo put on the hoodie Lu Pingan handed over without any excuses.Very cheap style, but he didn't confirm it much.

While changing shoes, Jian Yan glanced left inadvertently, and saw a small dark blue tattoo on Lu Pingan's ankle.

The very complicated pattern seemed familiar, but for a while, I couldn't remember where I saw it.

Lu Pingan noticed Jian Yanzuo's gaze, and grinned heartlessly, "Aren't you handsome? There are some tattoo shops selling them, three for ten yuan."

Jian Yanzuo didn't answer the words, lowered his head to change his shoes, and naturally shifted his gaze.

Lu Ping'an and Jian Yan got off the car at the intersection on the left.

The rain was still heavy, he and Lu Pingan each held an umbrella, slightly staggered back and forth, walked east and west along the winding alley, and finally stopped under a building.Lu Pingan put away his umbrella and turned up to the second floor with ease.

Jian Yan followed behind, and when Lu Ping'an knocked on the door, he finally had time to take a hard look at the house in front of him.

It is far from something that can be easily described by a word like dilapidated. The stairs are too narrow. If two people cross each other, they will definitely be stained with thick and unknown oil stains on the escalator.

Probably because of the rain, the smell in the whole space is very strange and complex, there are mildew and damp smells, there are also sour and rotten smells, some are pungent, even some dazzling.

Knocked and no one opened.

Lu Pingan took a hard card and opened the door smoothly.The whole time was less than five seconds, and it seemed that there was a kind of proficiency after repeated training.

Entering, it is a very ordinary room, which is no different from the situation outside.It is covered with layers of moldy walls, the floor creaks and creaks when you step on it, and there are more complex smells floating in the air.It is a picture that Jian Yan Zuo Qu exhausted his imagination, and there will be no overlapping scenes.

Jian Yan stood in the middle of the room on the left, and the water on the umbrella in his hand dripped down to the ground at his feet along the tip of the umbrella.Then, he heard Lu Ping'an's unusually calm voice, "Before we met Yan Cha, Qi Qi and I lived here."

Jian Yan Zuo has been working hard to completely erase Chi Qiaoqi's hatred or complaints towards him one day.But at this moment, he suddenly faded away from such thoughts.

If he were Chi Qiaoqi, he would definitely hate himself to the bone.Moreover, this life will never forgive.

"Before I met Qiqi, my life was worse than what you see now. Gambling, racing, drinking. I gambled after drinking, ran races when I lost, and came back to drink after I made money. Then, a vicious circle." Lu Pingan poked the tip of the umbrella on the floor, resting his elbows on the handle of the umbrella, quite leisurely, "I run a black racing car, there are no restrictions, and the money comes quickly. As long as you dare to risk your life, basically every race I can get money, but my life is the least valuable thing. Because I don't have any scruples, I soon became famous in the circle of black racing cars."

This is a story that cannot be found with any search engine, and only exists in the memory of a few people, or even one or two people.Jian Yan Zuo never knew anything about it, but when Lu Ping An mentioned it, there was no surprise at all.

"Famous means danger. So, as expected, in a game, I was targeted." Lu Ping'an spoke calmly as if telling another person's story, "That game was in Huanshan Road, in the turning part in the middle of the third circle, was slowed down by the designed layout, and finally was firmly trapped. You may never know the feeling, in the car, but helplessly unable to move, want to Get out of the car, but you know the consequences of getting off."

In such a rainy day, it is very suitable for such a story.The rain outside was still falling, hitting the glass, giving Lu Ping'an's voice a continuous crackling sound.

"I saw them get out of the car with my own eyes, and I knew in my heart that that day might be the end." Lu Pingan suddenly chuckled, "The moment they smashed the glass of my car, the car that fell behind suddenly rushed Come up and hit the car on my right all the way."

Just like what is often performed in movies or TV dramas, at the last moment, there is always a person who rushes forward and turns the whole plot around.

This person is Chi Qiaoqi.

"I paid attention to that girl before the game. She kept her head down and her mood was unstable. At that time, I thought that something might have happened to my family, so I wanted to make some money in this way." Lu Ping'an smiled Geng Sheng, "However, her skills are so bad that she was left far behind at the beginning of the race. After I ran a lap and caught up with her, she was less than halfway. However, thanks to her bravery and fearlessness, I escaped a catastrophe that was predictably bloody."

It's hardly hard to imagine, since she's always been so warm-hearted.The heroic plot that sprouted from childhood has finally been preserved to the present.

It seems that as long as she sees others in danger, no matter whether her own ability can be achieved, she will rush forward bravely.

"I thought she would be an angel given to me by God, but I didn't expect that this angel would be even poorer than me." Lu Pingan finally laughed out loud, "In order to save our lives, the two of us took two You should be able to imagine the kind of embarrassment of being penniless, full of debts and running around for the entry fee of the trolley and the competition."

Jian Yan Zuo silently nodded.

"Later, we rented here, the rent is cheap, the location is remote, and most importantly, the police usually don't come here." Lu Pingan raised his eyes lightly, "You may not want to believe it, but it's true of."

It was a period of time that Lu Pingan recalled until now, and still feels very clear.He seldom remembers anything with his heart now, but he seems to have engraved the details of that time in his heart without remembering, and he will never forget it forever.

In the beginning, they had a very difficult time.He was afraid of being found by his enemies, so he could only choose some jobs that would not normally come into contact with people.As for Chi Qiaoqi, because he didn't have a certificate, he usually had to choose some more arduous and less paid jobs.

They earn less, and after rent and daily expenses, they have even less disposable income.In order to save money, they never use money to buy food, and they always eat food processed in supermarkets.

The food processed is not the ones placed on the discount counter, but the food that has been thrown in the garbage bin beyond the shelf life.

Later, life slowly improved.He started to accept some long-distance transportation jobs, and she also found a relatively easy job in a Chinese tailor shop.

Although they depend on each other for life, apart from exchanging some necessary matters, they seldom talk about the rest, and never mention their family members.

He once thought that life would slowly flow away from such fatigue until it came to an end.But he didn't expect that the turning point would come sooner and earlier than he imagined.

It was Christmas Eve of the year, and the whole street was filled with a cheerful and peaceful atmosphere.They never celebrate festivals, and such leisure time is a great luxury for them.

But that day was an exception. The proprietress of the tailor shop where Chi Qiaoqi was working returned home to visit relatives and temporarily closed for a few days.And he happened to finish a long-distance run and had two days to rest.

They don't have computers, TV, or any kind of entertainment.The only thing to do is to sit on the floor facing each other and listen to the noise outside.

However, they were in a good mood that day.She used more than 20 days of free time to complete a small dress and successfully consigned it to a store.If you are lucky, it will be a big income.So, on the table that day, there was an extra bottle of sparkling wine.They rarely celebrate, but this time was different.

On that day, they met Aimee, who was not well-known at the time, and Aimee Cowan, who was later affectionately known as the commoner actress.

At that time, she was pushed against the wall with her hair pulled by a man, but she was struggling desperately to reach the bag in the man's hand.

Chi Qiaoqi reflexively wanted to help. She always liked to meddle in other people's business, just like saving him back then.But he wasn't, so before she walked past him, he grabbed her with one hand, firmly, and didn't allow her to get any closer.

Neither of them have the status to meddle in other people's affairs. It is always the best choice to watch the fire from the other side.So, no matter how much Chi Qiaoqi struggled in his arms, and even trembled once, he still didn't let go.

Fortunately, this little quarrel didn't last long. Men's strength is usually stronger than women's.Just like him and Chi Qiaoqi, just like the couple in front of us.

So soon, the competition over there only left them with a back that walked away.

But the girl was stronger than they imagined, stood up, patted the dirt on her body, turned and went back to the opposite room.It seemed that the crying and even pleading just now never happened.

Chi Qiaoqi finally broke free and scolded him, "Didn't you hear what she was shouting just now?"

Of course he understood.It was nothing more than the only money that girl could use to buy a dress in that bag, and she was going to attend an awards ceremony the day after tomorrow, which was her only chance.

He understands the feeling of being really penniless, the great despair, but that doesn't presuppose her being overwhelmed.

Therefore, his expression did not fluctuate in any way, and even mixed with his deliberately pretended indifference, "But Qiqi, you are not the savior."

At that time, Chi Qiaoqi's expression still makes him unforgettable.

She turned her head slowly, looked at him with bright eyes, and paused every word, "But this time, I can."

Seeing her running out, he seemed to disappear into the deep night in the blink of an eye.For a long time, I didn't come back.

Time wears away his anger and criticism for what she did little by little, and finally the most real emotion left in his heart is regret.

He clearly knew that she was a stubborn girl who accepted death, stubborn to the extreme.But at that moment, he didn't even catch her.

He didn't dare to think about what she would encounter after she ran out, especially on that day, there were many more people on the street than usual.He imagined that she would meet bad guys, meet the police, get lost, get lost.Thankfully, though, she came back unscathed.

Just as he was about to go up to her and hug her, a color that made him feel so familiar came to the corner of his eyes.

If he remembers correctly, this is the little dress that she has sacrificed her sleep time for more than 20 days. Even just now, they were still celebrating that the dress was successfully included in the consignment store. Had a small glass of sparkling wine.

And now, the reason for their celebration, lay quietly in her arms.Accompanying her, knock on the opposite door.

His first thought was that she was crazy, and quite completely crazy.

He rushed forward almost without any pause, trying to stop her extremely stupid approach.But in the next second, he froze in place.

The door was unlocked. The girl was standing in the middle of the room just now, when she heard the noise, she turned her head subconsciously.Then, quietly put his hands behind his back.

The light was very weak, but he believed that he was not mistaken, what she was holding in her hand was a blade.

At that moment, he acquiesced to Chi Qiaoqi's behavior.

That night, Chi Qiaoqi told him about her home for the first time.Qiao Duo, her mother, and Chi Jinyuan, her father.

At that moment, Lu Pingan realized that this girl had a very nice name, Chi Qiaoqi.

He didn't have any experience living with his family, but in her narration, he really understood a word called yearning.

Accompanied by Chi Qiaoqi's narration, he had the most peaceful sleep in his life.Then early the next morning, in the socks next to the pillow, he found a plane ticket, a recruitment notice for a racing driver, a keychain in the shape of a rabbit, and a note left by Chi Qiaoqi.

For the first time, he knew that her handwriting was so beautiful.

The words on the note were very, very long, but when he closed his eyes at this moment, she could still clearly see her neat little words.

She said that maybe people are crazy sometimes, she was crazy twice yesterday.Once, it was to make a decision that he couldn't understand or even find it a bit unacceptable. Another time, he bought him a plane ticket to his destination as soon as he saw this recruitment notice.

She said that she sewed a dime into the keychain. When she was at home, she heard from Qiao Duo that many people would use this method to seek luck and safety.

She said, Nigel, in fact, the real savior will always be himself.So, you should go and get back the same things that belong to you.

She said, you have to go, because all the money in the family has been used to make skirts and buy air tickets.

In the end, he did become his own savior.

That company has not had the habit of signing on the spot for more than ten years, but because of his appearance, it has changed.

On the day I came back, the weather in New York was as bad as it is today.He came out of the airport against the wind, got into a car, and went straight to the most luxurious location in New York.

He didn't recognize the brand, let alone the style, and he was even wearing the clothes he had on the day he set out.The price of that dress will never exceed 2 dollars, but that will not affect his smooth choice of a necklace that catches his eye at a glance.

He came out with the umbrella given by the jewelry store, raised his eyes slightly, and on the huge electronic screen opposite, he happened to shift the camera to the figure in the very familiar royal blue short dress, and then, the girl covered her mouth , slowly stood up from his seat, and walked onto the stage amid thunderous applause from the audience.On the subtitles, the gilded text, the best actress, and then the name of the winner, Aimee Cowan.

He had to admit that Aimee at that moment was so bright and moving.

But he didn't look any further. At that moment, he wanted to meet someone so much, it was Chi Qiaoqi.

He rushed back almost as fast as he could, only to find that she hadn't come home.

It was late at that time, long past the opening hours of tailor shops.But he didn't have a way to contact her, so he could only go to the tailor shop to try his luck.

It's just that his luck was not very good. The proprietress of the tailor shop only knew that she had gone to work in a Chinese restaurant, but she didn't have the exact address.

But he couldn't wait for her to come back from work, so he searched all the Chinese restaurants around, and finally found her in the back kitchen of a Cantonese restaurant.

At that time, she was wearing an apron, big rubber gloves, and heavy boots, standing in the dirty water on the ground, yawning, and washing the dishes in the sink with the tap.

That outfit really didn't suit her, it was dirty and bulky, and her thin body dangled in the clothes, as if she could be blown away if the wind was a little stronger.

He slowly approached her, accompanied by the sound of sewage flowing under his feet.

Finally, she saw him out of the corner of her eye.Then he turned his face slowly, and the moment he saw clearly that it was him, there was no warm greeting or urgent inquiry, but subconsciously looked at the sewage that had seeped into the shoe along the sole, "I'm tired today I want to die, I just want to go back to sleep early. If the result of what you are going to say next is not what I think, then please clean your shoes after you go back tonight. "

He didn't express his position or speak, but walked up silently, and took her, together with her apron, and the rubber gloves soaked in detergent on her hands, into his arms.

Then, whispered in her ear, "You can go home and sleep now."

That is, on the second day, Yan Cha came to the door.It was also from that day on that they completely said goodbye to the previous days.

He entrusted Chi Qiaoqi to Yan Cha, and then started his racing career.

They spent less time together, but they were still there for each other as before.He wasn't sure if she would leave his life suddenly one day, but he had gradually gotten used to her presence, and even began to rely on her a little like family.

Knowing her past, he returned to New York during a training break, and had dinner with Yancha with her.

The Chinese food cooked by Yan Cha himself is as good as the chefs in some restaurants in Chinatown.After eating, Yan Cha went to the kitchen to serve soup.Then after a long time did not come back.

His initial idea was extremely simple, he just wanted to help Yan Cha bring the soup from the kitchen to the dining room.But unexpectedly, the soup was still boiling on the stove, and Yan Cha was not in the kitchen.

The structure of Yan Cha's small house is very simple, the kitchen is connected to the storage room, and the back door is connected to the outside.

Lu Pingan didn't see Yan Cha in the storage room either, and was just wondering, when he looked up from the glass of the back door, Yan Cha was standing outside with arms folded under the tree on the phone.

Lu Pingan didn't think there was anything wrong, so he turned off the fire, took the soup off the stove, took a small spoonful of it with a spoon, and tasted it, as if there was something missing.

Yancha's seasoning bottles are neatly stacked on the cooking table, there are at least 20 of them, and there are still many white powdery ones.Lu Pingan couldn't determine which one was salt, so he held four bottles of similar grains in his hand, and opened the half-hidden back door with his foot.

Yan Cha still did not hang up, with his back turned to him, speaking fluent Chinese.

He didn't speak at that time, but he was simply afraid that his voice would interrupt her seemingly important phone call.

However, within a few words, he already understood the meaning of Yan Cha's call.Seems to describe a medical condition, psychiatric, but the symptoms are rare.

Later, it seemed that after the description, he started to talk about the age of the patient. After Yan Cha finished speaking, he seemed to ask something again. Yan Cha's tone was obviously paused, and then he said, "It is best to be able to file. I just don't know if there is no official Is the certificate also available?"

The words on the other end were obviously affirmative, because Yan Cha was silent for a few seconds, and seemed to have made up his mind, and said, "It's a girl named Chi Qiaoqi."

At the beginning, Lu Pingan only thought the name was familiar, but when Yan Cha hung up the phone and turned around to see him screaming, he suddenly understood where his familiarity came from.

He insisted on knowing everything, but Yan Cha didn't refuse after thinking it over and over again.

In the end, he knew the whole story, including many details.It was also in an instant that he suddenly realized those appearances that he had noticed but had not been able to delve into.

Deep in his heart, he had subconsciously made many assumptions, but he really didn't guess right.

"Why did you tell me this?" Jian Yan's left face was calm, showing no emotion.

Lu Pingan didn't want to look again, and walked out of the room first, "As you said, you will always know."

Jian Yan walked left behind, closed the door, and followed Lu Pingan down the steps.

Someone came up, wandering around, and when passing by Jian Yan's left side, there was a special smell.The four eyes met, and the eyes on the other side were scattered and in a trance.Then, he stumbled and walked up the stairs step by step.

This is the most authentic portrayal of the slums in the city, always announcing the unrepeatable existence to those who cast their eyes in such a dazzling way.

The car drove away from the area just now, Lu Pingan quickly took off the clothes just now, and then urged Jian Yan to change to Zuo Ye.

Next, tie a knot at one end of the T-shirt you took off, wrap your shoes inside, and tie a knot at the other end.After that, he lowered the car window, took the corners of the two packed T-shirts, and threw them out along the car window swiftly.After a simple tidying up, some of the scents that were originally attached to the body seemed to be discarded and completely disappeared, as if those things just never happened at all, just like when they bid farewell to this place.

At this gap, the tattoo on Lu Ping'an's left leg appeared again in Jian Yanzuo's sight.This time, because I was prepared, I took all the patterns into my eyes with just one glance. It is definitely not a pattern that can be drawn with a few dollars of tattoo stickers.

The moment he saw it clearly, Jian Yanzuo clearly remembered that he had seen the same pattern in the most prominent picture frame in the window of the Yancha shop in New York that day.

Jian Yanzuo has an unusually accurate intuition, he doesn't even need to guess.This should be the original manuscript of the dress that Chi Qiaoqi gave Aimee when she was the poorest.

It's very special, but almost no one would choose to paint this pattern on their body unless it has a special meaning.

The left foot of a racing driver often controls his own life.

In short, Zuo was much calmer than Lu Pingan imagined.

From that place, along the way, follow him to get off the car, without asking where you are going or who you are seeing.No words, and his expression hardly changed.Until Chi Qiaoqi appeared in the huge glass window in his field of vision.

It seemed that it took less than a second to raise his eyes, Jian Yanzuo's face softened instantly.

Chi Qiaoqi didn't notice them coming. With her back to the window, she was helping a group of children who were singing in a chorus to arrange their clothes.He was so engrossed that the back view looked so serious.

This is the choir that Chi Qiaoqi and Yan Cha have been doing for three years. The participating children are from several orphanages in the surrounding cities. The invited people are divided into many categories, including Mr. W and other brands. Members, local philanthropists, journalists and some artists.

Chi Qiaoqi and Yan Cha have the same idea in this regard, so they try their best to build more platforms for children in need.

Among these children, there are many Asian faces.They wore uniform clothes and looked like normal children.And, it seems more sunny.

Jian Yanzuo and Lu Pingan didn't choose to go in, all of this was enough to be perceived from the outside.

After a long time, Jian Yanzuo finally said, "You didn't just bring me to see these, did you?"

Lu Pingan stood beside him, and finally stopped covering up, "Over the years, Yan Cha and I have watched Qiqi get better little by little, from a little girl who didn't like to communicate with others, to the current one who makes us feel better in all aspects. Proud girl. You will never understand how difficult it is for her to go through these years. It is not so easy to get a doctor's qualification, and it is not so easy for a top-notch clothing store to establish a foothold on Fifth Avenue. Others may just think how lucky she is. But Yan Cha and I understand better than anyone else that it is definitely not just luck that made her get to where she is today."

Lu Ping'an's words are very serious. If possible, he is willing to prove what he said one by one to Jian Yan.

"In the beginning, I didn't know about her return to China. She knew that I couldn't agree, so she didn't discuss it with me." Lu Pingan said, "But everything she encountered after she came back can only explain one problem. She is indeed like me. It's not suitable to stay by your side as you think."

He said, pointing to the direction where he came just now, "You can imagine how difficult it is for her to survive, if you can't guarantee her happiness, don't tie her by your side easily, because once If you leave, her world will fall from the current brilliance to the grayness just now."

Lu Pingan thought that Jian Yanzuo would respond to everything he said with silence.

But he didn't expect that after a long silence, Jian Yanzuo formally and clearly said, "I won't."

Perhaps, it was precisely because of Jian Yanzuo's resolute and affirmative attitude that Lu Pingan suddenly became aggressive at this moment, "Do you need me to remind you of your current situation? If I can see that Qiqi is your weakness, then , others must be able to."

Jian Yanzuo didn't respond to him.

Lu Ping'an continued to approach Jian Yanzuo little by little, "You can promise that you can protect her from harm, but in case, you clearly know that she is a person who cannot bear the event."

After finishing speaking, after a long pause, Lu Ping'an's words were half a sigh, half a warning, "And I can always guarantee that that event will never happen."

Jian Yan Zuo did not choose to argue with Lu Pingan, his affirmation does not need to be told to others.

Therefore, he chose to end this conversation.Throwing his mobile phone to Lu Pingan, "Call the one at the top of the call log to book a flight back."

Lu Pingan asked back, "What about you?"

His answer was Jian Yanzuo's silence and departure.

(End of this chapter)

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