Chapter 15 Reminiscing a little, tears are flooding

Jianyan did not go far from the left, the coffee shop opposite is a very good place to watch this performance.

Can't hear it, but can see it.Especially for him who is not suitable to appear in front of Chi Qiaoqi now, it is indeed a very good choice.

He ordered a pot of coffee and carefully watched the entire performance that Chi Qiaoqi had arranged.Then, he took a taxi straight back to the place Lu Pingan took him to before.

Because it was late and it was raining, the street looked even colder.

Jian Yan turned left and went up the stairs. It had been raining all day, so the smell in the corridor became even more unpleasant.On the way back and forth, there are passers-by who hide hidden dangers.

But none of these stopped Jian Yanzuo from staying here for a long time.

Jian Yanzuo smoked a whole pack of cigarettes, and really experienced what Lu Pingan just mentioned, the feeling of returning to such a gloomy and dirty place from such a glamorous place.

At that moment, he could hardly restrain the impulse in his heart, just like Lu Pingan said, he wanted to hug her so much.

In the end, Jian Yanzuo turned back to the place where the choir performed just now.

The performance has ended, the guests and the children of the singing group have left, and the cleaning staff have cleaned up the scene, leaving only Chi Qiaoqi and Yan Cha who are finishing up.

Chi Qiaoqi's outfit today was rather casual. The most common white shirt was tied into a pair of black and white fine checkered shorts, and a pair of black riding boots were on his feet.Hair tied, checking the quantity.

Probably because she didn't have dinner, every time she read a line, Yan Cha would tick off with a pen in her left hand, and put a meatball-like thing in her mouth with her right hand, and then put one in her own mouth, repeating the cycle.

He stood there, quietly watching them finish their discussion.

Then, the moment Chi Qiaoqi inadvertently looked up and saw him, she walked up step by step, and hugged her tightly in his arms just as he imagined.

It has not been released for a long time.

However, there are always necessary questions.Chi Qiaoqi entrusted Lu Pingan with the responsibility of taking care of him, but within a day of running away, he bumped into her muzzle.Moreover, she has not received any information from the hospital so far.

Under questioning, Jian Yanzuo easily betrayed Lu Pingan.Including, he brought himself to the show.Including, the stories he heard about Aimee.As for those Jian Yanzuo wanted to deliberately avoid, with a little bit of brainpower, they would naturally avoid them.

Chi Qiaoqi's mind was full of Lu Ping'an's defection, so at this moment, she didn't realize Jian Yanzuo's hiding.

Yan Cha is obviously smarter than Chi Qiaoqi. As a bystander and someone who knows Lu Pingan well, she can easily imagine that Lu Pingan's indifference to Chi Qiaoqi's anger and blame is definitely not just for the sake of giving Jianyan It's as simple as watching a show on the left and telling a few stories about other people.

She knew how much Lu Pingan cared about Chi Qiaoqi, and sometimes even far surpassed a father's love for his daughter.

The reason why Jian Yanzuo concealed it was probably because Lu Ping'an's words contained something that he didn't want to touch.What would make him unwilling to face, probably, was Chi Qiaoqi's past.

Yan Cha finally found an excuse to escape.Chi Qiaoqi came here very rarely. Although she cherished it very much, she understood that it was not suitable for her to appear at this time.

Just like she thought before, this moment belongs only to them.

This performance consumed most of Chi Qiaoqi's energy, and her interrogation temporarily came to an end due to sleepiness.

I went to the hotel with my luggage, and before I got back to the room, I already felt as if I was going to fall asleep.

Jian Yan said that the room on the left was on the left in the same direction as Chi Qiaoqi. After simply saying goodbye, Chi Qiaoqi began to wash up quickly, trying to lay himself down on the wide big bed in the shortest possible time.

But after washing, Chi Qiaoqi found reluctantly that she seemed to have no sleep at all.

Just now, Yan Cha and Yan Cha ate cuttlefish balls while checking the rules. Inadvertently, the two of them ate the usual three-person portion, which didn't include the meat floss bread she wolfed down just before the show ended.

I don't feel full when I'm busy, so I just got out of the shower and drank a whole glass of water recklessly.Now that I am free and ready to go to bed, I gradually start to feel full.

Let's get up and move around.Chi Qiaoqi stood by the bed and jumped up and down several times, only to realize later that this was in a hotel, and there were always people upstairs and downstairs.Fortunately, I woke up early, otherwise it would be strange not to be scolded.

So I had to open the door and go to the balcony.

Subconsciously looking to the left, Jian Yanzuo was attracted by the sound of the door opening from her side, and was looking towards her.

Then, the four eyes met, Jian Yan still held a cigarette between his left fingers.And if she remembered correctly, just before they separated, his cough was still slightly repeated.

The line of sight is a little bit off, and there is a wine glass with only a thin layer of wine on the stone railing of the stand next to it.

Very good, everyone gets the booty.Chi Qiaoqi raised his eyebrows, "I don't think you can sleep, why don't you talk?"

In fact, at the beginning of the topic, Chi Qiaoqi didn't know what to talk about.But as she rambled aimlessly, she finally became aware of things that she had completely ignored before.

So, Chi Qiaoqi suddenly changed the topic to a place name from a few good jokes.

Simply put, the left side reflexively turned the head to one side.

But before that, Chi Qiaoqi still captured his pupils that suddenly shrank.

"Sure enough, you have been there."

Chi Qiaoqi had thought many times before that what happened in the past six years was not something she would never know if she didn't tell her.She also wanted to tell him all this many times, because instead of piecing together the story in other people's mouths, it's better for her to tell it directly.Especially after receiving Chengshu's complete psychological treatment, she felt more and more that many things could not hurt her anymore.

But talking about it for no reason always seems very abrupt.And as she said, the story is too long and too detailed, and she doesn't know when to start.But now, Yan Cha and Lu Ping'an had finished the part about their company, so the rest, even if it was obscure, would not be too difficult to understand.

She always needs a face-to-face process.

"Actually, the night I met Lu Ping'an, I wanted to leave this world. That was the way I could think of to be the least noticed by this world. However, if you choose to commit suicide in your room, you must Appraisal, even after a detailed investigation, if you choose to cause a traffic accident, it will only implicate others. I have thought about it for a long time and simulated many possibilities, but none of them can disappear more safely than this way." Chi Qiaoqi's expression Calm, with almost the same tone as before, "Black racing cars often have accidents, and the venues of the races are basically inaccessible places. If a car rushes off the track, the organizers of the race will probably help you to avoid the police's attention. burying the corpses. Moreover, the threshold for black racing cars is very low, only a small deposit is required, and the car and qualifications are easy to get. Because after all, there is too much danger. If it is not too short of money, who would block the car for this kind of thing? What about the last life? The first thing most people participating in the competition think about is how to come back alive."

When Chi Qiaoqi spoke up to this point, his tone became calmer, as if he was telling a calm story. "It was just a momentary thought to crash those cars. At that time, what I thought was only until I left with Lu Ping'an holding hands and fleeing for my life. Only later did I realize that I was still alive."

It was a very subtle feeling, like she had a reason to live.

"Maybe it's because I think death is a very troublesome thing, so I think about living." Chi Qiaoqi stopped and thought for a while, "Lu Ping'an once met everyone and said I was his. My savior, but he never knew that he was actually the one who saved me."

This is a story that may feel a little strange and even warm to others.Except for her as the person involved, he as a bystander, at this moment, didn't feel it either.

But this is not the whole story, the darkest time in her heart is what she has never told anyone other than Ye Ce and Cheng Shu.

During that time, almost once dominated all her emotions.Her fear, her extremeness, her dissatisfaction, and her resentment all came from that dark day.

It was after the explosion, the days that she could not recall for a while.

Because he was sent to book a restaurant, Chi Qiaoqi escaped the explosion by luck.

When the accident happened, Chi Qiaoqi was placing the gifts prepared for Jian Yanzuo at home, and when he heard the noise and ran out, many people had already gathered on the road in front of the street.

From everyone's mouths, she realized that something might have happened in the laboratory.For her at that time, the sky was undoubtedly falling.

Her first reaction, as it should be, was to go to the laboratory.So, when the neighbor's uncle Fred, who was usually very kind, offered to take her there, she seemed to grasp the last straw.

She got into his car, and he did, as promised, drive her all the way to the wilderness.However, with a good memory, she soon realized that she seemed to be on the wrong track.

At that time, she didn't think that there was anything wrong with Fred's behavior, but perhaps because she missed her mother, she couldn't tolerate a minute of delay, so she was obviously over-emotional, grabbing the car door and wanting to jump out.

What stopped her was a handkerchief covering her nose.

When she woke up again, she was in a dark and narrow place.Along with the bumps and the somewhat vague sounds heard around, she easily knew that she was in the trunk.

Her hands and feet were numb and it was difficult to move, but that was her only chance.

She called the police, but unfortunately, because of the explosion, the police calls were extremely busy, and she failed to call.

She heard the noise outside getting quieter, and the car showed signs of slowing down. At that time, she already understood that she didn't have many chances to try.

So, she dialed Jian Yanzuo's number.

Until now, she has no words to describe her feelings at that moment, panic, urgency, nervousness, and fear of what will happen afterwards.

On the other end of the phone, a mechanical voice rang with frequency, beep...beep...beep...

Then, there was a rapid toot toot...

No one answered.Her palms and head were covered with sweat, and tears flowed uncontrollably into her mouth.Her fingers were numb and swollen, and had begun to tremble uncontrollably.

She quickly felt the car stop, followed by the sound of the cab door opening and closing.

At that moment, fear seemed to swallow her up little by little, and the only touch in her body was the double pressing of the green button with the thumb of her right hand.

The familiar voice finally sounded again, and her hope was kindled a little bit.Immediately afterwards, dazzling light came in, exposing her whole body to the sun without any cover.

As the eyes gradually returned, Fred was slightly surprised, but more of a smiling face.

In all these years, she had never seen a face like that, almost equivalent to a devil's face.

In the end, she was brought to New York by Fred from St. Petersburg.

She didn't know this process. On the night she escaped, she heard languages ​​she was not familiar with all around. With the little English she learned from him out of curiosity, she knew she was in New York.

In her impression, New York is a wonderful place.Because it was a place much closer to him in a straight line than St. Petersburg.But at that time, it was a city hiding her despair, even on the verge of death.

It was only later, after meeting Ye Ce and after receiving many courses of treatment, that Ye Ce told her something.For example, how she passed the rigorous test and arrived in New York from St. Petersburg without knowing it.

That's because Fred, who is engaged in medical research, used formal medical channels to bring back three formally approved corpses from St. Petersburg, one of which was her.

She never dared to imagine when that Fred, who had always been kind in her eyes, began to list her as the subject of the experiment.

Those bumps and accidents that she didn't pay attention to, but only remembered after Ye Ce's reminder, are the best proof that she has long been included as an experimental subject by Fred.

He is crazy.Just met her, a very special and special individual.

In the end, it led to a tragedy that was equivalent to a nightmare for her.

These are real existences that she has to face and overcome, so Ye Ce began to force her to do some things.Get in touch with the equipment that once hurt her, get in touch with people who have the same occupation as Fred, and even get in touch with the knowledge that Fred used to hurt her.

In psychology, this treatment is called desensitization.

She didn't know whether the effect of the treatment was as Ye Ce expected, but Ye Ce made her success on the road of medical study on the other hand.

Ye Ce even made a fake identity for her, and all the information of the identity originally belonged to another girl, Asian, no relatives, terminally ill, no other medical records, and willing to cooperate with Ye Ce's plan.

Ye Ce paid for all her treatment expenses, and finally sent her away decently.After more than half a year of operation, Chi Qiaoqi finally became that girl.In the end, after a long wait and step-by-step operations, those identities gradually became Chi Qiaoqi's.

However, at the moment when Ye Ce or other friends could calmly call her name, she didn't feel any joy.The three words that were exactly the same as before did not give her any sense of belonging.

In that environment, the word "Chi Qiaoqi" was like a cover, a cover for her reasonable and legal life.

But just to achieve such a cover-up, there are still many illegal procedures involved.Ye Ce took it all together, and never revealed half of it to Chi Qiaoqi.He was always judgmental, especially in her case.

He used all the relationships he had accumulated before, just for her alone.He revived her and brought her back to life so she can still stand here.

She had thought countless times that even if the call was connected that day, to a large extent, everything she encountered would not change.The hatred for Jian Yanzuo, just like what she said to Lu Pingan, is more like a desire to survive.

Perhaps she herself had already forgiven Jian Yanzuo in certain details.Or maybe, her rebirth was originally a kind of true forgiveness to him.

But for all that Ye Ce did to her, no matter what her standpoint was, she would never tell others about it.Just like some time ago, Jian Yanzuo returned her original identity to her, and she didn't ask any unnecessary words.

If they want her to know, they will naturally say that if they don't want to, it's pointless for her to ask any more.

But in the deepest part of her heart, there always remained a sense of gratitude that belonged to them.

Chi Qiaoqi didn't know when he fell asleep.When I woke up, I was on the bed in the hotel. I went out and looked at the house number, and then I didn't know when I went back to my room.

She and Jian Yanzuo had an extremely normal breakfast, and then boarded the return flight. Everything was normal, as if ending a trip that had been arranged.

Except, they met Mr. Jane who seemed to have been waiting for a long time downstairs in Weiting.

Jian Yiwei seldom comes to the city. He doesn't like the noise and air here, and he doesn't like the lifeless colors here.Therefore, when Chi Qiaoqi saw Jian Yiwei in the car, his heart sank a little.

Seeing Jian Yanzuo who appeared with her, Jian Yiwei didn't have any extra words, so her face was gloomy and she pointed at Jian Yanzuo with her walking stick, "Get in the car."

Chi Qiaoqi reflexively wanted to stop it. Jian Yan Zuo just came back, and a follow-up visit is a must.

However, before the words could be uttered, Jian Yan Zuo shook his head inaudibly to stop him.

Then, without saying anything, without explaining, without instructing, without any words, he opened the door and got into Jian Yiwei's car.

No one knows where Jian Yiwei and Jian Yanzuo went, including Xu Mo and Xiao Sui.

Three days later, Jian Yiwei's car finally drove back to the old house.

Jian Yan Zuo got out of the car, visibly thinner.But during this period, no matter how Xiao Sui asked, he never mentioned the whereabouts of these three days.

Later, Xiao Sui inquired through Mr. Jian's driver, and found out that during these three days, Jian Yan followed Jian Yiwei to almost all of Jane's raw material production places in the world.

At the last stop, Jian Yiwei touched Jian Yanzuo for the first time after his coming-of-age ceremony.

A loud slap hit Jian Yanzuo's left cheek, which was loud and painful.

Jian Yiwei's words, like this slap in the face, are full of force, "Jane, what we need is a strong person who dares to take responsibility, not a coward who avoids things. I can bring her back to you, It can also take her out of your sight again. If you continue to be depressed like this, spend the rest of your life looking for her."

Xiao Sui only heard about this story, but he didn't tell Chi Qiaoqi what he already knew.

When Mr. Jian's driver called him back, he was at the airport, accompanying Chi Qiaoqi instead of Jian Yan, and seeing off Lu Pingan who had returned to the team for the competition.

After the car was parked, Chi Qiaoqi went to the trunk to help Lu Pingan get the suitcase, but Lu Pingan didn't get out of the car in a hurry, and handed a mobile phone to Xiao Sui from his pocket, "Please pass it to him for me."

Jian Yanzuo was not mentioned, but Xiao Sui knew it naturally.

After he nodded, Lu Pingan opened the car door and went down, following Chi Qiaoqi's movements, he took the suitcase out of the trunk.During the whole process, he still did not forget to tease Chi Qiaoqi a few words.

The farewell process was much easier than Xiao Sui imagined. They sent Lu Pingan to the departure hall, and Lu Pingan waved goodbye heartlessly, as if he didn't feel that he was going to say goodbye at all.

Chi Qiaoqi felt more and more sad when he saw Lu Pingan's figure drifting away.Not only because of her reluctance, but maybe there are many people she is about to bid farewell to.

Lu Ping'an walked very fast, almost out of their sight.

Chi Qiaoqi suddenly called out to him, "Lu Ping'an."

The sound was not loud, but it was enough for Lu Pingan to hear.

So, he turned around slowly, and Chi Qiaoqi was still standing where he was.Indeed, he walked a long distance, and with people coming and going, he could easily lose sight of her for a few seconds.

The moment he regained Chi Qiaoqi's figure, Lu Pingan heard her real voice.

"Safe journey."

A safe journey is what Chi Qiaoqi has always used to wish Lu Ping An.

It was also at that time that when Lu Pingan was thinking about Chi Qiaoqi giving him a Chinese name, Chi Qiaoqi half-seriously half-jokingly said a word.

These four words most truly expressed Chi Qiaoqi's wishes for Lu Ping'an.It was also the only thing she wanted to say to Lu Pingan before all the big and small competitions.

No matter what the result, what process.There are ups and downs during the period, and exciting turning points are fine.How unexpected the ranking is, it doesn't matter how many batches of dark horses come out.

Most importantly, he, Lu Ping An, has a safe journey.

Lu Pingan has been hiding his reluctance, but with Chi Qiaoqi's simple words, he almost couldn't hide it.

He turned quickly, waved his back to them, and then strode out of their sight.

In his ears, Chi Qiaoqi kept echoing the same words of blessing to him at different times.

Safe journey.

When Xiao Sui sent Chi Qiaoqi back to Weiting, it was already late.He reminded Chi Qiaoqi that tomorrow is the day when he needs to go to Mr. Jian's side, and after Chi Qiaoqi nodded to express that he remembered, he finally drove away.

Chi Qiaoqi went upstairs with his bag, went in and turned on the light, then lay back on the sofa and didn't get up for a long time.

She was actually very afraid of the deserted feeling alone after such excitement.It seems that only in the bright light can I feel a little bit less cold.

Chi Qiaoqi casually pulled a backrest and leaned behind him, glanced around, but saw the corner of a magazine protruding from the gap where the backrest was just placed.

She bought it at a newsstand a long time ago during an aimless wandering.Because he didn't want Lu Pingan to see him, he conveniently hid it in the gap of the sofa cushion when he entered the door.

It was a very famous gossip magazine, and the cover of that issue was a photo of Jian Yanzuo and Jian Xiangshen.

With a contrasting black and white background, it is easy to be attracted by a glance from above.

In the middle of the photo is Jane's golden "J" shape, which blends with the entire background, but separates the two photos.

Gossip magazines are the least afraid of stirring up trouble. The title under the photo is exaggerated and spewing.

who is the wineer?

Below that, there is a line of small words that are even more dazzling: Is it the ambitious second son, or the eldest grandson who has always been in power?

Chi Qiaoqi stared at the cover for a long time, and finally turned his eyes away.

This war, in places she didn't know, might have been fought many times.Now it has finally spread to the sun little by little, becoming a topic that the public can discuss after dinner, or a classic case that can be recorded in business warfare textbooks after a long time.

Because I am not a person who has experienced it personally, I can talk and laugh happily and look as usual.

But she was destined not to.

Chi Qiaoqi went to the old house as usual, Xiao Sui drove, and when he entered the gate, he pointed to Chi Qiaoqi with a smile on his face.

On the side, the car on Jian Yan's left parked quietly.

Xiao Sui's voice could no longer hide his smile, "Then I'll go back first."

Chi Qiaoqi hadn't seen Jian Yanzuo for a while, and he did mental training before entering the door, so he perfectly maintained his usual expression.Then, amidst Jian Yiwei and Jian Yanzuo's clear and crisp sounds, they finished the process calmly and as usual, without losing the standard in the slightest.

Glancing at the chess game, and secretly calculating in his heart, Chi Qiaoqi packed his things in unison in accordance with the speed of the chess game.

After several fights over there, it was finally coming to an end.The two phases were unified, and Chi Qiaoqi stood up, ready to say goodbye.

She thought that Jian Yanzuo would follow her actions.Unexpectedly, the moment she bid farewell to Jian Yiwei and got up to leave, Jian Yanzuo reassembled the chess game, "It's still early, I'll play another game with you."

It was approaching noon, Chi Qiaoqi circled Jian Yanzuo's car countless times, and finally saw Jian Yanzuo coming out of the gate of the old house.

When he saw her, he didn't ask or blame her, and got into the car with a silent face, which made Chi Qiaoqi feel a little cold.

After a little distance from the old house, Jian Yan left the car and slowly stopped, turned to her, with an expression on his face, "Ke Ke, now is not the time for you to be willful."

capricious?Chi Qiaoqi slowly looked to Jian Yan's left, feeling a slight chill in his heart.In his view, her waiting and waiting were just her temporary temper, which had nothing to do with being with her at all.

Thinking of this, Chi Qiaoqi had no intention of explaining, turned his eyes away, and stopped looking at him.

Jian Yan paused for a long time, and finally had no choice but to say, "I'll take you back."

It was also at this moment that Jian Yan left subconsciously glanced at the rearview mirror.Immediately, his face changed color in an instant.

Chi Qiaoqi didn't notice Jian Yanzuo's expression. She was about to reach out to fasten her seat belt when she heard the sound of the seat belt buckle snapping open from Jian Yan's left side.Before she could realize what was going on, Jian Yanzuo's right arm passed through her neck, and the next second, she was completely protected by Jian Yanzuo.

It seemed that in an instant, with a loud noise, the front of the car was instantly slammed into the wrong direction.

Chi Qiaoqi only felt the whole car shake violently, and his head buzzed.Accompanied by the sound of glass shattering, the fragments fell like marbles all over the car.

When everything calmed down, Chi Qiaoqi remained conscious.The first reaction after realizing that the body can move is to support Jian Yanzuo's body, wanting to see Jian Yanzuo's situation.

However, the moment Chi Qiaoqi's hand touched Jian Yan's left body, she only felt the pressure on her body gradually lighten, and he sat up straight consciously.

Chi Qiaoqi also gradually straightened up, and the first sight that came into view was Jian Yan's left side looking out of the window, with a gloomy look on his face.

Following Jian Yan's left line of sight, Chi Qiaoqi looked through the window, and through the window of the car was Jian Xiangshen's provocative face.

Jian Yan left the first step to get out of the car, and slowly walked to Jian Xiangshen's car, each with a look of tension.

This is simply a terrible situation, especially since it is not far from Jian Yiwei's house.If the media came over after smelling it, Chi Qiaoqi didn't dare to think about how good tomorrow's newspaper would be.

She had to stop it, even if it was inappropriate in her capacity.

However, the moment Chi Qiaoqi opened the door to get out of the car, she realized that Jian Yanzuo had locked the door at some point.Trapped in such a small space, she was relatively safe.

Chi Qiaoqi watched Jane Xiangshen's lips slightly raised, smiled in her direction with no intention of knowing, and then slowly got out of the car.

"Guess what the old man would do if he knew that you had already planted eyeliner around him?"

Chi Qiaoqi's body froze.She has never sent any news to Jian Yanzuo, but her existence is indeed a fact that cannot be explained by any words.

Then, Jian Xiangshen patted Jian Yan's left shoulder, and her smile deepened, "Don't let me down."

After speaking, he abandoned the car and turned to leave.

Jianyan remained silent for the rest of the journey.

Chi Qiaoqi also began to regret that she had not concealed their relationship before. She never thought of causing trouble for Jian Yanzuo, but it really backfired.

The car gradually approached the downstairs.

Jian Yanzuo finally said, "During this time, you should go back to your old house first, and if you need to go to grandpa's place, I will ask the driver to pick you up."

Chi Qiaoqi was not surprised by such an arrangement, perhaps such a distance was the best support for him, so he agreed, "Okay."

"Early tomorrow morning, I will ask the driver to take you back." Jian Yan got out of the car on the left and opened the door for her. "Call me anytime if you need anything."

Chi Qiaoqi nodded, then quickly got out of the car and stood on the side, waiting for him to turn over.

Jian Yan left and lowered the car window to say goodbye to her.

Chi Qiaoqi raised his eyes to look at him, and his flat tone was like a joke, "Have you ever thought about it, you could have let go first, he is your relative after all."

Jian Yan put her left eye on Chi Qiaoqi for a long time, and gave her an unsurprising answer in a calm voice, "But everyone has something they can't let go of."

Affirmative answer.Chi Qiaoqi didn't need to say much anymore.

Perhaps Jane's is something he can't let go of.After all, the light and joy brought by that position are still better than all the joys in the world.

I don't know when time has become the most luxurious thing Chi Qiaoqi feels.When working part-time, every minute and every second seems so precious; when studying, under Ye Ce's request, there is almost no free moment; after Mr. W took shape, she and Yan Cha revolved around the design , running around uninterruptedly; during the period of returning to China, perhaps because I have been on guard all the time, I always feel that my head is full and I have no leisure.

Free time, before this, was as rare as a diamond.But now, it's like grains of sand on the beach, there are a lot of them, and there is nowhere to put them.

On the ninth day after moving back to the old house, Chi Qiaoqi found all the necessary documents and bought a plane ticket to Melbourne.

Before boarding the plane, the sun was just right.When it lands, the sun is better.And she alone is definitely good enough.

Ye Ce's house is the most common design with a two-story courtyard. Dora is pulling a hose to water a small piece of vegetables that Ye Ce has planted in the courtyard.

Chi Qiaoqi couldn't stand it anymore, so he walked to the side and quickly turned off the faucet connected to the water pipe.

Dora turned her head and naturally saw Chi Qiaoqi.The moment he saw it clearly, he screamed frantically.

Ye Ce responded, and then opened his arms to Chi Qiaoqi amidst the background music of Dora's continuous screaming.

Chi Qiaoqi was still carrying big and small bags, but she didn't hesitate or pause, and directly responded to Ye Ce's hug.

Still the same, familiar and warm.

Chi Qiaoqi brought gifts to Ye Ce's family, and Martina was a tie-dyed silk scarf, which she bought in a handmade shop, with a beautiful dark green pattern.What Ye Ce was given was a pair of sheepskin gloves. Ye Ce had long fingers and narrow palms, so it was difficult to find a pair that just fit. She used her free time to make a pair for him before departure.What Dora was given was a small box of educational toys, such as Jiulianhuan. Ye Ce mentioned it by chance a long time ago. When Chi Qiaoqi was shopping, he saw a pair of agate beads. The price was not right. But still bought it.Of course, there is also Dora's favorite cocoa powder, which filled the remaining space of the box.

Martina went to Milan to attend an academic seminar. Today was the second day of the seven-day conference agenda, so she couldn't be at home, and expressed regret to Chi Qiaoqi through the phone line.Although Chi Qiaoqi felt a little regretful, it did not delay her gradual recovery.

Although it feels like it's only been a few months since she left, Dora is already much taller than when she left.Her personality didn't change much, she fiddled with Jiulianhuan for a while, and finally couldn't help coming over to pester Chi Qiaoqi to teach her how to play.

Chi Qiaoqi was not very good at playing, so after a while he finally managed to get himself in, so he hurriedly asked Ye Ce for help.

Ye Ce also hasn't touched it for a long time, but he didn't delay at all. He demonstrated to Chi Qiaoqi at the right speed, and didn't delay talking to her.

The matter of success must be said, although Ye Ce may have more or less guessed it.But after hearing Chi Qiaoqi tell the whole story, Ye Ce still smiled, very sincerely.

Chi Qiaoqi didn't continue to talk about other things or other people. With Ye Ce's smile, he finally felt relaxed.

Ye Ce's research some time ago came to an end, and these few days happened to be free.Although he was not with him all the time, it still made Chi Qiaoqi feel very at ease.

Chi Qiaoqi didn't have any goals or plans when he came back this trip, he played wildly with Dora for several days, and even the sunburn marks could be seen on his whole arm.

Chi Qiaoqi didn't mention the dented corner of the small suitcase to Ye Ce. Although she would never forget such a small matter, she never thought of mentioning it.But the careful Ye Ce discovered it in an inadvertent moment.

So, on a sunny afternoon, when Chi Qiaoqi led Dora back from playing wildly outside, he saw Ye Ce in his yard with a pile of tools piled up by his feet, helping her to level the small suitcase that fell flat. that corner.

On the ear, there is a bluetooth headset, and from time to time, he tells his reference opinions there.

That picture was so pleasing to the eye, so pleasing to the eye that Chi Qiaoqi felt that even the slightest disturbance was such a sin.

She could even imagine that there must be an extremely intense operation going on there.It's like a war without gunpowder, but it's everywhere.

But Cheng Shu's expression told Chi Qiaoqi that he was planning a strategy and had great confidence in the person on the other end of the phone.Because his ease is the greatest affirmation for the other party.

Ye Ce is indeed a pretty good teacher, and Chi Qiaoqi has a deep understanding of this.

He leads well and is always willing to give.If it weren't for his patience and meticulousness at that time, Chi Qiaoqi is sure that he would not have everything he is today.So besides admiration for Ye Ce, she is more grateful.

The repair of the small suitcase took up three or four days of Ye Ce's free time.In the end, after the last painting, Ye Ce fully disinfected the suitcase, replenished some equipment, and returned it to Chi Qiaoqi.

The time also happened to be when Chi Qiaoqi was about to leave and go back. She still had a lot of things to do, and Ye Ce himself was not very idle.

From Ye Ce's point of view, Chi Qiaoqi was already happy to come back to visit her from time to time, so once she decided to leave, he didn't want to keep her.

Ye Ce sent Chi Qiaoqi to the airport, and bid her a brief farewell with a natural expression, "Come back anytime."

With Ye Ce's peaceful farewell, the return trip to Melbourne came to a heart-warming end.

After returning from Melbourne, Chi Qiaoqi began to learn how to stay at home.

On Yancha's side, it's time to start preparing new products for this season.He called countless times to urge the design drawings, but Chi Qiaoqi stopped him many times with a few words.

In the end, before Yan Cha's brewing explosion, Chi Qiaoqi tactfully passed on the design drawings that had been prepared through the Internet.

Then, everything was restored to cleanliness again.

During this period, Chi Qiaoqi hadn't seen Jian Yanzuo, but there was no shortage of news about him.

Recently, Jane's has almost become the focus of the major media, and news about Jane's can be found in almost any corner.

The massacre of uncles and nephews was already an eye-catching topic, but the balance of power between the two parties made this dispute even more interesting.

However, in Chi Qiaoqi's view, such a high degree of attention only indicates one thing, that is, the announcement of the final result is getting closer.

In the middle, Mr. Jian called and said that there were some things that needed to see Chi Qiaoqi. If possible, he hoped that she could visit the old house.

Of course, Chi Qiaoqi would not be so naive as to think that it was just a simple visit, the driver who had never met, and the old house where only she and Jian Yiwei were left.It further confirmed Chi Qiaoqi's thoughts.

Sure enough, Mr. Jane was succinct and straight to the point, and came up with a letter of termination, as well as a large amount of liquidated damages.

Chi Qiaoqi is not surprised that Jian Yiwei knows that he is a big tree rooted in Jane's family. Although the two small trees are gaining momentum now, the intertwined relationship underground is something that any force will have in a short time. Still out of reach.

"Maybe, I can know the reason?" Chi Qiaoqi smiled, and met Jian Yiwei's eyes without fear, "It's written in the contract, I have the right to know."

"You are a good doctor." Jian Yiwei did not hesitate to praise her, "They recommended you back then, and they did select you several times."

Chi Qiaoqi smiled faintly, waiting for Jian Yiwei's next sentence that went straight to the point.

"A person who can control Jane's must be a person who has no feelings and only cares about interests." Jian Yiwei's voice gradually turned cold, "There is no emotion on the battlefield, and, before going to the battlefield, one should not be affected by anything. disturb."

There was no unexpected answer, so Chi Qiaoqi's expression did not show any waves.

Jane also coughed lightly, "I don't deny Zuo's feelings for you, but if he wants to take over Jane, he has to become a carefree person first."

Chi Qiaoqi chuckled suddenly, "Don't you think this kind of life is a tragedy for him?"

"Jane's needs tragic characters." Jian also looked at her, her eyes filled with the aggressive seriousness of the older generation, "Because there is no comedy in the life of the heir."

Chi Qiaoqi suddenly felt that he didn't understand the meaning of this fight more and more, and he was fighting desperately for the position that was the most eye-catching and glittering in the eyes of outsiders.But I never thought that every penny I enjoyed during this period was actually my own life.

But even though they were fully aware of the hidden things behind this position, they still didn't stop fighting.In her view, this is already an irreparable tragedy.

"I expect that person to be Yan Zuo. He is young, brave, calm, and has a lot of room for improvement." Jian Yiwei stroked the handle of the chair, and his tone sounded like he was talking to himself, "If there are no accidents, in the When Jane's celebrates this year, he will replace me and sit on the position representing the supreme ruler of Jane's."

Chi Qiaoqi was a little surprised, not by the result of the war, but by Jian Yiwei's extremely transparent attitude towards her.

"You are very smart and beautiful, and of course you are sincere to Yan Zuo." Jian Yiwei said slowly, not as if he was making a statement, but as if he had already started a long negotiation, "But your existence is very important to him. Speaking, it is an influence in itself. He can give up a negotiation that he has fought for for a long time for you, and he can also miss a piece of territory that he has fought for a long time for you. All these are unforgivable to Jane’s every time mistake."

For the expected persuasion, Chi Qiaoqi had prepared all the words of ridicule and rebuttal, but at this moment he gradually fell silent.

Jian Yiwei's words have been thoroughly explained. At the end of the conversation, his tone was slow, with warning and exclamation, "Don't let yourself become that accident."

If nothing else, that accident.

In the end, Chi Qiaoqi didn't take all the money in Jian Yiwei's envelope.

Instead, he took out a small stack, sorted it carefully, and put the excess back in the envelope.She will not give up what belongs to her, and she will not be greedy for what does not belong to her.

"It's easy to train a machine, but it's not easy to find someone who treats you sincerely." Chi Qiaoqi smiled and stood up, with a calm tone in his tone, "If one day, as you hope, In that way, Jian Yan Zuo sat where you are sitting today, but that does not mean your success, because from that day on, people in this world who treat you sincerely and do not expect anything in return have completely disappeared."

These words, Chi Qiaoqi said sincerely, she really felt sad for Jian Yiwei, and she felt especially worthless for Jian Yanzuo's sincerity in treating her family.

After Chi Qiaoqi left, Jian Yiwei stayed in the room alone for a long time.

Many memories, in such a bleak environment, rushed to surface in his memory.

He recalled the scene when Jane Juwen turned 18, blatantly defied the arrangement of attending the Stanford Business School and insisted on choosing the School of Natural Sciences of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.With such persistence, in the end, he would rather use a break to contend with him.

He recalled the day Jian Yanzuo was born, the first time in his life he took the initiative to express relief, Jian Juwen handed over this little life into his hands, and his heart softened instantly.

He recalled the day when Jian Juwen's accident happened, his heart was churning and he could hardly hold on, but he still insisted on comforting the crying child in his arms.

He recalled the anniversary of Jian Juwen's death every year, and the emptiness of his old house when he went back to Jian's family. If at the moment Jian Juwen made his decision, he could persist and finally convince him, the current Jian's family would not be like this.

Therefore, at this moment, even though he was heartbroken, he still had to clearly know that the path he chose for Jian Yanzuo must be the right one.

In short, Zuo doesn't understand or understand now, but at some point in the future, he will eventually understand.

(End of this chapter)

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