Chapter 16
After returning from Jian Yiwei's side, Chi Qiaoqi had no reason to go out.Concentrating on staying in the attic she decorated, she even tasted some isolation from the world.

The things in the attic increased more and more under Chi Qiaoqi's arrangement, and they were almost piled up to the point where they couldn't even walk.But every time the eyes sweep, it is always accompanied by full satisfaction.

When he received the call from Yan Cha, Chi Qiaoqi had just steamed four egg yolk buns, served them in small white plates with cracked ice, and brought them to the attic.

The egg yolk bun will taste bad when it gets cold, so Chi Qiaoqi squeezed one in the gap between answering the phone, took a big bite, and said vaguely, "You got up early enough."

"What are you doing?" Yan Cha said lazily, "What's delicious?"

"Egg yolk bun." Chi Qiaoqi took another bite, "The taste is very authentic. I'll send you the package in a while, and you can go to the supermarket to look for it."

Yan Cha's tone suddenly softened, "Can't you help me buy it?"

Yan Cha was the only one who could speak so confidently when he said it without moving his head.Chi Qiaoqi reminded with a smile, "Counting the air ticket, the cost of this egg yolk bun is too high."

While talking, Chi Qiaoqi opened the webpage and began browsing the fashion magazine.

"I'm serious." Yan Cha's tone gradually became serious, "Why don't you come and stay with me for a while?"

"What am I going to do?" Chi Qiaoqi rested his chin, and his mind was still quick when he was distracted. "Didn't you always teach me to stay in the room and draw pictures? Going out will waste the time for drawing pictures."

Yan Cha snorted softly, "When did you listen to me so much?"

After reading the pictorial, Yan Cha kept saying it over and over again.Chi Qiaoqi answered one or the other, and clicked on another section.

It is an entertainment version, and the information is updated in a timely manner, so there will naturally be news about Jane's.

Sure enough, the position on the front page was Jian Yan's slightly covered profile photo on the left.

Chi Qiaoqi subconsciously clicked in, and it was a short video similar to a reporter's report on the spot.

I listened to music for a while in the afternoon, so the stereo was on.After the page is buffered, it will start playing automatically. The clear voice gradually spreads in the confined space, and Yan Cha can hear it naturally.

Like a sudden silence, neither Chi Qiaoqi nor Yan Cha spoke.

The video report is very short, about one and a half minutes.In the last few seconds, Yan Cha called her clearly, "Jo?"

Chi Qiaoqi moved the mouse and closed all the pages together, "I'm here."

"Perhaps you can try to understand him." Yan Cha said, "He and his uncle are killing each other to this point, and using external force is the easiest way."

For example, marriage.

Chi Qiaoqi didn't respond, and the depression in his heart because of Jian Yiwei seemed to start to spread again after recovering.

"There will be a lot of such true and false news after this. If you worry about it, you will become more and more tired." Yan Cha's tone was urgent, with guidance and comfort, "So, just pretend not to see it. Come on."

Chi Qiaoqi was silent for a long time, and finally said, "I'm fine."

Hearing Chi Qiaoqi's voice, Yan Cha finally felt relieved.Chi Qiaoqi is a person who will hide and keep silent when her heart is broken, and as long as she can still communicate with others, it means she is fine.

"Then you really come to accompany me, okay?" Yan Cha resumed the previous topic and refused to give up even more.

With serious thinking, Chi Qiaoqi's fingers unconsciously slid along the lines of the table little by little, and finally decided, "Let's talk about it in a week. Teacher Ye asked me to help him visit a friend, and I agreed."

Yan Cha made some jokes and said with a smile, "Ex-girlfriend?"

Unexpectedly, he was fooled.After hearing Chi Qiaoqi's affirmative answer, Yan Cha's voice was almost louder, "Is that the legendary ex-girlfriend who gave up their love for Teacher Ye's future?"

"Yeah." Chi Qiaoqi replied, "Ms. Ye heard from others that she hasn't been doing very well, so she wants me to go over and have a look. If it's true, I can always ask someone to help her."

"Why doesn't he come over by himself for this kind of thing." Yan Cha snorted softly, "Afraid that Martina will be jealous?"

"Probably not." Chi Qiaoqi thought about it carefully, "If Teacher Ye went there in person, it would probably cause trouble to others."

"That's right." Yan Cha happily agreed with Chi Qiaoqi's statement, "Then it's a deal. Once you settle this matter, come and accompany me right away."

"En." Chi Qiaoqi finally agreed, and finally filled his schedule.

After hanging up the phone, Chi Qiaoqi realized that there were still three and a half of the four steamed egg yolk buns on the plate.In the gap of a phone call, the heat has been completely lost.

Chi Qiaoqi stared at them for a while, and finally ate them mouthful.

The lights in the Chi family's attic were on all night, and finally went out when dawn was approaching.

Downstairs, Jian Yanzuo finally answered Xiao Sui's number one call, and the first sentence that came up was an order, "Make those reports disappear before dawn."

Xiao Sui was silent for a long time, and slowly suggested, "The only person that this news will hurt is Little Shell. But the benefits it brings are not just as simple as gossip. Although it is cruel, but I have to tell you that the result of sacrificing the feeling of a small shell is worth it."

Jian Yanzuo did not weigh the pros and cons of Xiao Suihua, but gritted his teeth, almost affirming the order, "If I win, I hope to win the light, such indiscriminate means will only explain a fact to others, then It’s just that we’re at a disadvantage.”

Xiao Sui listened carefully to Jian Yanzuo's analysis, but still insisted, "The ones who can see through are, after all, a small number of people."

"Xiao Sui, you understand what she means to me." Jian Yanzuo almost stuttered every word, "Whether I win or lose, I don't want to hurt her."

Xiao Sui was at the other end, silent for a long time.Under such a background, their quarrel over Chi Qiaoqi happened once a long time ago.

At that time, Jane's personnel were fine-tuning, and the struggle between Jian Yanzuo and Jian Xiangshen was at its peak, complicated and involved.It also happened that a certain area that slightly overlapped with Jian Xiangshen changed his partner, and the two had some disagreements. They insisted on their own opinions and did not intend to back down, and they were both a little annoyed when they persisted.

At that time, Jian Yanzuo was still young, with the impetuousness and arrogance of young people.The most excessive time was in a meeting of regional executives, in the middle of a discussion that tended to be obvious, he couldn't help but slam the door and leave.

Outsiders can smell the deep-seated reasons, so no one dares to touch this bad luck.Only Xiao Sui, following Jian Yanzuo into the office, watched Jian Yanzuo smashing the entire decorative wall in depression.

Xiao Sui and Jian Yanzuo have worked together for many years, and they have known each other for a long time, so they can understand Jian Yanzuo's feeling of unwillingness to lose and heartache to win.

Xiao Sui knew that Jian Yanzuo couldn't bear to attack his own uncle, but he also knew that if Jian Yanzuo let go at that moment, Jian Xiangshen would not have any scruples, and would even intensify it.

So instead of comforting him, he questioned Jian Yanzuo one sentence after another, cornering Jian Yanzuo completely.

"Don't pretend to be very sympathetic. You don't want to see your relatives become enemies and your uncles and nephews kill each other. You can really pull yourself out of Jane's completely and get back together with Jane's." Nothing involved? Then let me ask you, leaving Jane’s resources aside, what are you going to use to find Chi Ke Ke? Aren’t you going to leave? Now you can take off your clothes and smash the name tag hanging on the office door. Find your pool shell. You go and ask each person, one by one, and inquire about one thing by one. I guarantee that you can make it to her in time!

After the last sentence, the long-standing Jian Yanzuo finally turned his emotions on Xiao Sui, grabbed each other, and finally punched each other.

That was Xiao Suihe's greatest vent of strength since Jianyan Zuo realized it.Jian Yanzuo's elbow hurt Xiao Sui's lower abdomen, Xiao Sui's fist hurt Jian Yanzuo's back, Xiao Sui dragged Jian Yanzuo by the neckline all the way to the corner, Jianyan Zuo had already used a piece of decoration The shards of glass on the wall pressed against Xiao Sui's throat.Like two beasts that want to kill each other, trying to bring each other down every time they face each other.

They fought so hard that the bruises on their bodies couldn't fade away for many days afterwards.But at the time of the fight, they tacitly avoided each other's naked places.

In the end, exhausted, they struggled to stand up from the ground, looked at each other blankly for a few seconds, and then consciously pulled each other's clothes and messy hair.Until, the slightest flaw is not seen.

After venting all dissatisfaction, everything still has to continue.Including that meeting that is still going on.

At that time, Xiao Sui used Chi Qiaoqi as an incentive to wake up Jian Yanzuo's aggressive actions.And now, he used the method of hurting Chi Qiaoqi to gain an extra chip for Jian Yanzuo.

Doing this, Xiao Sui felt cruel.He cherished Chi Qiaoqi and knew the ups and downs she had experienced in these years, but he had to help Jian Yanzuo make the decision he was unwilling to make.

In such a fighting situation, Jian Yanzuo cannot give up.If there is the slightest slack, the opportunity to attack will be missed.And once they are completely defeated, it's not just that they are defeated in this battle, the entire Jane's will no longer have any aura of simplicity from that day on.

With this defeat, there is no chance to stand up again.His high spirits and everything he has now will be accompanied by failure and leave him.

Even, it's not just as simple as being cut off.

To lose Jane's protection is to be an enemy of Jane's.

Chi Qiaoqi tidied up everything and finally found the note that Ye Ce had written to her before returning from Melbourne with the girl's address on it.

Although Chi Qiaoqi had studied with Ye Ce for so long, it was rare for Ye Ce to write Chinese characters.At first glance, how should I evaluate it? I can indeed see the occupation from the words at a glance.

The address is a small city in Heilongjiang Province, accurate to a certain township, a certain village, and then to the household.Just by feeling, you can guess that this must be a rather remote place.

Chi Qiaoqi prepared all the cold-proof clothes, and even stuffed two bottles of 52° wine in his suitcase.Then, like a strong man on an expedition, he set foot on the plane to the northeast.

Jian Yan made a phone call by chance before Chi Qiaoqi left.After learning about her movements, she had no intention of stopping her, just as Chi Qiaoqi hoped.

Chi Qiao booked the ordinary class, but it is not a popular route, so there are not many people in the cabin.

Before leaving, she bought a book about photography in the bookstore next to her home.There is no reason, but I suddenly feel that being able to take good-looking pictures is really a very fulfilling thing.

However, she is still a layman, and this book has not been carefully selected, so it is a bit difficult to understand.Chi Qiaoqi flipped through two pages, and finally decided to just look at the pictures attached to the book.

Because the books are too professional, there are very few landscapes or figures in the pictures, and they are mainly based on professional decomposition of light and shadow. Chi Qiaoqi reads very carefully, but quickly flips through the pictures he is interested in.

During the period, someone sat down next to him, but Chi Qiaoqi didn't care.When I was about to put away the book and consider playing some offline games, I realized that Jian Yanzuo was sitting next to me.

This is not surprising. He knows her itinerary, her departure time and destination, and if he wants, he can always find her flight number and seat number.

However, at this time point, Chi Qiaoqi was surprised that he appeared so quietly.

If the information she has is correct, he and Jian Xiangshen should be in a stalemate, and, the night before yesterday, he was even photographed by the media as proof of preparing for marriage.

And now, the protagonist of that story was sitting in the seat next to her, with a calm expression on his face, without any intention of explaining what happened to her or announcing any announcements.Calm, and very frank.

Maybe because she noticed that her eyes hadn't moved away from her body, Jian Yanzuo frowned slightly, "What's the matter?"

Chi Qiaoqi immediately shook his head, "It's nothing."

Then it was silent all the way.

Chi Qiaoqi had checked the route on the Internet in advance, and if he arrived, he would have to transfer two trains.Especially the second transfer, because the line stops at many stations, the car is extremely crowded.

The carriages of the old-fashioned green leather train, and even the corridors were full of people.And because it was winter, the windows of the carriage were closed, and the air in the entire carriage was very bad.

Chi Qiaoqi had booked tickets in advance. Although he couldn't get a soft sleeper or hard sleeper, he managed to get a seat.And Jian Yanzuo could only stand in such an environment, shaking from time to time as the train moved forward.

They had to take an 8-hour train and pass 7 stops before they could reach the place written on Ye Ce's note.

But Jian Yanzuo didn't feel disgusted or complained, the expression on his face seemed to be something he was used to.

Even when eating, because there were more than a dozen carriages away from the dining car, Chi Qiaoqi still didn't feel that there was anything wrong with Jian Yanzuo's expression.Perhaps in his opinion, the process was even quite enjoyable.

However, as the night approached, the time became more and more difficult.Especially in the atmosphere where everyone around was sleepy, Chi Qiaoqi couldn't open his sleepy eyes.

Accustomed to the big soft and wide bed, in such a crude environment, without leaning on him, Chi Qiaoqi really couldn't force himself to sleep on it.

Just as she was thinking, Jian Yan adjusted her stance left, and then slowly leaned her head against his body.His upright body just gave her a support to lean on, just like many times before.

Chi Qiaoqi slowly closed his eyes, and after completely relaxing, his consciousness quickly became blurred.

When I woke up, it was more than an hour later.After a short rest, Chi Qiaoqi consciously felt much refreshed.

Just as I was about to talk to Jian Yanzuo, and he came over to sit for a while, I heard a few very small electric currents suddenly rang from the radio that had been silent.

Then came the clear voice of the train attendant, "Passengers, I'm sorry to disturb everyone's rest. Now the broadcast is looking for a doctor. A female passenger on the train suddenly fell ill and is in a critical condition. I hope there are passengers engaged in medical work on this train who can arrive in time. Come to compartment four, thank you for your cooperation..."

The sound of the announcement startled many passengers, most of them were sleepy, but few people moved.

Chi Qiaoqi stood up immediately.Accompanied by Jian Yan holding her hand from the left, walking through the crowd.

At that moment, Chi Qiaoqi understood Jian Yanzuo's expression of enjoyment.Indeed, it is worth cherishing.

Car No. [-] is a sleeper car. When Chi Qiaoqi arrived, the patient had already been transferred here.There were flight attendants waiting on both sides of the carriage. After Chi Qiaoqi had identified himself, they led him all the way to the patient.

There were already people who looked like doctors checking on the patient's condition. Chi Qiaoqi leaned forward, and with a glance, he realized that the condition was much more serious than he imagined.

"It should be acute appendicitis." The doctor basically concluded, "I need immediate surgery."

Chi Qiaoqi frowned.

Next to it, someone who looked like a flight attendant immediately replied, "The next stop is Yujiagou, and we will be there in 23 minutes."

"Call the hospital over there." The doctor ordered, "See if there are any conditions for surgery."

Soon, the call came back, and the flight attendant came in with the phone, "The hospital over at Yujiagou is a small health center, and the conditions are not good, but it should be fine for operations like appendicitis."

"What about the next stop?" Chi Qiaoqi, who was standing beside him, suddenly said.

"The next stop?" The steward asked subconsciously, then frowned and thought for a while, "The next stop will be Lingtun in an hour and a half."

an hour and a half.Chi Qiaoqi secretly calculated the time, but it was too late.

The doctor looked at Chi Qiaoqi inexplicably, frowned and stopped talking.

The train conductor began to arrange the arrival at the station for a while.Passengers who get off at the next station in this carriage are arranged in adjacent carriages to ensure that the carriages are unimpeded.The stop was extended for 2 minutes, and the ambulance and stretcher were waiting on the platform. After the stop, the patient could transfer from the train to the ambulance and go straight to the hospital.

The matter was arranged very meticulously, and the hearts of the people around seemed to be a little more stable.

During this period, Chi Qiaoqi has been observing the patient's condition.Then, she walked between the two carriages and called Ye Ce.

It was already late at night at Ye Ce's side. After picking up Chi Qiaoqi's call and understanding the description, he spoke calmly, "What's your guess?"

"The preliminary judgment is closed-loop strangulated intestinal obstruction caused by torsion of the small intestine. In the curled lateral position, there is obvious tenderness in the lower right abdomen, rebound pain, and muscle tension." There was constant wind between the two carriages, and Chi Qiaoqi was holding the phone His hands were a little frozen. "The late symptoms are indeed similar to those of appendicitis, but the patient has already started to experience asymmetric abdominal distension a few minutes ago, and may go into shock at any time."

"You need to get a diagnosis as soon as possible." Ye Ce said, "You must have confidence in your own diagnosis."

Chi Qiaoqi coughed lightly, but did not answer right away.

Ye Ce's voice was stern, "Whether they believe you or not, you have to remember that you are a doctor."

Chi Qiaoqi took a deep breath and finally made up his mind, "Okay."

Chi Qiaoqi's conclusion easily aroused the dissatisfaction of the doctor just now.

He ignored it for a long time, seeing that Chi Qiaoqi still had no intention of giving up, so he chose to refute, "I have been in this business for almost 30 years, and I have never had a misdiagnosis. Moreover, even you yourself are not sure about your diagnosis." As a result, you want to call others for help, and you still want to convince me?"

These words fell into the ears of others, and the eyes of most people looking at her have already begun to be mixed with doubts.

Chi Qiaoqi repeated it again, but still couldn't get affirmation.Even, there are some harsh voices.

Under everyone's distrustful gazes, Chi Qiaoqi carefully put the stethoscope he had just taken out of the suitcase back into the suitcase, then sat down about two or three meters away from the patient's bed, and chose to remain silent.

The train arrived at the station quickly, a stretcher came up, and everyone worked together to lift the patient off the train.

Chi Qiaoqi sat in his original position, staring at the bustle outside the window for a long time, his expression unchanged.

The train moved slightly, and Chi Qiaoqi raised his hand to check the time. It will be ready to drive in about half a minute.

After checking the time, Chi Qiaoqi put down his hand naturally.But at the moment when it was about to hang down completely, the wrist was surrounded by a warm breath.

Looking up, it was Jian Yanzuo's affirmative look, "We're going too."

When Chi Qiaoqi and Jian Yanzuo arrived at the hospital, the patient had already been pushed into the operating room.

The conditions in the entire hospital were much worse than Chi Qiaoqi had imagined.There are two floors in total, and the operating room is on the westmost floor.

With the lights on, Chi Qiaoqi's heart became more and more uneasy.Sitting on the cold row of chairs in front of the operating room, scenes after scenes slid past her eyes, and she even hoped that her diagnosis was wrong.

But looking back at all the details on the train, she can almost conclude that it was a misdiagnosis.The only hope is that this situation can be discovered earlier in the operating room.

During such a long wait, the door of the operating room opened.

A person who looked like a nurse came out, and as soon as he came out, he went straight to Chi Qiaoqi, "Are you the one who just said on the train that the patient might have misdiagnosed appendicitis?"

Chi Qiaoqi went up to meet her, "Yes."

"you are a doctor?"

"I am." Chi Qiaoqi nodded affirmatively.

"Come in and change with me." The nurse grabbed Chi Qiaoqi's wrist.

The other half of the words disappeared in the gap of the door, "The abdominal cavity is opened, and the appendix is ​​intact."

Jian Yan Zuo has never been so anxious as he is now.He watched Chi Qiaoqi disappear on the other side of the operating room door, and then did not come out for a long time.

He didn't know what was going on inside.Maybe Chi Qiaoqi is right, but even if the diagnosis is correct, what is the chance of the operation being successful under such simple medical conditions.

Jian Yanzuo didn't dare to think about it anymore, he even regretted being on the train just now, and he insisted on pulling her off the train.

But if she doesn't get out of the car and doesn't face such a result, Chi Qiaoqi will be more hesitant when faced with all the situations that need to be diagnosed in the next few days than when she just entered the operating room.

He could only choose to believe in her, her diagnosis, her ability, and that she would walk out of that door with a smile.

Waiting like Jian Yanzuo are the father and daughter who are the patient's family members.

The family background must not be very good, so while the man was waiting, he kept calling to borrow money.

The girl didn't know what all this meant, so her eyes kept moving back and forth between Jian Yanzuo and her father, feeling a little frightened.

The operation lasted for a long time, and even the girl's expression became normal from the initial shock, and she even took the initiative to chat with Jian Yanzuo, "Is your family member also sick?"

Jian Yan Zuo smiled and shook her head, "No."

"Oh." The girl nodded, unable to tell whether she was talking to herself or Jian Yanzuo, "My mother is sick."

"Is your mother the most important person to you?" Jian Yan asked left.

"Yes." The girl nodded affirmatively.

"What a coincidence." Jian Yanzuo's smile was extremely heartwarming, "My most important person is also inside."

When Chi Qiaoqi came out of the operating room, the sky was already turning pale.

Come out, neither congratulations nor worries.Left to Jian Yan, pursed his lips, frowned, and said in an aggrieved voice, "I'm hungry."

Jian Yan passed her left hand over, "Go, I'll take you to dinner."

However, Jian Yanzuo, who has always been omnipotent, sometimes feels helpless.This is a very ordinary and remote county town. On the streets at five or six o'clock in the morning, there is no restaurant or shop open.It feels like the outdoors are ten to twenty degrees below zero, and the more I walk, the more I feel stiff.

Chi Qiaoqi stood on the operating table for several hours, already feeling tired, and his body was leaning more and more to the left.

They passed through many alleys, and when Chi Qiaoqi could hardly hold on, they finally saw a house with lights on.

That day, in Chi Qiaoqi's future memory, was the most embarrassing but warmest meal she felt.

The owner of that house is a couple in their 40s. The male owner works in the coal mine. There are three shifts a day, at 22:[-]:[-].The hostess sent him out, and happened to meet Chi Qiaoqi and Jian Yanzuo whose hands and feet were frozen.

After entering the door, Chi Qiaoqi's fingers felt warm after pouring down an enamel jar of hot water.

What entertained them was a big bowl of steaming hot sauerkraut noodles.

Ordinary people in the Northeast have sauerkraut tanks, especially in winter, reach in to grab a sauerkraut, rinse it under the water pipe, chop it on the chopping board, put a large piece of pork belly under the hot pan, and pour the sauerkraut into it when the oil comes out. Go in, add water and simmer.

In another stove, pour water to heat up, and put the rolled noodles into the pot.Wait here to pick up the noodles and pour the hot sauerkraut pork topping.

After serving, cut a plate of homemade air-dried sausage, which is hearty and full.

Perhaps in such a simple and kind town, communication between people will become easier.After so many years abroad, Chi Qiaoqi seldom felt such a solid feeling.Especially, in an unfamiliar environment.

Such unrestrainedness is already a sense of belonging in itself.

The hostess insisted on not taking payment for the meal, no matter how much or how little.Very simple words, even though they refuse, still make people feel warm.

Perhaps this is the purest relationship between people, with mutual trust and willingness to help others.

Chi Qiaoqi and Jian Yan returned to the hospital the same way as they left, and the lights in the operating room had just gone out.

Because the medical level of this hospital is indeed limited, Chi Qiaoqi and the hospital agreed that it would be more appropriate to transfer the patient to a hospital with better conditions for further observation after the patient regains consciousness.

Despite financial difficulties, the family still insisted on listening to the hospital's advice and entrusted the hospital to help with the transfer procedures.

After everything was arranged, Chi Qiaoqi had nothing else to do, so he prepared to leave after the patient's family thanked him.

Turn around and meet the doctor on the train just now.At the moment when the four eyes met, Chi Qiaoqi read the many layers of meaning contained in the opposite pair of eyes, including apology, gratitude, and guilt when facing her.

Chi Qiaoqi didn't wait for the other party to speak first, but took the initiative to stretch out his hand.

During the handshake, there is no need to say any more words.

After Chi Qiaoqi said goodbye, he realized that Jian Yanzuo, who was still by his side just now, had walked to the ward at some point and was talking to a little girl outside the door.

As Chi Qiaoqi walked up, he faintly heard the girl repeating a series of numbers.A very simple six-digit number, but seemingly unrelated.

After the retelling, the two said goodbye happily.

Chi Qiaoqi was a little confused, and asked Jian Yanzuo specifically about this matter on the way.

Jian Yanzuo didn't explain, but pursed the corners of her mouth and said happily, "Secret."

A secret about a card hidden in a little girl's blouse pocket that can only be solved by using that string of numbers.

After several bumps, Jian Yanzuo and Chi Qiaoqi finally found the village written on the note.

However, after asking several people, no one knew a person named Zeng Huaichu.

Chi Qiaoqi began to doubt the authenticity of the information Ye Ce received.

But soon, after Chi Qiaoqi gave a brief description, someone recognized him, "You're talking about Dr. Zeng, right?"

should be.In such a small village, the surname Zeng is not uncommon, and the occupation seems to match.

So Chi Qiaoqi asked, "Where is she now?"

Go straight along the road, and at the corner is Zeng Huaichu's home.Before entering the door, you can smell a strong medicinal fragrance.

In the yard, the snow has been swept away, revealing spotless blue bricks.The whole atmosphere seemed cleaner than Mr. Jane's old house.

Chi Qiaoqi and Jianyan took left steps up the stone steps, and the person in the room who happened to come to see the doctor left.The person who sent him out had a good face and long hair lightly pulled back. Chi Qiaoqi knew at a glance that this was the person she wanted to visit.

Similarly, Zeng Huaichu is also a person with keen intuition, his eyes only moved from the person who sent him away to Chi Qiaoqi's face for a second, and the expression was already clear.However, she chose to be silent.

So, Chi Qiaoqi took the initiative and said, "I'm here on behalf of Teacher Ye."

Zeng Huaichu is a person who knows life very well. Although the surrounding environment is poor and dilapidated, she has mountains and rivers in her heart.

Three cups of Mingqian tea, with twenty or thirty lotus hearts in each cup, brewed in hot water, fresh and green, with distinct roots.

During the conversation, the words were gentle, the conversation was elegant, and still full of temperament.She is indeed a person who can attract the attention of others, so it's no wonder that Ye Ce will always remember her.

Chi Qiaoqi suddenly had some admiration for the person in front of him, for her resolute departure at that time and her calmness now, for her ability to remain calm and elegant in such an environment, and even more for her forgetfulness and carelessness about the past.

Zeng Huaichu only entertained Jian Yanzuo and Chi Qiaoqi for two cups of tea, and then gradually the idea of ​​seeing off the guests emerged.

Chi Qiaoqi didn't intend to stay any longer, she chose to come here, it was like a ceremony to help Ye Ce bid farewell to the past.Ye Ce himself owed Zeng Huaichu too much, if he didn't find someone to meet her on his behalf, he would be in trouble in this life.And Chi Qiaoqi is obliged and willing to help Ye Ce, she is the most suitable candidate.

Chi Qiaoqi conveyed to Zeng Huaichu the help that Ye Ce wanted to give, but it was obvious that Zeng Huaichu didn't need it.

This woman is noble and stubborn in her bones.With just one sentence, I have already stated my position, "If possible, please don't disturb my life in any way. His own non-interruption is already a help to me."

Chi Qiao understood, and quickly chose to say goodbye.

On the way back, Chi Qiaoqi had been thinking about how to convey to Ye Ce what Zeng Huaichu had expressed.

In the end, Jian Yanzuo made the decision for her, "Just tell him the exact words, because the purpose of his asking you to come here is to help him bring a real answer."

No matter what the answer is, Ye Ce must be ready to accept it.So just being honest is enough.

In the process of getting in touch with Zeng Huaichu, Chi Qiaoqi gained a new understanding of leaving and abandoning.The thing in my heart that I couldn't make a decision for a long time finally had an answer.

Maybe this answer has always been there, but there is no one to tell her that her decision is right.

And when he understood Zeng Huaichu's attitude towards everything in the past, Chi Qiaoqi suddenly felt that right and wrong were no longer that important.

Just like Zeng Huaichu's departure, like Su Dina's company, like the choice she is about to make, there is no right or wrong.What's more, some memories not only exist in getting along, but more after separation.What we have to face is only the heart that is willing to wait and accompany.

Not long after returning from Zeng Huaichu's place, Jian Yanzuo and Chi Qiaoqi had a simple and quiet lunch in Chi's old house.

The furnishings in the old house were simply organized by Chi Qiaoqi, and many small and broken things were packed in boxes, filling the cabinets that Qiao Duo had not been able to fill before.

In the whole house, the only place where there is a breath of life is probably the dining table, and they are on both sides of the dining table, but they are silent to each other.

After the meal, Chi Qiaoqi and Jian Yanzuo went back to the orphanage where he took her away 21 years ago.

The severe winter was approaching, and there was snow that had not yet melted on the iron black fence of the orphanage.The whole house seemed to be immersed in a sheet of snow, appearing silent and lonely.

After such a long time, the environment around the orphanage has not changed in any way. Perhaps the only thing that is a little different is Chi Qiaoqi's current state of mind.

When she left with Qiao Duo, Chi Jinyuan and Jian Yanzuo, she didn't know what it meant. She didn't like the orphanage itself, but she didn't reject it, so she didn't feel very happy.But now, standing in front of the fence of the orphanage, Chi Qiaoqi realized how lucky she was not to rub shoulders with fate.

Chi Qiaoqi and Jian Yanzuo didn't go in as visitors, they stood outside the fence and had a panoramic view of everything.Of course, it also includes the kind of quiet and lonely atmosphere that blows towards our faces.

This is a unique atmosphere in the orphanage, which cannot be found anywhere else, and it is also the reason why Chi Qiaoqi chose to bring Jianyan to the left.Because in the days to come, this breath will accompany him for a long time, until he grows old.

This is the moment when Jian Yanzuo is closest to success.Jian Yiwei's tendency, and his recent persistent efforts.

Just wait for that node, and make the result public.Just waiting for that moment, to cast a radiant light on him.

This is Jian Yanzuo's fate. Even though she has slightly changed it, she still corrects it in time, and then everything else will no longer change.

Although before this, she never thought that there would be such a day, after she had been away for six years and traveled across thousands of rivers and mountains, she still had to leave one day.Although she didn't expect that when she was getting better, they would still miss, or even say goodbye forever.But when she made this choice, she didn't regret it.

They should have their own paths, and they should have their own lives.And she, as Jian Yiwei said, really couldn't be that accident.

He continued to bathe in the light that belonged to him, took charge of Jane's, and became the enviable existence.And she continued to return to a peaceful state, living the same life day after day, and then slowly getting old.

Their life trajectories, from separation, to overlap, to separation, and then may never overlap.

Maybe she will continue to pay attention to him, watching his calm and moderate face every time he appears in front of the media, watching him take charge of Jane's step by step, and send Jane's to a better position.

But all of this, no matter how exciting it is to think about it, the only thing destined is that she can no longer be by his side.

Although the word "not to meet each other" is so cruel and desolate.But it foresees that they will all have a future better than the present.

At this moment, or a long time ago, Chi Qiaoqi had already made a decision.That's why she handles everything properly except Jian Yanzuo in her daily life.Just to leave at any time.

However, Chi Qiaoqi did not expect that the person who said goodbye first would be Jian Yanzuo.

At the moment she brought him to the orphanage, at the moment she wanted to give up first, he had already sensed her intention to go, but he did not keep him.And before her, said the words of parting.

He said, "I think it's better for you to leave for a while."

It is indeed better, and this is also the answer in Chi Qiaoqi's mind.

However, the moment Jian Yanzuo said the words, Chi Qiaoqi suddenly felt a feeling of being abandoned.

Just like thinking back to Qiao Duo and Chi Jin’s original morning, the teacher said to her, Xiaoqi, you don’t need to go out today, just stay in the activity room honestly.

She didn't understand at that time, but now, she understands better than anyone else. At that moment, the teacher had given up on her that day.

And now, this feeling surrounded her again.

The only difference, back then, was ignorance.But now, she is strong.

Therefore, Chi Qiaoqi can still smile and say, "Okay."

Such a parting without knowing when to meet again, Jian Yanzuo didn't come to see her off in person.

Chi Qiaoqi took the small suitcase that accompanied her all the way alone, took a taxi, and went straight to the airport.

At that moment, Chi Qiaoqi suddenly thanked Ye Ce very much. If it wasn't for the small suitcase he gave her, then there would really be no such familiar things around her.

In the taxi, the radio was broadcasting news about Jane's. Chi Qiaoqi looked out the window, and on the electronic screen by the roadside, the latest advertisement of Jane's was being displayed gorgeously.

It seemed like a coincidence, but it gave her a reason to leave.

At the security checkpoint, Chi Qiaoqi saw Xiao Sui.Standing there, it seemed that he was waiting for her.

Chi Qiaoqi walked up slowly and stood in front of Xiao Sui.He remained silent, waiting for Xiao Sui to speak.

Xiao Sui hugged her and whispered in her ear. "You'll understand him, won't you?"

Chi Qiaoqi didn't answer, she didn't know how to respond to Xiao Sui's question, and what's the point of her understanding at this point.

So, he bid farewell softly, went through the security check step by step, and left all the guesswork to Xiao Sui.

After bidding farewell to Chi Qiaoqi, Xiao Sui came to a manor according to the address provided by Xu Mo.

It's already winter, and the only thing that catches my eyes is desolation, except desolation.Just as he guessed, Jian Yan Zuo's mood at the moment.

In the middle of the manor, there is a small wooden house.Xiao Sui pushed the door open and went in. After walking a few steps, he saw Xu Mo standing at the stairs.

Walking over and looking, there is still a small row of continuous stairs below, and the bottom part is gradually hidden in the light, as if leading to some unknown secret place.

Xiao Sui was about to go down to find out, but was pulled back quite strongly.Looking sideways, it was Xu Mo who shook his head firmly.

On the shelf, there are new wines added this year.Time was so rushed that he didn't even have time to share it with her.

In the end, he let her go, just as everyone hoped.Perhaps, what they said was right, keeping her by her side was the greatest harm to her.

She was his obvious weakness, even though he always pretended, he still failed.Mr. Jane's reminder and Jane Xiangshen's threats resurfaced in his ears all the time.He was unwilling but had to admit that she might suffer unnecessary danger because of him.

Although at this moment, the person he most wants to be by his side is her.But after the catastrophe six years ago, she could no longer bear that eventuality, and neither did he.Therefore, there is only separation.

He thought that he had settled everything and sealed up all the reluctance in his heart. As long as he didn't face the separation face to face, all these emotions would not be revealed.But he didn't expect that even if he was here at this moment, even if she had already boarded the flight to leave, the pain that spread from the bottom of his heart still made him feel suffocated.

Jian Yan opened a bottle of wine to the left, and slowly filled the two wine glasses.

Here that day, what he promised, although he didn't have time to be with her, he still wanted to fulfill it.

He picked up a cup, tilted it slightly, and touched another cup lightly.The sound is crisp and the reverberation is long-lasting.

He held the wine glass and drank it slowly.

He slowly closed his eyes, and the image of her smiling at him already appeared.

In the slightly sour touch, he heard his own voice.

Bon voyage, shell shell.

(End of this chapter)

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