Chapter 17

Chi Qiaoqi's journey was indeed smooth, he arrived on time, and there were no twists and turns along the way.

Everything seems to be well planned, and there is no excuse for her to delay leaving.

However, when he got into the taxi, facing the driver's question and reporting the location, Chi Qiaoqi suddenly felt like fleeing.It had nothing to do with anything, except that she only wanted to be alone.

So, returning to the airport, she found the list of all countries that Jian Yanzuo had applied for business visas for her before, and after less than 30 seconds of research on the huge screen at the airport, Chi Qiaoqi had already decided where to go.

Xiao Sui felt that Jian Yanzuo seemed to have activated some mode suddenly.

Chi Qiaoqi's departure didn't seem to have much impact on him.He began to spend his energy on work every day, listening to reports, reading reports, research and deployment in conferences and meetings, and even started interviews one by one.What can be guaranteed is only three meals a day and the most basic three or four hours of sleep.

Everything seemed normal, but it was getting colder and colder.It seemed that with Chi Qiaoqi's departure, all of Jian Yanzuo's emotions were taken away by her, without joy, anger, sorrow, joy and all emotions related to mood.

The only extravagant rest time is to sit in the old house of the Chi family every Sunday for an afternoon.That was the only time when he was in a slightly good mood. The old house of the Chi family was like some kind of sustenance for him. It seemed that just a simple tidying up of some old things could make his nerves tense all over his body. relax.

Once, during the lunch break, Xiao Sui accidentally mentioned Chi Qiaoqi on a certain topic.

At the dining table, almost everyone except Jian Yanzuo and Xiao Sui frowned in an instant.Even Xu Mo frowned, reminding him a little too much in this sentence with his eyes.But Jian Yan Zuo still didn't seem to hear it, and ate his meal step by step without even disturbing the rhythm.

It was at this moment that Xiao Sui felt something was wrong.

He originally thought that Chi Qiaoqi's departure was only temporary.Some news is true or false, perhaps Jian Yanzuo was afraid of hurting her, so when the war was getting more intense, she was sent to a safe place first.When everything subsides, bring her back.That's why they said goodbye so calmly, because there will always be goodbye.

But Xiao Sui soon discovered that he was wrong.Because the information collected later showed that Chi Qiaoqi did not arrive in New York as expected.And Jian Yanzuo, obviously already knew all of this, and had no intention of looking for her at all.

What really made Xiao Sui feel that everything had already exceeded expectations was on a Sunday afternoon.

Jian Yan went back to Chi's old house as usual, and then walked out of it before dark on time.

However, when he was about to leave, Jian Yanzuo accidentally discovered that there was still a corner of an envelope left outside the delivery port of the mailbox.

I opened the mailbox and there was indeed a letter inside.The envelope is not very thick, and the seal is simply folded.With a slight shake, a key slipped out of the envelope and fell into his palm.

The small copper key is heavy in the hand.

It looked familiar, but Jian Yanzuo couldn't remember where the lock that matched it was.

Until going to the airport with Xiao Sui and meeting Xu Mo who had come to pick him up, Jian Yanzuo inadvertently thought of the lights on Chi Qiaoqi's attic that night before, and suddenly understood.

So, before Xiao Sui and Xu Mo could react, Jian Yanzuo had already disappeared from their sight.

Jian Yanzuo rushed all the way back to Chi's house, and then, before even closing the car door, opened the door of the old house, and went straight to the attic.

He had a hunch that behind this door was the last suspense Chi Qiaoqi left for him.

Jian Yanzuo took out the key from his pocket, aimed it at the keyhole with the brass lock on the attic, inserted it, turned it, and with a slight sound, the lock opened.

Holding the doorknob with her hand, taking a breath, Jian Yan pushed open the attic door to the left.

The dark green wall, matched with the white lace screen, swayed slightly as he pushed the door, and then slowly fell back.

Because it is near night, the light is not very good.Jian Yan touched the switch on the wall with his left hand and gently flipped it down.

In the room under the light, a suit stood in the center.

Attached to the wooden hanger, straight and straight.

Just by looking at it with your eyes, you can imagine that the appearance of the upper body will definitely become its own scenery.

There is a pearl button pinned to the edge of the pocket. The lower end of the button is a light lace flower, and above it is the cursive letters that she embroidered stitch by stitch, Mr. J.

It was the wedding dress she had sewed by herself for his wedding.

Jian Yanzuo remembered that when he and Chi Qiaoqi were young, Qiao Duo and Du Luowei were always smiling because of the unconscious intimacy between the two children.

He knew that in the hope of his mother and aunt Qiao, he would one day hold Chi Qiaoqi's hand and walk through this life side by side.Just like the love between two adults, even though the ending is a bit cruel, the process has been beautiful.

When they were in junior high school, high school or even college, many girls knew that there was such a girl beside him through their family relationship.There were also many people who suggested that he seriously consider whether his feelings for Chi Qiaoqi were habits or love.

He doesn't have to think about it, but he knows it better than anyone else.The feeling of softness in my heart whenever I hear her name is definitely not because of habit.

But these, he never told Chi Qiaoqi.

He always thought that they had plenty of time.No matter any story, he always had time to tell her slowly.

Even, when they were old, he would tell her all these long or short things as bedtime stories to accompany her to sleep.

In his vision, they had already lived their lives.

It's just fate, always turning around like this.

Once, six years ago.

Once, today.

When Xiao Sui chased him all the way in, Jian Yanzuo didn't know how long he stood there.He was driving too fast, Xiao Sui took a taxi and followed behind, but he was still left behind for a few minutes.

Panting all the way in, Xiao Sui couldn't help being amazed at the moment he stood still.It turned out that Chi Qiaoqi had already gone so far behind their backs.

This girl who they have always felt needs to be cared for to grow up, no one knows when, she began to have her own wisdom and persistence.

She must have been planning for this departure for a long time before she could arrange everything so properly.It's so good that it makes people feel a little trance that there is no trace of her here.

Xiao Sui's eyes faltered, and he saw on the table beside him a note that Chi Qiaoqi had already written.

Get closer, and you can see her small and delicate handwriting on the note.

"My blessing, be with it."

Those eight short words touched Xiao Sui's once strong heart.It turned out that all of this was not his illusion. When she left, she had already decided that this business would never return.

Xiao Sui took a deep breath and moved his eyes to Jian Yan's left.He was still in a daze, completely oblivious to anyone coming in.

At this moment, even though Xiao Sui was dull, he clearly felt the sadness in the air.

Xiao Sui slowly leaned towards the table, and then quietly held the note in his hand.

Let him still have the hope that she will come back, otherwise, how will he spend the next difficult time.

After that day, Xiao Sui clearly noticed that Jian Yanzuo became more and more busy.

During the day, he worked tirelessly.Then use the time difference to arrange and arrange things on the other end through the Internet at night.

During this period, Jian Yan had a recurrence of pneumonia on the left side.The high fever reached 41 degrees, and the chapped lips were faintly bloody as he spoke.

Lian Wei prescribed medicine for him, two pills after meals, and he took it on time under Xiao Sui's reminder.But before Xiao Sui left, he vomited up all the food.

But his level of sanity made everyone including Xiao Sui feel unbelievable. The high fever didn't seem to affect his thinking at all. Opinion to matter reaches below.

It made even Wei who was with him feel incredible.

During this period, Lian Wei almost lived around Jian Yanzuo.Jian Yan Zuo refused to be hospitalized, and even the usual consultations could only be arranged between work.

Without Chi Qiaoqi by his side, he became even more arrogant.

Lian Wei persuaded him a few times, from earnestness to hysteria, but had little effect, so he didn't try any more.

The only thing we can do is to stay alert all the time, every minute and every second, be prepared to face the worst situation.

Jian Yanzuo's high fever lasted for more than a month.

During this period, Jian Xiangshen's offensive became more and more violent.His few attacks even made everyone, including Jian Yanzuo and Xiao Sui, study all night before they could come up with a solution.

Jian Yan Zuo is normal, Jian Xiangshen is also making progress.Such a delicate moment forces everyone involved to keep moving forward.To slow down the pace of progress a little bit is to retreat irresistibly.

Xiao Sui was a little worried that Jian Yanzuo would not be able to hold on, his body and spirit were clearly on the verge of collapse.But Xu Mo is obviously more rational. She said, "Until the wish is not achieved, the husband will definitely not fall down."

However, what is his wish? Xiao Sui gradually began to deviate from the original unswerving decision in his heart.Is such a life full of pressure and never knowing when it will stop, really what he or they want?
Chi Qiaoqi has been paying attention to the weather in China. At first, it was only subconsciously, but later it gradually became a habit.

In a blink of an eye, the country has changed from winter to spring.Thinking about it carefully, it has been a while since she left.

Time passed much faster than she imagined.Away from all the hustle and bustle of the country, her life is full and interesting.

She started to learn photography and learned to use light and shadow to record every moment she thought was worth cherishing.

With all her savings, she gradually built a glass house.The area around the house was originally bare, but after a long period of cultivation by her, it gradually took on the appearance of green grass.

She didn't deliberately look for a job, Yan Cha still needed her, and her regular income was enough to maintain her normal expenses.

Besides, she really has something she wants to study.For example, baking.

I had some basics earlier, but I haven't picked it up for a long time, and my hands are a little raw.But that didn't affect her progress in the slightest, because she was interested and had plenty of time.

However, she didn't spend much time on it.She has always been good at these hands-on things.

So, when she was able to use the composition well to take photos, her handmade cinnamon walnut bread was successfully reserved for a local cafeteria.

Although the profit margin is huge, the amount she can supply is not very large, so relatively speaking, the income is only fair, not objective.

But she likes such a simple and fulfilling life, and it seems that she can see 20 years later at a glance.

Alberobello is a small town in Apulia, Bari Province, Italy. Chi Qiaoqi didn't know it until he came here. It is affectionately called "Angel Town" by people in China.

The climate of the Mediterranean always seems to make the sky very blue, against the white of Alberobello's stone-roofed houses, there is indeed a kind of fairy-tale beauty.

Because the glass house requires a large plot, it can only choose a location slightly away from the town center.There are few houses around, but Chi Qiaoqi's place is not deserted.

A beautiful house, delicious drinks, comfortable sunshine, and a big sister who smiles and never loses her temper are attractive to the children around her.

Perhaps it was because of being accompanied from time to time, Chi Qiaoqi didn't feel how difficult life was.

In her spare time, she will go far, far away alone with her camera on her back.Every time I come back and import the photos in the camera to the computer, I can always sort out a lot of gains.

She will also think of Jian Yanzuo, in every conscious or inadvertent moment.She didn't feel any pain, so she didn't feel much pain in her heart.

However, when she took a picture of a couple kissing once, she suddenly remembered that that time in Ensheng's hometown, on the potholed gravel road, when he came into contact with her tears that were almost collapsed, he was in her eyes. That kiss on the forehead.

Gentle touch, but full of tenderness.It's like a small fish gently touching the entangled aquatic plants in the water, or like a fallen petal gently knocking on the firm and hard soil, so beautiful and silent.

That temperature seemed to be the warmth she had been looking for for many years.She searched for a long, long time, until she almost forgot where she was, and who she was.When she was almost desperate, this warmth suddenly returned at an inadvertent moment.

But now, although she still remembered, she couldn't feel it.

At that moment, Chi Qiaoqi suddenly remembered that he had never given her a formal kiss.

Including, a promise about the future.

During this period, Lu Pingan came to live for a while.

Don't mention any other superfluous words, just talk about some trivial things about life like real life.

But even if it is deliberately avoided, some information is still passed on inadvertently.After all, this is something that none of them can bypass.

Lu Ping'an returned to the team because of the game, and he stayed away from TV and the Internet, so Chi Qiaoqi's news was obviously blocked.

In the end, it was Yan Cha's reminder that Chi Qiaoqi suddenly remembered that Jane's 68th anniversary celebration would be in just over a month.

According to what Mr. Jian said, if there is no accident, the Jian family will officially change hands to Jian Yan's left hand that day.

There shouldn't be any surprises, after all, she's gone so far.

During this spare time, Chi Qiaoqi thought over and over again, even if she hadn't met Mr. Jane that day, if she had to make her own choice, her choice might still be to leave.

Jian Yanzuo and Jian Xiangshen have fought so far, and things may change the result every moment.And she didn't want to be that possibility, let alone be that invisible burden when Jian Yanzuo devoted herself wholeheartedly.

She will never be able to bear the word "burden", whether it is carrying it or doing it.

Over the years, she has been working hard.It's not trying to capture the success that everyone expects in the eyes of others, nor is it trying to chase some so-called dream.The goal of her efforts is not to become a burden to anyone.From the bottom of her heart, she completely rejects any familiar or unfamiliar person, even a slight or heavy burden.

Perhaps this is also her humble and persistent bottom line.

Therefore, she had to admit that leaving was indeed the most peaceful result for them.

Yan Cha asked Chi Qiaoqi about her future plans on the phone. After all, this kind of life is not a long-term solution. She can't speak the language, and she doesn't have a friend to take care of her. Now she can rely on her youth and have a desperate urge.But life is not a day or two after all, she needs to find a place for the next few decades.

After all, without Jian Yanzuo, life still has to go on.

Chi Qiaoqi didn't refute, nor did she listen. She liked and enjoyed the present life, and didn't need to deliberately recall the complicated and entangled past, nor did she think about the future that would come in a long time.

She doesn't want to plan those complicated things for the time being.

Right now, Chi Qiaoqi felt that the most important thing to consider was to make a skirt for herself.

I happened to see a very soft but very straight material from the market, and stood in front of the stall thinking about it for a long time as a gift, only to realize that she had never made a dress for herself.

Fortunately, she is free now.

This dress did occupy her for a long time, and after several revisions during the period, it finally appeared as a small dress.

The neat tailoring and material-rich skirt flickered in the light, creating an intoxicating light and shadow.

Chi Qiaoqi hung the skirt on the glass window, and every time it was reflected in the sunlight, it always gave her rare satisfaction.It was after staring at him many times that Chi Qiaoqi finally saw clearly what he had never understood.

Although she didn't want to admit it, she was very clear in her heart that that kind of mood was called waiting.

Waiting for a miracle that might be possible.

During Chi Qiao's long wait, Jane's celebration is getting closer.

Chi Qiaoqi didn't remember it deliberately, but that day seemed to be shining on the calendar. Every time he inadvertently checked the date, he would subconsciously convert the date into the number of days before that date.

Even every time I wandered around and passed certain windows, I saw the packaging of certain drinks, and I felt familiar.

But she couldn't bear to confirm it, because she was afraid of being disappointed, so she just pretended it wasn't.

Because he didn't get close, Chi Qiaoqi didn't know that at that moment, the canned drink placed prominently in the window was a new cocoa product launched by Jane's Group.

Fragrant and smooth cocoa, with a purity of 81%, is made only from the most exquisite cocoa in the Moran estate.It will feel sweet and fragrant at the first entrance, and there will be a touch of alcohol and bitterness in the aftertaste. After swallowing it completely, the aftertaste is full of intoxicating aroma of cocoa.

This is the purest taste of cocoa without any rendering.

This cocoa was fully rolled out in major boutiques on the day the new product was released.Almost everywhere, it occupies a prominent position in the window.

Like a king, arrogant, without being crowned, he is already a peak.

In the end, Mr. Moran still handed over the manor to Jian Yanzuo.

He once missed it, but finally got it.

But many people, including Lian Xiaosui, did not know the details of the negotiation between Jian Yanzuo and Mr. Moran at that time.

How did such a resolute old man give up the ownership of this land.It really challenges people's curiosity.

Moreover, it can almost be concluded that there must be an intriguing story in it.

But no matter how Xiao Sui asked, Jian Yanzuo just smiled and said, "Good luck."

Then nothing else.

In fact, Xiao Sui guessed right, there is indeed a story in it.

After Chi Qiaoqi left, Mr. Moran once called Jian Yanzuo.

When asked about the reason why Jian Yanzuo left that day, Jian Yanzuo did not find any more reasonable and acceptable excuses, but told the real reason for his departure truthfully.

Somewhat beyond Jian Yanzuo's expectation, Mr. Moran made an appointment with him.

At Moran Manor, the place he had come close to but missed.

After the meeting, Mr. Moran handed over the transfer contract to him before he could sit still.

Jian Yan took it from the left, and after a while, the place where Mr. Moran should sign has already been signed and stamped, waiting for his name to fill another vacancy.

In his slightly surprised mood, Mr. Moran told him a story about love.

Mrs. Moran was Mr. Moran's first love. He met her when he was 14 years old and they never separated.They have been in love for more than half a century, and they still want to go hand in hand.

When Mrs. Moran was in her 20s, she was diagnosed with rheumatic heart disease. After undergoing expansion surgery in the hospital, she gradually recovered.

On the postoperative hospital bed, Mrs. Moran accepted Mr. Moran's marriage proposal.And follow him all the way to today.

"I have always felt that Coco and her are the two sweetest things in the world." Mr. Moran smiled at the memories, but he still couldn't hide his loss, "Until a few days ago, she said to me Somewhat uncomfortable."

Sent to the hospital, after a detailed examination, it was found that the condition had worsened.And, because of neglect, the best timing for surgery has been missed.

Mr Moran insisted on surgery, but Mrs Moran disagreed.She is too old, her body is not good, and the risk of surgery is too high. She thinks that she may not be able to get off the operating table.She was not afraid of death, but she was afraid of leaving too early and not being able to spend more time with Mr. Moran.

When Mr. Moran repeated these words, he couldn't hold back his tears, and almost fell down in front of Jian Yanzuo.

"I never thought she would leave me," Mr Moran said. "I always thought we had time."

People are always like this, because they are used to it, they forget to cherish it.

The cocoa grows too wet for Mrs Moran's illness.So, the following story is a matter of course.All this work, including the Moran estate, needs to be taken over.Mr. Moran and Mrs. Moran have no children.

"Why me." Jian Yanzuo asked, although the result was not unexpected, he was still not happy.

"Those who know how to love will not disappoint such delicious cocoa." Mr. Moran's eyes are full of sincerity and trust, "Say hello to your lover for me."

Such a result came much easier than imagined, but Jian Yanzuo didn't feel half relaxed.

After signing the handover document, Mr. Moran expressed his last request, which is to hope that Jian Yanzuo can keep the content of the conversation confidential.

He didn't want Mrs. Moran to know all this. For her, he handed over all the plantations of the Moran family for generations.Such a sacrifice is a huge pressure on Mrs. Moran, who has no children.

She just needs to know a reason with a suitable excuse and be willing to believe it.

On the day of the official handover, Jian Yanzuo personally gave Mr. Moran a real estate gift contract.

It was a real estate in China, surrounded by mountains and rivers, far away from the urban area, and with convenient transportation.As a recuperation, it is a good choice.

He handed over the contract and key to Mr. Moran, together with the brief introduction of Lianwei Hospital.

This gift has nothing to do with benefits.He hoped that just this loving couple could grow old forever.

The 68th anniversary celebration of Jane's arrived as scheduled.

On TV, in newspapers, on the Internet, wherever you can reach, there are reports about Jane's.

From promotional videos full of cultural heritage and rich in various elements, to celebrations in various forms and with a large number of participants, the peak moment, of course, is the celebration reception starting at [-]:[-] p.m.

The reception will be broadcast live by more than a hundred media, and the process will be recorded live.

Luxurious layout, high-definition broadcast, on-site mobile personnel, and answers to questions that pervade everyone's eyes.Undoubtedly, it added a bit of excitement to this reception.

The process of the reception was formal and simple. First, there were blessings from various groups, followed by Jian Yiwei's speech.Finally, under the witness of the major media and everyone present, the Jane's Group's final decision, that is, the candidate for the next president, was announced.

Chi Qiaoqi watched Mr. Jane's long and peaceful speech on the outdoor TV of a convenience store.

Then, all the members of the Jian family, including Jian Xiangshen, Jian Yanzuo, and Jian Qingbei, lit the fireworks that symbolized the next journey together.

Chi Qiaoqi looked at the familiar faces on the screen. They used to be close at hand, but now, they are far away, writing the history in the business warfare textbook.

Against the backdrop of brilliant blooms, Jane also faces the camera, announcing the final result, which is about to be exported.

The camera switches to Jian Yan left and Jian Xiangshen.

Against the backdrop of the lights, they looked extremely calm, and they all had a calm and calm expression.

But in the next second, because of Jian Yiwei's decision, the two of them will climb up the stairs and the other will fall from the equal position.

Chi Qiaoqi suddenly felt that it was cruel. Although Jian Xiangshen had made things difficult for her several times, and had once contended with Jian Yanzuo until now, he was Jian Yanzuo's elder who was related by blood after all.

If the result is what she expected, she is afraid to face Jian Yanzuo's calm and calm expression.

She couldn't imagine that Jian Yanzuo, who once wronged herself because she didn't want to hurt Jane's family, could still remain calm in her heart after such a major result was announced.

She was afraid that he would become the unfamiliar and scary person.

Chi Qiaoqi couldn't bear to look any longer, his body was ahead of his consciousness, and he turned and left resolutely.

She was afraid of hearing the almost certain answer, and also afraid that she would overthrow this calmness after she had gradually adapted to the situation.

As long as he becomes, she is lost.This is what she has always understood.

Therefore, if you don't know whether he has become, you can temporarily deceive yourself that you have not lost.

Even if only temporarily.

That night, Chi Qiaoqi slept inexplicably well.

She dreamed that when she was a child, when two adults were working overtime at the research institute at the same time, Jian Yanzuo came to accompany Chi's family.

He always earnestly waited for her to fall asleep, and then prepared the things she needed for the next day, like a meticulous little adult, always giving her caring warmth.

She dreamed of the smiling faces of Qiao Duo and Du Luo, the blessing expressions of Chi Jinyuan and Jian Juwen, and the warm photos of the two families.

Scenes, as if they were conscious, slipped past one by one.

She dreamed that she was standing on the stage that night at the Evra mansion, her face and painting overlapping each other, and finally reflected in Jian Yanzuo's tender eyes.

After waking up, the small shell on the neck was lying quietly, as if in the morning after that night at Evra's mansion, warmly guarded by his smile.

It has been more than a month since the dust settled on Jane's results that night, and Chi Qiaoqi still didn't pay attention to the final results.

During this period, Yan Cha, Lu Pingan, and even Ye Ce made many phone calls, but they all agreed not to mention the results of that day.

Their silence could only imply an answer.That was the result of that day, the one she had expected and was unwilling to accept.

Chi Qiaoqi didn't expose it, and continued to chat on the topic they raised, without feeling down in the slightest.

Not long after hanging up Ye Ce's phone, Chi Qiaoqi unexpectedly received a call from Xiao Sui.

Inviting her to attend his and Xu Mo's wedding, one month later, it happened to be the time when spring was in full bloom.

Xiao is easy-going and Xu Mo, and finally achieved a positive result.Xiao Sui, who has always been casual, finally perseveres in influencing Xu Mo, who has always been indifferent, and is willing to put on a wedding dress for him, wash his hands and make soup.

Chi Qiaoqi asked Xu Mo's size, stayed up for a few nights, and hurriedly made a bright red cheongsam embroidered with gold thread for her.

After sending the gift back, he called and politely declined Xiao Sui's invitation.

Although Xiao Sui regretted endlessly, Chi Qiaoqi still persisted unwaveringly, so he had no choice but to give up.

Xiao Suihe Xu Mo's wedding is based on emotion and reason, public and private, in short, Zuo will definitely attend.

Chi Qiaoqi didn't want to meet him at the wedding, so under the indistinct gaze of many people, she called him calmly, "Mr. Jian".

Such an alienated name, she knew it was embarrassing herself.So simply, don't give yourself a chance to see him.

Time flows slowly through the fingers.

The green shade outside the glass house gradually prospered, and Chi Qiaoqi gradually got used to the life here.

During the time she waited quietly, she finally left her hair, which was not long before, so that she could easily coil it.

Can't help but think of that sentence, wait for my long hair to reach my waist, will the boy marry me?
People who have not experienced such a state of mind only find it hypocritical and funny.But those who are in it can experience the torment of waiting without an answer.

The period of stay of the passport is coming, and Chi Qiaoqi began to make serious arrangements for leaving, considering the next ownership.

In reluctance and helplessness, she turned away the glass house that was built with care and everything she bought was done by herself.After removing all her previous savings, there was even a surplus.

But she didn't feel any sense of satisfaction or happiness. Selling it proved that she had made a decision in her heart not to come back.No matter where you go, you will never come back.

In the end, she still didn't get the answer she wanted.

After booking the air ticket for the morning of the day after tomorrow, Chi Qiaoqi finally gave himself a deadline to leave.

On the last day, Chi Qiaoqi decided to reward herself with a chocolate lava cake with the utensils that accompanied her day and night.

The materials are quite complete, but there are a few essential things, such as cocoa powder.

Chi Qiaoqi slowly searched on the shelves of the store, brushing different packages with his fingertips, and easily thought of the day in Brussels, in Jane's store with a bright background, the chocolate melted between his lips and teeth. Feel.

Perhaps not only the wonderful taste of chocolate, but also the atmosphere created by the people around you will warm your heart more than the chocolate itself.

It's just that things are different, and the more beautiful the memory, the more bitter it is when I think about it now.

Chi Qiaoqi deliberately stopped recalling, and quickly chose what he wanted.Checked out from the store and walked out with bags in hand.

This is a more prosperous street, with all kinds of shops, large and small windows.

She also needs a few hazelnuts, which are available at the shop around the corner.Chi Qiaoqi walked down the gently sloping road, and touched the warm handle of the store with his fingers, only to find that on the shelf of the glass window next to him, the Jane's "J" logo happened to reflect soft light in the sun.

Chi Qiaoqi approached subconsciously.

It's a jar of cocoa on display.The bottle body is white with light brown lettering and patterns.

But these were not where Chi Qiaoqi focused his eyes.The point of her eyes is the name of this cocoa drink under the sign.

Simple font, very soft arc, beautiful and concise.There is no English comparison, even foreigners who do not understand Chinese can only choose to describe it in unfamiliar Chinese.

The name of this cocoa is called return date.

These two words were like a mantra. The moment Chi Qiaoqi read it, the tears in his eyes blurred his vision uncontrollably.

She never thought that here, she would find something related to Jane's.

The sweetness that she wanted to ignore and forget, at this moment, after repeated fermentation, finally awakened the best memory in her memory.

Chi Qiaoqi's tears fell unscrupulously. Through the window, many customers who were shopping noticed that there were more and more inquiring or caring eyes on her face.

No one would have thought that this young girl almost collapsed in tears because of the simple words on a can of cocoa.

Chi Qiaoqi wiped away his tears, adjusted his breathing, and turned his eyes slightly to the side, hoping to soothe some uncontrollable emotions.

But on the reflected glass window, she saw a figure that made her feel stunned for a moment.

She froze there immediately, forgetting to turn around.

He just looked into her eyes through the reflection of the window, and didn't step forward.

In the end, Chi Qiaoqi held back his tears and turned around slowly.

Only then did he really see him clearly, standing on the sunny street, surrounded by endless white houses and green trees.

Facing her, with a calm and natural expression, "I'm just talking briefly now."

After finishing speaking, she stretched out her hand, with a familiar smile on her face.

Chi Qiaoqi thought about the meaning of Jian Yanzuo's words for a long time, but the moment he understood, he could no longer hold back his tears.

After all, he has nothing.Only, the only part she likes.

She didn't hand him her hand, but directly, with reckless and uncontrollable force, she threw herself into his arms.

If anyone passed by that street in Alberobello that day, they would surely remember a girl crying choked tears of joy.In the sun, sprinkled all over the ground.

It seems that there are flowers blooming, accompanied by the clear wind and air, sending the warmth of the sun and the light fragrance of flowers far away.

Accompanied by his soft words in her ear.

I'm back.

It was like a call, bringing all the feelings that were almost lost before, back to her body in an instant, and passed it on to him.

Perhaps, the auctioneer really hit the mark.

Her future is indeed in Alberobello.

Jian Yanzuo didn't know how many wonderful words should be used to describe the joy of this moment.

Bearing the expectations of too many people, he involuntarily rises to a height step by step. One step closer, he can touch the scepter that manipulates the entire Jane's.

But he never wanted to be the only one.

What he thinks about is how to use everything he can do to help and even encourage Jane to grow up step by step, so that he can eventually have enough ability to take over Jane's.

All he has been thinking about is how to peel off all the light from himself layer by layer, and gradually return to normal from the spotlight.Until his return, he is only his original.

During this period, no matter how many misunderstandings and setbacks he encountered, no matter how painful the separation was, he never thought of giving up, nor did he slow down.

In the end, he finally just left with a few words.

Set everything up properly, and then, across thousands of rivers and mountains, come to look for her.

Only he himself understands that she is the only thing he cares about in his whole life, which he can't let go of after all.

From the day when I took her away from the orphanage, to when I embraced her in this small town today, until the last time of this life, nothing has changed.

He could finally kiss her, too.

In the clear sunlight of Alberobello, it fell on her lips like a promise.

At this moment when he could afford it, at this moment when she was still willing to accept him, he could finally give her the promise she had always wanted to say.

He will come back and never leave again.

(End of this chapter)

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