Chapter 7

Leaving is the flight that night.Everything that should be done has been done, and it is superfluous to stay a moment longer.

It's not a long journey, maybe it's their tacit understanding, the two are silent, but it's not heavy.

This kind of quietness made her feel very fond of it.It's like going through a grand farewell ceremony. The quiet start is much more sincere than looking for any kind of grand form to exaggerate.

Chi Qiaoqi carefully flipped through a storybook he bought at the airport shop, and when he looked out the window, it was already daytime.

This is indeed a new beginning, whether it is for her or for him.

Hello Chi Qiaoqi.

Welcome back, she said to herself.

Everything is as it was when it came, scene by scene, flash by.Crowded crowd at the airport, friends talking to each other, and notification sounds everywhere.Almost the same, but very real.

It was different from when she came back here alone from Melbourne, which was just as busy, full, noisy, and crowded, but this time, she could clearly feel the blood flowing in her body.Perhaps, this is the forgetting and rebirth that Ye Ce said.

Not long after leaving the airport, Jian Yanzuo called one after another. After ignoring it several times in a row, he finally hung up the headset, "Are you back?"

The other end probably asked where he was, Jian Yanzuo paused, "Beijing."

After finishing speaking, he turned a corner smoothly, then increased his speed slightly, and finally drove off the airport expressway.

It's still early, and there aren't many cars in front of them. They come and go slowly, and they all have their own plans.Cross, miss, maybe meet again, very much like them.

It seemed that the question on the other end was still being refined, Chi Qiaoqi vaguely felt that Jian Yanzuo's breathing stagnated slightly, and then answered a little faster, "Myself."

For the rest, I don't want to say a word.

This problem, Chi Qiaoqi secretly sighed, probably really can't get rid of it.There is even a more serious trend, which is really not a good sign.

Perhaps because he was on the phone, the speed of the car slowed down inadvertently.

The owner of the car behind was probably impatient, honking his horn all the way to prepare to overtake.The sound was weakened a lot through the glass, but it still accurately conveyed the obvious irritability.

Just as Chi Qiaoqi was about to remind Jian Yanzuo to pay attention, the car behind had already overtaken Jian Yanzuo's car.

Such a short distance made Chi Qiaoqi frowned.Is the novice ignorant, or deliberately provocative?
But looking at the speed and fluency, it doesn't seem like the driving experience is still young.It seemed like a driver with a bad temper, showing off his skills and experience to vent his anger.

Sure enough, it seemed that just after passing, the car quickly changed its direction, slammed to the right, and stood in front of the car on Jian Yan's left in a daze.

Then suddenly slow down.

Chi Qiaoqi subconsciously said "Ah", wanting to remind Jian Yan that before he stretched out his left hand, he reacted very quickly and swung towards the left, avoiding it accurately, and then pushed the accelerator. Pass the previous car smoothly and return to the position before that car overtook.

There is almost no pause or idleness in the whole movement, and it seems to be instinctive.

The phone calls, but still did not stop, "Violation fines are not within the scope of official reimbursement."

Wasn't bothered at all.

Chi Qiaoqi was silent in amazement.She has had close contact with many professional drivers, and she has seen many with good operation and strong explosive power. Although the set of movements just mentioned briefly is not as good as the good feel of professional drivers in continuous training, such sensitivity , can indeed surpass many people.

And if she remembers correctly, back then, before Lu Pingan received professional training, he was similarly fluent and familiar.There is no need to think, no need to pause, it all depends on the subconscious reaction.

In his own words, born this way.

Chi Qiaoqi actually didn't remember much, especially after going through such a not-so-small episode, and he wasn't paying attention to the road.When Jian Yanzuo turned a corner at an intersection and drove into the gate of Weiting Xiaozhu, he suddenly knew he was home.

Maybe it was because he stayed in the car for too long, his whole head was warm, so Chi Qiaoqi felt a little dizzy when he just opened the car door and came into contact with the deep cold air.

It's not the kind of dizziness, it's more like an old-fashioned camera that takes pictures through a piece of dirty glass. , not real.

Chi Qiaoqi took a deep breath habitually, turned his body slightly, stopped on the spot, blinked quickly, and closed it slightly for two or three seconds.

Doing all this, she deliberately turned her back to Jian Yanzuo.

She didn't want him to see this embarrassed trying to struggle.Fortunately, there was a car between her and him, and he didn't notice her abnormality.

Chi Qiaoqi pinched the center of his brows hard, and continued viciously for a long time, as if there was some sense of betting.

Is it necessary to let the things she least wants to be seen by him happen at the moment when she wants to get better the most?

Please, make her feel better.She is not greedy, just for a short while.

As expected, the heavens were leaning towards her, and when she opened it again, everything in front of her eyes finally got better.

From the vague side faces, one could barely see the smiling face of the owner of the car parked right behind them.

Eh?Chi Qiaoqi squinted his eyes almost instantly, was it a hallucination?Why did she feel that the license plate number of this car was familiar, as if she had just seen it somewhere.

And the owner's smile...

While hesitating, that smile came to her.

Accompanied by a hug that caught Chi Qiaoqi off guard, words full of cherishment melted into her breath like fine sand, "Little Shell, I'm so glad to meet you."

Such an intimate action, at the beginning, made Chi Qiaoqi feel a little surprised.

How should I describe the relationship between her and Xiao Sui? It's not too distant, nor too close.In the past, it only existed as a friend of Jian Yanzuo.

Although in the past, he would help her hide some things from Jian Yanzuo together, but she would occasionally make two strange accents on the phone with Jian Yanzuo.But in her consciousness, he had never been so emotional before.

Therefore, this hug was really beyond her expectation.But at that moment, she seemed to feel the language conveyed by Xiao Sui's embrace.Or, if possible, reverse their positions.The way she welcomes Xiao Sui will also be such a warm embrace.Silent, but with all the words you want to say.

This hug lasted for a long time.Until Jian Yanzuo finally came over, "You really know a lot."

So he finally let go, and Xiao Sui's disdainful voice slowly drifted away from Chi Qiaoqi's ear, "I thought I was the only one who could see her, so I didn't? So I waited for six years, and then suddenly found her in one of my Did you meet at the door of the house?"

After finishing speaking, he continued to choke with some emotion, "If it weren't for me standing here now, how long would you be playing alone?"

An obvious accusation, but not at all excessive.

Chi Qiaoqi raised his eyes during these words, and Xiao Sui's arrogance fell into his eyes.

Jian Yanzuo naturally wouldn't explain, and even if he did, he would never explain it in front of Chi Qiaoqi.So Quan pretended not to see Xiao Sui's resentment like catching a traitor on the bed, squatted down slightly, and tidied up Chi Qiaoqi's coat, "I'll be busy for a long time, but you can call me anytime if you need anything."

Chi Qiaoqi nodded, took the small suitcase that Jian Yan handed over from the left, smiled at Xiao Sui, walked over a little, and gently hugged Xiao Sui back, "Brother Xiao Sui, thank you."

It's all over, as the two of them wished, they turned their heads and walked away carrying the box.

Jianyan Zuo and Xiao Sui's cars left Weiting Xiaozhu one after the other, and neither car stopped in the end.

The phone call just now hadn't been hung up, and the two of them kept silent as they listened to the almost identical noise from the other end.

In the end, Xiao Sui couldn't bear the silence and spoke first, "Why didn't you explain?"

"I didn't want to hide it from you." Jian Yan Zuo Wuyong Xiao Sui asked to be sure, and the tone of the statement was extremely calm.

Xiao Sui's tone was obviously stagnant, and then he finally recalled the choked tone just now, "I didn't ask Xu Mo to arrange the itinerary, I didn't tell the driver to pick me up, and I even changed the car on purpose, I don't care Are you telling the truth, but you have to give me an explanation."

"Xiao Sui." Jian Yanzuo was not dissatisfied with Xiao Sui's tone. It seemed that after a long time of deliberation, the rest of the words were separated for a long time before continuing slowly, "I just thought that when I was with her, I was just Jane. Say left."

In front of the glass window in the stairwell, two people could be seen standing with each other for a while, and then they got into the car and left, just like the two young and unruly teenagers before.

Chi Qiaoqi watched the two cars drive away in peace, turned around, and walked upstairs with his luggage.

The elevator was being repaired. She hadn't walked such a long staircase for a long time, but luckily the floor she lived in wasn't too high, and she wouldn't be too breathless to walk up the steps.

As she stepped onto the last step, the phone rang.

Chi Qiaoqi stopped and took it out to look.I am not familiar with foreign numbers.But there are only a few people who can contact her, maybe Yan Cha, or Ye Ce?

It is best to be Ye Ce, because she happens to be free for a while, so she can go back and have a look, and help him with his project by the way.

A month, no more, no less.Mr. Jane routinely returns to live in the old house during this month every year, and because she is an outsider other than Jane's family and Mama Feng, so she doesn't have to follow her, it's really a decent vacation.

Even if you don't go to Ye Ce's place, you can still look around with Yan Cha. It's not the peak season for tourism. As long as the arrangements are suitable, you can probably get a lot of what they want.

What a beautiful arrangement, I feel happy just thinking about it.So he pressed his finger on the answer button and happily answered, "Hello, who is it?"

After a slight pause, the sound of slow breathing came from the other end.Taking a deep breath, it appeared so frequently in Chi Qiaoqi's dreams.

Before she could speak, she already felt suffocated in an instant.Like a brand, it melted into her flesh and body, and in many moments, awakened all her memories of the past.

Run away, run away.Chi Qiaoqi heard the voice he was trying to call out, accompanied by a mournful cry, like a dying bird, with its eyes wide open and its wings flapping nonstop.

Struggle, struggle again.However, there is always no escape.

On the other end of the phone, an extremely old voice sounded, "Joe, please let them let me go."

It was like a curse, the next moment when he couldn't find a trace of consciousness, Chi Qiaoqi stepped into the air.

He fell down several steps one after another, and fell almost horizontally in the middle of the entire staircase.

It seems that I hit my head, and I don't feel any pain, but I feel dizzy more and more.Like sitting on a boat sailing on the top of the waves, my heart became more and more ups and downs.That feeling of being caught in the heart will never go away.

His arm was pinned to the vertical pole of the handrail of the stairs. After a long time, Chi Qiaoqi began to struggle to pull out his hand along the hollow iron decoration space under the handrail.

Grasping the handrails and standing up slowly, she forced herself to take a deep breath. Under the action of oxygen, she finally regained some scattered consciousness.

Chi Qiaoqi held his trembling right hand with his left hand, but couldn't help shaking more and more.She was looking for something to rely on, but the moment she lowered her head, she found that the mobile phone was still on the steps beside her feet, and the notification light that the call was in progress was still on and off.

Like a fish on the shore, with its mouth opening and closing, it is struggling desperately to survive.

Chi Qiaoqi stared at the phone for a long time in a daze.

The head seemed to be fixed by some kind of substance, and it penetrated into the flesh and blood, unable to move.

The fingers can no longer feel the stretching movement, it seems like an instant numbness, more like a complete loss.

His breathing seemed to be stuck in his throat, and he could only try his best to find a strand of air, which was so hot that his entire chest seemed to explode.

The whole person is like a robot that has just been pieced together and has not undergone any grinding.All parts are out of control.It seems that even a slight movement is possible, fragmented.

In the end, amidst tinnitus, Chi Qiaoqi tried his best to lift his feet, which he couldn't feel at all, and dialed his mobile phone from the middle of the steps to the edge of the steps next to the handrail little by little.

Then, take a deep breath and push gently.

The sound passed continuously, and finally, like frantically playing a piano with broken strings, everything was finally quiet.


"This is the latest statistical data. If the land in the east can be successfully acquired, we can develop two to three more processing factories." Xiao Sui handed a bound folder to Jian Yan's left and leaned against the car door Looking into the distance along the slope, he stretched out his hand and drew a small area on the map, "At six o'clock in the afternoon, the owner of that land, Mr. Moran, is willing to talk to us."

"How much do you know about him?" Jian Yanzuo took the document and held it in his hand without reading it.Then he directly took the map in Xiao Sui's hand, and looked down at the entire area circled by Xiao Sui's hand just now.

"It's very complicated, it's a stubble." Xiao Sui shrugged, looking a bit stumped, "The family plantation has been in this generation for more than 20 generations, and the variety is very single, but they have never tried it. People in their family It's all the same, I don't believe in other people's experience, and I don't believe in all scientific methods. Artificial planting, artificial picking, and artificial baking are all based on the experience passed down from my ancestors. All of them are old and stubborn. But I have to say that this The land happens to occupy the most favorable cocoa planting location in Malaysia, and the family really puts their heart into it, so you have to sigh, the taste of his cocoa is really damn good.”

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the document in his hand towards Jian Yan and continued, "After reading it, you will know that the background of each person who came up with the idea of ​​this land is enough to talk about for a while. But, So far, none of the people here have succeeded. Especially in this generation, the old man is particularly stubborn. The moment he took over, he directly announced that in his eyes, it is not wealth, but dignity. So How could someone persuade him to lose his dignity for the sake of wealth, not to mention that their family was not short of money in the first place."

Jian Yan left the folder in his hand, but still didn't look at it. He tapped on it with his fingers. After a long silence, he suddenly asked, "Then why did he agree to see us?"

Perhaps to indicate that they might?Xiao Sui curled his lips, and quickly denied such an idea. After thinking for a while, he finally said tentatively, "Maybe he wants to reject us firmly?"

Jian Yan shook her head to the left, and a smile gradually formed at the corner of her mouth, "If you really want to refuse, why bother to talk like this. Only those who are not firm in their hearts will put their pretended firmness on the surface."

It was five o'clock.

"I'm going back to Hong Kong after talking about this order." Xiao Sui waved his hands irritably, "I haven't had a vacation for a long time."

"Let's talk after we finish talking." Jian Yan looked at the time to the left, put his whole arm on the steering wheel, and slightly stretched his entire back.

Xiao Sui stretched out his hand to turn on the air conditioner to the maximum, his words were full of impatience, "Do you agree or not, I must take this leave."

"You can." Jian Yan said concisely, with a clear sense of certainty in his voice, "Leave the work to Xu Mo."

"It's fine if I don't take a vacation, but I have to change to something easier." Xiao Sui quickly changed his attitude when he was poked at the center, put down the seat as if to cover up, put on his sunglasses, and lay down straight, "How about It’s okay for me to take care of Chi Ke Ke for you, as it happens that we haven’t seen each other for many years, so we can catch up on the old days.”

It's just three words in a sentence, the speaker has no intention.

But it seems that at this moment, like a blown bubble, it hangs lightly in front of Jian Yanzuo's eyes.

Reluctant to blink in the blink of an eye, it broke off crisply, and the face was covered with fine water foam. Under such sunlight, the place where it splashed was slightly warmed.I can't pick up the broken ones, but I miss them more and more.

Jian Yan looked out of the window to the left, spoke softly, but seemed to be bathed in sunlight, "She doesn't need you to take care of her."

In a word, it directly demarcates the attribution.So simple, yet so clear.

Xu Shi was choked by this ordinary sentence, Xiao Sui gritted his teeth for a long time, and he was silent for a long time without making a sound.

Then, as if he wasn't going to refute, he put his legs on the dashboard angrily, swayed faintly, and began to hum.

At the beginning, Jian Yanzuo didn't pay much attention to it.Xiao Sui always likes to listen to excerpts from Peking Opera when he is free, and when he is interested, he always wants to add a section, no matter if it is a familiar one or not, sometimes the lyrics have to be tuned down.

What's more, this time Xiao Sui just read lightly, tapping his fingers on his legs, with some fragmented accents in his voice, with a somewhat leisurely and contented look, and his demeanor is really like an old theater idiot.It doesn't seem to be the same as before.

Xiao Sui originally liked this, but luckily he can also be called elegant, so Jian Yan Zuo has long been used to it.

However, after humming, Xiao Sui's words became more and more clear.


Horse bridle, sword cut

The wife returned to the cold kiln and the husband went to Xiliangchuan


The last sentence was directly facing Jian Yanzuo, and he sang it word by word in a long voice.


The third sister doesn't believe it

It's been going on and on for 18 years"

An excerpt from "Wujiapo".

The content has been performed by almost all kinds of interpretations. To sum it up in one sentence, it is the story of Wang Baochuan staying in the cold kiln for 18 years and finally being able to reconnect with Xue Pinggui.

This excerpt has been sung many times by many Peking opera masters on many different stages.All kinds of stage sets, either elaborate and luxurious, or simple and clear.But to evaluate the effect of shocking the audience, Xiao Sui is confident that he can be ranked first or second.

A description in two or three sentences may seem vague, but it is more effective than more vicious and choking words.Moreover, this feeling of being hit head-on but unable to fight back clearly seems to be the most embarrassing.

Retaliation, who doesn't choose the most effective and most subtle method.What's more, there is someone who is much smarter than him.

What Xiao Sui thought was right, someone was indeed as smart as he thought.

However, to Xiao Sui's surprise, when he actually finished listening to the last sentence he sang with a deliberately emphatic tone and a long voice, there was only a fixed expression on Jian Yanzuo's face.

It's very light, so light that it can't be caught.But if Xiao Sui is not mistaken, that expression as gentle as a breeze and rain is a smile.It's very light, but it can get into your heart a little bit.

Then, as if talking to himself, or suddenly sighing, Jian Yanzuo's voice swayed leisurely in the confined space of the car body.

"Fortunately, it's not 18 years."

This sentence contains too much fear and sigh.

Only at this moment, this sentence that was originally slightly sad, seemed so joyful.

Six years is long enough.Let him go from a frivolous and proud young man to a young man who has completely lost his dreams.If, really enlarge these six years to 18 years.He really didn't know if he would stick to this only hope of existence.Fortunately, no.

Just a few words contain too many intertwined emotions.It took Xiao Sui a long time to break free from such a slightly sour and slightly sweet atmosphere, faintly, like a shining light in his eyes, "So, are you showing off your sweetness to me?"

Along with Xiao Sui's resentment, Jian Yanzuo's cell phone rang.Although it is not very sharp, it is very clear in the originally pleasant atmosphere.

Jian Yanzuo took out the phone from his jacket, glanced at the number on the screen, and picked it up neatly without responding to Xiao Sui.

Xiao Sui couldn't hear what was said on the other end, but he could clearly feel Jian Yanzuo's warm face, which was cold and desolate in an instant.

It seemed that in an instant, the atmosphere in the car was completely reversed.

Xiao Sui noticed Jian Yanzuo's furrowed eyebrows, caught a glimpse of Jian Yanzuo's tense hand holding the phone, and heard Jian Yanzuo's hoarse voice, "You are right, I will go back right away."

After finishing speaking, he pressed the phone directly, threw it towards the dashboard, released the handbrake, kicked the accelerator to the end, then slammed the direction, and went straight to the way he came.

Because the start was too fast and the steering was too sharp, there was a harsh sound, but there was no movement left or right.

Xiao Sui was a little dazed by Jian Yanzuo's series of actions, his voice seemed to be suppressed in his chest, "Where are you going?"

After asking the words, Xiao Suicai seemed to regain his senses, and as he gritted his teeth, his voice suddenly became louder, "What are you doing?!"

What answered him was Jian Yan's left corner of his mouth, which was so tight.

In short, the speed of the car on the left is extremely fast, and there is no sign of slowing down on the small roads and major roads.Even among the most difficult trees, the sound of navigation even appeared in several places in succession.

After several consecutive bumps and bumps, the car finally rushed out of the winding edge.

Perhaps the blocking of the trees just now weakened many sounds, and as soon as it opened up, there was a clear rhythmic roar.

It was a voice that Xiao Sui was all too familiar with.In countless trips to the deepest part of the rainforest, this roar, powerful and deafening, always accompanied every inch of movement.

It was the sound of the rotor over-speeding mixed with the engine running.

Sure enough, as the sound got closer, a silver helicopter with Jane's logo painted on the fuselage appeared in the front of the car.

The ladder seemed to have been put in place long ago, and the pilot gestured with his gloved fingers to signal that it was time to take off.

Accompanied by all this, Jian Yan almost slammed on the brakes and put the car in front of the engine room.Before he could even pull out the key, he grabbed the phone on the dashboard with one hand, and then went to open the door with the other hand.

Xiao Sui was quick-eyed, and grabbed Jian Yanzuo's wrist tightly, "Are you crazy? Do you know how much effort I took to win the meeting with the Moran family!? You better tell me the fuck Where are you going?"

Xiao Sui's words almost came out without thinking.He thought that, at least, Jian Yanzuo would subconsciously give him a punch, or at least, a push.

He was fully prepared to be beaten, he only hoped that he could hold Jian Yan for a few seconds so that he could think clearly.

But Jian Yan Zuo didn't, just tilted his head slightly, without any emotion.Such a serious expression, accompanied by just one sentence without any waves, made Xiao Sui let go of his five fingers in an instant.

He heard Jian Yanzuo say, "Ke Ke fell down with a high fever at the door of the house, and just after she was sent to Lianwei Hospital, Lin Su was alone by her side."

The helicopter finally landed on the nearest apron to Kuala Lumpur International Airport after several hundreds of turns at full speed.

A car was already waiting there early.The car door was wide open, waiting for Jian Yan to walk in.

The schedule of the helicopter just now is so tight.In every link and every detail, time is saved to the greatest extent.

Just because they have been notified of the importance of the matter.Rarely, but firmly.

Lianwei Hospital.

Jian Yan Zuo arrived very late, and it was raining heavily, wet and cold, and there was no one in the hospital corridor.

Lin Su was waiting on the seat in the corridor. When she saw Jian Yan coming to her left, she stood up and waited before reaching her, "Mr. Jian."

Jian Yan Zuo's footsteps are not slow, but they walk extremely steadily, each step seems to be heavy enough to step on the floor.

Xiao Sui followed behind, trotting all the way, and before his breath calmed down, he asked Jian Yan, "How's the situation?"

"After six o'clock, I pushed a Valium, and I am still asleep. The fever has almost subsided, but I may not be able to leave the hospital in a short time." Lin Su clasped his hands, trembling slightly, maybe because The cold environment may be due to these small tensions, but the verbal expression was smooth, "In the afternoon, when I went to replenish the refrigerator, I found her collapsed at the door. I asked Assistant Hutt for instructions, and then Send her to Dean Lian."

Xiao Sui didn't ask any more questions, but turned to look at Jian Yanzuo, only to see that his brows were still frowning and his face was still cold, "Why do you need a tranquilizer?"

"When I was sent to the hospital, she was already unconscious with fever, and she didn't respond to any calls. But who knew that she woke up just after the infusion, and wanted to pull out the infusion tube like crazy." Lin Su said this, Conscious of Jian Yan's cold face, he regretted the description just now, paused, and added, "Maybe I'm confused, and maybe I don't know me..."

In the middle of speaking, Lin Su caught a glimpse of Xiao Sui secretly shaking his head towards her, so he felt more embarrassed, and his voice became softer, and finally stopped the end of the sound embarrassingly.

Suddenly there was silence.No one spoke again.

In the end, Xiao Sui waved his hand towards Lin Su, "Thank you for your hard work, the driver is outside, let him take you back."

This is the door that Jian Yanzuo feels is the most difficult to open in his life.

At this moment, self-blame occupied all of Jian Yanzuo's thoughts.

This morning, he even told her with a smile that he could call him anytime if there was anything to do.

At that time, the distance between them was only less than a finger, and they could feel each other's temperature, even their breath.He used to be so familiar with her, but at that moment, he didn't notice any abnormality.

Jian Yanzuo thought of the envelope that Xu Mo brought back from Australia, which contained a lot of things handed over to him by a friend who claimed to be Chi Qiaoqi. On the note that explained the matters, there was a sentence that read: Remember, never let her alone Man confronts strange doctor.

He did not forget this sentence, nor did he forget the solemn tone after this sentence.But his negligence still allowed the taboo mentioned in it to happen in reality.

Jian Yan's left hand rested on the doorknob, without moving for a long time.The cold handle had completely cooled the part that was in contact with his hand, and it was even colder.

Finally, with all his strength, Jian Yan slowly opened the door with his left hand.

The wind blows slowly across his cheeks, and he seems to be able to smell the smell of rain and mud.

This is the biggest rain this fall.Accompanied by the strong wind and endless chill, it seems to wipe out all the good things.

In the room, the infusion tube was dangling leisurely, leaving water marks on the ground that did not overlap.

Under the bed, the shoes Chi Qiaoqi wore in the morning were still neatly arranged.The bed was already empty, without any aftertaste temperature.

The window was opened silently, and the rain came in and wet the window sill, and a small wisp of water flowed down the window sill and the wall.

Looking out through the open window, there is heavy rain all over the sky, and everything in sight is covered by water curtains.

It seems that winter is coming.

In short, Zuo has been walking on the bustling or deserted streets countless times in many different cities at such a late or early time.

At that time, he was sent to different places by the old man to learn different markets, long and boring investigations, scattered and cumbersome knowledge.No one accompanied him from beginning to end, only himself.

But it may be because he is young and still energetic. After a heavy schoolwork every day, Jian Yanzuo never falls asleep early, but wanders aimlessly in such a solitary atmosphere.

Sometimes I drive, sometimes I ride, and sometimes I just walk.But the state of mind is a desolate unity.

Even though, the surrounding temperature may reach more than 20 degrees, or even more than [-] degrees.Also can not afford to warm up, empty chest.

But this time, it was the first time for Jian Yanzuo to come into contact with such a quiet Beijing.There is no noisy coming and going, and no overlapping roars.This heavy rain, like a silencer, melted all the sounds into thousands of water droplets.

It was so quiet that it seemed that only the sound of dense rain and the frantic heartbeat of myself while running could be heard.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and the temperature is getting lower and lower.Take a breath, very clear white mist.While running, it seemed that even the eyes were full of water.

However, no matter how urgent Jian Yanzuo's search is, as far as he can see, he is still disappointed, no matter how disappointed.

Jian Yan Zuo ran through several intersections in a row, and when he was about to go in which direction to continue, Xiao Sui finally called, "I just adjusted the monitors that can be used on the left and right sides. It was too big, and the sky was too dark to capture any valuable pictures."

It is still disappointing news, just like the mood at the moment.

Jian Yan Zuo gradually increased his speed, while running, he vigorously wiped away the rain that had affected his vision.

Turning his face slightly, he stopped suddenly.

On the other end, Xiao Sui continued to say, "...I'll go and search for places around me that can be tuned out for monitoring. If I can't find it after half an hour, then..."

"Xiao Sui." Jian Yan spoke from the left, in a very slow tone, "I don't think so."

Looking through the dense rain curtain, in the shadow cast by the plastic chair at the roadside stop sign, a pair of naked and curled feet are particularly conspicuous in such deliberate capture.

Jian Yan left step by step towards the direction of the stop sign.It's not a long distance, but he walked for a short time.It seems to be an old man who is faltering, as if he has lost the crutch to support him, he is tentatively walking slowly and vainly step by step.

In this short period of tens of seconds, Jian Yanzuo imagined a lot about his actions and words at this moment.But the moment he actually walked in front of Chi Qiaoqi, all the preparations turned into silence in an instant.

Jian Yanzuo didn't make any sound, and also abandoned the deliberate comforting movements in his imagination.He squatted down slowly, his eyes met hers gently, and then slowly stretched out his right hand.

It was still raining, Chi Qiaoqi and Jian Yanzuo were already soaked through, the corners of their clothes, cuffs and even their chins were still dripping with water.The air, together with the two of them at this moment, seemed to freeze.

Chi Qiaoqi looked at him without lowering his head or turning his gaze away. Instead, he just stared at him for a long time, and then hesitantly stretched out his hands to him, and clasped them in a hoarse and weak voice, "Don't force me .”

When they were young, they had held hands countless times on many occasions, and even when they were a little timid, Chi Qiaoqi would take the initiative to find his hand.The temperature is almost the same. When holding each other, there seems to be the illusion of blood flowing with the fingertips, which always comforts her.

But this time, like before, she did not reject him.Jian Yanzuo slowly tightened her fingers, eyes full of tolerance and pity, melting away Chi Qiaoqi's doubts and struggles little by little, and finally took her hand for real.

The rain seemed to be a little lighter, and there was no obvious tactile sensation when it hit the face, but it became colder and colder.

They have been silent for a long time, but after all, they cannot continue like this.Jian Yanzuo tentatively pulled Chi Qiaoqi to stand up, but fortunately, she did not resist.

The subsequent actions made Chi Qiaoqi feel the urge to cry in an instant.

He put the coat on her head, turned his back in front of her, bent his knees slightly, and then slowly handed her his solid back.

He said, "Ke Ke, let's go home."

This is the continuation of his consistent indulgence to her when he was a teenager.Moreover, knowing that she was wrong, he still allowed her to continue to be wrong.They have grown up, but some things remain the same.Moreover, he was still able to move her as usual.

At this moment, in Chi Qiaoqi's heart, he was more grateful to Jian Yanzuo than anything else.Thank him for not mentioning it, thank him for not asking, and thank him for knowing how to comfort her in this way.Even though he had all kinds of doubts in his heart, he chose the silence she needed most.

That day was the most beautiful time that Chi Qiaoqi could recall later.On such a long and silent road, in such a bleak rain, he carried her on his back and walked step by step without saying a word.The soft lights around are like smoldering candles.

In very cold weather, wet clothes, and an environment where even her fingers were so cold that she lost consciousness, she put on his soaked coat and wrapped it around his neck where the rain was pouring down one after another, lying on his knees, she could still feel the warmth. On the hot shoulders, such embarrassment makes people feel at ease.

She just felt that every time he took a step, her heart became more peaceful.There is even some hope that he can carry her on his back like this until he gets old.

The one who interrupted them was Xiao Sui who was driving all the way over.

Picking them up in the warm car, the first sentence he spoke was full of fear, "Grandfathers, I beg you, if you two want to be romantic again next time, can you check the weather in advance forecast?"

Such words that ask questions but do not need to be answered are most suitable in such an atmosphere.

So, Xiao Suiman complained, one sentence after another, almost without a response, so much that he didn't even finish talking when he got off the car.

The only tacit understanding is that they never mention everything before.

However, the tone was originally complaining to the point of grievance, but upon closer inspection, the hidden smile in his eyes was far greater than the distress shown, so obvious.

As soon as the car came to a stop, Xiao Sui couldn't wait to turn his head and blinked at Chi Qiaoqi who was sitting in the back seat, "Our honey flew all the way from Hong Kong to Beijing, and specially prepared a small supper for us. eat more."

Chi Qiaoqi was in a hurry to untangle Jian Yan's hair from the button of his left jacket, when he heard Xiao Sui's words, he agreed cooperatively, "Okay."

Hearing Chi Qiaoqi's answer, Xiao Sui was relieved, opened the car door, walked towards the house, and yelled at the top of his voice, "Honey Mo, we are back, is the hot pot you mentioned ready? "

Xiao Sui's voice disappeared for a while, and Chi Qiaoqi was still struggling with the hair tangled up in the buttons. When Jian Yanzuo came to his side of the car door, she had just seen the dawn of victory.

Because he lowered his head, he could only see Jian Yan's clothes below the left corner of his eyes.She wanted to look up with a face full of pleading for help, but Jian Yan's left hand gently held her head, "Don't move."

In just a split second, one hand held Chi Qiaoqi's hand that was pinching the button and pulled slightly, followed by the scissors that he had just taken from the toolbox on the car.Chi Qiaoqi only felt a slight movement, and then the button was easily grasped in his hand.

After warming up in the car for a long time, the hands of both of them warmed up a little. In short, the left one was cooler, and the pads of their fingers were pressed against the back of Chi Qiaoqi's hand, clearly feeling their presence.

Chi Qiaoqi was a little distracted, thinking that such a comfortable temperature would definitely not burn any living things.

However, it was enough to warm her.

When he entered, Xiao Sui had already changed Jian Yanzuo's clothes and was walking around the table. When he saw the two of them coming in, he squinted his eyes almost instantly, "Can you two demonstrate to me how to enter from the car? With such a distance of more than ten steps in the house, how can it take so long to walk?"

Along the way, Chi Qiaoqi and Jian Yanzuo were used to Xiao Sui's complaints, so they chose to ignore this sentence tacitly.

Xiao Sui saw that neither of them answered, but the sparkle in their eyes seemed to be the same as an appointment, he immediately became angry from embarrassment, and waved them away to change clothes.

The clothes must be changed. Both of them are completely wet from head to toe, and the clothes are a little wrinkled, as if they are stuck to the body. It will be torture to bear it for a second longer.

So they each got into the bathroom, turned on enough hot water, and comfortably drove the cold away from their bodies little by little.

Chi Qiaoqi's movements were not slow, and he quickly cleaned up everything, and began to wipe his hair with a bath towel.Suddenly I heard Jian Yan knock twice on the left across the door, "Ke Ke?"

"I'll be fine soon." Chi Qiaoqi thought that Xiao Sui and the others were waiting, so he hurriedly responded, "Go down first."

Jian Yanzuo didn't respond, but explained with some hesitation, "I don't have any clothes you can wear here, you wait first..."

"Do you have any needles and threads here?" Chi Qiaoqi interrupted Jian Yanzuo, "Ordinary needles and threads are fine."

After a seeming pause, Jian Yanzuo replied, "Out of the bathroom door, turn right to the cloakroom, the first drawer on the left side."

Chi Qiaoqi nodded in satisfaction, but realized in an instant that Jian Yan couldn't see her movements, so she raised her voice slightly, "Is it okay to borrow your clothes for a while?"

But definitely won't pay it back.

"You choose yourself." Jian Yan responded, "Then I'll go down."

Jian Yan Zuo's cloakroom is neater than Chi Qiaoqi expected.

He was originally a neat person, but even so, the moment he saw it, he was still more surprised than Ru.

How to describe it.It is no exaggeration to say that it seems that the angle of each piece of suspension has been measured, like soldiers standing upright waiting for inspection.

It's unbelievable, but this is the part closest to his life.

Chi Qiaoqi looked around the whole room bit by bit, sliding his fingers over the clothes of different textures and workmanship, as if he could feel him in different moments and different occasions.

They have been separated for six full years.During this time, his clothes, his growth, everything about him has nothing to do with her.

Before she decided to return to China, she imagined that he would become someone she didn't know or understand at all.And at the moment when she saw this room, the originally weak thoughts in her mind were completely shattered bit by bit.

She didn't have to admit it deliberately, but she was clearly aware of it.Everything in it is more familiar to her.

Chi Qiaoqi's fingertips brushed the corners of one piece of clothing after another, searching for the most inconspicuous corner in the entire cloakroom.Finally, I chose a set of home clothes, light gray, and the material will be well tailored.

After laying the whole dress flat on the ground, Chi Qiaoqi walked to the trouser legs, stopped, and then slowly lay down.

The floors are smooth to the touch, but somewhat hard.The hand accidentally touched it, it was a bit like the sound in the Yan tea shop, very familiar.

Fingers touched the clothes, with not warm temperature and familiar touch.Turning his face slightly, his eyes fell horizontally on the shoulders of the clothes.

It turned out that the current him is so much taller than the current self.

Lying like this, in the quiet and slightly warm atmosphere of the room, it seems that he can sleep peacefully as soon as he closes his eyes.

Lying so quietly, Chi Qiaoqi felt like smiling.

The modification process is not difficult.

I cut the trouser legs and cuffs short, pulled the trouser waist with a thread, and tucked up the hem of the jacket. Visually, it fit her well.

Perhaps it was a habit of needlework, and when he got excited, Chi Qiaoqi even cut two handkerchiefs that hadn't even been packaged, and made himself a small underwear.

Plain stripes on one side and tie-dyed ink on the other.Although it was a temporary idea, I have to say that it really has a sense of design, and there is a sense of accomplishment that was unintentional.

When you are free, you must seriously make a design for Yan Cha to sell.Chi Qiaoqi was in a good mood and thought about it, and was finally able to go downstairs.

There was already an aroma wafting from downstairs, it wasn't too strong, but it was mixed in the air, but it could be clearly felt.

Jian Yan Zuo and Xiao Sui had already sat down at the small table that had been set up. When Chi Qiaoqi came down, Xiao Sui waved first, motioning for her to come directly.

The table was a square table with short legs, with a round marble inlaid in the middle, somewhat resembling the shape of a copper coin.There is a cushion directly under the table, with a large area, it looks warm and comfortable.

The soup in the old-fashioned copper hot pot has already boiled, rolling slightly, and dishes are spread around, Xiao Sui looked at it and began to gear up immediately.

Chi Qiaoqi looked at the copper hot pot for a long time, it didn't look like new, and the traces of vicissitudes were very obvious, thinking that it was an old item found by Xiao's followers, he was a little curious, and pointed, "Where did you get it? "

"What kind of words are these?" Xiao Sui rolled his eyes, "The precious treasure, I brought it out specially to open your eyes."

After finishing speaking, it was rare to be serious once, and added in a formal tone, "We bought it when we were in college. It has been many years, and it is finally reappearing today."

Xiao Sui didn't finish what he said.This copper hot pot was indeed bought by him and Jian Yanzuo in a newly opened shop in Chinatown when they were in college, and it was brought out many times on many celebration occasions at that time.

The two of them drank a glass of wine, chatted and ate something, no matter what temperature they were in, they would not feel cold, and it seemed that some strong emotions had faded.

Xiao Sui remembered that the last time he used it was the night he got the contract negotiation notice.

The night six years ago was as deep as it is now.They were no different from what they usually drank, but they were all a little drunk.Lying on the floor with his head up, he sighed recklessly and proudly planned the future.

That was the most presumptuous and insane chat between them, and it was the only time in Xiao Sui's memory that he saw Jian Yanzuo's tears.

In the past, when they were struggling in countless efforts, he did not.After that, when they searched countless times in despair, he didn't either.But at such a moment, full of expectations for the future, and about to come true, tears were shed.

Maybe others will not understand, but Xiao Sui can understand.

The name of that tear is miss.

Therefore, Xiao Sui kept this copper hotpot from Massachusetts all the way back to Hong Kong with the intention of saying congratulations to each other in the way they always celebrate.

At that time, Xiao Sui didn't expect that it would take six years to turn it on again.

Six years later, in such a perfect environment, they can finally relive the celebration that belongs only to them.

It's been so long, but it's worth it.

By the time Xiao Sue came back to his senses from the previous emotions, the soup had already begun to boil.

Immediately forgetting the previous emotions, he stretched his neck happily and urged, "Honey, the soup is ready, come quickly!"

Xiao Sui, who couldn't see the chaotic little sadness in his head just now, instantly changed back to normal.

Completely returning to reality, the first thing to meet is Xu Mo who emphasized impatiently, "How many times have I told you, please call me Xu Tezhu, Xu Assistant or Xu Mo directly. If If you continue like this, I will ask my husband to be transferred to South America later."

This is indeed not the first time Xu Mo has emphasized these things with Xiao Sui, even, it has been countless times.It's just that every time the result is the same as this time, it's not very obvious.

"Oh, don't be so unreasonable. What's wrong with private gatherings." Xiao Sui waved his hands indifferently, "Right, little shell."

Chi Qiaoqi was still immersed in the title "honey Mo", and he hadn't finished digesting it. Xiao Suimeng dragged him into the topic, and he was suddenly at a loss.

So he hesitated for a long time, ready to say something casually, but found that Xiao Sui didn't need her response at all.

In his eyes, if she didn't speak or object, it was her silent support for him.And support is always the driving force for Xiao Sui to move forward.

"Look, it's so close." Xiao Sui reached out and grabbed Xu Mo's neck in the next second, "Do you mean that I can call you Momo directly?"

Sprinkling and playing tricks, this is simply Xiao Suixin's forte.It also happened that Xu Mo was the one who was most afraid, and the least able to organize words to refute in a short time.

Besides, Xiao Sui always knew that Xu Mo would never really lose face and argue with him.

Perhaps, Xu Mo couldn't figure it out himself. The eloquent teeth in other people's mouths seemed to lose their previous damage value after encountering Xu Mo's file.She herself attributed the situation to disdain.

Therefore, Xu Mo's face was darkened, and he was finally forced to compromise by Xiao Sui's desperate words.In the end, during this meal, no matter how Xiao Sui called him, Xu Mo would automatically change that name into the one he was willing to accept.

(End of this chapter)

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