Chapter 8

Such a night full of laughter always seemed so short that when Jian Yan Zuo sent Chi Qiaoqi back, it was already daylight.

He sent her to the door with the same words that contained everything, "Call me anytime if you need anything."

"I lost my phone." Chi Qiaoqi looked up and tried to smile, "But if something happens, I will find a way to contact you."

In this sentence, it is already the most suitable promise she can make.

So, Jian Yan nodded left, "Okay."

The door closed gently.

Chi Qiaoqi was finally able to sit down.

No longer use any emotions to others, and no longer use any disguise to wrap yourself.

Should have relaxed and relieved, but for no reason, unprecedented tiredness.The weakness that goes deep into the bone marrow, like closing your eyes and you can't feel your own existence.

At such moments, both he and she are like ostriches.No memory, no touch.

Chi Qiaoqi didn't know how much Jian Yanzuo knew.Maybe a little bit, maybe a lot.

She didn't know which answer she hoped would be.The only thing she was sure of was that she didn't want him to see herself in such a mess.But he didn't want him to learn about his more embarrassing self from other people's mouths.

In other words, she wanted him to know, from her narrative.

However, she doesn't want to say anything now.She didn't know where to start talking about such a fragmented self.

Chi Qiaoqi just leaned against the corner of the wall and watched the sky darken a little bit, and then brighten a little bit, and finally got tired and cold, got up and found a blanket to wrap him up, but still had to sit down.

I tried many times on the way, but I still didn't feel the slightest feeling of wanting to fall asleep.

Finally, when the sky fully dawned, it seemed that some kind of torture had finally ended, and I suddenly felt a little relaxed and happy in my heart.

Chi Qiaoqi hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to cook breakfast to pass the time, otherwise he might not find anything to do this morning.

Boiled some millet porridge, not too much rice, not too little water, enough for her alone.

I steamed a small piece of marinated tilapia during the cooking time of porridge, steamed it on high heat for three to five minutes until it was half-cooked, and then fried it on low heat. Added a little bit of thyme, and it smelled delicious after a while. Spread out.

A white water egg was boiled in a small pot next to it, and the fried fish was cooked along with it, and it was served at exactly the same time.

The tablecloth is a newly replaced light yellow broken flower, surrounded by flat fringes, dangling under the table, with the dishes almost transparent to the light, very beautiful.

Chi Qiaoqi sat down quietly, picked up the chopsticks, and ate slowly.

The fresh millet made from the autumn millet is boiled fine and glutinous, and has a very sweet aroma of food; the tilapia is steamed and fried, the meat is very tender, the taste of pickling is just right, and it doesn’t feel superfluous at all; The peeling is a bit pitted, but it is eaten with a little olive vegetable, which is slightly salty.

Such a semi-complicated meal finally dragged the time past eight o'clock.

After washing the dishes one by one, and rearranging the contents of the refrigerator and locker, Chi Qiaoqi began to tidy up the house inside and out.

In the bag at the door, there are still clothes from the rain yesterday.Chi Qiaoqi took it out, hesitated for a long time, and finally pressed it into the water.

In fact, like many people who are engaged in medical work, she has a little cleanliness.Not only would she not wear clothes that were washed overnight, especially those that had been left wet all night, she would never keep them again.

Only this time, for the first time, she felt a little reluctance.

In the middle of washing, Chi Qiaoqi suddenly touched the right pocket, which was hard, as if there was something.

She was a little inexplicable, she reached into it with her hand, and when she touched it, she already had a little premonition.

It was the button that got tangled in her hair last night.The sleek texture, glazed luster, is simple yet has a lot of weight.

Turn it over, and on the metal base under the buttonhole, there is a "J"-shaped imprint, which is beautifully curved like a blooming flower.

Chi Qiaoqi held it in his hand and played with it for a long time, when he suddenly had the urge to pick up the clay again.

So I stopped thinking about it, and speeded up my progress to wash and hang the clothes, change my clothes and prepare to go out.

Just arrived at the door, the doorbell rang.

On the monitor, the girl's face from last night was so normal.

Opened the door, stood at the door, did not go in, did not exchange greetings, handed her a box, "Mr. Jian asked me to give this to you."

After finishing speaking, seeing Chi Qiaoqi take it, he had nothing else to do, said goodbye, and left.

The box is not big, and the packaging is very simple, not as thoughtful as the one she gave him.

Open.Not surprisingly, it was a cell phone.Press the lock screen key, there is already a signal displayed.

There was no note written by hand, and no instructions brought.It seems that everything is done by others, but it is very similar to his usual style of doing things.Not deliberately caring, but very detailed expression.

Chi Qiaoqi put the phone in his bag, paused for a while, opened the door and went downstairs.

As a matter of fact, Chi Qiaoqi had already forgotten about various places in Beijing. His memory was already vague, but now it was even more chaotic due to the renovation and construction everywhere.

However, this did not affect her mood.What's more, she has always been in the habit of going wherever she goes.

I bought some bits and pieces, old records covered in scratches, cloisonné bracelets with smooth filigree, painted flower necklaces, and even a medical notebook that is said to be from the period of the Republic of China. Buy it, luckily it's not expensive.

Of course, you have to find some small things for Yancha. The shop that sells flower necklaces has a very eye-catching bracelet for Chi Qiaoqi, the color of rose gold, pearls and large crystal beads, and a very thin chain wrapped around it. , it has a strong sense of presence on the hand, and the texture is quite good, but it is a pity that a few pearls have fallen off, which is a bit incomplete.

Probably Yan Cha also likes it, but I don't know if she can fix it.

Chi Qiaoqi took out his phone, checked the time, and calculated a little. It was probably night at Yan Cha's side, but she probably wouldn't sleep yet.

Fortunately, he still remembered Yan Cha's cell phone number, so he dialed it without hesitation.

That is, within three or four seconds, Yan Cha quickly picked it up.

Hearing that something was wrong with the answering voice, Chi Qiaoqi was slightly suspicious, "What's wrong with you?"

Yan Cha didn't answer, but asked Chi Qiaoqi some irrelevant matters, obviously wanting to change the subject.

Chi Qiaoqi didn't answer here, but she didn't stop asking, as if talking to herself, it lasted for a long time, but suddenly stopped in an instant.

After being silent for about half a minute, Yan Cha finally couldn't hold back his emotions, and called her in a hoarse voice, "Jo."

"I'm here." Chi Qiaoqi's heart sank little by little, and he gradually felt the uneasiness conveyed by Yan Cha's words.

It was rare for Yan Cha to be like this, she was not such a fragile person, to be able to get down to this point, something must have happened.And, certainly not a good thing.

"Something happened to Ensheng. I'm on my way back to China now." Yan Cha's words seemed incoherent. "The plane will take off in an hour and a half. When I go back, let's go see him together."

Chi Qiaoqi's uneasiness finally became a reality. What she wanted to say and asked a lot, the words piled up on her lips, but her voice hoarse for a moment, "I can go first, maybe I can help."

"No need." Yan Cha said affirmatively, "You just wait for me in Beijing, don't go anywhere."

Fu Er muttered to himself, repeating in a low voice, "Don't go anywhere, wait for me to pass."

Chi Qiaoqi took a deep breath, clenched his thumbs tightly, and with some difficulty, he managed to utter a complete sound, "Okay."

At the end of hanging up the phone, Yan Cha said, "Jo, you must be mentally prepared, definitely."

This sentence is like a curse.Invisibly, Chi Qiaoqi was bound tightly, unable to move at all.

There was a song playing in the shop, Lindsey Ray's Better Off, which Chi Qiaoqi was very familiar with.

This is a song that she recorded on a disc and specially gave to Ensheng.

His smile at that time was recorded in a photo taken at that time, making her mistakenly think that he could be as she thought, even though he was like a weed, he was flexible and firm.

Perhaps, she underestimated fate.

Chi Qiaoqi pushed open the translucent glass door of the store, facing the sunlight, weeping silently.

Through the external speakers in the store, the song continued.Every sentence seems to be telling a story.

"And so the question that you chose to ask
'Will it be better where we're going? '

And though the answer I don't know for fact
Still my heart is saying 'Oh yes'


Better off
We'll be better off

Better off
We'll be better off with the stars

Chi Qiaoqi finally arrived at Ensheng's house earlier than Yan Cha.

There are several uneven tile-roofed houses, uneven stone courtyard walls, and weeds that can be seen everywhere.So empty and barren.

Chi Qiaoqi was originally asking all the way, but halfway there, he vaguely felt a different voice.Unfamiliar, but too obvious and strong.

Suddenly, she had a premonition that didn't go through her brain.That premonition was not too strong, but it was the last thing she wanted to believe.

It was finally determined that it was under the guidance of a passerby.

The moment he saw the white curtain hanging over the door, Chi Qiaoqi's mind went blank for an instant.

A funeral shed was set up in the yard, but Ensheng's parents were not there, and the people who greeted the visitors did not seem to be formally arranged, and the words sounded like they were just temporary helpers.

The people next to them were playing dirges, and everyone had solemn expressions on their faces, but they might not know the person who was going to send them off at all.But from the beginning to the end, he maintained the original seriousness.

This was the first time Chi Qiaoqi heard such mourning and music. Just now, it was just vaguely, but now, he really stood in the center of the loudest sound.

She didn't understand, but felt that at this time, no matter what kind of rhythm it was, it would make people feel sad.Nothing to do with the environment, just the mood.

Chi Qiaoqi walked up step by step.

Such a dilapidated funeral shed, with the direction of the wind, emits the characteristic rubbing sound of thick plastic.There was an elegiac couplet hanging down to the ground, and in the middle of the roof was Ensheng's bright smiling face.

The people around her kept passing by her side, and then kept coming back.Or chatting with regret, or not saying a word in silence.

Most people, when passing her, would subconsciously look up at her, and then lower their heads indifferently. There was nothing in their eyes, which made her feel sad that she couldn't tell.

At that moment, Chi Qiaoqi suddenly became timid.She didn't know what the most suitable posture should be for herself, whether to bow, kneel, or do nothing.

She knew that she shouldn't stand by the side of the funeral shed in a daze like this, doing nothing but hesitation and stagnation.But at that moment, she really didn't know what kind of gesture she should make.

She is like a little animal who has broken into a weird world ignorantly. Although she has a premonition, when she really faces it, she can't integrate into anything except emotions.

At that moment, how much she wished to have Yan Cha by her side.At least, wake her up.

With just a thought, Chi Qiaoqi's right hand suddenly felt warm from being tightly grasped.It's tight, but warm.

Looking up, it was Jian Yan Zuo's usual face.

Don't explain it to her, and don't explain it to her.Just like that, take her and walk in step by step.

Stand still, close your eyes, bow your head, and bow.After a pause of silence, Chi Qiaoqi finally wept.

Jian Yan Zuo is glad that he is here at this moment.

In the morning, he ordered Lin Su to send the phone. Originally, he planned to wait for Lin Su to come down and leave after confirming that there was no problem. He didn't expect to see Chi Qiaoqi who came down next.

At the beginning, he just wanted to simply confirm where she wanted.Perhaps, a little more greedy, wanting to know what she will do, who she will meet, and what her mood will be like.

He couldn't help but want to get closer, such an ordinary day, like every day in six years, contained everything he wanted to know most.

So, he watched her walk into each shop with such a peaceful expression.

It's just her alone, but he can feel her happiness.It's very ordinary, very subtle, but it can infect him.

He drove slowly behind Chi Qiaoqi, and then she entered a store with no special decoration.

It was then that he took a rather informative phone call.It was the call from the headquarters, and the inquiries about the afternoon meeting were detailed and cumbersome.So when he explained the matters requested by the other party properly and hung up the phone, more than ten minutes had passed.

She still didn't come out.

The meeting in the afternoon was very important. He interviewed the heads of several branches and planned to meet before the meeting.

At that time, there was not much time left before his flight took off, so he started the car directly and prepared to leave first.

But when he checked the rearview mirror for the last time, he saw her walking out of the shop with a look of bewilderment.

When he drove the car back, she had already stumbled into a taxi.He was in the car, watching the taxi gradually go away, recalling her somewhat lonely expression just now, for no reason, he gave up the afternoon meeting.Then follow her and come here.

From plane to train, train to bus.The journey was long, and it was already late when she arrived, but she still didn't find him.Even so close.

Fortunately, he came.Although she didn't know what the dead boy meant to her.But the despair on her face already showed the value of being by his side at this moment.

Even though she wanted to be strong, he still saw the moment of reliance on her face when she confirmed it was him.

All this has been worth it.

This night was cold and long.

According to the customs of Ensheng's hometown, those who died the day before must be buried before the sun rises the next day. Chi Qiaoqi insisted on waiting to see him off for the last time.

Ensheng's parents were guarding in the funeral shed, and their fainted body was still supporting them persistently.

Chi Qiaoqi couldn't bear to look any further, and slowly walked out of the yard holding Jian Yan's left hand.This was the first time for her to send her off with her own hands, and it was more difficult than she imagined.

The small mountain village at night is very quiet.In a place far away from the light, I can really hear the voice in my body quietly.

The road is not very smooth, there are large and small stones, and the dark road makes people stumble.

In such silence, Chi Qiaoqi's cold voice slowly sounded, "Ensheng, he is a child like me. His parents discovered something was wrong when he was in his teens, and they ran around seeking medical treatment. Later, probably It’s because I’ve been knocked down a lot, and the disease doesn’t affect my body function too much, so I just asked the hospital staff to describe this situation on some professional medical websites.”

Chi Qiaoqi clenched his hands slightly, and narrated slowly, as if recalling, "A friend of mine created an institution for helping children in this situation four years ago, and there are many professional staff in it. Once After a child's information is officially included in the rescue list, the organization will send someone to provide professional and systematic education to him and his family, and then work with his family to formulate a complete and long-term growth plan for the child. plan. Ensheng was included in the list by the agency more than a year ago."

After saying this, Chi Qiaoqi's voice suddenly choked up, "In the original plan, after he finished this semester, he would be taken to the United States and sent to a school with professional teachers for systematic education..."

But he never waited.

In Chi Qiaoqi's impression, Ensheng was always very obedient, rarely spoke, and even less complained.No matter how much he gained or lost, he seemed to accept it calmly.

In the long time afterwards, she thought of this child many times.I even think, if he is a child who can complain and tell, isn't it, the result will be different.

However, there is never an if.

Ensheng's parents processed a little grain in a small workshop in the village. The weather was bad these days, so they had to hang it on the roof every morning and take it back at night.There is not much food, and it is relatively easy to dry and collect it every day.

But when the parents went to the ground that day, it suddenly rained lightly.

Ensheng was too sensible and felt that the task was not too difficult, so before the rain became heavier, he picked up the ladder and prepared to collect it.

The ladder is the kind commonly seen in rural areas. It is made of bamboo and is very heavy. After being used for a long time, it is full of creaking noises when climbing up.

Ensheng held the woven bag containing grain in one hand, and climbed down the ladder with the other hand.

He is young and weak, and the food itself is a bit heavy to hold with one hand. After the rain, the surface of the bamboo ladder is slippery, and the soles of the homemade cloth shoes are not anti-slip, so he kicked from the ladder. Kicked off and hit the ground directly.

At that time, he could still get up.Because I don't feel any pain, I don't feel any discomfort in my body.

So, he didn't care at all.

He packed everything, went back to the house, and made two pages of math papers.At noon, I also helped my parents prepare meals.

However, when his parents came home, Ensheng took out the plate from the kitchen, and before he even approached the table, his nosebleed dripped onto the food that was still warm.

He stretched out his hand to wipe it, and before he could open his mouth to call his parents, he collapsed to the ground in an instant.

Ensheng's parents hurriedly found a farm vehicle, but before they could be delivered to the village clinic, Ensheng in his mother's arms slowly stopped breathing, so suddenly.

Chi Qiaoqi didn't dare to think, if this matter were left to ordinary children, there might be a turning point.

She reminded herself repeatedly that no matter how much she assumed and speculated, even if she thought of all the measures from prevention to rescue, no matter how perfect and flawless, Ensheng still left.

This kind of powerlessness is much more painful than trying hard but still failing.

She seemed to be able to vaguely see the back of Ensheng walking away step by step.Like, another self.

Ensheng was finally buried in the family's old forest, very remote.But, very quiet.

Ensheng's grandfather's grave is next to Ensheng's, with one large and one small earth mounds, and it seems that he is less lonely.

During the salute, the younger brother of Ensheng's family kept crying, so heartbreaking and unabashed.No one around him tried to stop or comfort him, and let the child cry until he was hoarse.Such a catharsis seems to be on behalf of everyone.

As for Ensheng's parents, they seemed to have aged a lot. They rubbed their youngest son's head, their eyes were sad, and they had no tears.

Yan Cha's phone call came in at the moment the ceremony ended.

Chi Qiaoqi picked it up, and before Yan Cha could speak, he said, "Yan Cha, go back."

This kind of farewell is too miserable, and it will make people lose a lot of courage gathered before.Her arrival can already replace all outsiders who care about Ensheng.

Chi Qiaoqi believes that if there is a soul in the world, Ensheng will definitely feel everything they want to express.And for those who want to say goodbye to Ensheng, as long as they have the heart, it is the same wherever they are.

When leaving, Chi Qiaoqi and Jian Yan were at the end of the line on the left, moving slowly along with the front.

After walking a long distance, Chi Qiaoqi walked more and more slowly, and finally stopped.Looking back, Ensheng's small grave is very different among a pile of old graves.

Because of the rules here, no monument can be erected within three years.Therefore, there is no name on Ensheng's grave.

Although not alone, but still deserted.

Chi Qiaoqi finally couldn't bear to watch anymore.

Outside the woods, Ensheng's married sister was waiting outside. Because she was pregnant, according to the local regulations, she couldn't enter a place like Lao Lin, so she couldn't go in to see him off.

She was supported by her husband's family and bowed to everyone who came to see her brother off. It seemed that only in this way could she make up for the regret of not being able to send her brother off with her own hands.

Finally, when Chi Qiaoqi passed by, sister Ensheng lowered her body deeply and did not straighten up for a long time.

Chi Qiaoqi stepped forward, helped her up, put his hands on her shoulders, and said nothing in the end.She couldn't even comfort herself, let alone others.

So, only to leave.

Probably because she didn't sleep for two nights and she wasn't in a good mood, Chi Qiaoqi had been suffering from tinnitus since she got in the car. She didn't pay much attention to it at first, but after getting on the plane, it seemed to get worse.The buzzing sound continued continuously, becoming slow and woody along with the left side of the head.

Scenes of uncontrollable scenes flooded into her mind more and more crazily.

It seems that it was at this moment that Chi Qiaoqi really knew what Qiao Duo had paid for her.Including starting from telling her what can and what can't, and specifying each item for her in detail.So meticulous that even the trivial things in life such as water to drink, food to eat, and objects to touch, I have to bring her over whenever I have time to strengthen my memory.

The first thing after school every day is to take off your clothes and stand in front of the mirror, checking your body inch by inch.

At that time, Chi Qiaoqi would feel impatient and unnecessary, and would disagree with Qiao Duo because of these trivial matters.But no matter how much Qiao Duo made concessions to other things before, she has been stubbornly persisting in this matter.

It was precisely the habit that Chi Qiaoqi had developed since that time. Whenever Chi Qiaoqi felt something was wrong, he would tell Qiao Duo immediately.

So, she is still alive.

This kind of communication that feels intimate and trivial even now, will only make her miss Qiao Duo even more.

There were not many people in the cabin and it was quiet.

Jian Yanzuo really couldn't stand Chi Qiaoqi's way of crushing his fingers, so he took a glass of water and handed it to her.

She took it with a little distracted eyes, subconsciously took a sip, and there were three or two drops of water left, which slowly seeped into the place where it splashed, but she still didn't pay attention.

As if thinking about something very difficult, the expression of the whole person is a little tense, and even the fingers clasped on the surface of the cup can easily see the raised edges and corners of the knuckles.

Perhaps because of his occupation, Chi Qiaoqi's nails were cut very short, almost evenly cutting the line between the nails and the flesh.Without nail polish, under the original natural light, it should have its own very soft luster, but because of the force at this moment, the entire nail gradually turned blue and white.

Jian Yanzuo took the hand that was still clenched tightly in front of her, opened it finger by finger, then handed her hand to this cold hand that had almost no temperature to hold it tightly, her eyes met hers, Seriously and firmly, "Ke Ke, you may be the same kind of person as him, but you are not him."

This was what Jian Yanzuo had always wanted to tell Chi Qiaoqi.

No matter how similar a person is to your knowledge, your experience, your personality, your appearance, or your family background, even when you are together, you will feel that you are twins or conjoined twins, It is each other's shadow, it is another self, but no matter what, this person is different from you after all.

Everyone is unique, even though many people go to the same school, receive the same education, buy the same clothes, and dress themselves up in the same way, just like no two leaves are exactly the same in the world, neither are they completely alike of two people.

Everyone has something that is different from others.Like, there is only one Chi Qiaoqi he loves.

Chi Qiaoqi's silence lasted the entire way home, accompanied by a numb expression and somewhat sad eyes.She didn't intend to make such an expression that was obviously not hidden, but she didn't know how to disguise it.

On the way to the parking lot, Chi Qiaoqi's cell phone kept ringing.

I forgot to turn it off when boarding the plane, and I only remembered it now.The number I didn't recognize, but I called it over and over again.In the end, it seemed that he had given up. He stopped for half a minute, but a text message came in.

Chi Qiaoqi clicked on it, and just a few words: I am Xiao Sui.

Before she could respond, the phone started ringing again.

Is it urgent?Thinking of this, Chi Qiaoqi put his left hand on his left ear that was constantly ringing in the ears, picked it up, and put the phone on his right ear, "Brother Xiao Sui."

"Is Jian Yan Zuo Hen with you?" The other end seemed to be outdoors, and the noise was obvious.

Chi Qiaoqi glanced at Jian Yan who was walking in front, "He's here."

Xiao Sui seemed to let out a long sigh of relief, and said something to the side, the noisy voice finally became quieter, and after a pause, he spoke to her more resolutely, "Let him answer the phone. "

Chi Qiaoqi took two quick steps, handed the phone to Jian Yanzuo, and pointed his hand across the air to indicate that he was on a call.

Jian Yan took it from the left, glanced at the number on the screen, and said, "I'll talk about it when I go back."

He immediately turned off the phone.

After a pause, Xiao Sui didn't call again.

Jian Yanzuo handed the phone back to Chi Qiaoqi, seeing that her left hand was still resting on her ear, her brows frowned, "What's wrong with your ear?"

Chi Qiaoqi only felt that Jian Yanzuo's voice was fluctuating loudly and softly, which was very unreal.Subconsciously let go of the left ear to hear more clearly, but was startled by a sharper sound and pressed it again.

Only this time, pressing it hard doesn't seem to work anymore, like a small whistle blowing vigorously in the ear canal, each sound getting louder.

Jian Yan's left hand was still in the posture of handing over the phone, and Chi Qiaoqi reached out to pick it up slowly.

Indistinctly, Jian Yan's left fingers were doubled, and Chi Qiaoqi instinctively probed forward, but he still didn't feel the temperature where he was supposed to touch.

What's wrong?Chi Qiaoqi raised his head reflexively, wanting to confirm, but felt his joints ache, a little uncontrollably limp.

She obviously felt that the direction of her body was leaning forward, so she tried her best to straighten herself in the opposite direction.The moment he stood upright, he couldn't help but fell backwards.

The tinnitus finally dissipated.She clearly heard air passing by her ears.

Just about to smile and say to Jian Yanzuo that it's okay, but he couldn't get rid of the darkness in front of him.

The world, as she had always expected, was finally silent.

Lianwei Hospital.

"This is the result of the MRI." Lian Wei stuck the image on the light board, "This position of the tibia of the right leg has been fractured three times in a short period of time."

Then, he tapped on it with his finger, and continued to add, "It was an old injury many years ago, and the treatment was fine at that time. It may be the result of repeated injuries recently."

After finishing speaking, Lian Wei reached out to turn off the light panel, "The operation doesn't take long, and I will stay in the special nursing room for a while. After the anesthesia wears off, I will be sent directly to the general ward. There are too many people coming and going in the operation center." , you can’t help much outside the operating room, so just wait in my office and wait for me to come back.”

Jian Yanzuo still looked at the film that could not read any information without moving his eyes, and said slowly, "She does not need anesthesia for the operation."

"Huh?" Lian Wei was signing the operation schedule, when he heard Jian Yanzuo say this, half of the words were written, he straightened up and asked, "Why?"

"She doesn't feel pain." Jian Yan explained again and again, "Congenital analgesia."

Lian Wei paused for a moment, his eyes resting on the three words in the name column on the case for a long time, then nodded slightly, bent down to continue with the remaining one and a half names, "Okay."

Congenital analgesia, such a rare disease, can easily be associated with some information that Jian Yan once brought out intentionally or unintentionally from his left mouth.Very fragmented, but not difficult to piece together.What's more, Lian Wei knew about the existence of such a person long ago.It's important, it's special, but it's not mentioned often.

Lian Wei understands better that people with a personality like Jian Yanzuo, the more they cherish a certain thing, the deeper they will hide it.There are some things that can't be excavated at all.So I stopped asking, packed everything up, and nodded to Jian Yan, "Then I'll go."

Walking to the door, I suddenly heard Jian Yanzuo's hesitant voice, "You just said that you broke bones three times in a short period of time, can you be sure?"

"Of course." Lian Wei nodded, "Because I also questioned such a result, I did a lot of tests to confirm it. There are many reference factors, such as bone density. Although I can't say [-]%, it is basically certain. .”

After finishing speaking, looking at Jian Yanzuo's somewhat silent face, he said slowly again, "I wanted to wait until the operation is over before talking to you, but I think it's better to tell you first. She has many similar injuries on her body, how many It is quite obvious in the film, I have watched it carefully, and the time is almost the same time, so I would like to ask, has she suffered any relatively large-scale serious injuries, such as a car accident?"

car accident?

Jian Yan frowned and said slowly, "I'm not sure."

"Actually, it's not quite accurate to say that." Lian Wei frowned, and went through all the episodes in his head again, "She has a lot of injuries, and from the way of treatment, it is easy to find similarities in every few places." Point. But from my point of view, it is more appropriate to say that it is well hidden rather than well handled, because many places are difficult to find with the naked eye if it is not filmed.”

Jian Yan Zuo listened to Lian Wei's analysis in silence, with almost no expression on his face, "So?"

"It's like being hurt repeatedly and then being dealt with in time." Lian Wei said this, with some different intuitions, but after thinking about the words, he still blurted out, "Has she been abused?"

"Impossible." Jian Yanzuo shook her head resolutely, "Uncle Chi and Aunt Qiao are both very good-natured people."

Jian Yanzuo was sure of what she said, and Lian Wei didn't insist anymore, nodded, and opened the door, "Maybe I thought too much, five or six years ago, no matter what, she was an adult, if she really encountered abuse No action will be taken.”

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand to the left at Jian Yan, "You stay here, I'm going to prepare for the operation."

It seems that at this moment, Jian Yanzuo really read the meaning of Lian Wei's words, his voice raised slightly, a little unbelievable, "You said five or six years ago?"

"Yes." Lian Wei nodded, with a hint of affirmation in his words, "It can't be seen on the MRI, but it can be confirmed from other methods. There are many injuries, and the intervals are not long, and they are relatively concentrated in the time period of five to six years ago. "

Lian Wei paused, feeling a little unbearable, "Although you may not be able to accept my statement for a short time, I can't think of any other possibility that can be used as an explanation."

It was originally Jian Yanzuo's rebuttal before explaining, but Lian Wei didn't expect that as his own voice fell, the expression on Jian Yanzuo's face instantly became sluggish.

Delayed enough to be read easily, several layers of gradation of mood.

What it is, I can't read it specifically, but it is obviously different from the previous firmness and affirmation.Even some, unexpected surprises.

It has been half an hour since Lian Wei walked out of the office.

Jian Yan Zuo's gaze has been focused on the turned off light panel, and the details of the film can no longer be seen, but it seems to be able to see through the past at a glance.

What happened six years ago.

He has searched for the answer countless times, but at this moment, he most urgently wants to know, no matter what the price is.

Even if it is in exchange for living in regret for the rest of his life.Perhaps, without an exchange, he was already living in regret.

Because if what Lian Wei said is right, or even if it is only a little bit right.It is also enough for him to spend the rest of his life introspection and guilt.

The operation center of Lianwei Hospital is behind the doctor's office building, so it is not big.

In fact, the entire Lianwei Hospital is not that big.The character-shaped structure, the office building, inpatient department and surgery center, the number of floors of [-] is not high.But here, with the world's most advanced concepts and equipment.Lian Wei's continuous improvement has made this hospital, which was originally built with high standards, step into the top.

The operation center in front of him, Jian Yan Zuo only saw the planning map when he first invested in the construction.He read it patiently through a thickly bound introduction, and even joked with Lian Wei, "I really hope that I won't enter this place lying flat in my life."

He did not, but at this moment, Jian Yan Zuo preferred that the person lying in it was himself.

Jian Yan approached from the left, and the glass door of the operation center opened in response.

There is a guiding platform at the door. See Jian Yan and come in from the left, and an older nurse inside greets him, "Mr. Jian."

The information of the face recognition system was not even entered when it was first built, so it is convenient for inspection at any time.Time has passed for so long, but the machine can still recognize him, which is actually more cordial than human contact.

The registration information at the door is directly connected to the guide station, so although Jian Yanzuo has never been here, he has always been familiar with it.

The nurse next to him had obviously seen the registration information on the display screen of the guide desk, and although he also knew that Jian Yanzuo's visit was not arranged in advance, she was extremely cautious in terms of expression and words.Be careful with your words and don't overstep.

So, Jian Yanzuo asked straightforwardly, "Which operating room is Director Lian in?"

After finishing speaking, someone would naturally take him there.

Near the operating room of the hospital, there will always be some faint smell.Sometimes you can even find it accurately by following the smell.It's very special, but when you really leave a distance, you can't fully recall it.

Jian Yan Zuo waited for a short time outside the operating room, and saw that Lian hadn't come out, and was not surprised when he saw him, "It's not a difficult operation, and it's worth your supervision?"

After finishing the joking words, I added a little more formally, "The basic treatment is completed, and I have handed over the stitches to Dr. Gao. His work is delicate. Last time, there was a girl with a laceration of tens of centimeters from the palm to the elbow. , after Dr. Gao's modification, it is almost invisible now."

After speaking, he quoted Jianyan and walked away, "However, his sewing speed is also notoriously slow, I guess it won't be finished in a while. If you are in the mood, why don't I take the opportunity to report to you about my work? "

Of course, Jian Yanzuo couldn't have any mood to listen to the report. Lian Wei said this, most likely because he wanted to dissolve the tense lines of Jian Yanzuo's body.

Clever as Jian Yanzuo, he naturally understands Lian Wei's concern, so he calms down deliberately and hard, and raises the corner of his mouth towards Lian Wei, "Don't worry about me."

It seems to have eased up a lot.

Lian Wei stepped forward and lightly touched Jian Yan's left arm with his elbow, "Let's go, I'll take you to the lounge here and wait for a while."

Jian Yan Zuo obediently followed Lian Wei's footsteps, but it seemed that just as soon as the words fell, Lian Wei who was beside him frowned, and his feet that were about to take a step suddenly stopped.With an instant serious expression, he slightly turned his head away.

The rollers ran over the door slot, and the door of the operating room slid open silently and slowly.

In just a few seconds, too many possibilities appeared in Lian Wei's head.

And when he saw the little nurse stumbling over from the door that was not fully opened, and even heard her screaming in panic, Lian Wei's worst assumption became true.

Jian Yanzuo didn't care about Lianwei's pause at first, but after hearing the obviously panicked shouts, he subconsciously raised his head to look at the front indicator light of the operation center.

Of the five operating rooms, only the lights in the first operating room were on.The originally soft light was extremely dazzling at the moment when all his consciousness gathered together.

Jian Yan Zuo's only luck was defeated in an instant before it even sprouted.

At that second, he could almost clearly feel the suffocation.

He slowly turned to Lian Wei, with a firm tone without any panic, "Lian Wei, I have to go in."

Lian Wei looked at Jian Yan for only a few seconds, but it made him feel as if a long, long time had passed.In the end, without explaining or stopping, he walked over, put his finger on the sensing area, and the door slid open again silently.

He's not an unprincipled person, but he knows he can't stop it.

When Lian Wei and Jian Yan Zuo arrived, four or five doctors and nurses had all retreated to the door.Hearing the sound, he turned around and saw Lian Wei, involuntarily backed away a little to the left and right, and hesitantly made some gaps.

In such a space that is not spacious and sometimes covered, Jian Yan saw Chi Qiaoqi from the left.

Even before, he thought about what might happen.But at the moment when he faced it for real, his whole body suddenly felt sore.

At this moment, Jian Yanzuo suddenly remembered a clip of him and Chi Qiaoqi watching a DVD at his house when they were young.

The content of the disc was a little blurry, it seemed that Ultraman or other heroic image faced many monsters and resisted for a long time, and was finally pushed into his body by the monster's horn.

Looking back now, even though the scene is full of loopholes, the scene that was already tragic without exaggeration still makes people feel chilling.

The feeling of being alone in the face of threats and being clearly vulnerable, both on the surface and inwardly, is scary.

And now, Chi Qiaoqi was like this, alone.

Barefoot, her body was leaning tightly against the cold corner of the operating room. It seemed that only such closeness could bring her the only remaining sense of security.

The wound on her leg hadn't been completely healed, the blood flowed down from the knee down the calf, stained the instep, and finally flowed to the ground on the bottom of the foot.

There was deep fear in her eyes, and her whole body was trembling visibly. She questioned everything in front of her, and guarded against those who threatened her safety at any time with an obvious defensive posture, and was even ready to make a bet with her life at any time. shock.

These, in the eyes of others, were just threats, but what made everyone feel a little panicked was a scalpel clutched in Chi Qiaoqi's hand.

This scalpel was like all the others she had come across as a medical student.Sharp, small, and heavy.

Perhaps the only difference is that the blade of the scalpel is facing everyone at the door, including Jian Yanzuo.

The scalpel was held tightly in Chi Qiaoqi's hands. The four fingers were so hard that they were almost deformed. The thumbs were pressed against each other tightly, and the nails were slowly embedded in the back of the scalpel.

She didn't wave the scalpel carelessly, but placed it on her chest.Such subconscious movements and attacking postures, in this situation, can cause the shortest and most powerful damage to the opponent, and it is difficult to be controlled in a short time.

Although her consciousness was a little confused, her instincts were still there.

The little nurse just now seemed to have come to her senses, and took the lead in arguing with Lian Wei to describe the situation. There were many harsh and careless words mixed in between her words.

Chi Qiaoqi's resistance and confusion, mood swings and confrontation with knives.In their eyes, they are all so crazy and unreasonable.

They had no way to try to understand why such a weak girl would resist so strongly during an operation that should have been under local anesthesia without stimulation.

Perhaps, at this moment, Jian Yanzuo understood all of Chi Qiaoqi's uneasiness.

She was like the outnumbered Ultraman, surrounded by a group of super-capable monsters, and had no choice but to fight back with all her strength.

He is so clear that it has nothing to do with the shared memory between them.

Like, others can only see her out of control.Only he saw the tears in her eyes.

Jian Yan walked up step by step to the left.Don't talk, don't talk, don't seduce, don't persuade.

In this way, at a leisurely pace, he approached Chi Qiaoqi little by little.

Give her time to resist, and also give her time to calm down.

And he didn't care about her choice.

Jian Yanzuo knew that perhaps at this moment, he was the last person she wanted to see, but he was willing to bear all the consequences, even if they were strangers from then on, he would never allow her to act like this in front of him. Way, make any move that hurts yourself.

Jian Yanzuo slowly walked up to Chi Qiaoqi, and while a group of people tried their best to stop her, she hugged her, who was trembling and struggling desperately, tightly in her arms without leaving a single gap.

Chi Qiaoqi was still struggling desperately, roaring, and biting, like a trapped animal, trying to break through the tight siege of such confinement with all his strength.

But no matter how much she struggled, Jian Yanzuo's hug never let up, but tightened even more.

Lian Wei was the first to react.

He whispered to the nurse closest to him to dispense the medicine, then stepped forward and slowly pushed a small sedative into Chi Qiaoqi's body.

The effect of the medicine gradually began to spread, and Chi Qiaoqi's struggle became smaller and smaller. Finally, he slowly closed his eyes and leaned into Jian Yanzuo's embrace completely.

Quiet, like when I was a child.

The surrounding crowd finally began to react slowly, scattered in all directions and got busy with their positions.

Lian Wei called the nurse, arranged Chi Qiaoqi in the second room, and then ordered Dr. Gao to continue the stitching just now.

After everything was arranged properly, the shadowless lamp was turned on, and when he was about to leave, he suddenly found a small wet bloodstain on the hem of Chi Qiaoqi's clothes.

Even before he knew it, he went up, and his two fingers touched each other, it was fresh and a little moist.Looking at the wound on the knee, the blood flowed all the way to the ankle, and there was no trace of contamination by other things, and it seemed that the height was not right.

Lian Wei frowned for a long time, suddenly realized in a blink of an eye.

Flipping back into the room, Jian Yanzuo was still in the same posture just now, with his back to the door and his face to the wall, as if he hadn't recovered yet.

The operating room was messy as if it had gone through a big war, and the surgical instruments were scattered all over the place.Lian Wei stepped over slowly, and walked forward slowly.

Putting his hand on Jian Yan's left shoulder, Lian turned Jian Yan's left body without using much force.The moment he saw it clearly, Lian Wei's breath suddenly tightened.

In the bright room, a faintly glowing scalpel was quietly inserted into Jian Yan's left chest.The blood has already wetted the entire area nearby.

As if he couldn't believe it, Lian Wei's reaction slowed down by a few seconds.When he came back to his senses, he was already awake.Pressing the button on the wall vigorously, the voice became more urgent, "Let Dr. Lu and Dr. Li come to the first room, and arrange the third room to prepare for the operation."

After arranging everything, Lian Wei took a deep breath and looked again.On the chaotic floor of the operating room, Jian Yanzuo lay quietly, his eyes slightly closed, looking so gentle against the white light.It seems that it is solidified.

(End of this chapter)

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