speak humor, be humorous

Chapter 19 Humor in work and career

Chapter 19 Humor in work and career (2)
You can also turn problems into opportunities.For example, you want to introduce a product in 30 seconds on the phone.Customers ask: "How much do you charge?" You can say: "Oh, this call is free." A relaxed and humorous atmosphere is indeed conducive to your successful sales.

Humor Can Relieve Work Stress
In today's highly competitive society, work pressure has become the main pressure of office workers. If handled well, the pressure may turn into motivation.On the contrary, it will not only make people upset, but also lose their enthusiasm for work, and pressure will become resistance.Therefore, decompression is the most frequently used word in the current buzzwords. In order to make your work more efficient and more relaxed, you can use humor therapy to reduce your work pressure.

Two insurance company salesmen are competing to brag about how fast their companies pay.The first person said: "Nine times out of 10, our company sent the check to the insurer on the day of the accident." "What is this!" Another salesman said: "Our company's office building has a total There were 9 floors, and we were on the 40rd floor. One day one of our policyholders jumped off the roof, and when he passed the 23rd floor, we handed him the check."

The jokes that seem to be teasing each other reflect the pressure of competition in the insurance industry, and it is really rare for the two salesmen to be able to humor each other.

Self-deprecating humor can not only bring laughter to others, but also immerse yourself in pleasure.

The Ma family specialized in a dangerous business, which was to destroy buildings with blasting.It is conceivable how much pressure there is in this industry and how nervous it will be psychologically.But the Mas used the power of humor to cut through the tension -- they often chatted with reporters and told ridiculous stories.Once before working on a big blast, a journalist asked him how to deal with flying sand and debris?Ma Ming explained solemnly: "We ordered an extra-large plastic bag from a company that produces packaging bags, and then the helicopter dropped it from the sky above the building."

The reporter was amused by Ma Ming's humorous jokes.When the Ma brothers read this report from the newspaper the next day, they also burst into laughter, thus dispelling their nervousness.

Sometimes an employee has to be responsible for a variety of tasks and has complicated clues, and it is easy to become irritable due to excessive work pressure. At this time, the help of humor is especially needed.

Xiaoli is the assistant to the general manager of a large company.She has to deal with all kinds of visitors at all times, answer the phone, help colleagues find information, and follow the boss's instructions at any time. The business is very busy.However, Xiao Li was not disturbed by these trivial matters, on the contrary, she treated everything with a humorous attitude.

Someone calls their boss: "I need to speak to your boss."

"Can I tell him who's calling?" Xiaoli asked.

"Pick up your boss!" the caller said forcefully. "I need to speak to him right now."

"I'm sorry." Xiaoli said gently, "He paid me to answer the phone, it seems very thoughtless. Because nine out of ten calls are for him."

The caller laughed and told Xiaoli his name and phone number.

Here, clever humor resolves a difficult problem and relieves Xiao Li's work pressure.It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.When faced with all kinds of work pressure, if we can handle it as skillfully as Xiaoli, I believe our work will go on more smoothly.However, the power of humor is not omnipotent. When relieving work pressure, in addition to using humor skills, we should also pay attention to using other scientific and correct methods of decompression.Experts suggest that people who often work overtime should get more sleep to improve sleep quality, pay attention to diet rules, and do more physical exercise, such as walking, jogging, etc., so as to achieve a balanced state of mind.

Humor is needed everywhere in the workplace

After many years of ups and downs in the workplace, only humor, the fleeting spark of wisdom, always flashes at critical moments, helping us overcome many difficulties.

At a job fair, Fang Hua applied for a hot job. About two weeks after submitting his resume, the other party sent him an E-mail apologizing for not being hired.Probably due to a system error, the other party sent him two letters of apology.Fang Hua replied a letter without hesitation, "Since you regret not being able to hire me so much, why didn't you give me an interview opportunity?" An interview opportunity for a better position.

In the process of Fang Hua getting along with the American boss, he even lost no time to keep silent, always "turning danger into safety" and always having a happy ending.One day the boss accidentally knocked over a Coke on the carpet in his office. He was very annoyed and danced with excitement, saying that the cockroach army would surely attack his office on a large scale.Fang Hua thought for a while, then smiled and said, "This kind of thing will never happen, because Chinese cockroaches only like Chinese food." The boss's face cleared up, and he laughed happily.

Even when the unexpected happens, humor is a pistachio that turns worries into joy.

There was a problem with the power system in the corridor of an office building, white smoke was coming out, and the office was suddenly dark.People from various companies rushed out after smelling the peculiar smell to see what happened.When I was nervous about not knowing what happened to the accident, a colleague began to distribute the health handbook he received from the insurance company to ease the atmosphere.Everyone is guessing what happened.One of the employees raised the health handbook in his hand and replied: "Let's study the self-help handbook and see how to protect ourselves in a crisis situation." Everyone laughed.A foreign boss said seriously: "Why don't you give me a copy?" The colleague with a great sense of humor said: "I will translate it for you immediately."

In many cases, humorous remarks are made impromptu after understanding the cultural background and workplace habits of European and American countries.There was one interview like this.

It was a Friday afternoon, and for some unknown reason, Li Qi went to the interview wearing jeans.After the oral listening test and computer proficiency test, the expressions of the Americans told Li Qi that they were very satisfied with him.But the American suddenly asked Li Qi: "May I ask why you came to the interview in jeans?" Li Qi quickly answered, "Isn't today Friday? Isn't Friday 'casual dress day'?" Li Qi remembered It turned out that when I was working in another American company, there was always a cartoon posted on Friday. In the cartoon, the company employees were all wearing pajamas and slippers, looking sleepy, with "Friday" (Friday) in capital letters next to it.As expected, the boss laughed, and Li Qi naturally got the job smoothly.

1 minute of little humor and great wisdom
◎ leave
An employee has not been at work for two days. When he came to the company on the third day, the boss complained: "What have you been doing these two days?"

The clerk replied: "I accidentally fell from the window on the third floor onto the street."

The boss asked angrily, "Will it take two days to fall from the third floor?"

■In the workplace, it is not terrible to be passive. After all, people are not all-rounders.However, allowing the bad situation to continue to deteriorate is a matter of responsibility.Just like the humor above, since "accidentally fell from the window on the third floor to the street", why not ask for leave in time?

◎ He recruited

Soviet archaeologists found a mummy, but it took a long time to find out the age of the mummy, so they asked several KGB to help.

After the KGB came, he worked hard all morning, and finally came out sweating profusely. It was found out that he was 3 years old.

The archaeologist was very shocked and asked: "How do you know?" KGB pointed to the mummy and said: "It's very simple, he recruited."

■In modern society, "occupational disease" has become a familiar term.It is a good thing to develop good professional habits, but is it not a kind of sadness to look at everything in the world with professional thinking?

◎ The groom feeds the horse
The groom secretly sold the barley to feed the horses.

But he still scrubs the horse with water every day and combs the horse's mane with a comb.

The horse said to the groom: "If you are sincere to me, don't sell the barley!"

■To a horse, what is daily grooming compared to barley?Washing and grooming ten times a day is not as good as eating barley once.In the workplace, you can always meet some people like "grooms". You must look at the essence through superficial phenomena and don't be fooled by hypocrisy.

◎ Professional habits
When the captain inspected the recruits, he asked a platoon leader: "Why do you put all the tall and good-looking ones at the front, and all the short ones who don't look good at the back?"

"Report to the captain!" The platoon leader replied, "Before I joined the army, I was selling fruit at a stall."

■: People's positions and roles are relative, and should also change as the environment changes.Find the right place on your own terms so you can stand at the front.

◎ A mistake in one word
"You went to find a new job yesterday, did you find it?"

"No. When the recruiter talked to me, I said a goddamn crap!"

"What did you say wrong?"

"When he asked me if I would do this kind of work, I said 'this kind of work I can do with my eyes closed'!"

"Is this correct?"

"But it's a Night's Watch he's looking for."

■Don't underestimate any one thing, sometimes the simpler the job, the more responsibility you need.

◎ Interview
Jack goes to a bar to apply for guard.The bar manager asked him, "Do you have any experience?"

"Of course!" Jack looked around.Saw a drunken alcoholic walking by.He immediately grabbed him and kicked him out the door.Then, he asked the manager triumphantly: "Then can I see the general manager now?"

"Then I'm afraid you have to wait for him for a while. Because he was kicked out by you just now."

■What young people appreciate most is their energy, speed and efficiency in doing things.But the biggest problem is that I don't think well, I am impulsive, and I often do wrong things.The so-called "haste makes waste" is exactly this truth.

◎ Heart and teeth

A man's son wanted to study internal medicine. "You're so stupid," my father scolded, "you'd better study dentistry—a man has only one heart, but thirty-two teeth."

■Choosing a career is also a kind of wisdom. Some industries will shrink soon, while others will remain prosperous for a long time.Regardless of interests and hobbies, we can choose our careers by comparison.

◎ doctor
A doctor in a private practice asked his son, who had just graduated from medical school, to take the class for a month when he was going on vacation abroad.A month later the doctor came back from a vacation abroad and asked how his son was doing.The son proudly said: "I completely cured the heart patient who you have not cured for ten years." Unexpectedly, the father yelled after hearing this: "Bastard! Do you think you are smart and capable? You don't even think about it, you Where did the tuition for medical school come from all these years!"

■In this society, some occupations can be considered through quantitative conditions, but some occupations need to be evaluated by morality and conscience.Being a moral person with a conscience is a prerequisite for any job.

◎ Replacement
There was an economic crisis in the United States for one year, and the unemployment rate was very high.I searched for a job alone for a long time, but I couldn't find it.One day he was wandering in the street, and suddenly a man fell from the upstairs of the construction site.He hurried to the foreman and asked, "Can I take over the job of the man who just fell?" The foreman said, "No, someone has already taken over his job?" That person!"

■From this point of view, it is better to create opportunities by yourself than to wait for opportunities, but not in the above-mentioned way.

◎ Frank
"What's the matter, what's the matter, my darling, what's the matter with you?" the manager asked his pretty secretary.

"I must confess to you one fact: I have been your secretary for three years, and I can't type at all."

■Losing principles and judgments in the face of beauty is quite dangerous for being a person and doing things.

◎ There is no secret
Alexandre Dumas wrote at an astonishing speed. He lived to be 68 years old and claimed to have written 1 books in his later years.Someone asked him: "You wrote hard for a day, how can you still be energetic the next day?"

He replied: "I have never written hard at all."

"Then how do you write so much and so fast?"

"I don't know. You can ask a spring why it never stops flowing."

■Only when a person engages in a job that he likes and is suitable for, can he have fun and make achievements from his work.

◎ No abnormal beating
One night, the young Russian physiologist Pavlov finally made up his mind to get out of the laboratory and meet his fiancée Sima.It was rare for them to meet, and not long after they met, Pavlov said to his fiancée: "Give me your hand!" Seema thought he was going to kiss her hand, and stretched it out happily.Pavlov grabbed his fiancée's hand and pressed her pulse with his fingers. After a while, he said, "There is no abnormal beating. Don't worry, your heart is indeed fine."

■"Occupational disease" is not a medically defined disease, but its harm to others is sometimes equivalent to a disease.

◎ Meeting and traveling

Every day at noon at a fixed time, German Emperor Wilhelm I always stood at the corner window of the Berlin Palace to receive thousands of people who came to pay their respects to the ruler who symbolized the power of the empire.In his later years, due to his poor health, doctors earnestly advised him to stop this daily activity so as not to overwork him.But the emperor said very stubbornly: "My daily interviews are written in the travel brochure."

■ If we can't change our work schedule, change our attitude towards work.This keeps us in a good mood.

◎ Roof repair

"My roof is leaking."

"Then why not fix it?"

"Because it's raining now."

"As soon as the rain stops, you should quickly find someone to fix it."

"That's when my roof wouldn't leak."

■Procrastination never lacks reasons, but what you do is too limited.

◎ Great advice

A rabbi was asked, "Which occupation will enable me to live until I die of old age?"

"Be a baker," suggested the rabbi, "and you'll always have bread at home."

"What if I run out of money and can't afford flour?"

"Then you are no longer a baker!"

■For people, work is not only a means of earning a living, but also an effort to display their talents, and it is also a source of people's confidence in themselves.

◎ Excessive modesty, asking for trouble

After an interview, the applicant is hired by a company that makes him come into the office starting the next week.In order to express gratitude and humility to the manager, the applicant said: "I lack both wisdom and work experience. I hope you can give me your advice."

"If this is the case, don't come to the office to work until you have wisdom and experience." The manager said to the applicant.

■Being neither humble nor overbearing is not only respect for others, but also respect for yourself, and only by respecting yourself can you win the respect of others.

◎ Professional quality
The repairman was called to repair the TV set at the doctor's house, and found that his TV set was worn out after ten years of use. The doctor said in a humorous tone: "You can write a prescription." The repairman stared at the TV set silently for a while. , and then replied: "I can only write an autopsy report."

■ As the saying goes: 360 lines, every line leads to the champion.If you feel like work is boring and hopeless - try some deep, focused research - treat it like a pro!
◎ did nothing

"Go get your pay for this week, you're fired."

"But what did I do?"

"So you were fired."

■The cruelty of the workplace is that all your justifications will be the reason for it to eliminate you.So the best way to face unemployment is to retain your confidence, leave, and win respect with your actions in the next job.

◎ Talents are rare
Jack, the boss, goes to the police and reports: "There's a rogue posing as my salesman and making $10 in town! That's more money than all my employees make on clients. You gotta find him !" "We'll catch him and put him in jail!" "Put him up for what? I'm going to hire him!"

■Above the workplace, ability is everything.When this ability is enough to make competitors go out of their way to want to partner with you, it is a definition of success.

◎ There are three sons in the family
On the bus, the man sitting next to me babbled to me about his family. "I have three sons, all intellectuals," he said. "The eldest is a professor, the second is a poet, and the youngest edits a magazine."

"What do you do?" I asked him politely.

"I run a grocery store. The business is not very prosperous, but it is enough to feed the three of them."

■Sometimes you choose a career in the spiritual field, that is, you choose poverty, and spiritual wealth and material wealth sometimes complement each other, but this is realized in different people.

◎ Would rather be kicked
A woodcutter was walking with a load of firewood when he bumped into a doctor.The doctor was furious and wanted to hit him with his fist. The woodcutter knelt down and begged for mercy, saying, "I'd rather be kicked by you!" A good man next to him was very surprised and asked, "Kicking is better than punching." The blow is much harder, why are you willing to kick it?" The woodcutter said: "I heard people say that those who have passed through this hand will definitely not survive."

■A doctor with such a "word of mouth" shows how poor his medical skills are.No matter what occupation a person is engaged in, he should keep improving his profession. This is not only the need of making a living, but also the requirement of professional ethics.

◎ We were both wrong
On the train, Passenger A's handkerchief disappeared.He insisted that passenger B who was sitting next to him stole it.After a while, however, passenger A found the handkerchief in his inside pocket.So he apologized to passenger B very embarrassedly.

Passenger B calmly replied: "It doesn't matter. Just now I took you as a gentleman, but you took me as a thief. It seems that we are both wrong."

■Actually, what you should do most of the time is to reflect on yourself instead of blaming others all the time.

(End of this chapter)

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