speak humor, be humorous

Chapter 23 Humor in Love and Marriage

Chapter 23 Humor in Love and Marriage (1)
Japanese humorist Miki Akita believes that humor is the catalyst for love.Beautiful love is often something that cannot be met. We should be good at using humor to seize every opportunity around us. When we fall in love at first sight, we should express our inner passionate love with humorous language.

Open someone's heart with humor

If one day, the lover of your dreams who "looked for her thousands of times in your dreams" suddenly appeared in a "dimmed place", what should you do?
When you are walking on a quiet path, or at a classmate's gathering, you suddenly see a girl you seem to have known before. She is slim, radiant, and has an extraordinary temperament. She is exactly the "her" you have been looking for!What should you do at this time?Go forward bravely or retreat with inferiority?In fact, almost all girls are proud of being pursued by many men!So, with a passionate heart and humorous language, go bravely to pursue the girl you like, and grasp the fate that belongs to you!

There is a very creative humorous love story in the movie "Days of Being Wild":

On a lazy afternoon, Ah Fei said to Su Lizhen: "Look at my watch, just 1 minute. 16th, April 4th. You and I were together one minute before 16pm on April 1960th, 4 , because of you I will remember this 16 minute. From now on we are friends for 3 minute, it is a fact, you can't change it, because it has passed. I will come again tomorrow."

I believe that few people can resist this romantic and humorous love story. Anyway, Su Lizhen did not. The following is her inner monologue:

I don't know if he remembered that 1 minute because of me, but I always remember this person.After that he really came every day, we changed from a 1 minute friend to a 2 minute friend, and after a while, we saw each other for at least an hour every day.

Although these are fictional plots in the movie, such stories also exist in real life.There is a boy who shoots his own "Snow White" with this novel way of praise, and marries her as his wife.The wife happily told of their romantic love:
"When I was working as a part-time bank teller in a university, a handsome young man would come to my window almost every day. He was either depositing money or withdrawing money. Until one day he handed in a note with his bank passbook. When I gave it to me, I realized that he did it for me.

"'Dear Jay, I've been saving this idea in the hope of earning interest. If you're free on Friday, can you put yourself in the seat next to me in the movie theater? I'll put aside the guess that you may have another date. It's on the ledger. If that's the case, I'll take out my request and make it a Saturday. Regardless of the rate, it's always a pleasure to be in your company. I don't think you'll think that's too much to ask? Later Came to check with you. Sincerely Jay.'”

"I couldn't resist this alluring, novel approach to courtship."

What's the point of love if there's no humor in it?Some people say that love begins with humor.When courting, it is inevitable to express one's feelings through love letters, and love letters are a very strong "impression decoration".Here's a humorous love letter:
Franklin was widowed in 1774, and while living in Paris in 1780, he proposed to his neighbor, a charming and well-bred widow, Mrs Elwes.

Franklin said in his love letter that he saw his deceased wife marry Mrs. Elwes' husband in the underworld.Next, he continued: "Let us avenge ourselves."

This love letter is hailed as a masterpiece of literature and a masterpiece of humor.When courting, writing a love letter is like throwing stones to ask the way, testing whether the other party is interested in you. If it is too solemn and serious, once it is rejected, it will be unbearable.However, if you use humor skills properly and treat love issues with an open-minded attitude, even if you don't get love, you won't be troubled and regretful, and at the same time, you can avoid trauma to your self-esteem.

True love can be met but not sought, so you must master certain skills.First of all, you must have a sincere heart, but also need to express wit and humor.Courtship does require a lot of work, and it can't just be boring and tiresome.Creating a good impression is the preparation for courtship, and using novel and humorous ways to court each other can get good results.

Humor in the eye of the beholder

Humor and eloquence can bring us the spiritual life we ​​need.With humor and eloquence, one can feel oneself and the environment freely, and display one's talents and strengths.Even in the face of career failure and distress in life, humor and eloquence can open up our minds and let us gain joy in pain.

The greatest beauty of humor and eloquence is that it can adjust discordant things into a harmonious state.There are always many fascinating mysterious things between men and women. This kind of thing is a kind of temptation for both parties, and it is also an important factor for mutual attraction between men and women.

In the process of falling in love, the humorous eloquence of secretly changing concepts always brings sincere laughter and escalation of the emotions of both parties.

A pair of lovers entered the stage of passionate love. They were dating in the park, and the girlfriend asked: "I ask you, don't hide it from me, before you fell in love with me, who touched your head, rubbed your hair, pinched it Your cheek?" The boyfriend said: "Ah, there are too many, yesterday, there was one..." The girlfriend was stunned, and quickly asked: "Who?" The boyfriend said: "The hairdresser."

This young man transferred the concept of "what other girl is making out with you" to "the hairdresser". Who wouldn't laugh at it?In the process of courtship, men always try to use sweet words to attack women. Most women are helpless against this kind of attack. Without losing its cuteness and wit.

Man: "Please believe me." Woman: "How do you believe it?" Man: "Honey, my pure love is only dedicated to you." Woman: "Who are those who are not pure?"

"Half-heartedness" is a common problem of many men. When your boyfriend is attracted by other girls around you, don't accuse him arrogantly. This will not achieve what you want, and it will also reduce your position in his mind .Giving him a gentle nudge with humorous and tongue-in-cheek language will make you more attractive while achieving your goal.

A pair of lovers attended a party, and the girl found that her boyfriend was peeking enviously at the beautiful girl sitting beside him, so she whispered beside him: "You talk to her, otherwise people will think She is your fiancée!"

Look, how smart this girl is, she immediately called her boyfriend back from his gaffe.Any man would accept this blunted attack.

"Narrow-mindedness" is a common feature of many women. When a woman's jealousy rises, a man's sense of humor becomes particularly important.

A couple of lovers were lying on the beach, and the girl saw a girl wearing the latest three-point swimsuit standing on the beach and making poses.

"Hey, look!" she shouted to her boyfriend, "She is exactly the same as the ××× you admire." But the boyfriend ignored him and lay there with his eyes closed. "What? Are you really not interested at all?" the girl asked in surprise.

"Of course," said the boyfriend, "if she is really like ×××, you will never let me see her."

The boyfriend was very calm in the face of his girlfriend's sarcasm, and responded to her with a humorous attack, which not only criticized the girlfriend's pettiness, but also expressed his emotion that he knew she loved him very much.

If you know how to use humor and eloquence between you and your lover, then you will find that it will add a lot of joy to your love life.Humor among lovers is a seduction that is always charming, a temptation that no one can resist.

Humor drives love and marriage

Many girls publicly declared: "The man I'm looking for should have a sense of humor." Boys who can tell jokes and have a sense of humor are often more favored by girls.Once there was a young man with an ordinary appearance and a height of only 1.6 meters [-], who actually caught up with the school belle.And what's even more incredible is that after leaving school, the two of them really walked into the palace of marriage.On the day of the wedding, the classmates asked the school belle of the year to reveal the young man's trick, the school belle pursed her lips and smiled: "He's a champion of humor!"

A mathematician was walking in the park with his girlfriend, and the girlfriend asked him: "I have freckles all over my face, do you really mind?" The mathematician replied gently: "Absolutely not! I was born to love decimals." In addition to being strange, ripples of love appeared in my heart.

Humor, this thing with magical impetus, is like a booster rocket, pushing the star of love to travel straight up; it is also like a powerful engine, pushing the boat of love forward all the way.

In the same way, if both husband and wife know how to water their married life with humor from time to time, then the mantra "marriage is the tomb of love" has long since gone to hell, and it should be replaced with "marriage is a new starting point for love".

Once, the wife of the neighbor Lao Zhang said to her husband: "Look at Lao Li, because he broke up with him in the past, he worked hard to improve himself. How brilliant he is now!" Said: "You go with Lao Li!" "Who is Lao Li!" and so on.But Lao Zhang with a sense of humor said: "If you hated me back then, I would have risen to the top, my dear lady!" Lao Zhang's wife gave Lao Zhang a fist lightly: this is actually similar to a loving touch !

Humor is the lubricant of married life, it can dissolve the knots between husband and wife; humor is the fuel of married life, it can make the fire of love more vigorous.

humor between husband and wife
It is often said that marriage is the grave of love.The reason why marriage becomes the tomb of love stems from its reality and formula.Love is an ethereal thing, it is mysterious and elusive, so it is thought-provoking and gives people ample room for imagination.Once love develops to a certain level, marriage becomes a matter of course.Marriage is not like love. You can't do it in the open, but you can hide it in the dark.It has to be done openly, step by step, step by step.Send invitations first, then hold banquets, then receive red envelopes, and finally see off guests.Someone at the banquet said, you have to smile and face the challenge calmly.There is no mystery about the relationship between the two of you in full view, especially in married life.

When everything seems formulaic and normalized, the importance of family humor has become increasingly prominent.Family humor is the lubricant of your family life and the catalyst for your marital happiness.Family humor comes from a pure and healthy state of mind, from the mutual understanding and active cooperation of the husband and wife.After the husband and wife have talked about a series of serious issues related to "responsibility", it may be a good idea for either party to divert the topic to a topic of mutual interest.Such as travel, such as literature, such as football, etc. These topics that seem to have nothing to do with real life are really the best tonic to mediate the life of a couple.The key is that when one of the husband and wife brings up a pleasant and relaxed topic, the other should actively cooperate and show great enthusiasm and concern, and must not sit idly by, ask three questions or remain immersed in the previous serious question. Free yourself and ask the other person to say it again, and the party who makes the humorous topic will have no fun at all.

A philosopher in the West once said: "Explanation is the fatal wound of humor." Family humor is a kind of talent. The husband and wife who speak humor have a flash of inspiration and show off their mouths. with.Wouldn't it be the most disappointing thing in the world if the speaker's words are wonderful and the listener looks blank and asks the speaker to explain or repeat it?This requires that the degree of the husband and wife is the same or similar, and must not be too far apart, otherwise there will be no family fun at all.

Men and women who enter married life no longer expect the other party to bring them much surprises or romantic feelings, but they still need the other party to make themselves happy and relax, especially after a busy day of work or housework.

Essayist Zhang Xiaoxian said: "The combination of two people is like the fusion of two melodies into one. Since the original tunes and rhythms are different, it requires the coordination and cooperation of the two to form a song that is more beautiful than any of the original ones." Good music, but if it is not well matched or made a mistake, it will be worse than any other." Family humor is essential to make family life always develop in a healthy and high-quality direction.Family humor is the lubricant of your family life, family humor is the catalyst for your marital happiness, and family humor is the most powerful weapon to prevent domestic violence and extramarital affairs.

In the vast world, the union of a man and a woman is a beautiful relationship.As Huang An sang: "How many men and women meet and separate, meeting you is one in a million, even if time and space distance us, I just want to be with you." May we all cherish this relationship and take care of this relationship. Affection.Use our enthusiasm, use our wisdom, use our humor!May lovers finally get married!May the lovers who will eventually get married have a harmonious, beautiful and fun-filled family!

Humor is the lubricant of a relationship

In married life, the wife's attitude and way of treating her husband will directly affect the husband's life attitude, work status and self-confidence.

No wonder many entrepreneurs say: "If we want to promote someone, we will first investigate his wife." This is not to investigate whether his wife is beautiful or good at cooking, but to investigate whether his wife can let him full of confidence.

Some business owners said: "A wife has to accept everything from her husband. She has to make her life happy and fulfilled. When the husband comes home, he has to be shot with self-confidence. Then the husband will think: 'She Supporting me like this shows that I have a certain status in her heart, and I am not worthless." If a wife can love her husband and trust him, he will have the self-confidence of "I can do everything well". So when he first When I go out the next day, I will accept the challenge with confidence." A woman who can tolerate her husband will definitely love her husband more.On the contrary, if the wife only complains and nags all day long, her husband will not have the fighting spirit to face his work and career, and thus lose self-confidence.As the husband's self-confidence and self-esteem gradually disappear, his attitude towards his wife will only become indifferent, and an emotional crisis will occur between the husband and wife. At this time, humor and eloquence are the best antidote.

The manager in charge of personnel said to his new employee: "You did a good job filling out this form, but there is one point. In the column of relationship with your wife, you should fill in 'couple' instead of 'tension'."

There are many ways to defuse family tension, and humor is one of the best.

A certain man and a certain woman have been married for many years without conflict.

One day, the wife asked her husband, "Why are you always so kind to me?" The husband replied, "Before I married you, I asked a pastor why he was so kind to his wife. He said, 'Don't criticize your wife. or blame her for doing wrong things. You know, it’s because of her shortcomings that she sometimes does wrong things, so she didn’t find a more ideal husband.’ I kept this sentence firmly in mind.”

The words he quoted deduced that if you want to be an ideal husband for your wife, you should not criticize your wife at will. Only in this way can you be more affectionate and prove that you are an ideal husband.

An alcoholic drank too much outside and came home very late. He forgot to bring his key, so he had to knock on the door.

The wife angrily opened the door and said, "I'm sorry, my husband isn't home."

"Okay, I'll come back tomorrow." After the drunkard finished speaking, he pretended to turn around and leave.

The husband's humor finally turned the wife's anger into laughter. Through humor, the husband induced the deep love and respect for the husband in the wife's heart.At this time, both husband and wife will not hold on to the drinking thing, but enjoy the humorous emotion between the two.Using humorous and teasing language to answer the questions raised by the wife in a tactful and circuitous way is also the husband's secret to resolve embarrassing incidents.

Wife: "I married you, how many men do you think are disappointed?" Husband: "I'm probably the only one?"

It is difficult for some husbands to answer the questions raised by their wives frankly. If they do not answer well, it will cause displeasure for both parties. At this time, the best way is to use humorous words to answer.

The emergence of humorous eloquence has its suitable environment and necessary conditions, and it also requires both husband and wife to have a certain amount of stomach, so that they can get a response to humor.

The couple quarreled, and the wife wanted to divorce her husband.On the way to the courthouse, they had to cross a small river.

Arriving at the river, the husband quickly took off his shoes and walked into the water.The wife was standing on the bank, looking at the icy water, wondering how to get across.The husband turned his head and said gently, "I'll carry you across the river." The husband carried his wife across the river.They didn't go far, the wife said: "Forget it, let's go back!" The husband asked in surprise: "Why?" The wife lowered her head embarrassedly and said: "When I get divorced, who will carry me across the river?"

In ordinary families, the wife always undertakes most of the housework, as if these are the wife's duties.But the husband is also part of the family and should share the housework.Due to the influence of traditional concepts, some husbands do nothing at home. At this time, a wise wife will use wisdom and humor to make the husband join in the housework without complaint.

Wife: "Honey, can you wash the clothes you changed last night?"

Husband: "No, I'm not awake yet!"

Wife: "I'm just testing you, but the clothes have already been washed."

Husband: "I'm just joking with you, but I'd love to help you with your laundry."

Wife: "I'm joking with you too, since you want to, please go ahead and do it!"

At this time, the husband has to admire and appreciate his wife's humor and taste, and happily do the housework he doesn't want to do.

Of course, if the wife has washed the clothes, her sense of humor will be stronger, and the husband will often take the initiative to help his wife with housework when he is moved. In this way, housework will not bring troubles, but a kind of family happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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