speak humor, be humorous

Chapter 26 Humor in family life

Chapter 26 Humor in family life (1)
Home is our safe haven, and home is our ocean of joy.However, this sea of ​​joy sometimes raises some storms, big or small.To maintain the harmony and happiness of the family and ease the conflicts among family members, an atmosphere of humor is essential.

family humor

If family affection is the sun that warms you and me, then the humor in the family is like a curved rainbow bridge connecting our hearts.

Everyone hopes that the harbor of the family is quiet and harmonious, and a quiet life also needs laughter as an embellishment, and a harmonious day also needs humor to adjust.Appropriate use of some humorous words in the family can make the family atmosphere more harmonious and the family life happier.The practice of several cultural celebrities can be emulated.

The famous playwright Sha Yexin has a great sense of humor, and his daughter is also born with a sense of humor. When she was a child, she had a wonderful comment on "women's colleges are not allowed to stay": "I think the meaning of 'women's colleges are not allowed to stay' It means...well...that is, my daughter is old enough to study in a foreign country rather than in China.” Later, she did go to the United States to study.

One time when she returned to China to visit relatives, she talked with her parents about her younger brother who was also studying in the United States, and said that he wanted to marry a black girl.Mother couldn't help being taken aback. "Why is my mother still racist? The black girl is Black Pearl. She has a very good figure and looks beautiful." "I'm not racist," Sha Yexin interjected. Grandson, send it to Shanghai for us to bring. If the power goes out at night and it’s all dark, if you can’t find your grandson, don’t worry about us!” The daughter quickly said, “That’s okay. When the power goes off, tell your grandson to open the door quickly. Mouth, I found it again!"

In this tender verbal sword between father and daughter, the father showed his open mind, youthful attitude and humorous nature, while the daughter was even better than blue. The father and daughter added an extra joy.

In the eyes of readers, Qian Zhongshu is a scholar full of economics and seriousness, but in fact he is not.

The Qian couple raised a very clever kitten in Tsinghua University.Qian Zhongshu, who was addicted to cats, specially prepared a long bamboo pole and leaned against the door. No matter how cold it was, when he heard the cat screaming, he hurriedly crawled out of the hot bed and took the bamboo pole to help his cat fight.It was the cat of the neighbor Ms. Lin Huiyin who was fighting with Qian’s cat. His wife Yang Jiang was afraid that Qian Zhongshu would hurt the peace of the two families because of the cat, so she quoted a sentence from Qian’s novel "Cat" to persuade him: "You have to watch the cat to beat the dog." The face of the owner, then, it is even more important to see the face of the housewife when hitting a cat." Qian Zhongshu said with a mischievous smile: "Theories are always formulated by people who do not practice." After that, he was not so impulsive.If Yang Jiang tried to stop him from beating the cat when he was angry, it might be counterproductive. Of course, the smartest way is to make him laugh first.

On the surface, the two of them are facing each other, not giving in to each other.But the humor hidden in the question and answer, let people see at a glance that the two of them are married and happy.

Taiwanese poet Yu Guangzhong has four daughters, plus his wife, the family is full of yin and yang decline.Fortunately, Yu Guangzhong is used to being with five women. Leather bags and hair curlers are scattered on the sofa, the bathroom smells of soap and perfume, and no one competes with him for wine at the dinner table.So Yu Guangzhong jokingly called his home "girls' dormitory" and called himself "dorm supervisor".

Since the home phone is installed in Yu Guangzhong's study, he is always busy: "Four daughters and one wife, each of them calls four or five times at night, and the ringing rings are endless. I am like a modern Yin Hongqiao, Became an operator for five women. Sometimes I wanted to say 'she's not here' or simply hang up the phone, but I was afraid of violating human rights, let alone women's rights. With a disadvantage of one to five votes, how dare I Risking the displeasure of the world?"

In Yu Guangzhong's full of complaints, we can clearly hear his self-satisfaction and pride as the only male in the family.It's not so much that he swallows his anger and rushes in and out for the women in the family, it's better to say that he is willing to suffer for the women in the family;The clever Yu Guangzhong "talked about love" to his wife and daughter in a way of telling the truth.

If it is said that Yu Guangzhong's "complaints" still have a taste of "wanting to talk", then the "complaints" of the famous contemporary cartoonist Ding Cong are completely "speaking quickly".

Someone asked the cartoonist Ding Cong: "You are in such good health, what is the way to keep in good health?" He replied: "Probably there is a good breeder. The breeder is my wife. I eat whatever she does, never Picky eaters, children who are not picky eaters are good kids." Of course, Ding Cong's so-called "not picky eaters" is limited to meat, as for vegetables, he finds it hard to swallow.In this regard, Ding Cong said: "My theory is to let nature take its course. If you want to eat, it means your body needs it. If you don't want to eat it, it means you don't need it. Why force it! So, I eat what I want, and of course I have to be under the jurisdiction of my wife. Next—I can't do anything, so I can only suffer."

Sometimes, Ding Cong simply referred to his wife as a "parent", and his happiness was manifested in complaining to his friends about the control of the "parent" from time to time.It's called complaining, but it's actually boasting. Ding Cong used this unique way to express his affection to his wife.

As a contemporary Confucian, Qian Zhongshu's "foolishness" is almost incomparable.He once said to Yang Jiang very seriously: "If we have another child, maybe he is better than A Yuan (Qian's only daughter), and we will like that child, so how can we be worthy of A Yuan!"

Being so "single-minded" to his daughter can be a model for fathers all over the world.

Chen Cun, a Shanghai-based writer, also regards his daughter as the apple of his eye. When talking about his daughter, he is unabashed and open-minded: "Now I am a celebrity, and I am often blamed. I have to ask for leave when I go out, and I have to report when I go home. I think I feel I am more well-educated. The reason for these small improvements is all due to my daughter's cultivation of me every day."

If he didn't love his daughter deeply, how could Chen Cun be obedient and respectful to his daughter?

He also said: "I haven't had a father since I was a child, and I don't know what a standard father is like. I could have taught myself to be a father, but I didn't know it was difficult until I became a father. Fortunately, my daughter is sensible and tolerant." "Self-taught father" means that Chen Cun has never tasted the taste of father's love since he was a child, and on the other hand, it also shows his determination to become a good father.

The love story of Sanmao and Jose has touched countless boys and girls. In the Sahara where material is extremely scarce, it is humorous words that make their lives full of fun.Once, Hexi pointed to the fans sent by his mother-in-law from Taiwan and asked Sanmao: "Hey, what is it? Chinese fine noodles?" Sanmao said casually: "This is the first rain in spring. It was frozen on the high mountain, and the mountain people tied up their backs and went down the mountain, and sold the bunches for rice wine to drink, it is not easy to buy!"

In Sanmao's extremely poetic answer, in her little "deception" to Jose, the newlywed wife's intimacy with her husband is beyond words.Being good at making humor makes his wife Sanmao more charming, and savoring humor makes her husband Jose feel sweeter.

Tutoring is inseparable from humor
Most of the traditional Chinese family education is more serious than tolerant, as can be seen from some common sayings.For example, "If you don't fight for three days, you will go to the house to expose the tiles", "A filial son will be born under the stick".Under the influence of this kind of educational thinking, the relationship between parents and children is often very opposite.As everyone knows, the best tutor is one with a little humor.See the story below.

When my son was in elementary school, my husband and I would sometimes argue over who was the parent, and we each disagreed.

Once, I proposed, let's run for election, whoever gets elected will win.

At that time, I was a little cautious, because I brought up my son since he was a child, and my husband is out of town. My son and I have a deeper relationship, so of course he would choose me.

Without a manifesto, we start voting right away.

The first vote, three people, each cast their own vote.

The son was very excited, he thought he would also be elected as the head of the family.I was secretly angry, and I said son, you should choose your mother, how good your mother is to you.

Unexpectedly, the husband said to his son, it is impossible for you to be the parent. If you choose me as the parent, then I will appoint you as the deputy parent.

The result of the second vote can be imagined, the husband was elected as the parent with two votes, the son was the deputy parent, and I was the member.

The parent told the deputy parent that he listened to everything when he was at home.When he is not at home, he has to listen to his mother.

Thus, the deputy head of the family became a false name.

Because the parents always put on airs, my heart is relatively soft, so the deputy parent also regrets his wrong choice, and always wants to run again, so that I can be elected. Unfortunately, the parents do not agree, and the re-election seems to be far away.

Cultivating children's sense of humor, making them dare to laugh at themselves, and learning to face life with a smile is one of the signs of their psychological maturity.

My friend's eight-year-old child is obsessed with martial arts TV dramas and rushes to kill him every day. My friend is very worried.One day, the child saw a new-style toy rifle in the store and pestered him to buy it, but the weapons and toys at home had already piled up like a mountain.The friend said: "Son, your military expenditure is too high. Now is a time of peace, how about we cut down on military expenditure?" The son burst out laughing, and since then, he has never asked his father to buy weapons and toys again.

There are various ways of family education, but generally speaking, there are three kinds of harsh words, calm, and humorous.

The essence of family education lies in the word "education". No matter what kind of education method, it is inseparable from the instillation of life philosophy, but different indoctrination methods have very different effects.Stern education can deter children, but it is easy for children to develop a confrontational mentality, and it is an educational method that is not worth the candle.

Peaceful education can make children realize that they are equal to their parents in personality.But because the language is bland, it doesn't hurt or itch, it can't produce lasting effect.Humorous education touches children's lively nature, so it can leave an indelible imprint in their hearts, and they always use this to warn themselves.

Humor is an effective way for parents to communicate with their children.Some people in the world refuse pain, some people refuse sadness, but no one refuses laughter.When educating children, if parents can always think of "teaching with fun", no matter how naughty or stubborn the children are, they will change.On the surface, humor is just an educational method, but actually runs through it with a kind of optimism, a persistent belief that "tomorrow will be better", which reflects the humanistic nature of education.

Humor is the family's "shock absorber"

Some people say that humor is the tidbits of the family, some say that humor is the MSG of the family, and I say that humor is the "shock absorber" of the family.

A family is a carriage that pulls a family on the road of life.The road of life is sometimes straight and flat, and sometimes bumpy.To reduce and reduce the vibration of the carriage when it passes through rough and rugged roads, it is necessary to have a shock absorber, and this "shock absorber" is humor.

The famous American psychologist Herb True pointed out: "The tedious housework needs humor." Each of us has the opportunity to acquire humor and use it in family life.To be optimistic, you must also learn to be humorous.In daily life and work, it is inevitable to encounter one or another contradiction, disagreement, embarrassment, or even estrangement, which affects our optimistic mood.Humor can help us resolve conflicts, reduce disagreements, eliminate embarrassment and break barriers.Humor is mainly realized through language. Humorous language is interesting, ridiculous, and meaningful, and it can make life full of fun.Where there is humor, there is a lively, joyous atmosphere.

The family is the cell of society, and humor is especially needed in the family.After two people who were originally relatively independent started a family, the husband and wife began to get along day and night.The romance and mutual admiration in love will be swallowed up by more and more specific and trivial housework. The husband and wife often have conflicts over these boring and never-ending housework, which makes the family happy atmosphere Fewer and fewer.But humor can resolve family conflicts.It turns out that when both partners have a sense of humor, their bond is stronger and more able to withstand life's trials and tribulations than other couples.At the same time, the original tedious housework will also be lubricated by a sense of humor, and it will become a joyful and happy family movement.Such a family has a more joyful atmosphere.

There will inevitably be conflicts and quarrels between husband and wife.If neither party has a sense of humor, a small quarrel can turn into a big one, and even get out of hand.

There is an employee of a foreign company who is busy with get off work and can never go home on time after work. Often his wife has finished cooking and he has not returned yet.Over time, the wife became impatient.Once, his wife said angrily: "Are you still homesick, do you still want to eat?"The wife felt strange: "Are you out of your mind? Just pour water!" He said: "I'm afraid I will quarrel with you, so drink more soup and suppress the fire." One sentence made the wife dumbfounded: "I really can't do anything about you. "While speaking, he served him a meal, and put a large piece of fish in front of him.He took it with both hands, and said humorously: "Thank you, mother!" Everyone was happy all of a sudden, and the original anger of his wife disappeared.

Facts have proved that in family life, humor can eliminate troubles and worries, improve physical and mental health; it can enrich emotional communication and increase the joy of life;

Lenin said: "Humor is a beautiful and healthy quality." Joy and ease express the ability of human beings to conquer sorrow.Laughing and giving joy makes people feel like a spring breeze, refreshed, and always optimistic.

Show concern for family members with humor
It is often asked, "What is the comedy of love?" Herb replied: "If we spend a lot of time, labor, and money to make it possible for us to love, it is comedy; We appear cute, that is a tragedy." Psychologist Fromm said: "People think mostly about being loved, and less about their own ability to love."

If you're a wife or mother, you sometimes complain that you've had enough: the endless chores, the noisy kids, or the TV turning to the football game...  

Of course, you can complain, but complaining is useless.And if you accept them with love for your loved ones, it's a comedy of love.

One day, my husband went out and put on a brand new white top. Unexpectedly, it was raining cats and dogs and his whole body was soaked.

When he got home, the watchdog barked and jumped at him.The husband was very angry and was about to hit it with a stick when the wife came out and said, "Forget it, don't hit it."

The husband said angrily: "This dog is disgusting! Even I can't recognize it!"

The wife said: "Honey, you have to put yourself in its place and think about it. If this white dog ran out and turned into a black dog and came back, would you be able to recognize it?"

The wife compares her husband to a dog, but this is not a mockery of him, but a kind of intimacy between the husband and wife. The wife uses this little humor to express her concern for her husband, and the husband will naturally be amused, and the unhappiness will disappear.

Sometimes, loved ones inevitably do wrong things, such as burnt dishes or ironed clothes.At this time, what they need is not nagging and blame, but understanding and comfort. If a little humor can be added, they will be happier and their family life will be happier and more harmonious.

A couple has been married for 15 years, and the wife cooks for her husband for 15 years.On this day, the wife cooked a terrible meal, the worst in 15 years.The vegetables are rotten and the meat is burnt.The husband sat at the dinner table chewing silently, without saying a word, and the wife blamed herself.When she was about to speak, her husband suddenly held her tightly in his arms.

"What are you doing?" asked the wife in bewilderment.

"Ha ha!" replied the husband, "tonight's meal is exactly the same as the day we first got married, so I will treat you like a bride." The wife was moved to tears.

(End of this chapter)

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