speak humor, be humorous

Chapter 3 The Meaning of Humor

Chapter 3 The Meaning of Humor (2)
The Indian poet Tagore received a letter from a girl: "You are a writer I admire. In order to show my respect to you, I plan to use your name to name my beloved pug." Tagore wrote a letter to the girl Reply: "I agree with your plan, but before naming it, you'd better discuss it with Pug to see if it agrees."

The Danish fairy tale writer Andersen lived a simple life, often walking on the street wearing a worn-out hat.A passer-by laughed at him: "What is that thing on your head? Can it be called a hat?" Andersen replied: "What is that thing under your hat? Can it be called a head?"

When American politician Charles Edison ran for governor, he didn't want to use his father's (the great inventor Edison) reputation to promote himself.Introducing himself he explained: "I don't want to be seen as taking advantage of Edison's fame. I'd rather you know that I'm just one of the results of my father's early experiments."

One day, someone asked British Prime Minister Winston Churchill what conditions to be a politician.Churchill replied: "Politicians must be able to predict things that will happen tomorrow, next month, next year, and in the future." The man asked again: "What if the predicted things don't happen by then?" You need to be able to give another reason.”

Humor is the lubricant of interpersonal communication, and it occupies a pivotal position in people's lives.But we must not forget that life is colorful, so when using humor, we must not abuse it.A punch line can bring lightness and strength, but a steady stream of punchlines, jokes, and sarcasm can also break communication.We may encounter someone who overwhelms us and flees the bombardment of humor that is too powerful.

Sometimes we meet people with witty words, but instead of feeling competitive, we need to listen to his inner meaning and learn from his strengths.If you have grievances in your heart and just want to use humor to overwhelm the other party, it may make the atmosphere tense, arouse the other party's hostility, and lay the groundwork for future attacks on you.Humor can make communication more harmonious, and the laughter generated by using humor can achieve the purpose of communicating with people, thus making the atmosphere very pleasant.

Experience the fun of humor with your heart, and you can open your mouth to open the lotus fragrance, do good deeds with your hands, and have affection and righteousness with your heart, and you will be happy and comfortable all your life.

humor is all around you

A philosopher once said: "Humor is our dearest partner. We need humor in our lives, our lives need humor, and a healthy society cannot live without humor. Without humor, life will become monotonous and lack color. The years will become dull and dry. What humor gives us is a steady stream of oasis, which nourishes our hearts and embellishes our lives. Humor makes us see light in darkness and hope in despair. It It's a fire in the winter, it's a smile in times of embarrassment...the humor is wonderful and magical."

Don't complain that you or the people around you lack a sense of humor. In fact, just notice that we are in an atmosphere of humor all the time.

For example, on a crowded bus, everyone would jokingly call themselves "squeezed into a photo".Another example is that there are too many people on the bus, and the passenger didn’t hear the name of the station. If he missed the station, he hurriedly knocked on the door and shouted: “Conductor, get off the bus!” While the conductor was preparing a few words of ridicule, a passenger interrupted in time: "The conductor can't get off the bus. If the conductor gets off the bus, who will sell the tickets?" So the passengers responded with a smile, and the conductor became more amiable.

Humor at this time is a lubricant that effectively alleviates conflicts and can well regulate interpersonal relationships.

A young man who was not very good at driving saw an old man passing in front of him while riding his bicycle, and shouted repeatedly: "Don't move, don't move!" After the old man stopped, he was still knocked down by him.The young man quickly helped the old man up and apologized repeatedly.The old man said humorously: "So you told me not to move to aim!"

Due to the humorous and free and easy attitude, the contradictions were skillfully resolved.

There was a couple who went to visit a trendy art exhibition. When they came to an oil painting of a nude female with only a few leaves covering their private parts, the husband refused to leave for a long time.The wife couldn't bear it anymore, grabbed her husband fiercely and said, "Hey! Do you want to stand until autumn and wait for the leaves to fall before you are reconciled?"

Humor at this time is a high-quality lubricant that is smooth and dry, and a safe air cushion to support the boat of love.

Humor can help us eliminate troubles and relieve pain. Humor can also beautify and "musicize" our life, add laughter to life, and make life colorful.

It is a beautiful thing for young people to hold a wedding, but the young man below made his wedding icing on the cake with humor.

The young man's surname is Zhang, and the bride's surname is Gu. He used their surnames to give an amazing love experience introduction:

"The groom's surname is Zhang, and the bride's surname is Gu. Before we knew each other, I looked eastward and westward, and she was 'Gu' shadowing herself. Later, I went to her tongue-tied, and she said that she had Beloved, I was at a loss and advised her to change course. She said that now she had to "concern" one thing and lose another. I pursued her with great fanfare, and she "concerned" left and right Wait for me. If I have known you for a long time, I will be daring, and she will have no scruples. So, I asked her to choose an auspicious opening, and she was also willing to patronize her."

The young man hangs "color" in every sentence, and his ridicule makes people smile.Here, humor is the flower of happiness, the fruit of joy, the freshly unsealed wine, and the warm spring breeze.

Humor is a psychological experience

The psychological experience of humor is publicized through words and deeds, so there are ways to express humor, such as vocal language, written language, and body language.The expression of humor is more natural, and although some artificial humor can arouse people's interest, it does not leave a very good feeling: people will think that these fake humor is just grandstanding.It can be seen how important it is for everyone to have a sense of humor and maintain a humorous disposition.And once people without this quality realize the importance of humor, they will inevitably take risks and forcefully use unfamiliar humorous techniques. Of course, the result is very poor.

In the year of natural disasters, a couple did not eat for three days.The two discussed and killed a dog named Ah Huang who had been raised in the family for more than a year to satisfy their hunger.The whole family sat at the table and finished eating Ah Huang's meat. When clearing the table, the husband said to his wife, "How happy Ah Huang would be if I gave these bones to him."

This humor is a psychological experience for both husband and wife.Her husband's expression reflects his self-deprecating, masturbating, playful optimism.Of course my wife felt bitter after hearing this.But none of them were depressed because of the hardships of life, but they smiled knowingly and savored the hardships of life with a smile.

Sometimes, we see a very humorous person or a famous comedian, even though he didn’t make any humorous movements or expressions on purpose, an ordinary sentence can also make people feel a fresh and strong feeling coming slowly of humor.

Once, a reporter went to Feng Gong's house for an interview, and Feng Gong and his wife sat side by side on the couch.The madam seemed very quiet, giving up the opportunity to speak to the comedian Feng Gong.The host asked Feng Gong's wife's name, Feng Gong rushed to say: "Her name is Aihui, in other words it means 'will love'."

"Your son is not at home today, who does he look like?"

"Like me in beauty, like her in smart."

The comedian's responses were flexible and playful, which made people laugh.

The naturalness of humor is integrated with the naturalness of movement, posture and expression.

In a fierce defensive battle, the Soviet Red Army led by Stalin repelled the enemy's last rampant attack, and the messenger came to report: "The enemy is retreating!" Stalin immediately corrected without thinking: "No, the enemy is fleeing!"

From Stalin's majestic expression and resolute tone, we can know that he did not and had no intention of being humorous, but the replacement of key words in these two sentences conveyed rich humorous connotations.

The reason is not crooked, the humor is not coming

Contradictions, oddities, accidents, anomalies, failures, and confusions are the inevitable attributes of humor.As the saying goes: "If the truth is not crooked, there will be no jokes."

Humor does not arise from mediocrity and paleness, but from unexpected shocks.The famous humorist Norman N. Holland believes that the biggest characteristic of humor is incongruity.This makes perfect sense.This humor best illustrates this point:
A business owner wants to ask a bishop to do an advertisement for him.But he didn't fully explain what he said, he just asked him to preach...

Business owners first bid $10.

The bishop just shook his head without speaking.

"30." The business owner tripled the price at once.The bishop still shook his head in silence.

"50!" The bishop shook his head even more.

At this time, a clergyman stepped forward and said to the bishop in a low voice: "My lord bishop, 50 yuan can do a lot of things! Why don't you want to?"

The bishop replied, "Do you know what he wanted me to say after the sermon? He wanted me not to say 'Amen' but to say 'XX Coke'."

The demands of business owners are outrageous. How can a bishop substitute commercial advertisements for serious teachings?It is this incongruity that generates the humor.

At the same time, contradictions can also produce humor.

The two apples on the tree looked at the world.One of them said: "Look at these people beating and killing...they can't get along with each other. Maybe one day, the world will be ruled by us apples."

The other replied, "Give it to us? To the red ones or the green ones?"

From Apple's dialogue, it is not difficult for us to feel the humor that can be produced when words and deeds contradict each other.

Singularity can also generate humor.Novel and unexpected expressions can give people an unexpected feeling, which makes people feel awkward, and humor is also generated from this.

There are three friends living together on the 45th floor of the hotel.One night the elevator broke down, and they didn't want to move to another place, so they climbed the stairs together.To combat fatigue, one of them kept telling jokes.After finally climbing to the 43rd floor, everyone was already exhausted, so they decided to take a rest.The one who had been talking said to the other, "Now it's your turn, Peter. Tell a longer story with an interesting plot and a sad ending."

So Peter said: "The story is not long, but it is very sad, because I left the room key in the lobby on the first floor."

The ending of this story is unexpected, so the humor is born spontaneously.

Abnormality can also produce humor.The way of thinking of human beings is generally constant. If you don't follow the rules and blindly abnormal, you will have a sense of incongruity.

One day, the king asked Avanti, "Avanti, if you had money on one side and justice on the other, which would you choose?"

"I am willing to choose money." Avanti replied.

"What's the matter with you, Avanti?" said the king, "If I were you, I would definitely want justice and never money. What's so special about money? Justice is not easy to find!"

"Whoever lacks wants what he wants, my lord."

1 minute of little humor and great wisdom
◎ clever plan
Judge: "I can't believe that such a decent, serious man could hit a small and fragile woman like your wife."

Johns: "But she scolded me and tormented me, and completely lost my patience."

Judge: "What did she say?"

Johns: "She yelled, 'Come on, hit me, I'm not afraid. Come on, come on, just touch me and I'll drag you to that bald old fool—the Judge.'"

Judge: "The case is dismissed."

■True wisdom lies in lifting weights lightly, being able to move a thousand catties in four or two, and turning things around with a single sentence.Use your brains, maybe a clever plan can turn defeat into victory.

◎ Puns

Gerald R. Ford was the 38th President of the United States.He likes to use puns when he speaks.Once, when answering a reporter's question, he said: "I am a Ford, not a Lincoln."

■As we all know, Lincoln is not only a great president in the history of the United States, but also a superlative brand-name car; Ford was an ordinary, cheap and popular car at that time.Ford said this to express his humility, and to flaunt himself as the president that the public likes.

◎ Confidentiality
The reporter asked Kissinger about the situation of missiles and submarines. Kissinger shrugged and said: "My difficulty is that I know the number, but I don't know if it is kept secret."

The reporter immediately said: "It's not confidential." Kissinger asked back: "Isn't it confidential? Then how much do you say?" The reporter could only smile "hehe".

■When it is difficult to speak, it is best to put the other party in a situation where it is difficult to speak.

◎ ugly child

A woman boards a bus with a child in her arms.The driver glanced at the child, and suddenly said, "I've never seen such an ugly child in my life!" The angry woman walked to the last row, sat down, and said to a man next to her, "The driver just insulted me!" !" The man replied: "You go to him to settle the score, and I will hold this ugly monkey for you!..."

■Superficially gentle words actually hide a sharp knife that kills without blood.

◎ Compliments

Darwin was invited to the dinner.At the banquet, he happened to sit side by side with a young and beautiful lady. "Mr. Darwin," the beauty sitting next to him asked the scientist jokingly, "I heard that you assert that human beings evolved from monkeys. Do I also belong to your assertion?" "Of course." !” Darwin glanced at her and replied politely, “However, you did not transform from an ordinary monkey, but from a very charming monkey.”

■Being able to stick to one's own principles and humorously alleviate other people's hostility towards you is indeed an effective communication wisdom.

◎ pay back
During World War II, Goering, one of the leaders of German fascism, asked a Swiss military officer: "How many people can you fight?" "50." "If I send a million troops into your country, what will you do?"

"Then we'll each shoot two shots."

■Facing a powerful enemy, it is useless to blow your beard and stare. The most important thing is to let the opponent see murderous intent in a smile at the corner of your mouth.

◎ Avoid wisely

American film and song amphibious actress Carol Channing sang in nightclubs in her early years.During the interview, some listeners would ask questions about her private life.A man once asked her, "Do you remember a time when it embarrassed you so much?"

"Yes, I remember," Carol replied. "What about the next question?"

■When faced with an embarrassing question, you have two options: first, divert the other person's attention; second, deny the other person a chance to continue talking.Obviously, the second method is more lethal than the first method.

◎ happy cry

Lyndon Johnson, the 36th President of the United States, liked to play with small animals.Once, in front of the cameras of a photographer, he grabbed his own beagle by the ear and lifted it up, causing the pup to scream."I love hearing them bark," he added.

(End of this chapter)

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