speak humor, be humorous

Chapter 33 Humor Skills

Chapter 33 Humor Skills (2)
The visitor said: "May I have a taste?" The boss politely brought him a glass of wine.The guest took a sip, frowned and narrowed his eyes sourly, and said to the boss: "Put this person down and hang me up!"

The latter customer obviously tactfully and implicitly expressed the fact that the wine is sour, making the boss understand that the wine is indeed sour.

Let's look at an example of "reserved expression" and "hard-edged expression".

There is a barber shop with a couplet posted in front of the door: "Whether you sharpen your knife, ask the world how many heads are on it; try it out, and see how the old man is!" , Scared away many customers, so naturally there are few customers.

The couplet in another barber shop is subtle and humorous: "When we meet, we are full of people who play the crown, and there should be no one who is going to scratch the head." The situation of taking off the hat and flicking the crown.The second line means that everyone is satisfied and the mood is comfortable.Compared with the two barbershops, the effect is self-evident.

The humor technique of "implicative expression" is sometimes a way that people deliberately move their words around, which neither violates the language norms, but also gives people a sense of humor.If some actors laugh at their appearance difference, they say that they are "difficult to look at" and "sorry to the audience".When a salesperson encounters a situation where a customer has bought a product without paying and is about to leave, ask: "Did I give you change?" Most customers will immediately answer: "Oh, I haven't paid yet!" Snooze" as "high interest on the bed" and so on are all uses of this technique.

euphemistically humorous

The humorous technique of "talking about secrets in twists and turns" is to state in a roundabout way, with twists and turns, so as to achieve the purpose of expressing secrets.As a rule, humor has nothing to do with direct expression, which is a lyrical effect, not a humorous one.

Humor is based on indirect hints to lure the other party's epiphany. If there is a secret, it is smarter to turn a corner than to spit it out.

There are many conflicts in the social field. Due to certain interests, the criticisms made on the spot by friends are naturally based on hints, and it is best to enlighten him in absurd ways.

When you're embarrassed by dissatisfaction with something you can't change, it doesn't show that you're any better if you express it directly.If you can insinuate that you seem to be indifferent to embarrassment, then you have a sense of humor.

There is a person who likes to take advantage of small things. He often eats and drinks for free at other people's homes, and stays for two days and two days.Once, after eating at a friend's house for three days, he asked the host, "What delicious food did you get today?"

The master thought for a while and said, "Let's get some sparrow meat today!"

"Where do you get so much sparrow meat?"

The owner said: "Scatter some rice on the drying ground first, and when the sparrows come to eat, use the ox to pull it on the stone roller and grind it, won't it be enough?"

The man who loves to take advantage waved his hands repeatedly and said, "This method won't work, the sparrow would have already flown away before the stone roller has run over it."

The master said with a double entendre: "Sparrows are used to taking advantage of the advantages. As long as there are delicious ones, they will not go away no matter how they are crushed."

I don't know if this person who loves to take advantage of the master's twists and turns hints.If you don't leave after you understand it, what method should the master use?

Sometimes it is necessary to express a desire, which is not difficult to express, but it is still interesting with twists and turns.

There was a drunkard who was greedy for what was in the cup. After getting drunk, he often missed important things.His wife persuaded him many times, but he couldn't listen no matter what.One day, his son said a few words to him, which shocked him greatly, and he never drank alcohol again.

It turned out that his son said, "Dad, I gave you a compass."

"Kid, keep it for fun, I don't need it."

"Didn't you often get lost when you came out of the tavern?"

In this story, the son used the "speaking of privacy".The son was deeply dissatisfied with his father's constant drunkenness, but as a junior, it was inconvenient to criticize his father's behavior directly, so he advised his father in this tactful way.This kind of exhortation is humorous and witty, and the effect is obvious.

reasoning vagaries of humor

"Reasoning humor" is the use of one-sided and accidental factors to form distorted reasoning.It mainly uses the unstable premise of the other party or the premise assumed by oneself to deduce some specious conclusions and judgments.It is not the inevitable result of common sense logic, but the accidental and unexpected result of going astray.

People's speech or behavior, under normal circumstances, cannot be as rigorous and comprehensive as scientific reasoning, and they are always changing and vacillating.People with a sense of humor are better at grasping this point, reasoning out unpredictable tricks, and teasing each other or themselves.

Therefore, it is easy to find the humorous premise of "reasoning humor". As long as a person has free thinking and quick thinking, he may apply it freely.

"Reasoning humor" is of great practical value in your social life. It can always allow you to find reasons in your favor under constantly changing conditions, even if the reasons are against each other, you can also use them for yourself.

Someone invited Avanti to preach.Avanti stepped onto the podium and said to everyone: "Do you know what I want to tell you?"

"No, Avanti, we don't know." Everyone said.

"What am I going to say to someone who doesn't know, what else can I say?"

After Afanti finished speaking, he stepped off the podium and left.

Later, Avanti was invited over again.He stood on the podium and asked: "Hey, folks! Do you know what I want to tell you?" The people who had learned the lesson immediately replied in unison: "I know!"

"You know, what else can I say?" Avanti left again.

When Avanti stepped onto the podium for the third time and repeated the questions of the previous two times, half of those smart people shouted: "I don't know!" The other half shouted: "Know!"

They thought that it would be difficult for Avanti.How do you know, Avanti smiled and said: "Then, let the half who know tell the other half who don't know!" After speaking, he walked away.

Avanti's excellence is that he uses the two unspecific and illusory reasons of "knowing" and "not knowing" to deduce a result that is completely opposite to everyone's expectations, and responds to all changes with the same, regardless of the other party. No matter how the situation changes, the reason will also change, but the behavior will not change at all.This is the beauty of the "reasoning humor" method that can make you extraordinary and chic in social interaction.

ironic humor intriguing
"Irony humor" is to express the original meaning with opposite words, so that there is a cross between the irony and the original meaning.

The skill of "ironic humor" is to take the opposite meaning of irony as the premise, rely on the relationship between the positive and negative meanings of the specific language environment, and supplement the opposite double meaning with other means, such as language symbols and intonation, so that The other party understands the literal meaning and the original meaning of the opposite, thus sending out a knowing smile.

"Irony humor" is one of the important language means to create a subtle and intriguing humorous artistic conception.In short, it is to deliberately speak irony, or to speak with irony, or to speak with irony.

In fact, people often say irony. For example, when you go to a friend's house for a party, you find that your friend's wife is getting fatter and fatter.If you have a sense of humor, you can say: "Ah, why are you getting slimmer." The other person will laugh reproachfully.

"Irony humor" generally has a certain degree of aggressiveness.If it is targeted, you must pay attention to proportion, mainly depending on whether the relationship between the other party and you can withstand stimulation.In addition, the occasion and other conditions have to be considered.Sometimes the same sentence can be said on one occasion, but cannot be said on another occasion. To the same person, it can be said when he is calm, but he cannot be said when he is in a bad mood.

Accurately grasping the other party's state of mind and the nature of the environment, and at the same time grasping the proportion of one's own speech, is an important cultivation of a person with a sense of humor.If you are careless on this point, not only will you not be humorous, but it may hurt the other party's self-esteem and freeze the relationship.

It can be seen that "ironic humor" must consider its complexity in front of the subject of humor.

"The Gilded Age" is a masterpiece of American humor master Mark Twain.It thoroughly exposed the corruption of the US government and the despicableness of politicians and capitalists.After the novel was published, the reporter interviewed Mark Twain.He answered a reporter's question and said: "In the U.S. Congress, some congressmen are sons of bitches." Once this remark was published, newspapers and magazines all over the country rushed to forward it, and the U.S. congressmen were furious because of this, saying that he was a personal attack.Just because they don't know which MPs are sons of bitches, everyone is in danger.So there was a lot of clamor, insisting that Mark Twain clarify the facts and apologize publicly, otherwise he would be prosecuted for slander and seek legal protection.

A few days later, in the "New York Times", Mark Twain published an "apology revelation" to the members of the United States Congress: "A few days ago, when answering reporters' questions at a reception, your honor said, 'Some members of the United States Congress are dogs. Son of a bitch." Afterwards, someone asked me to blame me. I thought it over and over again, and felt that this statement was inappropriate and not in line with the facts. Therefore, I hereby publish a statement in the newspaper, and my words are revised as follows: "Some members of the US Congress are not dogs and bitches of.'"

This paragraph of "apology revelation" only added a word "no" to the original sentence, and said "some are", but it did not indicate who it was, so everyone was in danger; it was later changed to "some are not", and the members of the parliament all agreed I don't think I'm a dog... So those noisy congressmen stopped asking about this matter.

Mark Twain calmed the storm with his own superhuman intelligence.He used irony to make people who were originally hostile to him understand him.

This is where the charm of ironic humor lies.

If you can talk about humor, you can understand it
What is meant by "suggestive humor" is a humorous skill that expresses one's own views on things, not through direct speaking, but through various possible ways to achieve humorous effects.

"Suggestive humor" is widely liked by people because it takes care of people's face in many ways.For example, self-esteem is hidden behind face. If someone hurts you in some way, and you stab him in a blatant way, regardless of whether his self-esteem behind face is cultivated or not, it will not allow himself to be stabbed, so hatred and revenge are From this was born.

If "suggested humor" is used to solve it, his face will be taken care of first, but the tactful and tortuous words can achieve sharp substance.On the one hand, he will retreat in the face of difficulties, on the other hand, he will have admiration and gratitude to you for taking care of his face.

There was a couple, the husband did something wrong, the wife not only didn't understand, but even made her nagging annoying.So, the husband said angrily: "Please stop nagging like this, okay, otherwise, I will slap ten times on the table."

"It's none of my business, hit it, hit it." Thinking that it wasn't her own heartache, his wife added fuel to the fire.

"However," said the husband, "after ten slaps, No. 11 slaps on the flesh will work."

The wife stopped abruptly.Probably she understood the anger in her husband's heart and didn't want her face to be used as a sandbag for him to practice kung fu.

In this humor, the husband slaps ten times, and where No. 11 is slapped is a hint.This hint contains the following meaning: I am very angry and annoyed, and I need understanding and peace.Now I can't get these, but suffer another kind of torture, I can't bear it anymore.So you'd better keep your mouth shut, or don't blame me for being rude. The word "Kung Fu" assumes the task of humor, which is "suggesting humor".

There is a pair of lovers who are passionately in love.One day after dinner, they went out for a walk together and came to the green river beach, where they saw a cow grazing silently and moving slowly.The young man pointed to the cow and said: "Look at that cow, it's so good, it's so leisurely and content, it's too much fun to go back."

The girl smiled slightly and said, "That cow is good, but there are also things that are not as satisfactory."

The young man said, "How can I be as good as I want?"

The girl said: "If the cow had dinner and took all the dishes and chopsticks into the kitchen to wash, it would be as desired."

The young man smiled sheepishly, apparently accepting the girl's humorous hint, remembering his habit of throwing away the bowls and chopsticks after dinner at his future mother-in-law's house, which might make the mother-in-law pout.

let animals speak
Writers often use anthropomorphism when creating fairy tales, animations and fables.Readers can also find humor in fairy tale kingdoms, animation worlds and fables.

In order to express the eternal theme of peace, someone painted a bullfight, but tied the two sharp horns into a bow, and let the bull smell a flower leisurely.

It is no more possible for a bull's horns to be tied into a bow than for a wolf to wear a peaked cap, but it is from this impossibility that a sense of humor emerges.

"Anthropomorphic humor" is the communication and dialogue between people and all things in the world, making people and nature more intimate and harmonious, which is also an effect that humor wants to pursue.

One day, a Frenchman went to visit his English friend.As he approached a friend's house, a large dog jumped out and barked at him.The Frenchman stopped in fright.At this moment, his English friend came out and saw him, and said quickly, "Don't be afraid, there is a proverb that says: 'A barking dog does not bite', don't you know?"

The Frenchman immediately replied: "I know the proverb, and you know the proverb, but the dog...does it know the proverb?"

The brilliance of this humor lies in the last sentence. The French deliberately compare people with dogs, anthropomorphize dogs, and treat them as a thinking animal, so as to vent their displeasure without being rude.The humorous technique he uses is "anthropomorphic humor".

From a certain point of view, we cannot say that animals have no emotions, but animals lack motivation after all.Anthropomorphism, on the other hand, endows animals with strong emotions and certain motives, and turns some unconscious results into conscious and conscious behaviors, from which humor often arises.

Consider the following conversation:
—How was your horse riding yesterday?
— not too bad.The problem is that my horse is too polite.

--Too polite?
--Yes!When riding to a fence, it let me go over first!

Everyone knew what happened as soon as they heard it. The horse threw the gentleman off, not on purpose, but because the hurdling skills were not up to standard.But the owner interpreted the experience of being thrown as the "politeness" of the horse.The master uses anthropomorphic humor to pursue a self-deprecating comedy effect.

"Anthropomorphic humor" can not only produce the effect of self-deprecating, but also use it skillfully to achieve a strong humorous and satirical effect of mocking others.

Please read a story "The Donkey's Friend" by Avanti.

A newly appointed county magistrate heard that Afanti was witty, so he was very unconvinced and threatened to tease him.

Knowing this, Afanti rode a donkey to the yamen and said to the county magistrate, "I'm coming!"

Seeing him coming in with the donkey, the county magistrate deliberately greeted him loudly, "You two are welcome to come together!"

Afanti patted the donkey's back, and the donkey raised its head and brayed, kicked its legs, and wagged its tail.Afanti said: "This stupid donkey of mine said at home that its friend has become a magistrate, so I must bring it to meet him!"

The magistrate blushed and said, "That's your donkey, what has it to do with me?"

Afanti said to the donkey: "I told you not to come, your friend will not recognize you once he becomes a magistrate!"

The villagers laughed together.

In this joke, the county magistrate and Avanti used personification at the same time to personify the donkey. However, Avanti was more skilled and vividly described his donkey as the county magistrate’s friend, achieving the level of mocking the magistrate. Humor effect.

Language is created by human beings and is a patented product of human beings, so it is easy for humans not to enjoy the same language treatment as animals.But at certain times and on certain occasions, it would be interesting to let animals speak human words.Do not believe, you try.

1 minute of little humor and great wisdom
◎ I see
A: "The new neighbors are so nasty. Last night, in the middle of the night, in the dead of night, they came and knocked on the door of my house."

B: "It's really horrible! Did you call the police immediately?"

A: "No. I thought they were crazy and continued to play my little trumpet."

■Everything happens for a reason. If you can see your mistakes first, the answer will be different.

◎ Avoid
One day Aristipus happened to meet someone scolding him.Aristib tried to slip away after hearing this.The man caught up and asked him curiously why he ran.Aristib replied: "It is your right to use obscene language, and it is my right not to listen to obscene language."

■Sometimes avoidance is not cowardice, but contempt.

◎ Rabbit and Crow

The crow stood on the tree, doing nothing all day long.When the rabbit saw the crow, he asked it: "Can I stand like you and do nothing every day?" The crow said, "Of course, there is nothing wrong with it." So the rabbit began to rest in the open space under the tree.Suddenly, a fox appeared, jumped up, grabbed the rabbit, and swallowed it.

■If you want to stand and do nothing, then you have to stand very high.

◎ pull shit

(End of this chapter)

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