speak humor, be humorous

Chapter 39 Humor Method

Chapter 39 Humor Method (5)
Feng Xiaogang said with a smile after signing the autograph: "It's not just you who were moved, I was also moved by myself. I sincerely admire myself, how can I cry as soon as I say, open my mouth without thinking about anything, listen to me It's kind of like that—read more, that's the secret."

It is reasonable to guess that when we hear other people's praise and praise, we will generally express humility, such as "You are too much", "Where is it", "Don't dare to be worthy".Where is there anyone who climbs the pole like Feng Xiaogang?When others praised him, I still felt that it was not enough, so I started boasting again.In this collision, though, comes a great sense of humor.

Look at another paragraph:
Du Mei was lying on the bed reading a novel by the desk lamp, and I was lying on the side watching her intently.

She turned a page, turned her face and gave me a look: "What are you looking at me for?"

"I envy you!" I also stared.

"I have nothing to envy. I'm a miserable person." She read the book again, picked up the water glass on the bedside table and took a sip of water.

"Shouldn't you be envious of being able to marry me? What a fool is lucky to be able to find someone like me without any effort."

"Come on, stop feeling good about yourself." She smiled.

Self-aggrandizement is amusing, and indeed seems to be a way of creating humor.

and also:

Jia Ling complained loudly to Du Mei: "What's the matter? I went home for a vacation, and you married yourself off in a hurry, without waiting for me to check it out. Who will you blame for the losses in the future?"

"Blame me, blame me," I said to Jia Ling, "Du Mei originally wanted to wait for you to come back, but my charm is really irresistible."

The girls in the room laughed, and Jia Ling laughed too, and gave me a look: "Don't be so pretty, if I'm here, you'll have nothing to do."

"Yes, that's our business."

"Hey, Du Mei, do you see who your husband is?"

"I've seen it a long time ago." Du Mei leaned against the table and laughed.

You can use a tongue-in-cheek tone when you brag about yourself, but if you talk too much, it becomes bragging.The content of the touts should also be false and half-truth.In short, you can't make people believe it is true, and you can't let people think that what you say is all lies, big words, and empty words.In this way, a good humorous effect can be achieved.

Self-praise, sometimes in a serious tone, can also make people laugh.

In the park, a young poet who has just published his first poem walks melancholy.A friend bumped into him and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

The poet replied with a sad sigh: "Shakespeare is dead, Shelley and Byron—all are dead, and my burden is too great."

The serious tone of the poet makes people laugh, maybe people are laughing at him for being too self-sufficient.

1 minute of little humor and great wisdom
◎ hunting
"I killed a total of 12 pheasants during that hunting trip." A hunter said to his friend.

"But, father," said the hunter's son, "didn't you say you killed only seven of them last year?"

"Last year you were too young to tell you everything."

■ It seems that language is really the culprit of lies.

◎ unlucky
Miss Jenny was off the night shift when she saw a man walking towards her with his arms outstretched. "Rogue!" Miss Jenny cursed, kicking the man in the stomach.Hearing a "crash", the man yelled: "My God! The third piece of glass still hasn't been taken home!"

■Sometimes, we must pay attention to whether our behavior will be misunderstood by others.Especially when it comes to women.

◎ go to heaven
There was a man who was very dull. Whenever he went back to his natal family for a banquet with his wife, he was bullied by other sons-in-law and asked him to sit in the "lower seat".His wife often taught him that it is better to strive for a high "supreme seat".

Once again at a family banquet, when giving up the seat for the wine, his wife always used her eyes to signal him to "sit on a higher place".When he saw a wooden ladder in front of the court, he hurriedly climbed up it. His wife was ashamed and anxious, and she glared at her. He was also angry this time: "Are you telling me to sit on the sky?"

■We might laugh at the dull man for not being able to take his wife's hints to heart.But can one person truly understand another?This is a very profound philosophical question. Perhaps all so-called "understanding" is "misunderstanding", which is self-explanation and creative play.

◎ Prohibition and non-prohibition
When the forester came near the pond, he found a man swimming, so he stepped forward and asked:

"Hey! Didn't you see the sign by the pond? No swimming here."

"Sir, I didn't swim, I fell in." The man replied.

"Really? That's another matter." The forest guard said, "This is not prohibited."

■ If you look for it deliberately, there is nothing without loopholes, especially language.

◎ Boiled Bamboo Mat

The northerner went to the south, and the southerner invited him to eat bamboo shoots.He asked, "What is this?" The southerner replied, "It's a bamboo shoot. When it grows, it becomes bamboo." The mat is used to cook, but it is not cooked through.Annoyed, he said to his wife, "Southerners are really cunning, and they specialize in teasing others!"

■It is not good to act recklessly without a thorough understanding of things and only half-knowledge.

◎ Farms and classic cars

One farmer boasted of his farm: "It takes me two days to drive from south to north along my farm!"

A listener expressed deep sympathy: "Yes, I also had such a classic car back then."

■When a kind of conceit is enough to arouse the disgust of others, what we get will no longer be a kind of vanity satisfaction, but a kind of shameful self-blame.

◎ Spiritual confrontation
—Look, yesterday the bus driver stared at me as if I hadn't bought a ticket.

——Then what do you do?
—Simple, I stared at him too, as if I had bought a ticket.

■Similar eye contact in life is familiar to both you and me—indeed, firm eyes represent a kind of strength; but, is friendly communication and communication more tender?Let the eyes smile!
◎ Cut the hoof and cut the tail
One day, when Mr. Shen wrote a letter to his friend Mr. Xiong, he forgot the four dots under the word "Xiong" and wrote "Mr. Neng".When Mr. Xiong saw it, he was angry and annoyed. He picked up a pen and wrote a reply letter, deliberately miswriting Mr. Shen as "Mr. You", and said: "You cut off my four hooves, and I will cut off your hooves too." tail."

■Misunderstandings and conflicts between people may be unavoidable—but at least we can choose how to deal with them: use violence to control violence, when will the grievances end?Wouldn't it be better to have more understanding, more tolerance, more cooperation, and more unity?As big as state affairs, as small as the market, it's better!
◎ A cigarette after a meal
Tom went to the hospital for physical examination and found that he had pneumonia, so he asked the doctor: "How can I cure cancer?" The doctor said: "You should pay more attention to it, especially don't smoke so much. If you can't control yourself, you can only Smoke one after dinner."

A month later, Tom came to check his body again, but found that he was suffering from gastritis. The doctor asked the reason, and he replied: "I just followed what you said! When I want to smoke, I have a meal first."

■In life, many people always make such mistakes. Starting from their own needs, they try to understand what others say, but the result is that they hurt themselves.

◎ Light and tasteful
The day before my father's birthday, I went to order a cake.Since my father can't eat too sweet things, I asked the boss not to put too much sugar, but slightly lighter.The boss wrote it down on the paper: "Father's birthday is a little late." The next day, I went to pick up the cake.When I opened it, it was really ridiculous.It turned out that the words on the cake were: "Happy birthday to my father, my sincere respect."

■ Misunderstandings are always inevitable in life.But in many cases, misunderstandings are caused by human negligence.Therefore, apart from regret, it is better to think about how to achieve good and smooth communication and understanding!
◎ seniority
There was a man who didn't have a name. After he was married, the neighbors called him brother-in-law.Once, he went to court with someone and asked someone to write a complaint.

When asked his name, he said, "My name is brother-in-law."

After the certificate was handed over, the county magistrate was promoted to the court: "Pass my brother-in-law to the court!"

The servants shouted in unison: "Please come to the hall!"

After hearing this, the county magistrate shouted angrily: "Bastard, what uncle!"

The messenger hurriedly knelt down and said, "Master, isn't your old brother-in-law our aunt?"

■"Stealing the beam and changing the pillar" is one of Sun Tzu's tactics.Things with the same name but different substance often cause misunderstandings in life, and we should try our best to observe carefully to minimize mistakes.

◎ "What"

A person who thought he was very smart read the word "what" and didn't recognize it, so he asked another person.

——What does this word read?

——This word, read "what".

——Yes, what does it read?
- Say "what"!
——What I asked is what does it read?
- read what!read what!I said "what" and said "what"!
■Some familiar things are already in front of them, but people can't recognize them.

◎ Way of life
The wife hired a painter to come home and paint the bedroom, and the painter hadn't finished painting by the end of the day.Husband comes home at night not knowing that the paint is wet and left his hand prints on the wall where the light switch was turned on when he turned on the light.The next day, the painter came to continue working, and the wife said to the painter: "Please come to the bedroom, I want you to see the place my husband touched last night." The painter said awkwardly: "No, ma'am, my life The way is to cleanse yourself and love yourself.”

■More often, the misunderstandings that we laugh at are just the differences in the function of language in different situations.

◎ seeking accommodation
A Russian lost his way while traveling. At night, he came to a small village on the border of China. It was snowing heavily outside. He couldn't stand the cold, so he knocked on the door of a farmer's house and asked for accommodation.

An old lady asked loudly in the room: "Who are you?"

The Russian said: "Ilychva Mopolov Krylavitch!"

"There are too many people!" The old lady slammed the door that had just been opened, and flatly refused.

■In many cases, we think that there are extremely sufficient reasons for rejecting others, but we don't realize that it may be just a momentary misunderstanding of words, and we lose the possibility of things that we don't actually reject in our hearts.

◎ misinterpretation
My friend traveled in Europe by train, and was very impressed with the delicious food on the train and the attentive service in the dining car.One day at dinner, she thought meat was delicious, but that portion was really too much.She wanted to save some for a sandwich tomorrow, so she asked the waiter to put it in a dog food bag.The waiter came back with a bulging bag with a smile. "Ma'am, I hope your puppy has a good appetite," he said very politely. "I scraped all the leftovers off the plate."

■Your heart, others will never know.

◎ He was six years old when he left home
Because the plane was delayed, I had been waiting for pick-up at the airport for more than three hours.He approached the information desk for an update on the arrival time of the plane. "He was very anxious because he had come to pick up his nephew, who was flying for the first time.

"How old is the boy?" the airline staff asked with concern.

"He was six when he left home," he replied curtly.

■When our words imply dissatisfaction, and the metaphor is direct and sharp, then this dissatisfaction has been received by the listener.It's just that the consequence of the fact that we vent our displeasure can be more easily dismissed by the listener and lead us into a more serious dissatisfaction.

◎ Take turns
(End of this chapter)

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