How to deal with bosses and employees

Chapter 1 How to be a Competent Boss - Basic Common Sense and Elements of Management

Chapter 1 How to be a Competent Boss - Basic Common Sense and Elements of Management (1)

Chapter 1 How to be a Competent Boss - Basic Common Sense and Basic Elements of Management (1)

[-]. Caring for employees sincerely

Bookstores are filled with all kinds of management books, and all kinds of management maxims and rules make people excited and eager to try. However, no amount of maxims and rules will have the slightest effect unless the boss of the enterprise first remembers this one : We must sincerely care for our employees.However, it is a pity that I can hardly find such a simple warning in the management books that have been quite popular in recent years.

Running a business naturally requires hiring employees. However, many bosses don't understand the real reason for hiring employees.

There are two reasons why companies must hire employees:
①The boss is incapable of handling certain things (for example, does not have corresponding professional knowledge or industry experience);

②The boss has no time to deal with or does not have to do certain things himself.

Regardless of the reason, employees are very important to bosses.Please see——

Case story:

In the early 20s, Zhang Fugui came to Beijing from his rural hometown in Hebei to develop.Relying on the carpentry skills he cultivated in his hometown since he was a child, Zhang Fugui quickly found a job in a decoration company in Beijing. Later, he continued to introduce carpenters, masons and painters from his hometown to work in the company.

Due to the rapid development of Beijing's real estate industry, the home decoration industry is also becoming increasingly popular.Three years later, Zhang Fugui not only saved some money, but also became quite familiar with the process of a decoration company undertaking home decoration business, so he decided to start his own business and become his own boss.

Zhang Fugui pulled more than 20 fellow villagers to set up his own decoration company under his banner.He rented a shophouse and bought a second-hand van.He spends an average of three hours driving every day: sometimes he measures houses for clients, makes designs, and calculates quotations; sometimes he goes to the building materials market to buy this and that; It was as simple as imagined, but this was not the most troublesome thing for him.

Now customers have high requirements. Before signing a contract with a decoration company, the company is required to issue a color rendering.This is hard for Zhang Fugui, how could he do this!He can only communicate with customers verbally with years of experience in the industry and a sharp tongue.After several failed negotiations, Zhang Fugui finally understood the crux of the problem, so he gritted his teeth, bought more computers and printers, and recruited a technical secondary school graduate majoring in environmental art as a designer.From now on, he no longer needs to worry about the negotiation process.

In the construction process, Zhang Fugui divided his decoration work into three small contractor teams, and appointed captains respectively.The leader of the contracting team is mainly responsible for purchasing decoration materials, repairing and maintaining construction equipment, and also doing construction according to the construction drawings drawn by the designer and ensuring the construction quality.

In this way, Zhang Fugui was liberated.Now he no longer runs around all day, and is only responsible for the business development and supervision of the construction quality of the newly built community. Not only is he much more relaxed, but the company has also entered a healthy development track.

Zhang Fugui is undoubtedly smart.In contrast, there are many bosses who are not so lucky.

There used to be a painter in China. After becoming famous, he began to rapidly expand his career, involved in clothing production, model agency, art investment and other fields. He opened five or six companies, invested in making movies, and acted as a director himself.So what?I was so busy all day long, I was exhausted before the filming was over, and I was not yet 60 years old.What a pity!

At present, the bosses of most entrepreneurial enterprises still have to play the role of firefighting captain, exhausted physically and mentally all day long, and miserable.Not to mention the damage to my own health, the performance of the company has not improved because of the boss's personal conquest. On the contrary, it is often counterproductive. The more the boss is involved and the more he personally directs, the worse things are made.

It doesn't matter how big your business is, but the most important thing is to find a professional to take care of it for you.If the boss only regards employees as objects of charity and as tools that can be manipulated at will, but cannot correctly understand the value of employees from a certain height, how can they take correct actions?How can such a boss recruit available people and keep them?Who suffered the most in the end?
Comments: What are the root causes of hiring employees?How do enterprises survive and develop?These two questions actually have the same answer.That is: it is the time (that is, life) paid by the employees that maintains the development of the enterprise. In other words, it is the contributions of the employees that prolong the career life of the business owners and improve the quality of life of the bosses.

To love employees is to love yourself!Therefore, every boss must sincerely care for every employee with a pious and grateful heart.This is the only way to lead your career to ultimate success!

(End of this chapter)

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