How to deal with bosses and employees

Chapter 15 How to be a Competent Boss - Basic Common Sense and Elements of Management

Chapter 15 How to be a Competent Boss - Basic Common Sense and Elements of Management (15)

[-]. How to retain talents and deal with resignation or job-hopping of employees
As the saying goes: A barracks made of iron is a soldier in flowing water.Since the reform and opening up, the flow of talents has become a major

Some people have counted the college students who graduated in the 20s and the 80s, and found that the frequency of job changes in the latter is three times that of the former.Entering the new century, the turnover of employees is even more commonplace.However, this phenomenon is a difficult problem in enterprise management, so how can we retain talents?Here are several commonly used methods of retaining people for readers' reference.

(1) How to retain talents

Salary stays.This is the easiest method to think of, which is to provide talents with wages and benefits that are higher than those in the same industry.According to a survey conducted by a domestic organization, among all possible reasons for job hopping, as many as 82% of the respondents listed "seeking higher income" as the first choice.Pay special attention to your competitors to retain people through salary, because large companies and newly established companies are frequently using this tactic.

Continuously improve working conditions and create a good working environment and atmosphere for talents.This also needs to be compared with competing companies at the same level.For example, whether to provide a shuttle bus, whether it is flexible

The working hours system, whether employees can take paid vacations, whether employees can decide to take vacations at their own suitable time, and so on.

Promotion and exceptional promotion.Humans have an instinctive appetite for power.Promote or exceptionally promote talents to higher-level management positions, so that

It has a higher status and power within the enterprise, and at the same time assumes more responsibilities, so that talents can feel
Only when his own value is fully reflected can he have the passion to release his full potential.

Give employees training.It has been introduced in detail in the previous chapters.

The boss is constantly improving and adjusting his management style.Now many bosses are commanding, can they be transformed into communicative?Please think about it, is the talent (or employee)

Don't you like such a boss more?
Gift shares of the company to talents.This method is called "golden handcuffs" abroad, and it can retain talents, especially senior professional managers.
The man's magic weapon.

(2) How to deal with the resignation or job-hopping of employees

It is definitely not a good thing for an enterprise if employees (especially excellent employees) resign or change jobs. It means that the income of the enterprise will decrease, the operating cost will increase, and it means that the boss's emotional investment in employees in the past will be in vain. up.How to rationally deal with the resignation or job-hopping of employees is also a compulsory course for bosses.

① First of all, we must respect the choices of employees.

In the face of employees' resignation and job-hopping, the first thing the boss should do is to calm down and not get angry.Everyone has their own ambitions, but twisted melons are not sweet.In the face of an employee's resignation, the boss must show due generosity and understanding, and respect the employee's choice.

② Necessary retention should be carried out on the key personnel who resigned.

Sometimes when employees put forward their resignation, they don't want to make up their minds, but want to test the boss and hope to win for themselves.

more benefits.If this is the case, and the employee is indeed a key person, that is, his importance

No one can replace you, so the boss needs to patiently ask the reason why he is planning to leave. After friendly communication, the boss will do

Make the necessary concessions to keep the employee.After all, it takes a lot of time and money for a company to recruit new employees, and newcomers
Adapting to the position also requires a process.

③It’s easy to get together and get together, not to be colleagues but friends.

Although gathering and parting are fate, it cannot be forced.But as long as the relationship between people is still there, not only the friendship can last forever, but also the business life between each other is not impossible. Maybe the employees who leave one day will help you introduce customers.Therefore, on the one hand, the boss should pay more attention to caring for the employees, touching them, and forming good relationships. On the other hand, when the employees decide to leave, the boss should also do their utmost to be kind and not set up any obstacles for the employees to leave and leave behind grievances. .

④Reflect on and review whether there are deficiencies in dealing with talents.

Only bosses who have experienced certain losses to their own companies due to the resignation of key employees can truly appreciate the preciousness of talents.Therefore, timely (or often) reflection on your own shortcomings in dealing with talent issues can prevent unpleasant things from happening again.

Case story:

In the early autumn of that year, when Sun Hao, the owner of Damei Garment Processing Factory, was busy designing new cashmere coats with all the staff, he suddenly received the resignation reports from the designers Xiao Zhao and Xiao Wen from the Human Resources Department.Sun Hao, who has many years of industry experience, immediately realized that there were competitors secretly operating, ready to poach corners.

Sun Hao invited Xiao Zhao and Xiao Wen to his office.After being seated, Sun Hao first expressed his gratitude to the two designers for their contributions to Delta over the past three years, and praised them for their high professionalism.Then, while expressing respect for Xiao Zhao and Xiao Wen's resignation, he also expressed strong regret.Then, as if inadvertently, he asked them why they both offered to resign.Obviously, Xiao Zhao and Xiao Wen would not tell the truth.

Sun Hao knows in his heart that high-end cashmere clothing has continued to be popular in recent years, and new companies enter this field every year, so there are endless incidents of poaching and employee hopping in the industry.According to past experience, designers not only take away their original designs after job-hopping, but also often disclose the company's marketing plan to competing companies, resulting in great losses to the poached companies.

After Xiao Zhao and Xiao Wen finished speaking, Sun Hao notified the financial department to send their salaries.He said to the two designers: "This is the salary of the two of you. Considering your contributions to the company, each of you will be given a bonus of 5000 yuan. The money was originally planned to be paid at the end of the year." Wen was overjoyed.Sun Hao went on to say: "After 6 years of entrepreneurship, our company has finally passed through a difficult period of survival. Now 'Delta' has a high reputation in the market, has stable high-end customers, and its products have been established. It is no longer necessary to rely on one or two garments to barely maintain it." He paused, and then said, "After the board of directors' research and decision, next year we will increase investment in the design department and purchase a set of the latest version of clothing design. Auxiliary software, which will make the designer's work more handy; at the same time, the company will also improve the reward system, rewarding the design teams of the three clothing series with the highest sales in the year, and using five thousandths of the sales as a special one-time bonus and arrange ten days of paid leave. In fact, if you don’t leave, you will definitely get this special award, right?”

After a while of silence, Sun Hao fully understood what the two designers were thinking.Finally, he sincerely said to Xiao Zhao and Xiao Wen: "Delta needs you, it needed you three years ago, and it needs you today; you also need a career platform like 'Delta', on which you can Better showcase your talents. Don't you think?"

After listening to the boss's heartfelt words, Xiao Zhao and Xiao Wen withdrew their resignation requests and happily returned to their posts. A personnel crisis was thus resolved.


Here, we need to re-emphasize the two viewpoints mentioned in the previous chapters: [-]. The competition of enterprises is the competition of talents, and those who win the talents can win the world (that is, gain the market and wealth); [-]. Employees choose to leave or join An enterprise is only related to whether some needs can be effectively met during his work for this enterprise.Only by fully understanding the needs of employees, and paying attention to and working hard to meet the needs of employees as much as the satisfaction of customers' needs, can the enterprise keep its salary and build a long-term future.

(End of this chapter)

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